PDBot Stats

Game 878037148

[Time] 1715811825
[01:23:45] PDBot has started watching.
[01:23:50] swamp_thing begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:23:50] Turn 1: swamp_thing
[01:23:51] swamp_thing plays [Mountain].
[01:23:53] swamp_thing casts [Stromkirk Noble].
[01:23:56] Turn 2: swamp_thing
[01:23:57] swamp_thing plays [Mountain].
[01:23:59] swamp_thing casts [Ash Zealot].
[01:24:03] swamp_thing is being attacked by [Ash Zealot] and [Stromkirk Noble]
[01:24:07] swamp_thing puts triggered ability from [Stromkirk Noble] onto the stack (Whenever Stromkirk Noble deals combat damage to a player, put a +1/+1 counter on it.).
[01:24:11] swamp_thing puts a +1/+1 counter on [Stromkirk Noble].
[01:24:13] Turn 3: swamp_thing
[01:24:16] swamp_thing plays [Mountain].
[01:24:21] swamp_thing casts [Goblin Chainwhirler].
[01:24:21] swamp_thing puts triggered ability from [Goblin Chainwhirler] onto the stack (When Goblin Chainwhirler enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to each opponent and each creat...).
[01:24:27] swamp_thing is being attacked by [Ash Zealot] and [Stromkirk Noble]
[01:24:33] swamp_thing puts triggered ability from [Stromkirk Noble] onto the stack (Whenever Stromkirk Noble deals combat damage to a player, put a +1/+1 counter on it.).
[01:24:33] swamp_thing puts a +1/+1 counter on [Stromkirk Noble].
[01:24:36] Turn 4: swamp_thing
[01:24:37] swamp_thing plays [Mountain].
[01:24:40] swamp_thing casts [Incinerate] targeting swamp_thing.
[01:24:46] swamp_thing casts [Price of Progress].
[01:24:51] swamp_thing is being attacked by [Goblin Chainwhirler], [Ash Zealot], and [Stromkirk Noble]
[01:24:56] swamp_thing puts triggered ability from [Stromkirk Noble] onto the stack (Whenever Stromkirk Noble deals combat damage to a player, put a +1/+1 counter on it.).
[01:24:56] swamp_thing puts a +1/+1 counter on [Stromkirk Noble].
[01:24:58] Turn 5: swamp_thing
[01:25:00] swamp_thing plays [Mountain].
[01:25:03] swamp_thing casts [Rekindling Phoenix].
[01:25:07] swamp_thing has conceded from the game.
[01:25:07] swamp_thing loses the game.
[01:25:07] swamp_thing has lost connection to the game.
Game 1 Completed.