PDBot Stats

Game 880963572

[Time] 1718202081
[League] White Weenie by chrismh77 (244481) vs Selesnya by ravaenmtg (244507)
[17:21:30] PDBot has started watching.
[17:21:32] [CHAT] ChrisMH77: hi, gl hf
[17:21:32] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[17:21:32] RavaenMTG mulligans to six cards.
[17:21:33] ChrisMH77 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[17:21:36] RavaenMTG puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[17:21:36] Turn 1: RavaenMTG
[17:21:38] RavaenMTG skips their draw step.
[17:21:40] RavaenMTG plays [Canopy Vista].
[17:21:52] Turn 1: ChrisMH77
[17:21:52] ChrisMH77 plays [Plains].
[17:21:52] ChrisMH77 casts [Soldier of the Pantheon].
[17:21:53] Turn 2: RavaenMTG
[17:21:54] RavaenMTG plays [Brushland].
[17:22:02] Turn 2: ChrisMH77
[17:22:06] ChrisMH77 plays [Cave of the Frost Dragon].
[17:22:11] ChrisMH77 casts [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben].
[17:22:16] RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Soldier of the Pantheon]
[17:22:29] RavaenMTG casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben].
[17:22:36] Turn 3: RavaenMTG
[17:22:39] RavaenMTG plays [Plains].
[17:22:42] Turn 3: ChrisMH77
[17:22:53] RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Soldier of the Pantheon]
[17:23:12] ChrisMH77 casts [Student of Warfare].
[17:23:13] ChrisMH77 activates an ability of [Student of Warfare] (Level up).
[17:23:13] ChrisMH77 puts a level counter on [Student of Warfare].
[17:23:13] ChrisMH77 activates an ability of [Student of Warfare] (Level up).
[17:23:14] ChrisMH77 puts a level counter on [Student of Warfare].
[17:23:14] Turn 4: RavaenMTG
[17:23:15] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Student of Warfare[sU] has a graphical bug.
If a level-up card would gain an ability that it would through leveling, it won't show it has gained that ability.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Student of Warfare` or `!notbugged Student of Warfare`
[17:23:15] RavaenMTG plays [Canopy Vista].
[17:23:17] Turn 4: ChrisMH77
[17:23:32] ChrisMH77 casts [Champion of the Parish].
[17:23:33] RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Student of Warfare] and [Soldier of the Pantheon]
[17:23:47] Turn 5: RavaenMTG
[17:23:51] RavaenMTG plays [Brushland].
[17:23:56] RavaenMTG casts [Gideon Jura].
[17:23:57] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Gideon Jura[sU] has an unclassified bug.
Certain effect shields, such as the indestructible one created by Gideon Jura, sometimes display slightly longer than they should.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Gideon Jura` or `!notbugged Gideon Jura`
[17:24:09] RavaenMTG removes two loyalty counters from [Gideon Jura].
[17:24:10] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting [Student of Warfare] ( Destroy target tapped creature.).
[17:24:13] ChrisMH77 casts [Shelter] targeting [Student of Warfare].
[17:24:17] ChrisMH77 draws a card with [Shelter].
[17:24:20] RavaenMTG's Gideon Jura is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[17:24:23] Turn 5: ChrisMH77
[17:24:29] ChrisMH77 plays [Plains].
[17:24:43] ChrisMH77 casts [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:24:51] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Champion of the Parish] onto the stack (Whenever another Human enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Champion ...).
[17:24:52] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Thalia's Lieutenant] onto the stack (When Thalia's Lieutenant enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on each other Human you contr...).
[17:24:53] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Soldier of the Pantheon], [Student of Warfare], and [Champion of the Parish].
[17:24:53] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Champion of the Parish].
[17:24:56] RavaenMTG's [Gideon Jura] is being attacked by [Student of Warfare]
RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Champion of the Parish] and [Soldier of the Pantheon]
[17:25:11] ChrisMH77 removes four loyalty counters from [Gideon Jura].
[17:25:12] Turn 6: RavaenMTG
[17:25:20] RavaenMTG casts [Damn] for its overload cost using an alternate cost.
