PDBot Stats

Game 873738014

[Time] 1712065480
[00:44:41] PDBot has started watching.
[00:44:42] AllanonCEW joined the game.
[League] Holy Lands by rgriff (239253) vs Orzhof Hand Destruction by allanoncew (239208)
[00:44:44] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[00:44:52] [CHAT] AllanonCEW: good luck
[00:44:54] AllanonCEW chooses to play first.
[00:44:57] [CHAT] Rgriff: gl hf!
[00:45:04] AllanonCEW mulligans to six cards.
[00:45:07] Rgriff begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:45:08] AllanonCEW mulligans to five cards.
[00:45:25] AllanonCEW puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[00:45:25] Turn 1: AllanonCEW
[00:45:26] AllanonCEW skips their draw step.
[00:45:28] AllanonCEW plays [Shambling Vent].
[00:45:32] Turn 1: Rgriff
[00:45:34] Rgriff plays [Needle Spires].
[00:45:36] Turn 2: AllanonCEW
[00:45:43] AllanonCEW plays [Caves of Koilos].
[00:45:47] AllanonCEW casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[00:45:48] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting Rgriff (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[00:46:23] Turn 2: Rgriff
[00:46:29] Rgriff casts [Consecrate Land] targeting [Needle Spires].
[00:46:34] Rgriff plays [Mountain].
[00:46:36] Turn 3: AllanonCEW
[00:46:38] AllanonCEW plays [Fetid Heath].
[00:46:53] AllanonCEW casts [Wasteland Strangler].
[00:46:59] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Wasteland Strangler] onto the stack targeting [Wasteland Strangler] (When Wasteland Strangler enters the battlefield, you may put a card an opponent owns from exile in...).
[00:47:03] AllanonCEW chooses no cards with [Wasteland Strangler]'s ability.
[00:47:07] Rgriff is being attacked by [Deep-Cavern Bat]
[00:47:14] Turn 3: Rgriff
[00:47:25] Rgriff casts [Boom] targeting [Needle Spires], and [Shambling Vent].
[00:47:32] Turn 4: AllanonCEW
[00:47:34] AllanonCEW plays [Plains].
[00:47:44] AllanonCEW casts [Wasteland Strangler].
[00:47:48] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Wasteland Strangler] onto the stack targeting [Wasteland Strangler] (When Wasteland Strangler enters the battlefield, you may put a card an opponent owns from exile in...).
[00:47:52] AllanonCEW chooses no cards with [Wasteland Strangler]'s ability.
[00:47:56] Rgriff is being attacked by [Wasteland Strangler] and [Deep-Cavern Bat]
[00:48:00] Turn 4: Rgriff
[00:48:04] Rgriff casts [Leonin Arbiter].
[00:48:04] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Leonin Arbiter[sU] has a graphical bug.
Leonin Arbiter behaves weirdly on Magic Online: if you want to pay 2 to search your library you must click the arbiter before you search
[00:48:08] Turn 5: AllanonCEW
[00:48:16] AllanonCEW casts [Tithing Blade].
[00:48:18] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Tithing Blade] onto the stack (When Tithing Blade enters the battlefield, each opponent sacrifices a creature.).
[00:48:25] Rgriff is being attacked by [Wasteland Strangler], [Wasteland Strangler], and [Deep-Cavern Bat]
[00:48:26] Turn 5: Rgriff
[00:48:28] Rgriff plays [Plains].
[00:48:32] Rgriff casts [Geomancer's Gambit] targeting [Needle Spires].
[00:48:42] Rgriff draws a card with [Geomancer's Gambit].
[00:48:50] Rgriff casts [Consecrate Land] targeting [Mountain].
[00:48:53] Turn 6: AllanonCEW
[00:49:13] AllanonCEW casts [Vindicate] targeting [Plains].
[00:49:18] Rgriff has conceded from the game.
[00:49:18] AllanonCEW wins the game.
Winner: AllanonCEW
Game 1 Completed.
[00:49:22] Rgriff has left the game.

Game 873738406

[Time] 1712065800
[00:50:01] PDBot has started watching.
[00:50:04] Rgriff begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:50:05] AllanonCEW mulligans to six cards.
