PDBot Stats

Game 879319762

[Time] 1716774577
[11:49:38] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Duplicate Pairing: Glimpse v2 by erikadrien (243322) vs Temur-Glimpse by _onecurlyboy (243373)
[11:49:41] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] This is not a valid League pairing!
[11:49:41] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] You have both already played each other with these decks.
[11:49:47] _oneCurlyBoy has conceded from the game.
[11:49:47] ErikAdrien wins the game.
[11:49:47] _oneCurlyBoy has lost connection to the game.
Winner: ErikAdrien
Game 1 Completed.