[17:25:25] ChrisMH77 casts [Shelter] targeting [Student of Warfare].
[17:25:33] ChrisMH77 draws a card with [Shelter].
[17:25:42] Turn 6: ChrisMH77
[17:25:48] ChrisMH77 casts [Precinct Captain].
[17:25:54] ChrisMH77 casts [Kellan, Daring Traveler].
[17:25:56] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Kellan, Daring Traveler[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
Exploring with empty library does not put a +1/+1 counter on a creature
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Kellan, Daring Traveler` or `!notbugged Kellan, Daring Traveler`
[17:25:57] Turn 7: RavaenMTG
[17:26:14] RavaenMTG casts [Garruk Wildspeaker].
[17:26:25] RavaenMTG removes a loyalty counter from [Garruk Wildspeaker].
[17:26:27] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Garruk Wildspeaker] ( Create a 3/3 green Beast creature token.).
[17:26:30] RavaenMTG's [Garruk Wildspeaker] creates a Beast Token.
[17:26:30] Turn 7: ChrisMH77
[17:26:31] ChrisMH77 casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Beast Token].
[17:26:37] ChrisMH77 casts [Honor of the Pure].
[17:26:51] RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Kellan, Daring Traveler] and [Precinct Captain]
[17:26:51] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Kellan, Daring Traveler] onto the stack (Whenever Kellan, Daring Traveler attacks, reveal the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[17:27:01] RavaenMTG casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Precinct Captain].
[17:27:12] ChrisMH77 reveals [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben] with [Kellan, Daring Traveler]'s ability.
[17:27:24] Turn 8: RavaenMTG
[17:27:29] RavaenMTG plays [Canopy Vista].
[17:27:46] RavaenMTG removes a loyalty counter from [Garruk Wildspeaker].
[17:27:48] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Garruk Wildspeaker] ( Create a 3/3 green Beast creature token.).
[17:27:59] RavaenMTG's [Garruk Wildspeaker] creates a Beast Token.
[17:28:13] RavaenMTG casts [Primal Command] targeting [Honor of the Pure] (Put on top of library).
[17:28:13] Chosen mode: Put target noncreature permanent on top of its owner's library.
[17:28:13] Chosen mode: Search your library for a creature card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.
[17:28:14] RavaenMTG puts [Honor of the Pure] on top of ChrisMH77's library with [Primal Command].
[17:28:26] RavaenMTG reveals [Courser of Kruphix].
[17:28:29] RavaenMTG casts [Birds of Paradise].
[17:28:29] Turn 8: ChrisMH77
[17:28:35] ChrisMH77 casts [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben].
[17:28:43] ChrisMH77 casts [Feat of Resistance] targeting [Kellan, Daring Traveler].
[17:28:48] RavaenMTG has conceded from the game.
[17:28:48] ChrisMH77 wins the game.
Winner: ChrisMH77
Game 1 Completed.

Game 880964358

[Time] 1718202596
[17:29:57] PDBot has started watching.
[17:30:11] RavaenMTG chooses to play first.
[17:30:11] RavaenMTG begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[17:30:11] ChrisMH77 mulligans to six cards.
[17:30:13] ChrisMH77 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[17:30:14] Turn 1: RavaenMTG
[17:30:15] RavaenMTG skips their draw step.
[17:30:15] RavaenMTG plays [Brushland].
[17:30:18] RavaenMTG casts [Birds of Paradise].
[17:30:23] Turn 1: ChrisMH77
[17:30:26] ChrisMH77 plays [Plains].
[17:30:29] ChrisMH77 casts [Soldier of the Pantheon].
[17:30:30] Turn 2: RavaenMTG
[17:30:33] RavaenMTG plays [Plains].
[17:30:36] RavaenMTG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[17:31:44] RavaenMTG casts [Sylvan Library].
[17:31:51] Turn 2: ChrisMH77
[17:31:58] ChrisMH77 plays [Plains].
