PDBot Stats

Game 881618806

[Time] 1718644447
[20:14:08] PDBot has started watching.
[20:14:08] CIPPDOGG joined the game.
[League] Selesnya Midrange by cippdogg (244654) vs Nicol Bolas by _onecurlyboy (244766)
[20:14:10] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[20:14:16] [CHAT] CIPPDOGG: gl hf
[20:14:18] CIPPDOGG chooses to play first.
[20:14:20] [CHAT] _oneCurlyBoy: u2!
[20:14:24] CIPPDOGG begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[20:14:28] _oneCurlyBoy mulligans to six cards.
[20:14:31] _oneCurlyBoy mulligans to five cards.
[20:14:35] _oneCurlyBoy mulligans to four cards.
[20:14:37] Landonpeanut has started watching.
[20:14:44] _oneCurlyBoy puts three cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with four cards in hand.
[20:14:44] Turn 1: CIPPDOGG
[20:14:51] CIPPDOGG skips their draw step.
[20:14:52] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[20:14:54] CIPPDOGG casts [Birds of Paradise].
[20:14:56] Turn 1: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:14:58] [CHAT] _oneCurlyBoy: okay this is going to be a rough one
[20:15:02] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Flood Plain].
[20:15:05] Turn 2: CIPPDOGG
[20:15:11] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[20:15:17] [CHAT] CIPPDOGG: lol why u say that
[20:15:31] [CHAT] _oneCurlyBoy: went to 4
[20:15:33] Turn 2: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:15:37] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Forest].
[20:15:42] Turn 3: CIPPDOGG
[20:15:47] CIPPDOGG plays [Brushland].
[20:15:54] CIPPDOGG casts [Yasharn, Implacable Earth].
[20:15:55] CIPPDOGG puts triggered ability from [Yasharn, Implacable Earth] onto the stack (When Yasharn, Implacable Earth enters the battlefield, search your library for a basic Forest card...).
[20:16:10] CIPPDOGG reveals [Forest].
[20:16:12] CIPPDOGG reveals [Plains].
[20:16:21] Turn 3: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:16:25] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Island].
[20:16:26] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Flood Plain] ( Search your library for a Plains or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[20:16:30] Turn 4: CIPPDOGG
[20:16:37] CIPPDOGG plays [Plains].
[20:16:50] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Yasharn, Implacable Earth]
[20:17:03] CIPPDOGG casts [Thrun, the Last Troll].
[20:17:09] Turn 4: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:17:13] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Canopy Vista].
[20:17:19] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Kathari Remnant].
[20:17:19] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Kathari Remnant] onto the stack (Cascade (When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a no...).
[20:17:22] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 4 cards with [Kathari Remnant]: [Mountain], [Hellkite Overlord], [Kathari Remnant], and [Shardless Agent].
[20:17:24] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Shardless Agent].
[20:17:24] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Shardless Agent] onto the stack (Cascade (When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a no...).
[20:17:29] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 37 cards with [Shardless Agent]: [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Breach the Multiverse], [Breach the Multiverse], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Mountain], CIPPDOGG, _oneCurlyBoy, [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Dragonstorm], [Escape Tunnel], 
[20:17:29] [Dragonstorm], [Fetid Pools], [Sunken Hollow], [Sunken Hollow], [Flood Plain], [Hellkite Overlord], [Lake of the Dead], [Promising Vein], [Promising Vein], [Breach the Multiverse], 
[20:17:29] [Promising Vein], [Kathari Remnant], [Promising Vein], [Lake of the Dead], [Shardless Agent], [Escape Tunnel], [Flood Plain], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Fetid Pools], 
[20:17:29] [Flood Plain], [Dragonstorm], [Swamp], [Shardless Agent], [Fetid Pools], [Kathari Remnant], and [Tibalt's Trickery].
[20:17:29] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Lake of the Dead[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Cards like Lake of the Dead sacrifice less lands if multiple enter at the same time, and not all land sacrifices can be fulfilled
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Lake of the Dead` or `!notbugged Lake of the Dead`
[20:17:29] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Tibalt's Trickery[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Tibalt's Trickery allows the person casting a spell using it to cast a spell that was milled and then exiled by an effect like Dryad MIlitant
[20:17:34] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Tibalt's Trickery] targeting [Shardless Agent].
