PDBot Stats

Game 878196586

[Time] 1715925925
[09:05:26] PDBot has started watching.
[09:05:26] TheWatchWander joined the game.
[League] Trawler by thewatchwander (242647) vs Gauldenwahn's Esper Control Now With Demonic Trawlers by thewanderingplaneswa (242615)
[09:05:28] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[09:05:30] TheWatchWander chooses to play first.
[09:05:33] TheWatchWander begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:05:36] TheWanderinGPlaneswa mulligans to six cards.
[09:05:39] TheWanderinGPlaneswa mulligans to five cards.
[09:05:50] TheWanderinGPlaneswa mulligans to four cards.
[09:06:04] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts three cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with four cards in hand.
[09:06:04] Turn 1: TheWatchWander
[09:06:04] TheWatchWander skips their draw step.
[09:06:06] TheWatchWander plays [Glacial Fortress].
[09:06:08] Turn 1: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:06:10] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Temple of Enlightenment].
[09:06:10] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Temple of Enlightenment] onto the stack (When Temple of Enlightenment enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[09:06:12] TheWanderinGPlaneswa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[09:06:14] Turn 2: TheWatchWander
[09:06:16] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[09:06:18] Turn 2: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:06:23] [CHAT] TheWanderinGPlaneswa: first 3 mulligans had like no lands lol
[09:06:25] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Island].
[09:06:31] TheWatchWander discards [Irrigated Farmland].
[09:06:31] TheWatchWander cycles [Irrigated Farmland].
[09:06:34] Turn 3: TheWatchWander
[09:06:54] TheWatchWander plays [Plains].
[09:07:00] Turn 3: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:07:01] [CHAT] TheWatchWander: uw is supposed to play 26 lands
[09:07:05] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Island].
[09:07:10] Turn 4: TheWatchWander
[09:07:12] TheWatchWander plays [Castle Vantress].
[09:07:20] Turn 4: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:07:23] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Plains].
[09:07:28] Turn 5: TheWatchWander
[09:07:30] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[09:07:49] Turn 5: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:07:53] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Obscura Storefront].
[09:07:53] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When Obscura Storefront enters the battlefield, sacrifice it. When you do, search your library for...).
[09:07:56] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Obscura Storefront] onto the stack (When you sacrifice Obscura Storefront, search your library for a basic Plains, Island, or Swamp ca...).
[09:08:16] TheWatchWander activates an ability of [Castle Vantress] ( Scry 2.).
[09:08:21] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Deduce].
[09:08:22] TheWanderinGPlaneswa draws a card with [Deduce].
[09:08:22] TheWanderinGPlaneswa investigates.
[09:08:22] TheWanderinGPlaneswa's [Deduce] creates a Clue Token.
[09:08:29] TheWatchWander scrys 2 (0 top, 2 bottom).
[09:08:30] Turn 6: TheWatchWander
[09:08:32] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[09:08:38] Turn 6: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:08:40] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays TheWatchWander.
[09:08:46] TheWatchWander activates an ability of [Castle Vantress] ( Scry 2.).
[09:08:51] TheWatchWander scrys 2 (1 top, 1 bottom).
[09:08:52] Turn 7: TheWatchWander
[09:08:54] TheWatchWander plays [Mystic Gate].
[09:09:00] TheWanderinGPlaneswa activates an ability of [Clue Token] ( Draw a card.).
[09:09:01] TheWanderinGPlaneswa draws a card with [Clue Token]'s ability.
[09:09:03] Turn 7: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:09:06] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Celestial Colonnade].
[09:09:12] TheWatchWander activates an ability of [Castle Vantress] ( Scry 2.).
[09:09:17] TheWatchWander scrys 2 (0 top, 2 bottom).
[09:09:18] Turn 8: TheWatchWander
[09:09:19] TheWatchWander plays [Glacial Fortress].
[09:09:25] Turn 8: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:09:28] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Island].
[09:09:36] TheWatchWander activates an ability of [Castle Vantress] ( Scry 2.).
[09:09:50] TheWatchWander scrys 2 (2 top, 0 bottom).
[09:09:52] Turn 9: TheWatchWander
[09:09:55] TheWatchWander casts [Search for Azcanta].
[09:10:01] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Absorb] targeting [Search for Azcanta].
[09:10:12] TheWatchWander casts [Absorb] targeting [Absorb].
[09:10:20] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [No More Lies] targeting [Absorb].
[09:10:36] Turn 9: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:10:42] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Repeal] targeting [Search for Azcanta]. (X is 2).