[17:31:59] RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Soldier of the Pantheon]
[17:32:00] ChrisMH77 casts [Kellan, Daring Traveler].
[17:32:02] Turn 3: RavaenMTG
[17:32:05] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:32:08] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:32:11] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:32:13] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:32:15] RavaenMTG plays [Forest].
[17:32:21] RavaenMTG casts [Gideon Jura].
[17:32:24] RavaenMTG removes two loyalty counters from [Gideon Jura].
[17:32:25] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting [Soldier of the Pantheon] ( Destroy target tapped creature.).
[17:32:30] Turn 3: ChrisMH77
[17:32:34] ChrisMH77 plays [Plains].
[17:32:39] RavaenMTG's [Gideon Jura] is being attacked by [Kellan, Daring Traveler]
[17:32:39] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Kellan, Daring Traveler] onto the stack (Whenever Kellan, Daring Traveler attacks, reveal the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[17:32:43] ChrisMH77 reveals [Plains] with [Kellan, Daring Traveler]'s ability.
[17:32:44] ChrisMH77 chooses not to use [Kellan, Daring Traveler]'s ability.
[17:32:51] ChrisMH77 removes two loyalty counters from [Gideon Jura].
[17:32:54] ChrisMH77 casts [Precinct Captain].
[17:33:01] Turn 4: RavaenMTG
[17:33:17] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:33:24] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:33:32] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:33:39] RavaenMTG kept a card.
[17:33:42] RavaenMTG plays [Canopy Vista].
[17:33:43] RavaenMTG puts two loyalty counters on [Gideon Jura].
[17:33:43] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting ChrisMH77 ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[17:33:53] Turn 4: ChrisMH77
[17:33:55] ChrisMH77 plays [Plains].
[17:34:03] RavaenMTG casts [Fateful Absence] targeting [Kellan, Daring Traveler].
[17:34:10] ChrisMH77 casts [Feat of Resistance] targeting [Kellan, Daring Traveler].
[17:34:12] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Kellan, Daring Traveler].
[17:34:18] RavaenMTG's [Fateful Absence] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[17:34:23] RavaenMTG's [Gideon Jura] is being attacked by [Precinct Captain] and [Kellan, Daring Traveler]
[17:34:23] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Kellan, Daring Traveler] onto the stack (Whenever Kellan, Daring Traveler attacks, reveal the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[17:34:28] ChrisMH77 reveals [Plains] with [Kellan, Daring Traveler]'s ability.
[17:34:34] [Birds of Paradise] blocks [Kellan, Daring Traveler].
[17:34:37] [Avacyn's Pilgrim] blocks [Precinct Captain].
[17:35:08] ChrisMH77 casts [Precinct Captain].
[17:35:10] Turn 5: RavaenMTG
[17:35:11] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:35:11] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:35:26] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:35:29] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:35:29] RavaenMTG plays [Canopy Vista].
[17:35:35] RavaenMTG puts two loyalty counters on [Gideon Jura].
[17:35:35] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting ChrisMH77 ( During target opponent's next turn, creatures that player controls attack Gideon Jura if able.).
[17:35:35] RavaenMTG casts [Pest Infestation]. (X is 2).
[17:35:36] RavaenMTG's [Pest Infestation] creates four Pest Tokens.
[17:35:37] Turn 5: ChrisMH77
[17:36:32] ChrisMH77 casts [Precinct Captain].
[17:36:32] ChrisMH77 casts [Luminarch Aspirant].
[17:36:33] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Luminarch Aspirant] onto the stack targeting [Kellan, Daring Traveler] (At the beginning of combat on your turn, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.).
[17:36:34] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Kellan, Daring Traveler].
[17:36:34] RavaenMTG's [Gideon Jura] is being attacked by [Precinct Captain], [Precinct Captain], and [Kellan, Daring Traveler]
[17:36:35] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Kellan, Daring Traveler] onto the stack (Whenever Kellan, Daring Traveler attacks, reveal the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[17:36:35] ChrisMH77 reveals [Plains] with [Kellan, Daring Traveler]'s ability.