[20:17:36] _oneCurlyBoy mills [Swamp], [Lake of the Dead], and [Hellkite Overlord].
[20:17:38] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Breach the Multiverse].
[20:17:47] CIPPDOGG mills [Avacyn's Pilgrim], [Yeva, Nature's Herald], [Loxodon Warhammer], [Yasharn, Implacable Earth], [Plains], [Thrun, the Last Troll], [Birds of Paradise], [Yeva, Nature's Herald], [Yeva, Nature's Herald], and [Settle the Wreckage]. _oneCurlyBoy mills [Hellkite Overlord], [Dragonstorm], [Lake of the Dead], [Tibalt's Trickery], [Kathari Remnant], [Hellkite Overlord], [Mountain], [Lake of the Dead], [Escape Tunnel], and [Breach the Multiverse].
[20:18:36] CIPPDOGG casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Hellkite Overlord].
[20:18:52] Turn 5: CIPPDOGG
[20:18:59] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[20:19:07] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Thrun, the Last Troll] and [Yasharn, Implacable Earth]
[20:19:10] [Kathari Remnant] blocks [Yasharn, Implacable Earth].
[20:19:25] Turn 5: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:19:32] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Promising Vein].
[20:19:43] Turn 6: CIPPDOGG
[20:19:49] CIPPDOGG plays [Wooded Bastion].
[20:19:55] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Thrun, the Last Troll] and [Yasharn, Implacable Earth]
[20:19:58] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Thrun, the Last Troll] ( Regenerate Thrun, the Last Troll.).
[20:20:07] [Thrun, the Last Troll] blocks [Yasharn, Implacable Earth].
[20:20:17] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Promising Vein] ( Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.).
[20:20:22] Turn 6: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:20:28] _oneCurlyBoy discards [Fetid Pools].
[20:20:28] _oneCurlyBoy cycles [Fetid Pools].
[20:20:32] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Swamp].
[20:20:43] CIPPDOGG casts [Yeva, Nature's Herald].
[20:20:46] Turn 7: CIPPDOGG
[20:20:55] CIPPDOGG plays [Brushland].
[20:21:04] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Yeva, Nature's Herald] and [Thrun, the Last Troll]
[20:21:08] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Thrun, the Last Troll] ( Regenerate Thrun, the Last Troll.).
[20:21:16] [Thrun, the Last Troll] blocks [Yeva, Nature's Herald].
[20:21:26] CIPPDOGG casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[20:21:31] Turn 7: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:21:33] sadd3x has started watching.
[20:21:41] Turn 8: CIPPDOGG
[20:21:51] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Tocatli Honor Guard] and [Thrun, the Last Troll]
[20:21:55] [Thrun, the Last Troll] blocks [Thrun, the Last Troll].
[20:22:01] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Thrun, the Last Troll] ( Regenerate Thrun, the Last Troll.).
[20:22:05] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Thrun, the Last Troll] ( Regenerate Thrun, the Last Troll.).
[20:22:16] CIPPDOGG casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[20:22:22] Turn 8: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:22:30] _oneCurlyBoy discards [Fetid Pools].
[20:22:31] _oneCurlyBoy cycles [Fetid Pools].
[20:22:41] Turn 9: CIPPDOGG
[20:22:41] sadd3x has stopped watching.
[20:22:46] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[20:22:51] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Tocatli Honor Guard], [Tocatli Honor Guard], and [Thrun, the Last Troll]
[20:22:55] [Thrun, the Last Troll] blocks [Thrun, the Last Troll].
[20:23:02] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Thrun, the Last Troll] ( Regenerate Thrun, the Last Troll.).
[20:23:06] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Thrun, the Last Troll] ( Regenerate Thrun, the Last Troll.).
[20:23:21] Turn 9: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:23:27] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Kathari Remnant].
[20:23:27] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Kathari Remnant] onto the stack (Cascade (When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a no...).
