PDBot Stats

Game 896733688

[Time] 1730396072
[19:34:34] PDBot has started watching.
[19:34:34] CIPPDOGG joined the game.
[19:34:34] TomSoniQ joined the game.
[League] Doran by cippdogg (253675) vs 5c Enigmatic Fires by tomsoniq (253703)
[19:34:35] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[19:34:42] TomSoniQ chooses to play first.
[19:34:44] [CHAT] CIPPDOGG: gl hf
[19:34:55] TomSoniQ begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[19:34:57] Turn 1: TomSoniQ