PDBot Stats

Game 882940284

[Time] 1719548967
[07:29:28] PDBot has started watching.
[07:29:28] Farter joined the game.
[League] Prison by frygid (245233) vs Door by farter (245220)
[07:29:30] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[07:29:34] Farter chooses to play first.
[07:29:37] Farter begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[07:29:55] Frygid mulligans to six cards.
[07:30:05] Frygid puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[07:30:05] Turn 1: Farter
[07:30:05] Farter skips their draw step.
[07:30:07] [CHAT] Frygid: gl hf
[07:30:07] Farter plays [Tranquil Thicket].
[07:30:12] Turn 1: Frygid
[07:30:13] [CHAT] Farter: *ppot*
[07:30:16] Frygid plays [Secluded Steppe].
[07:30:22] Turn 2: Farter
[07:30:25] Farter plays [Plains].
[07:30:28] Farter casts [Aftermath Analyst].
[07:30:29] Farter puts triggered ability from [Aftermath Analyst] onto the stack (When Aftermath Analyst enters the battlefield, mill three cards.).
[07:30:30] Farter mills [Forest], [Tranquil Thicket], and [Birds of Paradise].
[07:30:34] Turn 2: Frygid
[07:30:36] Frygid plays [Plains].
[07:30:38] Frygid casts [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben].
[07:30:41] Turn 3: Farter
[07:30:43] Farter plays [Island].
[07:30:47] Farter casts [Aftermath Analyst].
[07:30:48] Farter puts triggered ability from [Aftermath Analyst] onto the stack (When Aftermath Analyst enters the battlefield, mill three cards.).
[07:30:51] Farter mills [Forest], [Forest], and [Splendid Reclamation].
[07:30:56] Frygid is being attacked by [Aftermath Analyst]
[07:31:03] Turn 3: Frygid
[07:31:09] Frygid plays [Plains].
[07:31:11] Frygid casts [Elite Spellbinder].
[07:31:17] Frygid puts triggered ability from [Elite Spellbinder] onto the stack targeting Farter (When Elite Spellbinder enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a non...).
[07:32:11] Turn 4: Farter
[07:32:16] Farter plays [Riveteers Overlook].
[07:32:16] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When Riveteers Overlook enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[07:32:19] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Riveteers Overlook, search your library for a basic Swamp, Mountain, or Forest ...).
[07:32:28] Farter casts [Aftermath Analyst].
[07:32:30] Farter puts triggered ability from [Aftermath Analyst] onto the stack (When Aftermath Analyst enters the battlefield, mill three cards.).
[07:32:31] Farter mills [Brokers Hideout], [Tranquil Thicket], and [Cascading Cataracts].
[07:32:39] Turn 4: Frygid
[07:32:51] Frygid plays [Secluded Steppe].
[07:32:55] Frygid casts [Boromir, Warden of the Tower].
[07:33:00] Farter is being attacked by [Elite Spellbinder]
[07:33:08] Turn 5: Farter
[07:33:35] Farter activates an ability of [Aftermath Analyst] ( Return all land cards from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.).
[07:33:40] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When Riveteers Overlook enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[07:33:40] Farter puts triggered ability from [Brokers Hideout] onto the stack (When Brokers Hideout enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for a ...).
[07:33:43] Farter puts triggered ability from [Brokers Hideout] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Brokers Hideout, search your library for a basic Forest, Plains, or Island card...).
[07:33:54] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Riveteers Overlook, search your library for a basic Swamp, Mountain, or Forest ...).
[07:34:09] Turn 5: Frygid
[07:34:13] Frygid discards [Secluded Steppe].
[07:34:13] Frygid cycles [Secluded Steppe].
[07:34:19] Frygid casts Frygid.
[07:34:28] Farter is being attacked by [Boromir, Warden of the Tower] and [Elite Spellbinder]
[07:34:39] Frygid activates an ability of Frygid (Level up).
[07:34:41] Frygid puts a level counter on Frygid.
[07:34:42] Frygid activates an ability of Frygid (Level up).
[07:34:44] Frygid puts a level counter on Frygid.
[07:34:47] Turn 6: Farter
[07:34:49] Farter plays [Cascading Cataracts].
[07:34:54] Farter casts [Door to Nothingness].
[07:35:02] Farter casts [Chance for Glory].
[07:35:06] Farter takes an extra turn after this one.
[07:35:13] Turn 7: Farter - Extra Turn
[07:35:58] Farter activates an ability of [Door to Nothingness] targeting Frygid ( Target player loses the game.).
[07:36:00] Farter wins the game.
Winner: Farter
Game 1 Completed.

