PDBot Stats

Game 878620542

[Time] 1716230303
[04:38:24] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Loreblast by _onecurlyboy (242926) vs Azoryorion by pigmax (242921)
[04:38:27] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[04:38:29] [CHAT] _oneCurlyBoy: hf gl
[04:38:31] Pigmax chooses to play first.
[04:38:39] [CHAT] Pigmax: you too!
[04:38:43] Pigmax begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:38:45] _oneCurlyBoy mulligans to six cards.
[04:39:01] _oneCurlyBoy puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:39:01] Turn 1: Pigmax
[04:39:04] Pigmax skips their draw step.
[04:39:05] Pigmax plays [Emeria, the Sky Ruin].
[04:39:10] Turn 1: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:39:21] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Hidden Volcano].
[04:39:24] Turn 2: Pigmax
[04:39:28] Pigmax plays [Plains].
[04:39:33] Turn 2: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:39:38] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Bristling Backwoods].
[04:39:39] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Bristling Backwoods] onto the stack targeting Pigmax (When Bristling Backwoods enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to target opponent.).
[04:39:45] Turn 3: Pigmax
[04:39:48] Pigmax plays [Plains].
[04:39:55] Turn 3: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:40:01] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Bristling Backwoods].
[04:40:02] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Bristling Backwoods] onto the stack targeting Pigmax (When Bristling Backwoods enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to target opponent.).
[04:40:11] Turn 4: Pigmax
[04:40:14] Pigmax plays [Plains].
[04:40:20] Turn 4: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:40:27] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Swamp].
[04:40:31] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Geological Appraiser].
[04:40:34] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Geological Appraiser] onto the stack (When Geological Appraiser enters the battlefield, if you cast it, discover 3.).
[04:40:37] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 7 cards with [Geological Appraiser]'s ability: [Soured Springs], [Jagged Barrens], [Down/Dirty], [Abraded Bluffs], [Geological Appraiser], [Hidden Volcano], and [Calibrated Blast].
[04:40:40] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Calibrated Blast].
[04:40:44] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 2 cards with [Calibrated Blast]: [Mountain] and [Calibrated Blast].
[04:40:52] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Calibrated Blast] onto the stack targeting Pigmax (When you reveal a nonland card this way, Calibrated Blast deals damage equal to that card's mana v...).
[04:41:03] Pigmax casts [Path to Exile] targeting [Geological Appraiser].
[04:41:11] Turn 5: Pigmax
[04:41:15] Pigmax casts [Novice Inspector].
[04:41:17] Pigmax puts triggered ability from [Novice Inspector] onto the stack (When Novice Inspector enters the battlefield, investigate.).
[04:41:20] Pigmax investigates.
[04:41:21] Pigmax's [Novice Inspector] creates a Clue Token.
[04:41:23] Pigmax casts [Guardian of Ghirapur].
[04:41:27] Pigmax puts triggered ability from [Guardian of Ghirapur] onto the stack targeting [Novice Inspector] (When Guardian of Ghirapur enters the battlefield, exile up to one other target creature or artifac...).
[04:41:33] Pigmax puts triggered ability from [Guardian of Ghirapur] onto the stack (Return Novice Inspector to the battlefield under Novice Inspector owner's control at the beginning...).
[04:41:39] Pigmax puts triggered ability from [Novice Inspector] onto the stack (When Novice Inspector enters the battlefield, investigate.).
[04:41:41] Pigmax investigates.
[04:41:41] Pigmax's [Novice Inspector] creates a Clue Token.
[04:41:47] Turn 5: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:41:55] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Calibrated Blast].
[04:41:55] _oneCurlyBoy reveals [Blinkmoth Infusion] with [Calibrated Blast].
[04:41:59] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Calibrated Blast] onto the stack targeting Pigmax (When you reveal a nonland card this way, Calibrated Blast deals damage equal to that card's mana v...).
[04:42:10] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Graven Cairns].
[04:42:41] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Dirty] targeting [Calibrated Blast].
[04:42:41] _oneCurlyBoy returns [Calibrated Blast] to its owner's hand with [Dirty].
[04:42:47] Turn 6: Pigmax
[04:42:51] Pigmax casts [Spirited Companion].
[04:42:52] Pigmax puts triggered ability from [Spirited Companion] onto the stack (When Spirited Companion enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[04:42:55] Pigmax draws a card with [Spirited Companion]'s ability.
[04:42:57] Pigmax plays [Plains].
[04:43:04] Pigmax has conceded from the game.
[04:43:04] _oneCurlyBoy wins the game.
Winner: _oneCurlyBoy
Game 1 Completed.