[09:10:42] TheWanderinGPlaneswa returns [Search for Azcanta] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[09:10:42] TheWanderinGPlaneswa draws a card with [Repeal].
[09:10:46] TheWanderinGPlaneswa has conceded from the game.
[09:10:46] TheWatchWander wins the game.
Winner: TheWatchWander
Game 1 Completed.

Game 878196964

[Time] 1715926313
[09:11:54] PDBot has started watching.
[09:11:55] TheWanderinGPlaneswa chooses to play first.
[09:11:58] TheWanderinGPlaneswa begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:12:04] TheWatchWander begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:12:04] Turn 1: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:12:05] TheWanderinGPlaneswa skips their draw step.
[09:12:06] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Irrigated Farmland].
[09:12:07] Turn 1: TheWatchWander
[09:12:09] TheWatchWander plays [Plains].
[09:12:10] TheWatchWander casts [Novice Inspector].
[09:12:11] TheWatchWander puts triggered ability from [Novice Inspector] onto the stack (When Novice Inspector enters the battlefield, investigate.).
[09:12:11] TheWatchWander investigates.
[09:12:11] TheWatchWander's [Novice Inspector] creates a Clue Token.
[09:12:13] Turn 2: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:12:15] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Swamp].
[09:12:17] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Search for Azcanta].
[09:12:19] Turn 2: TheWatchWander
[09:12:21] TheWatchWander plays [Glacial Fortress].
[09:12:25] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Novice Inspector]
[09:12:27] Turn 3: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:12:27] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...).
[09:12:32] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts 1 card on top of their library.
[09:12:37] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Celestial Colonnade].
[09:12:43] TheWatchWander activates an ability of [Clue Token] ( Draw a card.).
[09:12:49] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Deduce].
[09:12:50] TheWanderinGPlaneswa draws a card with [Deduce].
[09:12:50] TheWanderinGPlaneswa investigates.
[09:12:50] TheWanderinGPlaneswa's [Deduce] creates a Clue Token.
[09:12:51] TheWatchWander draws a card with [Clue Token]'s ability.
[09:12:53] Turn 3: TheWatchWander
[09:12:55] TheWatchWander plays [Irrigated Farmland].
[09:12:57] TheWatchWander casts [Thaumatic Compass].
[09:13:00] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Novice Inspector]
[09:13:01] Turn 4: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:13:02] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...).
[09:13:06] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts [Glacial Fortress] into their graveyard.
[09:13:23] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Temple of Silence].
[09:13:23] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Temple of Silence] onto the stack (When Temple of Silence enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[09:13:26] TheWanderinGPlaneswa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[09:13:29] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Repeal] targeting [Thaumatic Compass]. (X is 2).
[09:13:29] TheWanderinGPlaneswa returns [Thaumatic Compass] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[09:13:29] TheWanderinGPlaneswa draws a card with [Repeal].
[09:13:31] Turn 4: TheWatchWander
[09:13:34] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[09:13:39] TheWatchWander casts [Heliod's Intervention] targeting [Search for Azcanta], and [Clue Token]. (X is 2).
[09:13:39] Chosen mode: Destroy X target artifacts and/or enchantments.
[09:13:44] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Novice Inspector]
[09:13:46] Turn 5: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:13:52] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Mystic Gate].
[09:13:55] Turn 5: TheWatchWander
[09:13:58] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[09:14:02] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Novice Inspector]
[09:14:08] Turn 6: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:14:14] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Island].
[09:14:16] TheWatchWander discards [Irrigated Farmland].
[09:14:17] TheWatchWander cycles [Irrigated Farmland].
[09:14:21] TheWatchWander discards [Irrigated Farmland].
[09:14:21] TheWatchWander cycles [Irrigated Farmland].
[09:14:24] Turn 6: TheWatchWander
[09:14:26] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[09:14:34] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Novice Inspector]
[09:14:42] TheWatchWander casts [Thaumatic Compass].
[09:15:07] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Phantom Interference] targeting [Thaumatic Compass].
[09:15:07] Chosen mode: {3}  Create a 2/2 white Spirit creature token with flying.
[09:15:07] Chosen mode: {1}  Counter target spell unless its controller pays {2}.
[09:15:21] TheWatchWander casts [Spell Pierce] targeting [Phantom Interference].
[09:15:30] Turn 7: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:15:45] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Detention Sphere].
[09:15:50] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Detention Sphere] onto the stack targeting [Thaumatic Compass] (When Detention Sphere enters the battlefield, you may exile target nonland permanent not named Det...).