Game 882940852

[Time] 1719549458
[07:37:38] PDBot has started watching.
[07:37:38] Frygid chooses to play first.
[07:37:47] Frygid begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[07:37:49] Farter mulligans to six cards.
[07:37:53] Farter mulligans to five cards.
[07:38:03] Farter puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[07:38:03] Turn 1: Frygid
[07:38:03] Frygid skips their draw step.
[07:38:07] Frygid plays [Secluded Steppe].
[07:38:08] Turn 1: Farter
[07:38:10] Farter plays [Forest].
[07:38:14] Turn 2: Frygid
[07:38:15] Frygid plays [Cave of the Frost Dragon].
[07:38:22] Turn 2: Farter
[07:38:24] Farter plays [Plains].
[07:38:27] Turn 3: Frygid
[07:38:29] Frygid plays [Plains].
[07:38:32] Frygid casts [Elite Spellbinder].
[07:38:35] Frygid puts triggered ability from [Elite Spellbinder] onto the stack targeting Farter (When Elite Spellbinder enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a non...).
[07:38:45] Turn 3: Farter
[07:38:47] Farter plays [Riveteers Overlook].
[07:38:47] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When Riveteers Overlook enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[07:38:49] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Riveteers Overlook, search your library for a basic Swamp, Mountain, or Forest ...).
[07:39:03] Turn 4: Frygid
[07:39:05] Frygid plays [Plains].
[07:39:12] Frygid casts [Boromir, Warden of the Tower].
[07:39:16] Farter is being attacked by [Elite Spellbinder]
[07:39:21] Turn 4: Farter
[07:39:23] Farter plays [Forest].
[07:39:26] Farter casts [Aftermath Analyst].
[07:39:27] Farter puts triggered ability from [Aftermath Analyst] onto the stack (When Aftermath Analyst enters the battlefield, mill three cards.).
[07:39:33] Farter mills [Riveteers Overlook], [Door to Nothingness], and [Cascading Cataracts].
[07:39:41] Frygid casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Aftermath Analyst].
[07:39:49] Turn 5: Frygid
[07:39:51] Frygid plays [Plains].
[07:39:55] Frygid casts [Nevermore].
[07:40:04] Frygid names Splendid Reclamation for [Nevermore].
[07:40:09] Farter is being attacked by [Boromir, Warden of the Tower] and [Elite Spellbinder]
[07:40:15] Turn 5: Farter
[07:40:20] Farter plays [Plains].
[07:40:25] Farter casts [Spelunking].
[07:40:27] Farter puts triggered ability from [Spelunking] onto the stack (When Spelunking enters the battlefield, draw a card, then you may put a land card from your hand o...).
[07:40:29] Farter draws a card with [Spelunking]'s ability.
[07:40:37] Turn 6: Frygid
[07:40:42] Frygid plays [Plains].
[07:40:46] Frygid casts [Nevermore].
[07:40:53] Frygid names Door to Nothingness for [Nevermore].
[07:40:55] Frygid casts [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben].
[07:41:02] Farter is being attacked by [Boromir, Warden of the Tower] and [Elite Spellbinder]
[07:41:11] Turn 6: Farter
[07:41:17] Farter plays [Mountain].
[07:41:20] Farter casts [Aftermath Analyst].
[07:41:22] Farter puts triggered ability from [Aftermath Analyst] onto the stack (When Aftermath Analyst enters the battlefield, mill three cards.).
[07:41:24] Farter mills [Door to Nothingness], Frygid, and Farter.
[07:41:54] Farter activates an ability of [Aftermath Analyst] ( Return all land cards from your graveyard to the battlefield tapped.).
[07:41:58] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When Riveteers Overlook enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[07:41:58] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When Riveteers Overlook enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[07:42:01] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Riveteers Overlook, search your library for a basic Swamp, Mountain, or Forest ...).
[07:42:09] Farter puts triggered ability from [Riveteers Overlook] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Riveteers Overlook, search your library for a basic Swamp, Mountain, or Forest ...).
[07:42:47] Farter casts [Chart a Course].
[07:42:51] Farter draws two cards with [Chart a Course].
[07:42:55] Farter discards [Splendid Reclamation].
[07:42:57] Farter casts [Aftermath Analyst].
[07:43:00] Farter puts triggered ability from [Aftermath Analyst] onto the stack (When Aftermath Analyst enters the battlefield, mill three cards.).
[07:43:02] Farter mills [Chart a Course], [Chart a Course], and [Chance for Glory].
[07:43:09] Turn 7: Frygid
[07:43:17] Frygid activates an ability of [Cave of the Frost Dragon] ( Cave of the Frost Dragon becomes a 3/4 white Dragon creature with flying until end of turn. It's ...).
[07:43:23] Farter is being attacked by [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben], [Boromir, Warden of the Tower], [Elite Spellbinder], and [Cave of the Frost Dragon]
[07:43:31] [Aftermath Analyst] blocks [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben].
[07:43:35] Frygid wins the game.
[07:43:35] Farter loses the game.
Winner: Frygid
Game 2 Completed.