[20:23:31] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 15 cards with [Kathari Remnant]: [Breach the Multiverse], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Hellkite Overlord], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Sunken Hollow], [Escape Tunnel], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Dragonstorm], [Lake of the Dead], [Kathari Remnant], 
[20:23:31] [Sunken Hollow], [Fetid Pools], [Flood Plain], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], and [Shardless Agent].
[20:23:34] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Shardless Agent].
[20:23:34] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Shardless Agent] onto the stack (Cascade (When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a no...).
[20:23:39] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 25 cards with [Shardless Agent]: [Flood Plain], [Promising Vein], [Sunken Hollow], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Promising Vein], [Promising Vein], [Fetid Pools], [Breach the Multiverse], [Shardless Agent], [Flood Plain], 
[20:23:39] [Shardless Agent], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Dragonstorm], [Fetid Pools], [Breach the Multiverse], [Flood Plain], [Escape Tunnel], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Kathari Remnant], 
[20:23:39] [Sunken Hollow], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Sunken Hollow], [Hellkite Overlord], and [Lake of the Dead].
[20:23:54] Turn 10: CIPPDOGG
[20:24:07] CIPPDOGG casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Kathari Remnant].
[20:24:14] _oneCurlyBoy has conceded from the game.
[20:24:14] CIPPDOGG wins the game.
Game 1 Completed.
[20:24:18] _oneCurlyBoy has left the game.

Game 881619996

[Time] 1718645097
[20:24:57] PDBot has started watching.
[20:24:57] CIPPDOGG joined the game.
[20:25:01] _oneCurlyBoy chooses to play first.
[20:25:05] _oneCurlyBoy mulligans to six cards.
[20:25:08] CIPPDOGG mulligans to six cards.
[20:25:14] _oneCurlyBoy puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[20:25:19] CIPPDOGG puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[20:25:19] Turn 1: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:25:23] _oneCurlyBoy skips their draw step.
[20:25:24] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Flood Plain].
[20:25:26] Turn 1: CIPPDOGG
[20:25:34] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[20:25:36] CIPPDOGG casts [Birds of Paradise].
[20:25:44] Turn 2: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:25:47] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Island].
[20:25:48] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Flood Plain] ( Search your library for a Plains or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[20:25:54] Turn 2: CIPPDOGG
[20:26:00] CIPPDOGG plays [Plains].
[20:26:03] CIPPDOGG casts [Nevermore].
[20:26:13] CIPPDOGG names Tibalt's Trickery for [Nevermore].
[20:26:18] Turn 3: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:26:24] _oneCurlyBoy discards [Fetid Pools].
[20:26:24] _oneCurlyBoy cycles [Fetid Pools].
[20:26:26] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Swamp].
[20:26:29] Turn 3: CIPPDOGG
[20:26:39] CIPPDOGG casts [Birds of Paradise].
[20:26:41] Landonpeanut has stopped watching.
[20:26:45] CIPPDOGG casts [Birds of Paradise].
[20:26:55] Turn 4: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:26:58] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Forest].
[20:27:01] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Shardless Agent].
[20:27:01] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Shardless Agent] onto the stack (Cascade (When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a no...).
[20:27:04] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 37 cards with [Shardless Agent]: [Dragonstorm], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Dragonstorm], [Promising Vein], [Breach the Multiverse], [Lake of the Dead], [Lake of the Dead], [Shardless Agent], [Fetid Pools], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], 
[20:27:04] [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Shardless Agent], [Escape Tunnel], [Promising Vein], [Sunken Hollow], [Sunken Hollow], [Lake of the Dead], [Nezahal, Primal Tide], [Flood Plain], [Breach the Multiverse], 
[20:27:04] [Breach the Multiverse], [Dragonstorm], [Escape Tunnel], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Nezahal, Primal Tide], [Hellkite Overlord], [Sunken Hollow], [Swamp], [Shardless Agent], 
[20:27:04] [Breach the Multiverse], [Dragonstorm], [Fetid Pools], [Nezahal, Primal Tide], CIPPDOGG, _oneCurlyBoy, and [Tibalt's Trickery].