[17:36:36] [Pest Token] blocks [Kellan, Daring Traveler].
[17:36:36] [Pest Token] blocks [Precinct Captain].
[17:36:37] ChrisMH77 removes two loyalty counters from [Gideon Jura].
[17:36:38] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Pest Token] onto the stack (When this creature dies, you gain 1 life.).
[17:36:38] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Pest Token] onto the stack (When this creature dies, you gain 1 life.).
[17:36:42] Turn 6: RavaenMTG
[17:36:52] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:36:54] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:36:54] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:36:54] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:36:54] RavaenMTG removes two loyalty counters from [Gideon Jura].
[17:36:54] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting [Kellan, Daring Traveler] ( Destroy target tapped creature.).
[17:36:59] RavaenMTG casts [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar].
[17:37:02] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] ( Create a 2/2 white Knight Ally creature token.).
[17:37:03] RavaenMTG's [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] creates a Knight Ally Token.
[17:37:07] RavaenMTG plays [Plains].
[17:37:10] Turn 6: ChrisMH77
[17:37:15] ChrisMH77 casts [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:37:16] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Thalia's Lieutenant] onto the stack (When Thalia's Lieutenant enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on each other Human you contr...).
[17:37:20] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Precinct Captain], [Precinct Captain], [Precinct Captain], and [Luminarch Aspirant].
[17:37:29] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Luminarch Aspirant] onto the stack targeting [Luminarch Aspirant] (At the beginning of combat on your turn, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.).
[17:37:30] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Luminarch Aspirant].
[17:37:54] RavaenMTG's [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] is being attacked by [Precinct Captain] and [Precinct Captain]
RavaenMTG's [Gideon Jura] is being attacked by [Luminarch Aspirant] and [Precinct Captain]
[17:37:58] [Pest Token] blocks [Precinct Captain].
[17:37:58] [Pest Token] blocks [Luminarch Aspirant].
[17:38:00] [Knight Ally Token] blocks [Precinct Captain].
[17:38:18] ChrisMH77 removes three loyalty counters from [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar].
[17:38:18] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Pest Token] onto the stack (When this creature dies, you gain 1 life.).
[17:38:19] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Pest Token] onto the stack (When this creature dies, you gain 1 life.).
[17:38:23] Turn 7: RavaenMTG
[17:38:25] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:38:33] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:38:40] RavaenMTG kept a card.
[17:38:43] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:38:45] RavaenMTG casts [Runed Halo].
[17:38:46] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Runed Halo[sU] has an advantageous bug.
If a card is manifested and would normally require a choice as it enters the battlefield, it incorrectly prompts you for that choice
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Runed Halo` or `!notbugged Runed Halo`
[17:38:51] RavaenMTG names Precinct Captain for [Runed Halo].
[17:39:13] RavaenMTG removes two loyalty counters from [Gideon Jura].
[17:39:16] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon Jura] targeting [Luminarch Aspirant] ( Destroy target tapped creature.).
[17:39:19] RavaenMTG puts a loyalty counter on [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar].
[17:39:19] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] ( Until end of turn, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar becomes a 5/5 Human Soldier Ally creature with indest...).
[17:39:22] ChrisMH77 is being attacked by [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar]
[17:39:22] Turn 7: ChrisMH77
[17:39:23] ChrisMH77 plays [Plains].
[17:39:42] RavaenMTG's [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar] is being attacked by [Precinct Captain] and [Precinct Captain]
RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Thalia's Lieutenant] and [Precinct Captain]
[17:39:45] ChrisMH77 removes two loyalty counters from [Gideon, Ally of Zendikar].
[17:39:48] Turn 8: RavaenMTG
[17:39:51] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:40:07] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:40:11] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:40:18] RavaenMTG kept a card.
[17:40:20] RavaenMTG plays [Forest].
[17:40:30] RavaenMTG casts [Heart of Kiran].
[17:41:03] RavaenMTG casts [Knight of Autumn].
[17:41:03] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Knight of Autumn] onto the stack (Put two +1/+1 counters on Knight of Autumn.).
