PDBot Stats

Game 879274168

[Time] 1716746727
[04:05:28] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Selesnya Midrange by cippdogg (243362) vs Fires by bobthebalder (243364)
[04:05:32] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[04:06:33] CIPPDOGG chooses to play first.
[04:06:37] CIPPDOGG begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:06:39] BobtheBalder begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:06:39] Turn 1: CIPPDOGG
[04:06:41] CIPPDOGG skips their draw step.
[04:06:42] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[04:06:43] CIPPDOGG casts [Birds of Paradise].
[04:06:46] Turn 1: BobtheBalder
[04:06:49] BobtheBalder plays [Seaside Citadel].
[04:06:50] Turn 2: CIPPDOGG
[04:06:55] CIPPDOGG plays [Wooded Bastion].
[04:07:01] CIPPDOGG casts [Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar].
[04:07:04] Turn 2: BobtheBalder
[04:07:09] BobtheBalder plays [Celestial Colonnade].
[04:07:13] BobtheBalder casts [Dig Up].
[04:07:19] BobtheBalder reveals [Swamp].
[04:07:21] Turn 3: CIPPDOGG
[04:07:24] CIPPDOGG plays [Plains].
[04:07:28] BobtheBalder is being attacked by [Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar]
[04:07:39] CIPPDOGG casts [Sigarda, Font of Blessings].
[04:07:43] Turn 3: BobtheBalder
[04:07:52] BobtheBalder discards [Scattered Groves].
[04:07:52] BobtheBalder cycles [Scattered Groves].
[04:07:54] BobtheBalder plays [Rootbound Crag].
[04:07:56] Turn 4: CIPPDOGG
[04:08:04] CIPPDOGG plays [Brushland].
[04:08:09] BobtheBalder is being attacked by [Sigarda, Font of Blessings] and [Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar]
[04:08:16] Turn 4: BobtheBalder
[04:08:20] BobtheBalder plays [Mountain].
[04:08:23] BobtheBalder casts [Fires of Invention].
[04:08:29] BobtheBalder casts [Wrath of God] using an alternate cost.
[04:08:37] Turn 5: CIPPDOGG
[04:08:48] CIPPDOGG casts [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[04:08:48] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Vivien, Champion of the Wilds[sU] has a graphical bug.
If Vivien, Champion of the Wilds exiles a creature with flash, it incorrectly also displays that it has flash in blue text.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Vivien, Champion of the Wilds` or `!notbugged Vivien, Champion of the Wilds`
[04:08:56] CIPPDOGG puts a loyalty counter on [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds].
[04:08:56] CIPPDOGG activates an ability of [Vivien, Champion of the Wilds] ( Until your next turn, up to one target creature gains vigilance and reach.).
[04:09:00] Turn 5: BobtheBalder
[04:09:10] BobtheBalder plays [Swamp].
[04:09:13] BobtheBalder casts [Escape to the Wilds] using an alternate cost.
[04:09:27] BobtheBalder plays [Nimbus Maze].
[04:09:32] BobtheBalder casts [Kenrith, the Returned King] using an alternate cost.
[04:09:38] CIPPDOGG has conceded from the game.
[04:09:38] BobtheBalder wins the game.
Winner: BobtheBalder
Game 1 Completed.
[04:09:43] CIPPDOGG has left the game.

Game 879274620

[Time] 1716747018
[04:10:19] PDBot has started watching.
[04:10:21] CIPPDOGG chooses to play first.
[04:10:24] CIPPDOGG mulligans to six cards.
[04:10:26] BobtheBalder begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:10:33] CIPPDOGG puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:10:33] Turn 1: CIPPDOGG
[04:10:35] CIPPDOGG skips their draw step.
[04:10:36] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[04:10:38] CIPPDOGG casts [Avacyn's Pilgrim].
[04:10:41] Turn 1: BobtheBalder
[04:10:44] BobtheBalder plays [Seaside Citadel].
[04:10:45] Turn 2: CIPPDOGG
[04:10:48] CIPPDOGG plays [Wooded Bastion].
[04:10:52] CIPPDOGG casts [Kutzil, Malamet Exemplar].
[04:10:55] Turn 2: BobtheBalder
[04:11:00] BobtheBalder plays [Plains].
[04:11:04] BobtheBalder casts [Fae of Wishes].
[04:11:06] Turn 3: CIPPDOGG
[04:11:14] CIPPDOGG plays [Forest].
[04:11:22] CIPPDOGG casts [Birds of Paradise].
[04:11:28] Turn 3: BobtheBalder
[04:11:51] BobtheBalder plays [Clifftop Retreat].
[04:12:15] Turn 4: CIPPDOGG
[04:12:28] BobtheBalder discards [Timeless Dragon].
[04:12:28] BobtheBalder cycles [Timeless Dragon].
[04:12:34] BobtheBalder reveals [Plains].
[04:12:37] Turn 4: BobtheBalder
[04:12:44] BobtheBalder plays [Nimbus Maze].
[04:12:50] BobtheBalder exiles [Timeless Dragon] with [Timeless Dragon]'s ability.
[04:12:50] BobtheBalder activates an ability of [Timeless Dragon] (Eternalize {2WW}).
[04:12:53] BobtheBalder's [Timeless Dragon] creates a Timeless Dragon.
[04:12:58] Turn 5: CIPPDOGG
[04:13:08] CIPPDOGG casts [Boromir, Warden of the Tower].
[04:13:14] Turn 5: BobtheBalder
[04:13:27] CIPPDOGG is being attacked by [Timeless Dragon] and [Fae of Wishes]
[04:13:33] [Birds of Paradise] blocks [Timeless Dragon].
[04:13:41] BobtheBalder plays [Island].
[04:13:46] BobtheBalder casts [Timeless Dragon].
[04:13:51] Turn 6: CIPPDOGG
[04:13:55] CIPPDOGG plays [Wooded Bastion].
[04:13:58] CIPPDOGG has conceded from the game.
[04:13:58] BobtheBalder wins the game.
Winner: BobtheBalder
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: BobtheBalder: 2–0