PDBot Stats

Game 856251450

[Time] 1698985417
[06:23:38] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Bad Cruel Draft by briar_moss (228870) vs Seasons Past Control by woodsyyob (228869)
[06:23:40] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[06:23:44] WoodsyYOB chooses to play first.
[06:23:49] WoodsyYOB begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[06:23:52] [CHAT] Briar_moss: hi
[06:23:53] [CHAT] Briar_moss: gl and hf
[06:23:55] [CHAT] WoodsyYOB: u2
[06:23:56] Turn 1: WoodsyYOB