PDBot Stats

Game 877430778

[Time] 1715378522
[08:02:03] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Oops by cispiollohc (242116) vs Greasefang? by hacobplayz (242117)
[08:02:06] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[08:02:11] HacobPlayz chooses to play first.
[08:02:12] [CHAT] cispiollohc: HI GL HF
[08:02:18] HacobPlayz mulligans to six cards.
[08:02:27] cispiollohc mulligans to six cards.
[08:02:49] HacobPlayz puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[08:02:54] cispiollohc puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[08:02:54] Turn 1: HacobPlayz
[08:02:54] HacobPlayz skips their draw step.
[08:02:57] HacobPlayz plays [Swamp].
[08:02:59] Turn 1: cispiollohc
[08:03:07] cispiollohc plays [Ondu Skyruins].
[08:03:08] Turn 2: HacobPlayz
[08:03:11] HacobPlayz plays [Plains].
[08:03:13] HacobPlayz casts [Throne of the Grim Captain].
[08:03:26] Turn 2: cispiollohc
[08:03:33] cispiollohc plays [Zof Bloodbog].
[08:03:36] Turn 3: HacobPlayz
[08:03:39] HacobPlayz plays [Isolated Chapel].
[08:03:46] Turn 3: cispiollohc
[08:04:00] cispiollohc plays [Zof Bloodbog].
[08:04:02] cispiollohc casts [Buried Treasure].
[08:04:12] HacobPlayz activates an ability of [Throne of the Grim Captain] ( Mill two cards.).
[08:04:13] HacobPlayz mills [Benevolent Bodyguard] and [Caves of Koilos].
[08:04:16] Turn 4: HacobPlayz
[08:04:27] HacobPlayz plays [Isolated Chapel].
[08:04:39] Turn 4: cispiollohc
[08:04:48] cispiollohc casts [Undercity Informer].
[08:05:01] cispiollohc activates an ability of [Undercity Informer] targeting cispiollohc ( Target player reveals cards from the top of their library until they reveal a land card, then put...).
[08:05:03] cispiollohc reveals 50 cards with [Undercity Informer]'s ability: [Kazandu Mammoth], [Undercity Informer], [Everflowing Chalice], [Chancellor of the Annex], [Valakut Awakening], [Chancellor of the Annex], [Valakut Awakening], [Sphere of the Suns], [Kazandu Mammoth], [Ondu Inversion], 
[08:05:03] [Everflowing Chalice], [Laboratory Maniac], [Zof Consumption], [Narcomoeba], [Undercity Informer], [Narcomoeba], [Silence], [Balustrade Spy], [Angel of Glory's Rise], [Hagra Mauling], 
[08:05:04] [Kazandu Mammoth], [Everflowing Chalice], [Sphere of the Suns], [Mox Tantalite], [Hagra Mauling], [Valakut Awakening], [Hagra Mauling], [Kazandu Mammoth], [Mox Tantalite], [Zof Consumption], 
[08:05:04] [Sphere of the Suns], [Mox Tantalite], [Hagra Mauling], [Balustrade Spy], [Sphere of the Suns], [Ondu Inversion], [Mox Tantalite], [Everflowing Chalice], [Dread Return], [Azami, Lady of Scrolls], 
[08:05:04] [Valakut Awakening], [Ghoulsteed], [Buried Treasure], [Chancellor of the Annex], [Narcomoeba], [Balustrade Spy], [Undercity Informer], [Balustrade Spy], [Buried Treasure], and [Narcomoeba].
[08:05:04] cispiollohc puts triggered ability from [Narcomoeba] onto the stack (When Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.).
[08:05:05] cispiollohc puts triggered ability from [Narcomoeba] onto the stack (When Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.).
[08:05:05] cispiollohc puts triggered ability from [Narcomoeba] onto the stack (When Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.).
[08:05:05] cispiollohc puts triggered ability from [Narcomoeba] onto the stack (When Narcomoeba is put into your graveyard from your library, you may put it onto the battlefield.).
[08:05:36] cispiollohc casts [Dread Return] from the graveyard targeting [Angel of Glory's Rise].
[08:06:11] cispiollohc puts triggered ability from [Angel of Glory's Rise] onto the stack (When Angel of Glory's Rise enters the battlefield, exile all Zombies, then return all Human creatu...).
[08:06:23] cispiollohc activates an ability of [Azami, Lady of Scrolls] ( Draw a card.).
[08:06:52] HacobPlayz casts [Bitter Triumph] targeting [Laboratory Maniac].
[08:06:56] cispiollohc activates an ability of [Azami, Lady of Scrolls] ( Draw a card.).
[08:06:58] HacobPlayz activates an ability of [Throne of the Grim Captain] ( Mill two cards.).
[08:06:58] HacobPlayz mills [Parhelion II] and [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[08:07:03] HacobPlayz has conceded from the game.
[08:07:03] cispiollohc wins the game.
Winner: cispiollohc
Game 1 Completed.
[08:07:06] HacobPlayz has left the game.