[09:15:56] TheWatchWander activates an ability of [Thaumatic Compass] ( Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[09:15:58] TheWatchWander reveals [Island].
[09:16:06] Turn 7: TheWatchWander
[09:16:10] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[09:16:12] TheWatchWander casts [Jace, Architect of Thought].
[09:16:23] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Absorb] targeting [Jace, Architect of Thought].
[09:16:29] TheWanderinGPlaneswa is being attacked by [Novice Inspector]
[09:16:30] Turn 8: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:16:46] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Damn] targeting [Novice Inspector].
[09:16:51] Turn 8: TheWatchWander
[09:16:53] TheWatchWander plays TheWanderinGPlaneswa.
[09:16:59] TheWatchWander casts [Approach of the Second Sun].
[09:17:08] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [No More Lies] targeting [Approach of the Second Sun].
[09:17:15] Turn 9: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:17:17] TheWanderinGPlaneswa plays [Temple of Deceit].
[09:17:18] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Temple of Deceit] onto the stack (When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[09:17:21] TheWanderinGPlaneswa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[09:17:29] Turn 9: TheWatchWander
[09:17:32] TheWatchWander plays [Celestial Colonnade].
[09:17:37] Turn 10: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:17:48] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Gisela, the Broken Blade].
[09:18:02] TheWatchWander activates an ability of TheWanderinGPlaneswa ( Investigate.).
[09:18:03] TheWatchWander investigates.
[09:18:03] TheWatchWander's TheWanderinGPlaneswa creates a Clue Token.
[09:18:06] TheWatchWander activates an ability of [Clue Token] ( Draw a card.).
[09:18:07] TheWatchWander draws a card with [Clue Token]'s ability.
[09:18:10] Turn 10: TheWatchWander
[09:18:13] TheWatchWander plays [Plains].
[09:18:17] TheWatchWander casts [Dream Trawler].
[09:18:24] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [No More Lies] targeting [Dream Trawler].
[09:18:33] Turn 11: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:19:03] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Damn] for its overload cost using an alternate cost.
[09:19:29] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Dig Through Time].
[09:19:45] Turn 11: TheWatchWander
[09:19:54] TheWatchWander activates an ability of TheWanderinGPlaneswa ( Investigate.).
[09:19:57] TheWatchWander investigates.
[09:19:57] TheWatchWander's TheWanderinGPlaneswa creates a Clue Token.
[09:19:58] TheWatchWander activates an ability of [Clue Token] ( Draw a card.).
[09:19:59] TheWatchWander draws a card with [Clue Token]'s ability.
[09:20:00] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[09:20:03] Turn 12: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:20:14] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [Kaito, Dancing Shadow].
[09:20:25] TheWatchWander casts [Thassa's Intervention] targeting [Kaito, Dancing Shadow]. (X is 2).
[09:20:25] Chosen mode: Counter target spell unless its controller pays twice {X}.
[09:20:36] TheWanderinGPlaneswa casts [The Raven's Warning].
[09:20:37] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [The Raven's Warning] onto the stack (Create a 1/1 blue Bird creature token with flying. You gain 2 life.).
[09:20:37] TheWanderinGPlaneswa's [The Raven's Warning] creates a Bird Token.
[09:20:40] Turn 12: TheWatchWander
[09:20:50] TheWatchWander casts [Heliod's Intervention] targeting [Detention Sphere], and [The Raven's Warning]. (X is 2).
[09:20:51] Chosen mode: Destroy X target artifacts and/or enchantments.
[09:20:51] TheWanderinGPlaneswa puts triggered ability from [Detention Sphere] onto the stack (When Detention Sphere leaves the battlefield, return the exiled cards to the battlefield under the...).
[09:20:58] TheWatchWander activates an ability of [Thaumatic Compass] ( Search your library for a basic land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[09:21:00] TheWatchWander reveals [Island].
[09:21:01] TheWatchWander plays [Island].
[09:21:04] TheWatchWander puts triggered ability from [Thaumatic Compass] onto the stack (At the beginning of your end step, if you control seven or more lands, transform Thaumatic Compass...).
[09:21:06] [Thaumatic Compass] transforms into [Spires of Orazca].
[09:21:07] Turn 13: TheWanderinGPlaneswa
[09:21:12] TheWanderinGPlaneswa has conceded from the game.
[09:21:12] TheWatchWander wins the game.
Winner: TheWatchWander
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: TheWatchWander: 2–0
[09:21:15] TheWanderinGPlaneswa has left the game.