PDBot Stats

Game 878350214

[Time] 1716042799
[00:33:20] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Control by shaneyoung (242693) vs Paradoxical2 by laherparepvec (242758)
[00:33:23] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[00:33:26] Laherparepvec chooses to play first.
[00:33:28] Laherparepvec begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:33:42] [CHAT] Laherparepvec: hi
[00:33:43] [CHAT] Laherparepvec: glhf
[00:38:29] Shaneyoung has lost the game due to inaction.
[00:38:29] Laherparepvec wins the game.
Winner: Laherparepvec
Game 1 Completed.
[00:38:43] Laherparepvec has left the game.