[20:27:16] Turn 4: CIPPDOGG
[20:27:32] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[20:27:51] CIPPDOGG casts [Nevermore].
[20:28:02] CIPPDOGG names Kathari Remnant for [Nevermore].
[20:28:10] CIPPDOGG casts [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:28:11] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Vivien, Champion of the Wilds[sU] has a graphical bug.
If Vivien, Champion of the Wilds exiles a creature with flash, it incorrectly also displays that it has flash in blue text.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Vivien, Champion of the Wilds` or `!notbugged Vivien, Champion of the Wilds`
[20:28:15] CIPPDOGG puts a loyalty counter on [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:28:15] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] targeting [Birds of Paradise] ( Until your next turn, up to one target creature gains vigilance and reach.).
[20:28:20] Turn 5: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:28:26] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Flood Plain].
[20:28:38] CIPPDOGG is being attacked by [Shardless Agent]
[20:28:42] Turn 5: CIPPDOGG
[20:28:49] CIPPDOGG plays [Plains].
[20:28:52] CIPPDOGG removes two loyalty counters from [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:28:52] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Look at the top three cards of your library. Exile one face down and put the rest on the bottom o...).
[20:29:05] Turn 6: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:29:11] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Flood Plain] ( Search your library for a Plains or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[20:29:24] CIPPDOGG's [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] is being attacked by [Shardless Agent]
[20:29:28] CIPPDOGG casts [Thrun, the Last Troll].
[20:29:35] [Thrun, the Last Troll] blocks [Shardless Agent].
[20:29:42] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Mountain].
[20:29:45] Turn 6: CIPPDOGG
[20:29:52] CIPPDOGG removes two loyalty counters from [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:29:52] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Look at the top three cards of your library. Exile one face down and put the rest on the bottom o...).
[20:30:07] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Thrun, the Last Troll]
[20:30:24] Turn 7: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:30:30] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Sunken Hollow].
[20:30:36] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Nezahal, Primal Tide].
[20:30:49] Turn 7: CIPPDOGG
[20:30:54] CIPPDOGG puts a loyalty counter on [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:30:54] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] targeting [Thrun, the Last Troll] ( Until your next turn, up to one target creature gains vigilance and reach.).
[20:31:04] Turn 8: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:31:09] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Sunken Hollow].
[20:31:19] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:31:27] _oneCurlyBoy puts three loyalty counters on [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:31:27] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker] targeting [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Destroy target noncreature permanent.).
[20:31:38] Turn 8: CIPPDOGG
[20:31:46] CIPPDOGG casts [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:31:46] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Nezahal, Primal Tide] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent casts a noncreature spell, draw a card.).
[20:31:51] _oneCurlyBoy draws a card with [Nezahal, Primal Tide]'s ability.
[20:31:56] CIPPDOGG removes two loyalty counters from [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:31:56] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Look at the top three cards of your library. Exile one face down and put the rest on the bottom o...).
[20:32:08] Turn 9: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:32:15] _oneCurlyBoy puts three loyalty counters on [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:32:15] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker] targeting [Plains] ( Destroy target noncreature permanent.).
[20:32:29] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Promising Vein].
[20:32:35] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Promising Vein] ( Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.).
[20:32:57] CIPPDOGG casts [Yeva, Nature's Herald].
[20:33:01] Turn 9: CIPPDOGG
[20:33:05] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[20:33:12] CIPPDOGG removes two loyalty counters from [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:33:12] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Look at the top three cards of your library. Exile one face down and put the rest on the bottom o...).
[20:33:24] CIPPDOGG casts [Tocatli Honor Guard].
[20:33:35] _oneCurlyBoy's [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker] is being attacked by [Yeva, Nature's Herald] and [Thrun, the Last Troll]
[20:33:43] [Nezahal, Primal Tide] blocks [Yeva, Nature's Herald].
[20:33:47] CIPPDOGG removes four loyalty counters from [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:33:55] Turn 10: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:34:00] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Mountain].
[20:34:04] _oneCurlyBoy puts three loyalty counters on [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:34:04] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker] targeting [Plains] ( Destroy target noncreature permanent.).
