PDBot Stats

Game 875119690

[Time] 1713330999
[15:16:40] PDBot has started watching.
[15:16:40] litkakashi joined the game.
[League] Host doesn't have active run
[15:16:51] PauperTime chooses to play first.
[15:16:54] [CHAT] litkakashi: gl hf!
[15:16:59] [CHAT] PauperTime: u 2@
[15:17:02] [CHAT] PauperTime: !
[15:17:09] PauperTime begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[15:17:14] litkakashi begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[15:17:14] Turn 1: PauperTime
[15:17:14] PauperTime skips their draw step.
[15:17:16] PauperTime plays [Swamp].
[15:17:19] PauperTime casts [Carnophage].
[15:17:20] Turn 1: litkakashi
[15:17:23] litkakashi plays [Island].
[15:17:25] litkakashi exiles [Ancestral Vision] with 4 time counters.
[15:17:25] litkakashi puts four time counters on [Ancestral Vision].
[15:17:28] Turn 2: PauperTime
[15:17:28] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Carnophage] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, tap Carnophage unless you pay 1 life.).
[15:17:35] PauperTime plays [Swamp].
[15:17:39] PauperTime casts [Cryptbreaker].
[15:17:42] PauperTime casts [Dark Ritual].
[15:17:44] PauperTime casts [Death Baron].
[15:17:48] litkakashi is being attacked by [Carnophage]
[15:17:54] Turn 2: litkakashi
[15:17:54] litkakashi puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[15:17:57] litkakashi removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[15:18:02] litkakashi plays [Island].
[15:18:05] litkakashi casts [Academy Loremaster].
[15:18:08] Turn 3: PauperTime
[15:18:09] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Carnophage] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, tap Carnophage unless you pay 1 life.).
[15:18:17] litkakashi puts triggered ability from [Academy Loremaster] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player may draw an additional card. If they do, ...).
[15:18:21] PauperTime plays [Swamp].
[15:18:31] PauperTime casts [Diregraf Colossus].
[15:18:41] litkakashi is being attacked by [Carnophage]
[15:18:55] PauperTime activates an ability of [Cryptbreaker] ( You draw a card and you lose 1 life.).
[15:18:55] PauperTime draws a card with [Cryptbreaker]'s ability.
[15:18:56] Turn 3: litkakashi
[15:18:56] litkakashi puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[15:19:01] litkakashi removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[15:19:02] litkakashi puts triggered ability from [Academy Loremaster] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player may draw an additional card. If they do, ...).
[15:19:07] litkakashi draws a card with [Academy Loremaster]'s ability.
[15:19:09] litkakashi plays [Island].
[15:19:15] Turn 4: PauperTime
[15:19:15] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Carnophage] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, tap Carnophage unless you pay 1 life.).
[15:19:21] litkakashi puts triggered ability from [Academy Loremaster] onto the stack (At the beginning of each player's draw step, that player may draw an additional card. If they do, ...).
[15:19:29] PauperTime plays [Swamp].
[15:19:37] PauperTime casts [Geralf's Messenger].
[15:19:37] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Diregraf Colossus] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a Zombie spell, create a tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[15:19:50] litkakashi casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Geralf's Messenger].
[15:20:00] PauperTime's [Diregraf Colossus] creates a Zombie Token.
[15:20:08] litkakashi is being attacked by [Diregraf Colossus], [Cryptbreaker], and [Carnophage]
[15:20:17] [Academy Loremaster] blocks [Cryptbreaker].
[15:20:30] litkakashi casts [Opt].
[15:20:35] litkakashi scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[15:20:35] litkakashi draws a card with [Opt].
[15:20:41] Turn 4: litkakashi
[15:20:41] litkakashi puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[15:20:42] litkakashi removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[15:20:45] litkakashi plays [Island].
[15:20:48] Turn 5: PauperTime
[15:20:49] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Carnophage] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, tap Carnophage unless you pay 1 life.).
[15:20:58] PauperTime casts [Geralf's Messenger].
[15:20:58] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Diregraf Colossus] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a Zombie spell, create a tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[15:21:02] PauperTime's [Diregraf Colossus] creates a Zombie Token.
[15:21:07] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Geralf's Messenger] onto the stack targeting litkakashi (When Geralf's Messenger enters the battlefield, target opponent loses 2 life.).
[15:21:16] litkakashi has conceded from the game.
[15:21:16] PauperTime wins the game.
Winner: PauperTime
Game 1 Completed.

