PDBot Stats

Game 877878976

[Time] 1715703254
[19:14:15] PDBot has started watching.
[19:14:15] ILikedMyName joined the game.
[19:14:15] GauldenWahn joined the game.
[League] Roots Lurrus by ilikedmyname (242447) vs Esper Control by gauldenwahn (242440)
[19:14:17] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[19:14:30] GauldenWahn chooses to play first.
[19:14:32] [CHAT] GauldenWahn: gl hf
[19:14:33] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: hey glhf
[19:14:40] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: lz restart
[19:14:43] ILikedMyName has conceded from the game.
[19:14:43] GauldenWahn wins the game.
[19:14:43] ILikedMyName has lost connection to the game.
Winner: GauldenWahn
Game 1 Completed.