Game 878621132

[Time] 1716230626
[04:43:47] PDBot has started watching.
[04:43:55] Pigmax begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:43:58] _oneCurlyBoy begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:43:58] Turn 1: Pigmax
[04:44:00] Pigmax skips their draw step.
[04:44:01] Pigmax plays [Emeria, the Sky Ruin].
[04:44:06] Turn 1: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:44:11] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Eroded Canyon].
[04:44:11] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Eroded Canyon] onto the stack targeting Pigmax (When Eroded Canyon enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to target opponent.).
[04:44:18] Turn 2: Pigmax
[04:44:21] Pigmax plays [Plains].
[04:44:24] Turn 2: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:44:29] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Jagged Barrens].
[04:44:29] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Jagged Barrens] onto the stack targeting Pigmax (When Jagged Barrens enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to target opponent.).
[04:44:35] Turn 3: Pigmax
[04:44:38] Pigmax plays [Island].
[04:44:44] Turn 3: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:44:50] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Raging Ravine].
[04:44:56] Turn 4: Pigmax
[04:44:59] Pigmax plays [Glacial Fortress].
[04:45:09] Turn 4: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:45:17] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Stensia Bloodhall].
[04:45:21] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Geological Appraiser].
[04:45:25] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Geological Appraiser] onto the stack (When Geological Appraiser enters the battlefield, if you cast it, discover 3.).
[04:45:32] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 11 cards with [Geological Appraiser]'s ability: [Swamp], [Volcanic Salvo], [Swamp], [Autochthon Wurm], [Down/Dirty], [Volcanic Salvo], [Eroded Canyon], [Mountain], [Shadow of Mortality], [Billiard Room], and 
[04:45:32] [Calibrated Blast].
[04:45:35] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Calibrated Blast].
[04:45:43] Pigmax casts [Venser, Shaper Savant].
[04:45:52] Pigmax puts triggered ability from [Venser, Shaper Savant] onto the stack targeting [Calibrated Blast] (When Venser, Shaper Savant enters the battlefield, return target spell or permanent to its owner's...).
[04:45:55] Pigmax returns [Calibrated Blast] to its owner's hand with [Venser, Shaper Savant]'s ability.
[04:46:02] Turn 5: Pigmax
[04:46:05] Pigmax plays [Celestial Colonnade].
[04:46:13] Turn 5: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:46:19] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Field of the Dead].
[04:46:20] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Field of the Dead[sU] has an avoidable game breaking bug.
If a lot of triggers (20+) go on the stack, the game may reset
[04:46:31] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Geological Appraiser].
[04:46:34] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Geological Appraiser] onto the stack (When Geological Appraiser enters the battlefield, if you cast it, discover 3.).
[04:46:37] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 11 cards with [Geological Appraiser]'s ability: [Raging Ravine], [Mountain], [Down/Dirty], [Blinkmoth Infusion], [Autochthon Wurm], [Shadow of Mortality], [Hidden Volcano], [Down/Dirty], [Blinkmoth Infusion], [Bristling Backwoods], and 
[04:46:37] [Calibrated Blast].
[04:46:41] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Calibrated Blast].
[04:46:51] Pigmax casts [Restoration Angel].
[04:46:54] Pigmax puts triggered ability from [Restoration Angel] onto the stack targeting [Venser, Shaper Savant] (When Restoration Angel enters the battlefield, you may exile target non-Angel creature you control...).
[04:47:02] Pigmax puts triggered ability from [Venser, Shaper Savant] onto the stack targeting [Calibrated Blast] (When Venser, Shaper Savant enters the battlefield, return target spell or permanent to its owner's...).
[04:47:05] Pigmax returns [Calibrated Blast] to its owner's hand with [Venser, Shaper Savant]'s ability.
[04:47:12] Turn 6: Pigmax
[04:47:17] Pigmax plays [Plains].
[04:47:30] Turn 6: _oneCurlyBoy
[04:47:39] _oneCurlyBoy plays [Stensia Bloodhall].
[04:47:44] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Calibrated Blast].
[04:47:46] _oneCurlyBoy reveals [Volcanic Salvo] with [Calibrated Blast].
[04:47:49] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Calibrated Blast] onto the stack targeting Pigmax (When you reveal a nonland card this way, Calibrated Blast deals damage equal to that card's mana v...).
[04:47:57] _oneCurlyBoy casts [Calibrated Blast].
[04:48:07] Pigmax casts [Swift Spiral] targeting [Venser, Shaper Savant].
[04:48:20] _oneCurlyBoy reveals 7 cards with [Calibrated Blast]: [Mountain], [Mountain], [Field of the Dead], [Field of the Dead], [Eroded Canyon], [Abraded Bluffs], and [Autochthon Wurm].
[04:48:24] _oneCurlyBoy puts triggered ability from [Calibrated Blast] onto the stack targeting Pigmax (When you reveal a nonland card this way, Calibrated Blast deals damage equal to that card's mana v...).
[04:48:32] _oneCurlyBoy wins the game.
Winner: _oneCurlyBoy
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: _oneCurlyBoy: 2–0