PDBot Stats

Game 880973504

[Time] 1718208278
[19:04:39] PDBot has started watching.
[19:04:39] RavaenMTG joined the game.
[League] Selesnya by ravaenmtg (244507) vs Weird Glimpse by willburgess77 (244520)
[19:04:40] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[19:04:56] RavaenMTG chooses to play first.
[19:05:01] RavaenMTG begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[19:05:03] willburgess77 mulligans to six cards.
[19:05:17] willburgess77 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[19:05:17] Turn 1: RavaenMTG
[19:05:21] RavaenMTG skips their draw step.
[19:05:22] RavaenMTG plays [Plains].
[19:05:30] Turn 1: willburgess77
[19:05:36] willburgess77 plays [Maestros Theater].
[19:05:36] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When Maestros Theater enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for a...).
[19:05:40] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Maestros Theater, search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain ca...).
[19:05:50] Turn 2: RavaenMTG
[19:05:54] RavaenMTG plays [Canopy Vista].
[19:06:05] Turn 2: willburgess77
[19:06:11] willburgess77 plays [Choked Estuary].
[19:06:50] Turn 3: RavaenMTG
[19:06:54] RavaenMTG plays [Wooded Bastion].
[19:07:02] RavaenMTG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[19:07:04] RavaenMTG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[19:07:06] RavaenMTG casts [Birds of Paradise].
[19:07:09] Turn 3: willburgess77
[19:07:13] willburgess77 plays [Choked Estuary].
[19:07:20] willburgess77 casts [Satoru Umezawa].
[19:07:28] Turn 4: RavaenMTG
[19:07:32] RavaenMTG plays [Canopy Vista].
[19:07:50] RavaenMTG casts [Nissa, Who Shakes the World].
[19:07:56] RavaenMTG puts a loyalty counter on [Nissa, Who Shakes the World].
[19:07:56] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Nissa, Who Shakes the World] targeting [Canopy Vista] ( Put three +1/+1 counters on up to one target noncreature land you control. Untap it. It becomes a...).
[19:07:58] RavaenMTG puts three +1/+1 counters on [Canopy Vista].
[19:08:01] RavaenMTG casts [Garruk Wildspeaker].
[19:08:08] RavaenMTG puts a loyalty counter on [Garruk Wildspeaker].
[19:08:08] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Garruk Wildspeaker] targeting [Canopy Vista], and [Canopy Vista] ( Untap two target lands.).
[19:08:52] Turn 4: willburgess77
[19:08:57] willburgess77 plays [Island].
[19:09:09] RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Satoru Umezawa]
[19:09:18] [Canopy Vista] blocks [Satoru Umezawa].
[19:09:24] Turn 5: RavaenMTG
[19:09:55] RavaenMTG puts a loyalty counter on [Garruk Wildspeaker].
[19:09:55] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Garruk Wildspeaker] targeting [Canopy Vista], and [Canopy Vista] ( Untap two target lands.).
[19:10:27] RavaenMTG casts [Gideon Jura].
[19:10:28] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Gideon Jura[sU] has an unclassified bug.
Certain effect shields, such as the indestructible one created by Gideon Jura, sometimes display slightly longer than they should.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Gideon Jura` or `!notbugged Gideon Jura`
[19:11:22] RavaenMTG casts [Heart of Kiran].
[19:11:27] RavaenMTG puts a loyalty counter on [Nissa, Who Shakes the World].
[19:11:27] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Nissa, Who Shakes the World] targeting [Wooded Bastion] ( Put three +1/+1 counters on up to one target noncreature land you control. Untap it. It becomes a...).
[19:11:30] RavaenMTG puts three +1/+1 counters on [Wooded Bastion].
[19:11:32] RavaenMTG removes two loyalty counters from [Gideon Jura].
[19:11:32] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting [Satoru Umezawa] ( Destroy target tapped creature.).
[19:11:40] willburgess77 is being attacked by [Canopy Vista], [Avacyn's Pilgrim], and [Wooded Bastion]
[19:11:45] Turn 5: willburgess77
[19:11:50] willburgess77 plays [Maestros Theater].
[19:11:50] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When Maestros Theater enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for a...).
[19:11:53] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Maestros Theater, search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain ca...).
[19:12:26] Turn 6: RavaenMTG
[19:12:40] RavaenMTG removes four loyalty counters from [Garruk Wildspeaker].
[19:12:40] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Garruk Wildspeaker] ( Creatures you control get +3/+3 and gain trample until end of turn.).
[19:12:44] willburgess77 has conceded from the game.
[19:12:44] RavaenMTG wins the game.
Winner: RavaenMTG
Game 1 Completed.
[19:12:47] willburgess77 draws their next card.