[00:50:17] AllanonCEW puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:50:17] Turn 1: Rgriff
[00:50:18] Rgriff skips their draw step.
[00:50:20] Rgriff plays [Needle Spires].
[00:50:24] Turn 1: AllanonCEW
[00:50:26] AllanonCEW plays [Shambling Vent].
[00:50:29] Turn 2: Rgriff
[00:50:31] Rgriff plays [Cascading Cataracts].
[00:50:46] Rgriff casts [Boom] targeting [Cascading Cataracts], and [Shambling Vent].
[00:50:52] Turn 2: AllanonCEW
[00:50:54] AllanonCEW plays [Fetid Heath].
[00:50:58] Turn 3: Rgriff
[00:51:01] Rgriff plays [Mountain].
[00:51:04] Rgriff casts [Uncontrolled Infestation] targeting [Fetid Heath].
[00:51:13] Turn 3: AllanonCEW
[00:51:21] AllanonCEW plays [Fetid Heath].
[00:51:25] Turn 4: Rgriff
[00:51:28] Rgriff plays [Plains].
[00:51:30] Rgriff casts [Leonin Arbiter].
[00:51:35] Turn 4: AllanonCEW
[00:51:38] AllanonCEW plays [Plains].
[00:51:42] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Uncontrolled Infestation] onto the stack (When enchanted land becomes tapped, destroy it.).
[00:51:49] AllanonCEW casts [Phyrexian Arena].
[00:51:54] Turn 5: Rgriff
[00:51:56] Rgriff plays [Cascading Cataracts].
[00:52:00] Rgriff activates an ability of [Needle Spires] ( Needle Spires becomes a 2/1 red and white Elemental creature with double strike until end of turn...).
[00:52:07] AllanonCEW is being attacked by [Leonin Arbiter] and [Needle Spires]
[00:52:08] Turn 5: AllanonCEW
[00:52:08] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Arena] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you draw a card and you lose 1 life.).
[00:52:11] AllanonCEW draws a card with [Phyrexian Arena]'s ability.
[00:52:25] AllanonCEW casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[00:52:26] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting Rgriff (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[00:52:33] Turn 6: Rgriff
[00:52:38] Rgriff plays [Battlefield Forge].
[00:53:10] Rgriff casts [Boom] targeting [Cascading Cataracts], and [Plains].
[00:53:28] AllanonCEW is being attacked by [Leonin Arbiter]
[00:53:31] Turn 6: AllanonCEW
[00:53:31] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Phyrexian Arena] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you draw a card and you lose 1 life.).
[00:53:34] AllanonCEW draws a card with [Phyrexian Arena]'s ability.
[00:53:38] AllanonCEW has conceded from the game.
[00:53:38] Rgriff wins the game.
Winner: Rgriff
Game 2 Completed.

Game 873738728

[Time] 1712066041
[00:54:01] PDBot has started watching.
[00:54:03] AllanonCEW chooses to play first.
[00:54:06] AllanonCEW begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:54:08] Rgriff mulligans to six cards.
[00:54:17] Rgriff mulligans to five cards.
[00:54:43] Rgriff puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[00:54:43] Turn 1: AllanonCEW
[00:54:43] AllanonCEW skips their draw step.
[00:54:47] AllanonCEW plays [Isolated Chapel].
[00:54:50] Turn 1: Rgriff
[00:54:55] Rgriff plays [Plains].
[00:54:58] Rgriff casts [Consecrate Land] targeting [Plains].
[00:55:03] Turn 2: AllanonCEW
[00:55:05] AllanonCEW plays [Plains].
[00:55:08] AllanonCEW casts [Spirited Companion].
[00:55:09] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Spirited Companion] onto the stack (When Spirited Companion enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[00:55:12] AllanonCEW draws a card with [Spirited Companion]'s ability.
[00:55:13] Turn 2: Rgriff
[00:55:15] Rgriff plays [Mountain].
[00:55:19] Rgriff casts [Uncontrolled Infestation] targeting [Isolated Chapel].
[00:55:25] Turn 3: AllanonCEW
[00:55:28] AllanonCEW plays [Isolated Chapel].
