PDBot Stats

Game 873164118

[Time] 1711643389
[03:29:50] PDBot has started watching.
[03:29:50] BerluSpooky36 joined the game.
[League] Glimpse of Boars (1 Copy) by berluspooky36 (238931) vs Skelemental Sac by eternalparadox38 (238934)
[03:29:53] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[03:29:58] [CHAT] BerluSpooky36: gl hf
[03:30:13] [CHAT] EternalParadox38: same to you
[03:30:14] EternalParadox38 chooses to play first.
[03:30:17] EternalParadox38 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:30:31] BerluSpooky36 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:30:31] Turn 1: EternalParadox38
[03:30:31] EternalParadox38 skips their draw step.
[03:30:34] EternalParadox38 plays [Sulfurous Springs].
[03:30:37] Turn 1: BerluSpooky36
[03:30:46] BerluSpooky36 plays [Mountain].
[03:30:49] Turn 2: EternalParadox38
[03:30:52] EternalParadox38 plays [Mountain].
[03:30:56] EternalParadox38 casts [Homicide Investigator].
[03:31:03] Turn 2: BerluSpooky36
[03:31:11] BerluSpooky36 plays [Battlefield Forge].
[03:31:15] BerluSpooky36 exiles [Glimpse of Tomorrow] with 3 time counters.
[03:31:15] BerluSpooky36 puts three time counters on [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:31:16] Turn 3: EternalParadox38
[03:31:16] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Glimpse of Tomorrow[sU] has a graphical bug.
Glimpse of tomorrow doesn't reveal nonpermanent cards.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Glimpse of Tomorrow` or `!notbugged Glimpse of Tomorrow`
[03:31:26] EternalParadox38 plays [Sulfurous Springs].
[03:31:33] EternalParadox38 casts [Lightning Skelemental].
[03:31:37] BerluSpooky36 is being attacked by [Lightning Skelemental] and [Homicide Investigator]
[03:31:39] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Lightning Skelemental] onto the stack (Whenever Lightning Skelemental deals combat damage to a player, that player discards two cards.).
[03:32:01] BerluSpooky36 discards [End-Raze Forerunners].
[03:32:01] BerluSpooky36 discards [Felidar Retreat].
[03:32:05] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Lightning Skelemental] onto the stack (At the beginning of the end step, sacrifice Lightning Skelemental.).
[03:32:06] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Homicide Investigator] onto the stack (Whenever one or more nontoken creatures you control die, investigate. This ability triggers only o...).
[03:32:07] EternalParadox38 investigates.
[03:32:07] EternalParadox38's [Homicide Investigator] creates a Clue Token.
[03:32:08] Turn 3: BerluSpooky36
[03:32:08] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Glimpse of Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 3{RR} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[03:32:11] BerluSpooky36 removes a time counter from [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:32:14] BerluSpooky36 plays [Clifftop Retreat].
[03:32:19] Turn 4: EternalParadox38
[03:32:32] EternalParadox38 plays [Mountain].
[03:32:33] Placebo has started watching.
[03:32:47] BerluSpooky36 is being attacked by [Homicide Investigator]
[03:32:55] EternalParadox38 casts [Vraan, Executioner Thane].
[03:32:59] BerluSpooky36 discards [Furnace Host Charger].
[03:32:59] BerluSpooky36 cycles [Furnace Host Charger].
[03:33:03] BerluSpooky36 reveals [Mountain].
[03:33:09] EternalParadox38 casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[03:33:09] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting BerluSpooky36 (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[03:33:25] Turn 4: BerluSpooky36
[03:33:25] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Glimpse of Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 3{RR} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[03:33:28] BerluSpooky36 removes a time counter from [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:33:33] BerluSpooky36 plays [Plains].
[03:33:38] BerluSpooky36 casts [Felidar Retreat].
[03:33:42] Turn 5: EternalParadox38
[03:33:48] EternalParadox38 casts [Lightning Skelemental].
[03:33:52] BerluSpooky36 is being attacked by [Lightning Skelemental], [Deep-Cavern Bat], [Vraan, Executioner Thane], and [Homicide Investigator]
[03:33:53] BerluSpooky36 has conceded from the game.
[03:33:53] EternalParadox38 wins the game.
Winner: EternalParadox38
Game 1 Completed.
[03:33:57] BerluSpooky36 has left the game.

Game 873164574

[Time] 1711643713
[03:35:13] PDBot has started watching.
[03:35:15] BerluSpooky36 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:35:16] EternalParadox38 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:35:16] Turn 1: BerluSpooky36
[03:35:18] BerluSpooky36 skips their draw step.
[03:35:21] BerluSpooky36 plays [Mountain].
[03:35:24] Turn 1: EternalParadox38
[03:35:27] EternalParadox38 plays [Mountain].