[20:34:15] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Dragonstorm].
[20:34:15] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Dragonstorm] onto the stack (Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each spell that was cast before it this turn. You m...).
[20:34:31] Turn 10: CIPPDOGG
[20:34:38] CIPPDOGG has conceded from the game.
[20:34:38] _oneCurlyBoy wins the game.
Winner: _oneCurlyBoy
Game 2 Completed.

Game 881621064

[Time] 1718645707
[20:35:08] PDBot has started watching.
[20:35:12] CIPPDOGG chooses to play first.
[20:35:17] CIPPDOGG mulligans to six cards.
[20:35:20] _oneCurlyBoy begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[20:35:25] CIPPDOGG puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[20:35:25] Turn 1: CIPPDOGG
[20:35:28] CIPPDOGG skips their draw step.
[20:35:30] CIPPDOGG plays [Plains].
[20:35:33] Turn 1: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:35:40] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Fetid Pools].
[20:35:41] Turn 2: CIPPDOGG
[20:35:47] CIPPDOGG plays [Wooded Bastion].
[20:35:52] CIPPDOGG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[20:35:58] Turn 2: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:36:04] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Flood Plain].
[20:36:06] Turn 3: CIPPDOGG
[20:36:12] CIPPDOGG plays [Plains].
[20:36:16] CIPPDOGG casts [Nevermore].
[20:36:25] CIPPDOGG names Tibalt's Trickery for [Nevermore].
[20:36:30] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Avacyn's Pilgrim]
[20:36:35] Turn 3: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:36:38] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Island].
[20:36:40] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Flood Plain] ( Search your library for a Plains or Island card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[20:36:47] Turn 4: CIPPDOGG
[20:36:52] CIPPDOGG plays [Brushland].
[20:37:00] CIPPDOGG casts [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:37:04] CIPPDOGG removes two loyalty counters from [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:37:04] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Look at the top three cards of your library. Exile one face down and put the rest on the bottom o...).
[20:37:12] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Avacyn's Pilgrim]
[20:37:19] Turn 4: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:37:23] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Promising Vein].
[20:37:30] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Kathari Remnant].
[20:37:30] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Kathari Remnant] onto the stack (Cascade (When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a no...).
[20:37:34] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 6 cards with [Kathari Remnant]: [Sunken Hollow], [Nezahal, Primal Tide], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Lake of the Dead], and [Shardless Agent].
[20:37:43] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Shardless Agent].
[20:37:43] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Shardless Agent] onto the stack (Cascade (When you cast this spell, exile cards from the top of your library until you exile a no...).
[20:37:47] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 26 cards with [Shardless Agent]: [Nezahal, Primal Tide], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Colossal Skyturtle], [Kathari Remnant], [Colossal Skyturtle], [Fetid Pools], [Swamp], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], [Fetid Pools], [Lake of the Dead], 
[20:37:47] [Breach the Multiverse], [Colossal Skyturtle], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Sunken Hollow], [Swamp], [Lake of the Dead], [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker], [Breach the Multiverse], [Promising Vein], [Etali, Primal Conqueror], 
[20:37:47] [Nezahal, Primal Tide], [Mountain], [Breach the Multiverse], [Forest], [Escape Tunnel], and [Tibalt's Trickery].
[20:38:07] Turn 5: CIPPDOGG
[20:38:11] CIPPDOGG plays [Plains].
[20:38:14] CIPPDOGG puts a loyalty counter on [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:38:14] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] targeting [Avacyn's Pilgrim] ( Until your next turn, up to one target creature gains vigilance and reach.).
[20:38:22] Turn 5: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:38:29] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Promising Vein].
[20:38:48] CIPPDOGG casts [Yeva, Nature's Herald].
[20:38:52] CIPPDOGG casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Kathari Remnant].
[20:39:01] Turn 6: CIPPDOGG
[20:39:07] CIPPDOGG removes two loyalty counters from [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:39:07] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Look at the top three cards of your library. Exile one face down and put the rest on the bottom o...).