Game 875119966

[Time] 1713331310
[15:21:50] PDBot has started watching.
[15:21:51] litkakashi chooses to play first.
[15:21:59] litkakashi begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[15:22:02] PauperTime begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[15:22:02] Turn 1: litkakashi
[15:22:02] litkakashi skips their draw step.
[15:22:04] litkakashi plays [Island].
[15:22:06] Turn 1: PauperTime
[15:22:08] PauperTime plays [Swamp].
[15:22:11] PauperTime casts [Dark Ritual].
[15:22:13] PauperTime casts [Diregraf Colossus].
[15:22:14] Turn 2: litkakashi
[15:22:19] litkakashi plays [Island].
[15:22:22] Turn 2: PauperTime
[15:22:25] PauperTime plays [Swamp].
[15:22:27] PauperTime casts [Festerleech].
[15:22:28] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Diregraf Colossus] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a Zombie spell, create a tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[15:22:36] PauperTime's [Diregraf Colossus] creates a Zombie Token.
[15:22:42] PauperTime casts [Carnophage].
[15:22:42] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Diregraf Colossus] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a Zombie spell, create a tapped 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[15:22:44] PauperTime's [Diregraf Colossus] creates a Zombie Token.
[15:22:51] litkakashi is being attacked by [Diregraf Colossus]
[15:22:53] litkakashi casts [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[15:22:57] [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel] blocks [Diregraf Colossus].
[15:23:02] Turn 3: litkakashi
[15:23:06] Turn 3: PauperTime
[15:23:06] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Carnophage] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, tap Carnophage unless you pay 1 life.).
[15:23:12] PauperTime plays [Swamp].
[15:23:14] PauperTime casts [Death Baron].
[15:23:21] litkakashi casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Death Baron].
[15:23:27] litkakashi is being attacked by [Zombie Token], [Carnophage], [Zombie Token], and [Festerleech]
[15:23:28] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Festerleech] onto the stack (Whenever Festerleech deals combat damage to a player, you mill two cards.).
[15:23:28] PauperTime mills [Clawing Torment] and [Festerleech].
[15:23:29] Turn 4: litkakashi
[15:23:31] litkakashi plays [Island].
[15:23:35] Turn 4: PauperTime
[15:23:35] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Carnophage] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, tap Carnophage unless you pay 1 life.).
[15:23:49] litkakashi is being attacked by [Zombie Token], [Carnophage], [Zombie Token], and [Festerleech]
[15:23:59] PauperTime activates an ability of [Festerleech] ( Festerleech gets +2/+2 until end of turn.).
[15:24:13] litkakashi casts [Lagoon Breach] targeting [Festerleech].
[15:24:21] PauperTime puts [Festerleech] on top of their library with [Lagoon Breach].
[15:24:36] PauperTime casts [Dread Wanderer].
[15:24:43] litkakashi casts [Opt].
[15:24:45] litkakashi scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[15:24:45] litkakashi draws a card with [Opt].
[15:24:47] Turn 5: litkakashi
[15:24:51] litkakashi plays [Island].
[15:24:57] Turn 5: PauperTime
[15:24:57] PauperTime puts triggered ability from [Carnophage] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, tap Carnophage unless you pay 1 life.).
[15:25:15] litkakashi is being attacked by [Dread Wanderer], [Zombie Token], [Carnophage], and [Zombie Token]
[15:25:19] litkakashi casts [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[15:25:27] [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel] blocks [Zombie Token].
[15:25:35] litkakashi casts [Lagoon Breach] targeting [Zombie Token].
[15:25:43] PauperTime puts [Zombie Token] on bottom of their library.
[15:25:55] PauperTime casts [Festerleech].
[15:25:57] PauperTime casts [Diregraf Ghoul].
[15:26:01] Turn 6: litkakashi
[15:26:10] litkakashi has conceded from the game.
[15:26:10] PauperTime wins the game.
Winner: PauperTime
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: PauperTime: 2–0
[15:26:13] litkakashi has left the game.