Game 882941302

[Time] 1719549848
[07:44:09] PDBot has started watching.
[07:44:11] Farter mulligans to six cards.
[07:44:19] Frygid mulligans to six cards.
[07:44:32] Farter puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[07:44:35] Frygid puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[07:44:35] Turn 1: Farter
[07:44:35] Farter skips their draw step.
[07:44:37] Farter plays [Tranquil Thicket].
[07:44:41] Turn 1: Frygid
[07:44:43] Frygid plays [Cave of the Frost Dragon].
[07:44:44] Frygid casts [Student of Warfare].
[07:44:45] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Student of Warfare[sU] has a graphical bug.
If a level-up card would gain an ability that it would through leveling, it won't show it has gained that ability.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Student of Warfare` or `!notbugged Student of Warfare`
[07:44:47] Turn 2: Farter
[07:44:49] Farter plays [Island].
[07:44:51] Farter casts [Chart a Course].
[07:44:52] Farter draws two cards with [Chart a Course].
[07:44:56] Farter discards [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[07:45:02] Turn 2: Frygid
[07:45:03] Frygid plays [Plains].
[07:45:05] Frygid activates an ability of [Student of Warfare] (Level up).
[07:45:07] Frygid puts a level counter on [Student of Warfare].
[07:45:08] Frygid activates an ability of [Student of Warfare] (Level up).
[07:45:08] Frygid puts a level counter on [Student of Warfare].
[07:45:11] Farter is being attacked by [Student of Warfare]
[07:45:13] Turn 3: Farter
[07:45:15] Farter plays [Forest].
[07:45:17] Farter casts [Thirst for Knowledge].
[07:45:19] Farter draws three cards with [Thirst for Knowledge].
[07:45:32] Farter discards [Forest].
[07:45:32] Farter discards [Chance for Glory].
[07:45:44] Turn 3: Frygid
[07:45:46] Frygid plays [Plains].
[07:45:49] Frygid casts [Elite Spellbinder].
[07:45:51] Frygid puts triggered ability from [Elite Spellbinder] onto the stack targeting Farter (When Elite Spellbinder enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a non...).
[07:46:08] Farter is being attacked by [Student of Warfare]
[07:46:14] Turn 4: Farter
[07:46:25] Farter casts [Chart a Course].
[07:46:26] Farter draws two cards with [Chart a Course].
[07:46:31] Farter discards [Splendid Reclamation].
[07:46:32] Farter plays [Cascading Cataracts].
[07:46:35] Farter casts [Aftermath Analyst].
[07:46:37] Farter puts triggered ability from [Aftermath Analyst] onto the stack (When Aftermath Analyst enters the battlefield, mill three cards.).
[07:46:38] Farter mills [Tranquil Thicket], [Mountain], and [Cascading Cataracts].
[07:46:44] Turn 4: Frygid
[07:46:53] Frygid plays [Plains].
[07:46:57] Frygid casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Aftermath Analyst].
[07:47:12] Frygid casts [Spirit of the Labyrinth].
[07:47:14] Frygid activates an ability of [Student of Warfare] (Level up).
[07:47:15] Frygid puts a level counter on [Student of Warfare].
[07:47:17] Farter is being attacked by [Elite Spellbinder] and [Student of Warfare]
[07:47:24] Turn 5: Farter
[07:47:38] [CHAT] Frygid: i like your deck
[07:48:12] Farter casts [Chart a Course].
[07:48:16] Farter draws two cards with [Chart a Course].
[07:48:16] Farter is prevented from drawing a card. They cannot draw more than 1 card each turn.
[07:48:16] Farter is prevented from drawing a card. They cannot draw more than 1 card each turn.
[07:48:24] Farter has conceded from the game.
[07:48:24] Frygid wins the game.
Winner: Frygid
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: Frygid: 2–1
[07:48:31] Farter has left the game.