[03:35:31] Turn 2: BerluSpooky36
[03:35:35] BerluSpooky36 plays [Mountain].
[03:35:37] BerluSpooky36 exiles [Glimpse of Tomorrow] with 3 time counters.
[03:35:37] BerluSpooky36 puts three time counters on [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:35:38] Turn 2: EternalParadox38
[03:35:46] EternalParadox38 plays [Graven Cairns].
[03:35:51] EternalParadox38 casts [Ankh of Mishra].
[03:35:53] Turn 3: BerluSpooky36
[03:35:53] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Glimpse of Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 3{RR} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[03:35:56] BerluSpooky36 removes a time counter from [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:36:09] BerluSpooky36 plays [Battlefield Forge].
[03:36:09] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:36:21] Turn 3: EternalParadox38
[03:36:25] EternalParadox38 plays [Foreboding Ruins].
[03:36:26] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:37:08] EternalParadox38 casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[03:37:15] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting BerluSpooky36 (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[03:37:21] BerluSpooky36 discards [Twinshot Sniper].
[03:37:21] BerluSpooky36 activates an ability of [Twinshot Sniper] targeting [Deep-Cavern Bat] ( Twinshot Sniper deals 2 damage to any target.).
[03:37:35] EternalParadox38 casts [Dread Wanderer].
[03:37:38] Turn 4: BerluSpooky36
[03:37:38] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Glimpse of Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 3{RR} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[03:37:40] BerluSpooky36 removes a time counter from [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:37:54] BerluSpooky36 plays [Plains].
[03:37:54] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:37:58] BerluSpooky36 casts [Felidar Retreat].
[03:38:00] Turn 4: EternalParadox38
[03:39:07] EternalParadox38 plays [Mountain].
[03:39:07] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:39:52] BerluSpooky36 is being attacked by [Dread Wanderer]
[03:40:00] EternalParadox38 casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[03:40:04] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting BerluSpooky36 (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[03:40:19] EternalParadox38 casts [Homicide Investigator].
[03:40:27] Turn 5: BerluSpooky36
[03:40:28] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Glimpse of Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 3{RR} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[03:40:31] BerluSpooky36 removes a time counter from [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:40:31] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Glimpse of Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 3{RR} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, you may cast it ...).
[03:40:40] BerluSpooky36 casts [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:40:42] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:40:42] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:40:42] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:41:05] BerluSpooky36 plays [Mountain].
[03:41:05] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:41:20] BerluSpooky36 casts [Etali's Favor] targeting [Devouring Sugarmaw].
[03:41:20] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Etali's Favor] onto the stack (When Etali's Favor enters the battlefield, discover 3.).
[03:41:23] BerluSpooky36 reveals 6 cards with [Etali's Favor]'s ability: [Urabrask the Hidden], [Battlefield Forge], [Siege-Gang Commander], [Aurelia, the Warleader], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], and [Etali's Favor].
[03:41:26] BerluSpooky36 casts [Etali's Favor] targeting [Devouring Sugarmaw].
[03:41:29] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Etali's Favor] onto the stack (When Etali's Favor enters the battlefield, discover 3.).
[03:41:31] BerluSpooky36 reveals 4 cards with [Etali's Favor]'s ability: [Plains], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Twinshot Sniper], and [Etali's Favor].
[03:41:34] BerluSpooky36 casts [Etali's Favor] targeting [Devouring Sugarmaw].
[03:41:37] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Etali's Favor] onto the stack (When Etali's Favor enters the battlefield, discover 3.).
[03:41:39] BerluSpooky36 reveals 17 cards with [Etali's Favor]'s ability: [Clifftop Retreat], [Mountain], [Battlefield Forge], [Devouring Sugarmaw], [Clifftop Retreat], [Geological Appraiser], [Battlefield Forge], [Felidar Retreat], [Felidar Retreat], [Chancellor of the Forge], 
[03:41:39] [Chancellor of the Forge], [Geological Appraiser], [Furnace Host Charger], [Geological Appraiser], [Plains], [Flame-Kin Zealot], and [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:41:40] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Chancellor of the Forge[sU] has an avoidable game breaking bug.
If multiple Chancellor of the Forge triggers would create many (200+) tokens, the game may reset
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Chancellor of the Forge` or `!notbugged Chancellor of the Forge`
[03:41:44] BerluSpooky36 casts [Glimpse of Tomorrow].
[03:42:48] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Felidar Retreat] onto the stack (Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control. Those creatures gain vigilance until end of turn...).
[03:42:52] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Felidar Retreat] onto the stack (Put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you control. Those creatures gain vigilance until end of turn...).
[03:42:55] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Twinshot Sniper] onto the stack targeting [Deep-Cavern Bat] (When Twinshot Sniper enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to any target.).