[17:41:04] RavaenMTG puts two +1/+1 counters on [Knight of Autumn].
[17:41:08] Turn 8: ChrisMH77
[17:42:00] RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Thalia's Lieutenant], [Precinct Captain], and [Precinct Captain]
[17:42:10] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Heart of Kiran] (Crew 3).
[17:42:28] [Heart of Kiran] blocks [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:42:33] Turn 9: RavaenMTG
[17:42:34] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:42:52] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:42:54] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:42:56] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:43:00] RavaenMTG plays [Forest].
[17:43:08] Turn 9: ChrisMH77
[17:43:17] ChrisMH77 casts [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:43:31] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Thalia's Lieutenant] onto the stack (When Thalia's Lieutenant enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on each other Human you contr...).
[17:43:36] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Precinct Captain], [Precinct Captain], and [Precinct Captain].
[17:43:41] Turn 10: RavaenMTG
[17:43:42] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:43:43] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:43:49] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:43:56] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:43:57] RavaenMTG plays [Forest].
[17:44:12] Turn 10: ChrisMH77
[17:44:19] ChrisMH77 casts [Honor of the Pure].
[17:45:04] Turn 11: RavaenMTG
[17:45:05] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:45:22] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:45:23] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:45:24] RavaenMTG kept a card.
[17:45:26] RavaenMTG plays [Plains].
[17:45:40] Turn 11: ChrisMH77
[17:45:48] ChrisMH77 casts [Force of Virtue].
[17:46:04] Turn 12: RavaenMTG
[17:46:11] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:46:22] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:46:28] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:46:29] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:46:34] Turn 12: ChrisMH77
[17:46:47] ChrisMH77 casts [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben].
[17:46:48] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Thalia's Lieutenant] onto the stack (Whenever another Human enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Thalia's ...).
[17:46:49] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:47:21] RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Thalia's Lieutenant]
[17:47:38] RavaenMTG activates an ability of [Heart of Kiran] (Crew 3).
[17:47:52] ChrisMH77 casts [Feat of Resistance] targeting [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:47:52] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:48:12] [Heart of Kiran] blocks [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:48:17] Turn 13: RavaenMTG
[17:48:17] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:48:22] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:48:27] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:48:32] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:48:33] RavaenMTG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[17:48:41] Turn 13: ChrisMH77
[17:49:21] ChrisMH77 casts [Luminarch Aspirant].
[17:49:23] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Thalia's Lieutenant] onto the stack (Whenever another Human enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Thalia's ...).
[17:49:24] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:49:36] ChrisMH77 puts triggered ability from [Luminarch Aspirant] onto the stack targeting [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben] (At the beginning of combat on your turn, put a +1/+1 counter on target creature you control.).
[17:49:37] ChrisMH77 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben].
[17:49:39] RavaenMTG is being attacked by [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben] and [Thalia's Lieutenant]
[17:49:43] [Knight of Autumn] blocks [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[17:49:44] [Avacyn's Pilgrim] blocks [Thalia, Guardian of Thraben].
[17:49:52] RavaenMTG casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Knight of Autumn].
[17:50:12] Turn 14: RavaenMTG
[17:50:13] RavaenMTG puts triggered ability from [Sylvan Library] onto the stack (At the beginning of your draw step, you may draw two additional cards. If you do, choose two cards...).
[17:50:15] RavaenMTG draws two cards with [Sylvan Library]'s ability.
[17:50:17] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:50:38] RavaenMTG put a card on top of RavaenMTG's library.
[17:50:44] RavaenMTG has conceded from the game.
[17:50:44] ChrisMH77 wins the game.
Winner: ChrisMH77
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: ChrisMH77: 2–0
[17:50:44] RavaenMTG draws their next card.
[17:50:45] RavaenMTG draws their next card.
[17:50:45] RavaenMTG draws their next card.
[17:50:45] RavaenMTG draws their next card.
[17:50:45] RavaenMTG draws their next card.
[17:50:45] RavaenMTG draws their next card.
[17:50:45] RavaenMTG has left the game.