[00:56:00] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Uncontrolled Infestation] onto the stack (When enchanted land becomes tapped, destroy it.).
[00:56:07] AllanonCEW casts [Guardian of Ghirapur].
[00:56:11] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Guardian of Ghirapur] onto the stack targeting [Spirited Companion] (When Guardian of Ghirapur enters the battlefield, exile up to one other target creature or artifac...).
[00:56:17] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Guardian of Ghirapur] onto the stack (Return Spirited Companion to the battlefield under Spirited Companion owner's control at the begin...).
[00:56:18] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Spirited Companion] onto the stack (When Spirited Companion enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[00:56:20] AllanonCEW draws a card with [Spirited Companion]'s ability.
[00:56:20] Turn 3: Rgriff
[00:56:23] Rgriff plays [Clifftop Retreat].
[00:56:27] Rgriff casts [Geomancer's Gambit] targeting [Plains].
[00:56:35] Rgriff draws a card with [Geomancer's Gambit].
[00:56:38] Turn 4: AllanonCEW
[00:56:41] AllanonCEW plays [Isolated Chapel].
[00:56:45] AllanonCEW casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[00:56:47] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting Rgriff (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[00:56:58] Rgriff is being attacked by [Spirited Companion] and [Guardian of Ghirapur]
[00:57:02] Turn 4: Rgriff
[00:57:04] Rgriff plays [Needle Spires].
[00:57:08] Rgriff casts [Geomancer's Gambit] targeting [Plains].
[00:57:15] Rgriff draws a card with [Geomancer's Gambit].
[00:57:19] Turn 5: AllanonCEW
[00:57:21] AllanonCEW plays AllanonCEW.
[00:57:35] Rgriff is being attacked by [Deep-Cavern Bat], [Spirited Companion], and [Guardian of Ghirapur]
[00:57:46] AllanonCEW casts [Wasteland Strangler].
[00:57:54] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Wasteland Strangler] onto the stack targeting [Deep-Cavern Bat] (When Wasteland Strangler enters the battlefield, you may put a card an opponent owns from exile in...).
[00:57:59] AllanonCEW chooses [Wrath of God] with [Wasteland Strangler]'s ability.
[00:58:03] Turn 5: Rgriff
[00:58:07] Rgriff plays [Mountain].
[00:58:15] Rgriff casts [Burning of Xinye] targeting AllanonCEW.
[00:58:39] Rgriff chooses [Mountain].
[00:58:39] Rgriff chooses [Plains].
[00:58:39] Rgriff chooses [Mountain].
[00:58:39] Rgriff chooses [Plains].
[00:58:46] AllanonCEW chooses [Mountain].
[00:58:46] AllanonCEW chooses AllanonCEW.
[00:58:46] AllanonCEW chooses [Plains].
[00:58:46] AllanonCEW chooses [Isolated Chapel].
[00:58:46] AllanonCEW chooses [Isolated Chapel].
[00:58:46] AllanonCEW chooses [Mountain].
[00:58:46] AllanonCEW chooses [Plains].
[00:58:46] AllanonCEW chooses [Plains].
[00:58:49] Turn 6: AllanonCEW
[00:58:54] AllanonCEW plays [Plains].
[00:58:58] Turn 6: Rgriff
[00:59:01] Rgriff plays [Plains].
[00:59:06] Rgriff activates an ability of [Needle Spires] ( Needle Spires becomes a 2/1 red and white Elemental creature with double strike until end of turn...).
[00:59:13] AllanonCEW is being attacked by [Needle Spires]
[00:59:14] Turn 7: AllanonCEW
[00:59:17] AllanonCEW plays [Shambling Vent].
[00:59:21] Turn 7: Rgriff
[00:59:27] Rgriff plays [Mountain].
[00:59:34] Rgriff casts [Boom] targeting [Plains], and [Shambling Vent].
[00:59:40] Turn 8: AllanonCEW
[00:59:42] AllanonCEW plays [Fetid Heath].
[00:59:46] Turn 8: Rgriff
[00:59:49] Rgriff plays [Needle Spires].
