PDBot Stats

Game 877046668

[Time] 1715050683
[12:58:03] PDBot has started watching.
[Gatherling] Event=Pre-Modern Monthly League 12.03
[Gatherling] Round=1
[12:58:09] roboton has conceded from the game.
[12:58:09] iron_lungs wins the game.
Winner: iron_lungs
Game 1 Completed.

Game 877046736

[Time] 1715050744
[12:59:04] PDBot has started watching.
[12:59:05] iron_lungs has conceded from the game.
[12:59:05] roboton wins the game.
Winner: roboton
Game 2 Completed.
[12:59:11] roboton has left the game.

Game 877046778

[Time] 1715050774
[12:59:34] PDBot has started watching.
[12:59:38] iron_lungs chooses to play first.
[12:59:41] iron_lungs begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[12:59:45] [CHAT] roboton: i haven't figured out the SB yet
[12:59:48] [CHAT] roboton: it's a bit of a mystery
[12:59:50] roboton begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[12:59:50] Turn 1: iron_lungs
[12:59:55] iron_lungs skips their draw step.
[12:59:56] iron_lungs plays [Mountain].
[12:59:59] iron_lungs casts [Jackal Pup].
[13:00:08] Turn 1: roboton
[13:00:12] roboton plays [Archaeological Dig].
[13:00:15] roboton casts [Chromatic Sphere].
[13:00:19] Turn 2: iron_lungs
[13:00:23] iron_lungs plays [Mountain].
[13:00:25] iron_lungs casts [Jackal Pup].
[13:00:28] iron_lungs casts [Jackal Pup].
[13:00:35] roboton is being attacked by [Jackal Pup]
[13:00:42] Turn 2: roboton
[13:00:56] roboton plays [Tinder Farm].
[13:00:58] roboton casts [Barbed Sextant].
[13:01:02] Turn 3: iron_lungs
[13:01:08] iron_lungs plays [Mountain].
[13:01:10] iron_lungs casts [Cursed Scroll].
[13:01:16] roboton is being attacked by [Jackal Pup], [Jackal Pup], and [Jackal Pup]
[13:01:25] Turn 3: roboton
[13:01:38] roboton plays [Havenwood Battleground].
[13:01:41] roboton casts [Pyroclasm].
[13:01:45] iron_lungs puts triggered ability from [Jackal Pup] onto the stack (Whenever Jackal Pup is dealt damage, it deals that much damage to you.).
[13:01:45] iron_lungs puts triggered ability from [Jackal Pup] onto the stack (Whenever Jackal Pup is dealt damage, it deals that much damage to you.).
[13:01:45] iron_lungs puts triggered ability from [Jackal Pup] onto the stack (Whenever Jackal Pup is dealt damage, it deals that much damage to you.).
[13:01:55] iron_lungs casts [Incinerate] targeting roboton.
[13:02:12] Turn 4: iron_lungs
[13:02:17] iron_lungs plays [Mountain].
[13:02:22] Turn 4: roboton
[13:02:38] roboton plays [Archaeological Dig].
[13:03:19] roboton casts [Terravore].
[13:03:29] roboton casts [Barbed Sextant].
[13:03:30] [CHAT] iron_lungs: ooh
[13:03:44] iron_lungs activates an ability of [Cursed Scroll] targeting roboton ( Choose a card name, then reveal a card at random from your hand. If that card has the chosen name...).
[13:03:51] iron_lungs names Wooded Foothills for Cursed Scroll.
[13:03:51] iron_lungs reveals [Wooded Foothills] at random.
[13:03:54] Turn 5: iron_lungs
[13:03:59] iron_lungs casts [Ball Lightning].
[13:04:05] roboton is being attacked by [Ball Lightning]
[13:04:12] [Terravore] blocks [Ball Lightning].
[13:04:21] Turn 5: roboton
[13:04:24] roboton plays [Ruins of Trokair].
[13:04:36] Turn 6: iron_lungs
[13:04:43] iron_lungs plays [Wooded Foothills].
[13:04:45] iron_lungs activates an ability of [Wooded Foothills] ( Search your library for a Mountain or Forest card, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle.).
[13:04:51] iron_lungs activates an ability of [Cursed Scroll] targeting roboton ( Choose a card name, then reveal a card at random from your hand. If that card has the chosen name...).
[13:04:59] iron_lungs names Incinerate for Cursed Scroll.
[13:04:59] iron_lungs reveals [Incinerate] at random.
[13:05:04] iron_lungs casts [Incinerate] targeting roboton.
[13:05:04] [CHAT] roboton: ggs!
[13:05:07] iron_lungs wins the game.
Winner: iron_lungs
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: iron_lungs: 2–1
[13:05:18] roboton has left the game.