PDBot Stats

Game 879975830

[Time] 1717339887
[17:51:29] PDBot has started watching.
[17:51:29] liebkne joined the game.
[17:51:29] Klaus_Vangliff joined the game.
[League] Bant Plot by liebkne (243850) vs The Rock by klaus_vangliff (243847)
[17:51:30] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[17:51:36] Klaus_Vangliff chooses to play first.
[17:51:43] Klaus_Vangliff begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[17:51:47] liebkne begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[17:51:47] Turn 1: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:51:48] Klaus_Vangliff skips their draw step.
[17:51:50] Klaus_Vangliff plays [Swamp].
[17:51:54] Turn 1: liebkne
[17:51:57] liebkne plays [Forest].
[17:52:02] liebkne casts [Heart's Desire].
[17:52:18] liebkne's [Heart's Desire] creates a Human Token.
[17:52:30] Turn 2: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:52:35] Klaus_Vangliff plays [Swamp].
[17:52:37] Klaus_Vangliff casts [Dark Confidant].
[17:52:43] Turn 2: liebkne
[17:52:47] liebkne plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[17:52:53] liebkne casts [Feral Encounter].
[17:53:00] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Feral Encounter] onto the stack targeting [Human Token], and [Dark Confidant] (At the beginning of the next combat phase this turn, target creature you control deals damage equa...).
[17:53:03] Klaus_Vangliff is being attacked by [Human Token]
[17:53:09] Turn 3: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:53:19] Turn 3: liebkne
[17:53:24] liebkne plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[17:53:30] liebkne casts [Shardless Agent].
[17:53:31] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Shardless Agent] onto the stack (Cascade).
[17:53:36] liebkne reveals [Avacyn's Pilgrim] with [Shardless Agent].
[17:53:38] liebkne casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[17:53:47] Klaus_Vangliff is being attacked by [Human Token]
[17:54:09] Klaus_Vangliff casts [Erebos's Intervention] targeting [Avacyn's Pilgrim] (-X/-X). (X is 1).
[17:54:09] Chosen mode: Target creature gets -X/-X until end of turn. You gain X life.
[17:54:16] Turn 4: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:54:24] Klaus_Vangliff has conceded from the game.
[17:54:24] liebkne wins the game.
Winner: liebkne
Game 1 Completed.

Game 879976118

[Time] 1717340101
[17:55:02] PDBot has started watching.
[17:55:08] Klaus_Vangliff begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[17:55:16] liebkne mulligans to six cards.
[17:55:29] liebkne puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[17:55:29] Turn 1: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:55:29] Klaus_Vangliff skips their draw step.
[17:55:40] Klaus_Vangliff plays [Llanowar Wastes].
[17:55:43] Klaus_Vangliff casts [Birds of Paradise].
[17:55:47] Turn 1: liebkne
[17:55:49] liebkne plays [Forest].
[17:55:51] liebkne casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[17:55:53] Turn 2: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:55:58] Klaus_Vangliff plays [Hissing Quagmire].
[17:56:04] Klaus_Vangliff casts [Abrupt Decay] targeting [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[17:56:09] Turn 2: liebkne
[17:56:11] liebkne plays [Seaside Citadel].
[17:56:14] Turn 3: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:56:24] Klaus_Vangliff casts [Tireless Tracker].
[17:56:31] Turn 3: liebkne
[17:56:36] liebkne plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[17:56:43] liebkne casts [Extraordinary Journey]. (X is 0).
[17:56:47] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Extraordinary Journey] onto the stack (When Extraordinary Journey enters the battlefield, exile up to X target creatures. For each of tho...).
[17:56:52] Turn 4: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:57:10] Klaus_Vangliff casts [Abrupt Decay] targeting [Extraordinary Journey].
[17:57:17] liebkne is being attacked by [Tireless Tracker]
[17:57:27] Turn 4: liebkne
[17:57:29] liebkne plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[17:57:35] liebkne casts [Extraordinary Journey]. (X is 1).
[17:57:40] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Extraordinary Journey] onto the stack targeting [Tireless Tracker] (When Extraordinary Journey enters the battlefield, exile up to X target creatures. For each of tho...).
[17:58:03] Turn 5: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:58:15] Klaus_Vangliff casts [Tireless Tracker].
[17:58:17] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Extraordinary Journey] onto the stack (Whenever one or more nontoken creatures enter the battlefield, if one or more of them entered from...).
[17:58:18] liebkne draws a card with [Extraordinary Journey]'s ability.
[17:58:23] Turn 5: liebkne
[17:58:28] liebkne plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[17:58:42] liebkne casts [Feral Encounter].
[17:58:52] liebkne casts [Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius].
[17:58:53] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Extraordinary Journey] onto the stack (Whenever one or more nontoken creatures enter the battlefield, if one or more of them entered from...).
[17:58:55] liebkne draws a card with [Extraordinary Journey]'s ability.
[17:58:59] liebkne casts [Heart's Desire].
[17:58:59] liebkne's [Heart's Desire] creates a Human Token.
[17:59:05] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Feral Encounter] onto the stack targeting [Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius], and [Tireless Tracker] (At the beginning of the next combat phase this turn, target creature you control deals damage equa...).
[17:59:10] Turn 6: Klaus_Vangliff
[17:59:15] Klaus_Vangliff plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[17:59:31] Klaus_Vangliff casts [Abrupt Decay] targeting [Doc Aurlock, Grizzled Genius].
[17:59:43] Turn 6: liebkne
[17:59:46] liebkne plays [Forest].
[17:59:50] liebkne casts [Lovestruck Beast].
[17:59:53] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Extraordinary Journey] onto the stack (Whenever one or more nontoken creatures enter the battlefield, if one or more of them entered from...).
[17:59:56] liebkne draws a card with [Extraordinary Journey]'s ability.
[18:00:02] [Beastbond Outcaster] becomes plotted.
[18:00:05] Klaus_Vangliff is being attacked by [Human Token]
[18:00:18] Turn 7: Klaus_Vangliff
[18:00:33] Klaus_Vangliff casts [Vraska, Golgari Queen].
[18:00:41] Klaus_Vangliff removes three loyalty counters from [Vraska, Golgari Queen].
[18:00:41] Klaus_Vangliff activates an ability of [Vraska, Golgari Queen] targeting [Extraordinary Journey] ( Destroy target nonland permanent with mana value 3 or less.).
[18:00:48] Turn 7: liebkne
[18:00:55] liebkne casts [Shardless Agent].
[18:00:55] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Shardless Agent] onto the stack (Cascade).
[18:00:57] liebkne reveals [Avacyn's Pilgrim] with [Shardless Agent].
[18:00:59] liebkne casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[18:01:06] liebkne casts [Beastbond Outcaster].
[18:01:07] liebkne puts triggered ability from [Beastbond Outcaster] onto the stack (When Beastbond Outcaster enters the battlefield, if you control a creature with power 4 or greater...).
[18:01:08] liebkne draws a card with [Beastbond Outcaster]'s ability.
[18:01:11] liebkne plays [Seaside Citadel].
[18:01:16] Klaus_Vangliff's [Vraska, Golgari Queen] is being attacked by [Human Token]
Klaus_Vangliff is being attacked by [Lovestruck Beast]
[18:01:20] liebkne removes a loyalty counter from [Vraska, Golgari Queen].
[18:01:24] Turn 8: Klaus_Vangliff
[18:01:33] Klaus_Vangliff has conceded from the game.
[18:01:33] liebkne wins the game.
Winner: liebkne
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: liebkne: 2–0