[20:39:23] _oneCurlyBoy is being attacked by [Yeva, Nature's Herald]
[20:39:26] [Shardless Agent] blocks [Yeva, Nature's Herald].
[20:39:41] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Promising Vein] ( Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.).
[20:39:48] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Promising Vein] ( Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle.).
[20:39:54] Turn 6: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:39:59] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Swamp].
[20:40:05] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Nezahal, Primal Tide].
[20:40:20] CIPPDOGG casts [Thrun, the Last Troll].
[20:40:28] Turn 7: CIPPDOGG
[20:40:32] CIPPDOGG plays [Wooded Bastion].
[20:40:37] CIPPDOGG puts a loyalty counter on [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:40:37] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] targeting [Yeva, Nature's Herald] ( Until your next turn, up to one target creature gains vigilance and reach.).
[20:40:45] CIPPDOGG casts [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:40:46] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Nezahal, Primal Tide] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent casts a noncreature spell, draw a card.).
[20:40:48] _oneCurlyBoy draws a card with [Nezahal, Primal Tide]'s ability.
[20:40:58] CIPPDOGG removes two loyalty counters from [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:40:58] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Look at the top three cards of your library. Exile one face down and put the rest on the bottom o...).
[20:41:14] Turn 7: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:41:19] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Promising Vein].
[20:41:26] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:41:33] _oneCurlyBoy removes two loyalty counters from [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:41:33] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker] targeting [Yeva, Nature's Herald] ( Gain control of target creature.).
[20:41:46] Turn 8: CIPPDOGG
[20:41:56] CIPPDOGG casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Nezahal, Primal Tide].
[20:41:57] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Nezahal, Primal Tide] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent casts a noncreature spell, draw a card.).
[20:42:01] _oneCurlyBoy draws a card with [Nezahal, Primal Tide]'s ability.
[20:42:10] _oneCurlyBoy discards [Tibalt's Trickery].
[20:42:10] _oneCurlyBoy discards [Shardless Agent].
[20:42:10] _oneCurlyBoy discards [Kathari Remnant].
[20:42:10] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Nezahal, Primal Tide] ( Exile Nezahal, Primal Tide. Return it to the battlefield tapped under its owner's control at the ...).
[20:42:15] CIPPDOGG's [Path to Exile] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[20:42:20] CIPPDOGG puts a loyalty counter on [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[20:42:20] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] targeting [Thrun, the Last Troll] ( Until your next turn, up to one target creature gains vigilance and reach.).
[20:42:28] _oneCurlyBoy's [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker] is being attacked by [Thrun, the Last Troll]
[20:42:32] [Yeva, Nature's Herald] blocks [Thrun, the Last Troll].
[20:42:39] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Thrun, the Last Troll] ( Regenerate Thrun, the Last Troll.).
[20:42:47] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Nezahal, Primal Tide] onto the stack (Return Nezahal, Primal Tide to the battlefield tapped under Nezahal, Primal Tide owner's control a...).
[20:42:52] Turn 8: _oneCurlyBoy
[20:43:02] _oneCurlyBoy removes two loyalty counters from [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:43:02] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker] targeting [Avacyn's Pilgrim] ( Gain control of target creature.).
[20:43:13] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:43:24] _oneCurlyBoy puts three loyalty counters on [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker].
[20:43:24] _oneCurlyBoy activates an ability of [Nicol Bolas, Planeswalker] targeting [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Destroy target noncreature permanent.).
[20:43:32] Turn 9: CIPPDOGG
[20:43:41] [CHAT] CIPPDOGG: ggs
[20:43:44] CIPPDOGG has conceded from the game.
[20:43:44] _oneCurlyBoy wins the game.
Winner: _oneCurlyBoy
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: _oneCurlyBoy: 2–1
[20:43:49] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.
[20:43:50] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.
[20:43:51] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.
[20:43:52] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.
[20:43:52] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.
[20:43:53] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.
[20:43:53] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.
[20:43:54] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.
[20:43:54] _oneCurlyBoy has left the game.
[20:43:55] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.
[20:43:55] CIPPDOGG draws their next card.