Game 880974364

[Time] 1718208837
[19:13:57] PDBot has started watching.
[19:14:04] willburgess77 chooses to play first.
[19:14:10] willburgess77 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[19:14:12] RavaenMTG mulligans to six cards.
[19:14:20] RavaenMTG puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[19:14:20] Turn 1: willburgess77
[19:14:21] willburgess77 skips their draw step.
[19:14:23] willburgess77 plays [Choked Estuary].
[19:14:32] Turn 1: RavaenMTG
[19:14:37] RavaenMTG plays [Canopy Vista].
[19:14:41] Turn 2: willburgess77
[19:14:49] willburgess77 plays [Transguild Promenade].
[19:14:50] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Transguild Promenade] onto the stack (When Transguild Promenade enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you pay {1}.).
[19:15:10] Turn 2: RavaenMTG
[19:15:16] RavaenMTG plays [Forest].
[19:15:18] RavaenMTG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[19:15:22] RavaenMTG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[19:15:24] Turn 3: willburgess77
[19:15:39] willburgess77 discards [Canyon Slough].
[19:15:39] willburgess77 cycles [Canyon Slough].
[19:15:43] willburgess77 plays [Maestros Theater].
[19:15:43] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When Maestros Theater enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for a...).
[19:16:03] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Maestros Theater, search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain ca...).
[19:18:07] Turn 3: RavaenMTG
[19:18:07] RavaenMTG casts [Nevermore].
[19:18:08] RavaenMTG names Satoru Umezawa for [Nevermore].
[19:18:08] Turn 4: willburgess77
[19:18:08] willburgess77 plays [Transguild Promenade].
[19:18:08] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Transguild Promenade] onto the stack (When Transguild Promenade enters the battlefield, sacrifice it unless you pay {1}.).
[19:18:08] willburgess77 discards [Canyon Slough].
[19:18:08] willburgess77 cycles [Canyon Slough].
[19:18:54] Turn 4: RavaenMTG
[19:19:05] RavaenMTG casts [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar].
[19:19:12] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] ( Create a 2/2 white Knight Ally creature token.).
[19:19:17] RavaenMTG's [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] creates a Knight Ally Token.
[19:19:22] Turn 5: willburgess77
[19:19:33] willburgess77 exiles [Glimpse of Tomorrow] with 3 time counters.
[19:19:33] willburgess77 puts three time counters on [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[19:19:34] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Glimpse of Tomorrow[sU] has an avoidable game breaking bug.
If a lot of triggers (20+) go on the stack, the game may reset
[19:19:38] willburgess77 plays [Maestros Theater].
[19:19:38] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When Maestros Theater enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for a...).
[19:19:42] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Maestros Theater] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Maestros Theater, search your library for a basic Island, Swamp, or Mountain ca...).
[19:19:55] Turn 5: RavaenMTG
[19:21:03] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] ( Create a 2/2 white Knight Ally creature token.).
[19:21:05] RavaenMTG's [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] creates a Knight Ally Token.
[19:21:10] willburgess77 is being attacked by [Knight Ally Token], [Avacyn's Pilgrim], and [Avacyn's Pilgrim]
[19:21:16] Turn 6: willburgess77
[19:21:16] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Glimpse of Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 3{RR} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[19:21:18] willburgess77 removes a time counter from [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[19:21:29] willburgess77 plays [Mountain].
[19:21:31] willburgess77 casts [Sorcerous Spyglass].
[19:22:07] willburgess77 names Gideon, Ally of Zendikar for [Sorcerous Spyglass].
[19:22:21] Turn 6: RavaenMTG
[19:22:43] RavaenMTG casts [Pest Infestation] targeting [Sorcerous Spyglass]. (X is 1).
[19:22:51] RavaenMTG's [Pest Infestation] creates two Pest Tokens.
[19:23:02] RavaenMTG removes four loyalty counters from [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar].
[19:23:02] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] ( You get an emblem with 'Creatures you control get +1/+1.').
[19:23:10] RavaenMTG's [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] creates an emblem. ("Creatures you control get +1/+1.")
[19:23:44] willburgess77 is being attacked by [Knight Ally Token] and [Knight Ally Token]
[19:23:49] Turn 7: willburgess77
[19:23:50] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Glimpse of Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 3{RR} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[19:23:52] willburgess77 removes a time counter from [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[19:23:56] willburgess77 plays [Swamp].
[19:24:03] willburgess77 casts [Etali, Primal Conqueror].
[19:24:14] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Etali, Primal Conqueror] onto the stack (When Etali, Primal Conqueror enters the battlefield, each player exiles cards from the top of thei...).
[19:24:22] RavaenMTG casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Etali, Primal Conqueror].
[19:24:41] willburgess77 casts [Geological Appraiser].
[19:24:44] willburgess77 casts [Courser of Kruphix].
[19:26:02] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Geological Appraiser] onto the stack (When Geological Appraiser enters the battlefield, if you cast it, discover 3.).
[19:26:06] willburgess77 reveals 3 cards with [Geological Appraiser]'s ability: [Worldspine Wurm], [Geological Appraiser], and [Calibrated Blast].
[19:26:10] willburgess77 casts [Calibrated Blast].
[19:26:13] willburgess77 reveals 2 cards with [Calibrated Blast]: [Swamp] and [Calibrated Blast].
[19:26:19] willburgess77 puts triggered ability from [Calibrated Blast] onto the stack targeting RavaenMTG (When you reveal a nonland card this way, Calibrated Blast deals damage equal to that card's mana v...).
[19:26:32] Turn 7: RavaenMTG
[19:26:54] [CHAT] willburgess77: nevermore was backBREAKING lol
[19:27:05] RavaenMTG casts [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar].
[19:27:10] willburgess77 has conceded from the game.
[19:27:10] RavaenMTG wins the game.
Winner: RavaenMTG
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: RavaenMTG: 2–0
[19:27:14] willburgess77 draws their next card.
[19:27:17] RavaenMTG has left the game.