PDBot Stats

Game 877623390

[Time] 1715526154
[18:02:35] PDBot has started watching.
[18:02:35] Curtmantle joined the game.
[League] Mono White Control by coolguy42 (241983) vs MonoGScales by curtmantle (242269)
[18:02:37] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[18:02:39] coolguy42 chooses to play first.
[18:02:42] [CHAT] coolguy42: hey gl!
[18:02:45] [CHAT] Curtmantle: hi, you too!
[18:03:07] [CHAT] coolguy42: hey im sorry i have the wrong deck ;P
[18:03:11] [CHAT] coolguy42: my bad
[18:03:14] coolguy42 has conceded from the game.
[18:03:14] Curtmantle wins the game.
[18:03:14] coolguy42 has lost connection to the game.
Winner: Curtmantle
Game 1 Completed.