[03:43:17] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Goblin Dark-Dwellers] onto the stack targeting [Glimpse of Tomorrow] (When Goblin Dark-Dwellers enters the battlefield, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with...).
[03:43:17] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:43:17] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:43:30] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Homicide Investigator] onto the stack (Whenever one or more nontoken creatures you control die, investigate. This ability triggers only o...).
[03:43:32] EternalParadox38 investigates.
[03:43:32] EternalParadox38's [Homicide Investigator] creates a Clue Token.
[03:43:33] BerluSpooky36 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Twinshot Sniper], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Aurelia, the Warleader], and [Urabrask the Hidden].
[03:43:42] BerluSpooky36 casts [Have for Dinner].
[03:43:42] BerluSpooky36's [Have for Dinner] creates a Human Token.
[03:43:42] BerluSpooky36's [Have for Dinner] creates a Food Token.
[03:43:46] BerluSpooky36 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Twinshot Sniper], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Aurelia, the Warleader], [Urabrask the Hidden], and [Human Token].
[03:43:52] EternalParadox38 has conceded from the game.
[03:43:52] BerluSpooky36 wins the game.
Winner: BerluSpooky36
Game 2 Completed.

Game 873165424

[Time] 1711644293
[03:44:54] PDBot has started watching.
[03:44:57] EternalParadox38 chooses to play first.
[03:44:59] EternalParadox38 mulligans to six cards.
[03:45:04] BerluSpooky36 mulligans to six cards.
[03:45:13] EternalParadox38 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[03:45:20] BerluSpooky36 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[03:45:20] Turn 1: EternalParadox38
[03:45:20] EternalParadox38 skips their draw step.
[03:45:24] EternalParadox38 plays [Graven Cairns].
[03:45:26] Turn 1: BerluSpooky36
[03:45:33] BerluSpooky36 plays [Mountain].
[03:45:37] Turn 2: EternalParadox38
[03:45:40] EternalParadox38 plays [Swamp].
[03:45:42] EternalParadox38 casts [Ankh of Mishra].
[03:45:51] Turn 2: BerluSpooky36
[03:45:58] BerluSpooky36 plays [Clifftop Retreat].
[03:45:58] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:46:06] Turn 3: EternalParadox38
[03:46:08] EternalParadox38 plays [Swamp].
[03:46:08] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:46:17] EternalParadox38 casts [Dread Wanderer].
[03:46:22] EternalParadox38 casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[03:46:27] BerluSpooky36 casts [Have for Dinner].
[03:46:28] BerluSpooky36's [Have for Dinner] creates a Human Token.
[03:46:28] BerluSpooky36's [Have for Dinner] creates a Food Token.
[03:46:30] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting BerluSpooky36 (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[03:46:48] Turn 3: BerluSpooky36
[03:46:58] BerluSpooky36 plays [Plains].
[03:46:59] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:47:06] EternalParadox38 is being attacked by [Human Token]
[03:47:27] Turn 4: EternalParadox38
[03:47:39] BerluSpooky36 is being attacked by [Deep-Cavern Bat] and [Dread Wanderer]
[03:47:45] BerluSpooky36 discards [Twinshot Sniper].
[03:47:45] BerluSpooky36 activates an ability of [Twinshot Sniper] targeting [Deep-Cavern Bat] ( Twinshot Sniper deals 2 damage to any target.).
[03:48:00] EternalParadox38 casts [Lost Legacy] targeting BerluSpooky36.
[03:48:13] EternalParadox38 names Glimpse of Tomorrow for [Lost Legacy].
[03:48:22] EternalParadox38 exiled 4 copies of Glimpse of Tomorrow (0 from graveyard, 0 from hand, 4 from library) using [Lost Legacy]'s ability.
[03:48:24] EternalParadox38 plays [Foreboding Ruins].
[03:48:25] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:48:31] Turn 4: BerluSpooky36
[03:48:49] BerluSpooky36 plays [Mountain].
[03:48:49] EternalParadox38 puts triggered ability from [Ankh of Mishra] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield, Ankh of Mishra deals 2 damage to that land's controller.).
[03:49:00] BerluSpooky36 casts [Twinshot Sniper].
[03:49:03] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Twinshot Sniper] onto the stack targeting [Dread Wanderer] (When Twinshot Sniper enters the battlefield, it deals 2 damage to any target.).
[03:49:06] EternalParadox38 is being attacked by [Human Token]
[03:49:10] Turn 5: EternalParadox38
[03:49:16] EternalParadox38 casts [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[03:49:20] EternalParadox38 activates an ability of BerluSpooky36 ( Return Dread Wanderer from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[03:49:26] Turn 5: BerluSpooky36
[03:49:34] BerluSpooky36 casts [Geological Appraiser].
