PDBot Stats

Game 898639604

[Time] 1732195053
[15:17:34] PDBot has started watching.
[15:17:34] chickeninthebrain joined the game.
[15:17:43] [CHAT] chickeninthebrain: gl hf
[15:17:45] [CHAT] CHARLIE_SPLEEN: this is prefire modern?
[15:17:56] [CHAT] chickeninthebrain: what does it say
[15:17:58] [CHAT] chickeninthebrain: on the room name
[15:18:10] chickeninthebrain has conceded from the game.
[15:18:10] CHARLIE_SPLEEN wins the game.
[15:18:10] chickeninthebrain has lost connection to the game.
Game 1 Completed.