[00:59:54] Rgriff activates an ability of [Needle Spires] ( Needle Spires becomes a 2/1 red and white Elemental creature with double strike until end of turn...).
[01:00:00] AllanonCEW is being attacked by [Needle Spires]
[01:00:02] Turn 9: AllanonCEW
[01:00:05] AllanonCEW casts [Spirited Companion].
[01:00:07] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Spirited Companion] onto the stack (When Spirited Companion enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[01:00:09] AllanonCEW draws a card with [Spirited Companion]'s ability.
[01:00:13] Turn 9: Rgriff
[01:00:17] Rgriff casts [Leonin Arbiter].
[01:00:27] Rgriff activates an ability of [Needle Spires] ( Needle Spires becomes a 2/1 red and white Elemental creature with double strike until end of turn...).
[01:00:32] AllanonCEW is being attacked by [Needle Spires]
[01:00:37] Turn 10: AllanonCEW
[01:00:44] AllanonCEW casts [Tithing Blade].
[01:00:46] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Tithing Blade] onto the stack (When Tithing Blade enters the battlefield, each opponent sacrifices a creature.).
[01:00:52] Turn 10: Rgriff
[01:00:58] Rgriff casts [Consecrate Land] targeting [Needle Spires].
[01:01:04] Rgriff activates an ability of [Needle Spires] ( Needle Spires becomes a 2/1 red and white Elemental creature with double strike until end of turn...).
[01:01:09] AllanonCEW is being attacked by [Needle Spires]
[01:01:12] Turn 11: AllanonCEW
[01:01:16] AllanonCEW casts [Spirited Companion].
[01:01:17] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Spirited Companion] onto the stack (When Spirited Companion enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[01:01:20] AllanonCEW draws a card with [Spirited Companion]'s ability.
[01:01:22] AllanonCEW plays [Plains].
[01:01:29] Turn 11: Rgriff
[01:01:32] Rgriff plays [Cascading Cataracts].
[01:01:38] Rgriff activates an ability of [Needle Spires] ( Needle Spires becomes a 2/1 red and white Elemental creature with double strike until end of turn...).
[01:01:45] AllanonCEW is being attacked by [Needle Spires]
[01:01:51] Turn 12: AllanonCEW
[01:01:57] AllanonCEW casts [Guardian of Ghirapur].
[01:02:01] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Guardian of Ghirapur] onto the stack targeting [Spirited Companion] (When Guardian of Ghirapur enters the battlefield, exile up to one other target creature or artifac...).
[01:02:09] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Guardian of Ghirapur] onto the stack (Return Spirited Companion to the battlefield under Spirited Companion owner's control at the begin...).
[01:02:10] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Spirited Companion] onto the stack (When Spirited Companion enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[01:02:12] AllanonCEW draws a card with [Spirited Companion]'s ability.
[01:02:13] Turn 12: Rgriff
[01:02:19] Rgriff casts [Leonin Arbiter].
[01:02:29] Rgriff activates an ability of [Needle Spires] ( Needle Spires becomes a 2/1 red and white Elemental creature with double strike until end of turn...).
[01:02:33] AllanonCEW is being attacked by [Needle Spires]
[01:02:35] [Spirited Companion] blocks [Needle Spires].
[01:02:40] Turn 13: AllanonCEW
[01:02:47] AllanonCEW casts [Tithing Blade].
[01:02:48] AllanonCEW puts triggered ability from [Tithing Blade] onto the stack (When Tithing Blade enters the battlefield, each opponent sacrifices a creature.).
[01:02:56] Turn 13: Rgriff
[01:02:59] Rgriff plays [Mountain].
[01:03:06] Rgriff activates an ability of [Needle Spires] ( Needle Spires becomes a 2/1 red and white Elemental creature with double strike until end of turn...).
[01:03:15] AllanonCEW is being attacked by [Needle Spires]
[01:03:17] [Spirited Companion] blocks [Needle Spires].
[01:03:21] Turn 14: AllanonCEW
[01:03:51] AllanonCEW has conceded from the game.
[01:03:52] Rgriff wins the game.
Winner: Rgriff
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: Rgriff: 2–1
[01:03:57] AllanonCEW has left the game.