PDBot Stats

Game 877761244

[Time] 1715621839
[20:37:20] PDBot has started watching.
[20:37:20] Rayston joined the game.
[League] Red Deck Wins by rayston (242294) vs Roots by cippdogg (242352)
[20:37:21] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[20:37:26] [CHAT] CIPPDOGG: gl hf
[20:37:28] CIPPDOGG chooses to play first.
[20:37:32] CIPPDOGG mulligans to six cards.
[20:37:36] Rayston mulligans to six cards.
[20:37:47] CIPPDOGG puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[20:38:39] Rayston puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[20:38:39] Turn 1: CIPPDOGG
[20:38:42] CIPPDOGG skips their draw step.
[20:38:44] CIPPDOGG plays [Swamp].
[20:38:46] CIPPDOGG casts [Deathrite Shaman].
[20:39:06] Rayston has conceded from the game.
[20:39:06] CIPPDOGG wins the game.
Game 1 Completed.
[20:39:10] Rayston has left the game.