Game 877431526

[Time] 1715378970
[08:09:30] PDBot has started watching.
[08:09:30] HacobPlayz chooses to play first.
[08:09:35] HacobPlayz mulligans to six cards.
[08:09:42] cispiollohc begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:10:07] HacobPlayz puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[08:10:10] cispiollohc reveals [Chancellor of the Annex] from their opening hand.
[08:10:13] Turn 1: HacobPlayz
[08:10:16] HacobPlayz skips their draw step.
[08:10:18] HacobPlayz plays [Caves of Koilos].
[08:10:20] Turn 1: cispiollohc
[08:10:29] cispiollohc plays [Zof Bloodbog].
[08:10:30] Turn 2: HacobPlayz
[08:10:55] HacobPlayz plays [Shambling Vent].
[08:10:57] Turn 2: cispiollohc
[08:11:21] cispiollohc plays [Valakut Stoneforge].
[08:11:21] Turn 3: HacobPlayz
[08:11:29] HacobPlayz plays [Plains].
[08:11:33] HacobPlayz casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[08:11:33] cispiollohc puts triggered ability from [Chancellor of the Annex] onto the stack (Counter that spell unless that player pays {1}).
[08:11:40] HacobPlayz puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting cispiollohc (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[08:11:54] Turn 3: cispiollohc
[08:12:03] cispiollohc casts [Everflowing Chalice] (with kicker).
[08:12:06] cispiollohc plays [Zof Bloodbog].
[08:12:09] Turn 4: HacobPlayz
[08:12:12] HacobPlayz plays [Shambling Vent].
[08:12:24] HacobPlayz casts [Raffine's Informant].
[08:12:28] HacobPlayz puts triggered ability from [Raffine's Informant] onto the stack (When Raffine's Informant enters the battlefield, it connives.).
[08:12:31] HacobPlayz draws a card with [Raffine's Informant]'s ability.
[08:12:38] HacobPlayz discards [Swamp].
[08:12:41] cispiollohc is being attacked by [Deep-Cavern Bat]
[08:12:51] Turn 4: cispiollohc
[08:13:27] HacobPlayz casts [Silence].
[08:14:32] Turn 5: HacobPlayz
[08:14:36] HacobPlayz plays [Plains].
[08:14:43] HacobPlayz activates an ability of [Shambling Vent] ( Shambling Vent becomes a 2/3 white and black Elemental creature with lifelink until end of turn. ...).
[08:14:58] cispiollohc is being attacked by [Raffine's Informant], [Shambling Vent], and [Deep-Cavern Bat]
[08:15:05] cispiollohc casts [Hagra Mauling] targeting [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[08:15:14] Turn 5: cispiollohc
[08:15:17] HacobPlayz casts [Silence].
[08:15:51] Turn 6: HacobPlayz
[08:15:59] HacobPlayz casts [Benevolent Bodyguard].
[08:16:06] HacobPlayz activates an ability of [Shambling Vent] ( Shambling Vent becomes a 2/3 white and black Elemental creature with lifelink until end of turn. ...).
[08:16:11] cispiollohc is being attacked by [Raffine's Informant] and [Shambling Vent]
[08:16:19] Turn 6: cispiollohc
[08:16:27] cispiollohc casts [Goblin Charbelcher].
[08:16:31] cispiollohc exiles [Mox Tantalite] with 3 time counters.
[08:16:31] cispiollohc puts three time counters on [Mox Tantalite].
[08:16:36] Turn 7: HacobPlayz
[08:16:39] HacobPlayz plays HacobPlayz.
[08:16:42] HacobPlayz activates an ability of [Shambling Vent] ( Shambling Vent becomes a 2/3 white and black Elemental creature with lifelink until end of turn. ...).
[08:16:50] cispiollohc is being attacked by [Benevolent Bodyguard], [Raffine's Informant], and [Shambling Vent]
[08:16:59] Turn 7: cispiollohc
[08:16:59] cispiollohc puts triggered ability from [Mox Tantalite] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[08:17:09] cispiollohc removes a time counter from [Mox Tantalite].
[08:17:14] cispiollohc activates an ability of [Goblin Charbelcher] targeting HacobPlayz ( Reveal cards from the top of your library until you reveal a land card. Goblin Charbelcher deals ...).
[08:17:15] cispiollohc reveals 46 cards with [Goblin Charbelcher]'s ability: [Kazandu Mammoth], [Sphere of the Suns], [Buried Treasure], [Zof Consumption], [Valakut Awakening], [Buried Treasure], [Azami, Lady of Scrolls], [Ghoulsteed], [Silence], [Everflowing Chalice], 
[08:17:15] [Ondu Inversion], [Valakut Awakening], [Kazandu Mammoth], [Goblin Charbelcher], [Mox Tantalite], [Chancellor of the Annex], [Ondu Inversion], [Mox Tantalite], [Hope of Ghirapur], [Narcomoeba], 
[08:17:18] [Hagra Mauling], [Valakut Awakening], [Chancellor of the Annex], [Hope of Ghirapur], [Hope of Ghirapur], [Ondu Inversion], [Sphere of the Suns], [Narcomoeba], [Narcomoeba], [Chancellor of the Annex], 
[08:17:18] [Hope of Ghirapur], [Ondu Inversion], [Narcomoeba], [Everflowing Chalice], [Sphere of the Suns], [Zof Consumption], [Everflowing Chalice], [Kazandu Mammoth], [Sphere of the Suns], [Hagra Mauling], 
[08:17:18] [Buried Treasure], [Kazandu Mammoth], [Ardent Electromancer], [Laboratory Maniac], [Hagra Mauling], and [Mox Tantalite].
[08:17:19] cispiollohc wins the game.
Winner: cispiollohc
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: cispiollohc: 2–0