[03:49:36] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Geological Appraiser] onto the stack (When Geological Appraiser enters the battlefield, if you cast it, discover 3.).
[03:49:37] BerluSpooky36 reveals 6 cards with [Geological Appraiser]'s ability: [Battlefield Forge], [Siege-Gang Commander], [Furnace Host Charger], [Mountain], [Geological Appraiser], and [Etali's Favor].
[03:49:48] BerluSpooky36 casts [Etali's Favor] targeting [Human Token].
[03:49:49] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Etali's Favor] onto the stack (When Etali's Favor enters the battlefield, discover 3.).
[03:49:49] BerluSpooky36 reveals 7 cards with [Etali's Favor]'s ability: [Twinshot Sniper], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Flame-Kin Zealot], [Mountain], [Chancellor of the Forge], and [Etali's Favor].
[03:49:54] BerluSpooky36 casts [Etali's Favor] targeting [Human Token].
[03:49:54] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Etali's Favor] onto the stack (When Etali's Favor enters the battlefield, discover 3.).
[03:49:56] BerluSpooky36 reveals 32 cards with [Etali's Favor]'s ability: [Furnace Host Charger], [Chancellor of the Forge], [Plains], [Battlefield Forge], [Devouring Sugarmaw], [Aurelia, the Warleader], [Devouring Sugarmaw], [Twinshot Sniper], [Felidar Retreat], [Clifftop Retreat], 
[03:49:56] [Plains], [Mountain], [Mountain], [Urabrask the Hidden], [Plains], [Felidar Retreat], [Mountain], [Chancellor of the Forge], [Geological Appraiser], [Devouring Sugarmaw], 
[03:49:56] [Geological Appraiser], [Mountain], [Siege-Gang Commander], [Tendo Ice Bridge], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Plains], [Battlefield Forge], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Felidar Retreat], [Kher Keep], 
[03:49:56] [Chancellor of the Forge], and [Etali's Favor].
[03:50:02] BerluSpooky36 casts [Etali's Favor] targeting [Geological Appraiser].
[03:50:03] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Etali's Favor] onto the stack (When Etali's Favor enters the battlefield, discover 3.).
[03:50:05] BerluSpooky36 reveals 42 cards with [Etali's Favor]'s ability: [Mountain], [Geological Appraiser], [Siege-Gang Commander], [Battlefield Forge], [Furnace Host Charger], [Flame-Kin Zealot], [Chancellor of the Forge], [Twinshot Sniper], [Mountain], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], 
[03:50:05] [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Felidar Retreat], [Chancellor of the Forge], [Plains], [Felidar Retreat], [Battlefield Forge], [Tendo Ice Bridge], [Urabrask the Hidden], [Chancellor of the Forge], [Clifftop Retreat], 
[03:50:05] [Plains], [Mountain], [Chancellor of the Forge], [Aurelia, the Warleader], [Furnace Host Charger], [Battlefield Forge], [Devouring Sugarmaw], [Kher Keep], [Siege-Gang Commander], [Mountain], 
[03:50:05] [Felidar Retreat], [Twinshot Sniper], [Plains], [Geological Appraiser], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Mountain], [Plains], [Geological Appraiser], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Devouring Sugarmaw], 
[03:50:05] [Devouring Sugarmaw], and [Mountain].
[03:50:16] EternalParadox38 is being attacked by [Twinshot Sniper] and [Human Token]
[03:50:22] Turn 6: EternalParadox38
[03:50:41] EternalParadox38 casts [Falkenrath Aristocrat].
[03:51:16] BerluSpooky36 is being attacked by [Falkenrath Aristocrat]
[03:51:29] EternalParadox38 activates an ability of [Falkenrath Aristocrat] ( Falkenrath Aristocrat gains indestructible until end of turn. If the sacrificed creature was a Hu...).
[03:51:30] EternalParadox38 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Falkenrath Aristocrat].
[03:51:37] Turn 6: BerluSpooky36
[03:51:46] BerluSpooky36 casts [Etali's Favor] targeting [Twinshot Sniper].
[03:51:48] BerluSpooky36 puts triggered ability from [Etali's Favor] onto the stack (When Etali's Favor enters the battlefield, discover 3.).
[03:51:53] BerluSpooky36 reveals 41 cards with [Etali's Favor]'s ability: [Plains], [Kher Keep], [Urabrask the Hidden], [Mountain], [Devouring Sugarmaw], [Mountain], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Chancellor of the Forge], [Siege-Gang Commander], [Felidar Retreat], 
[03:51:53] [Clifftop Retreat], [Flame-Kin Zealot], [Twinshot Sniper], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Mountain], [Twinshot Sniper], [Devouring Sugarmaw], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Plains], [Chancellor of the Forge], 
[03:51:53] [Mountain], [Goblin Dark-Dwellers], [Mountain], [Chancellor of the Forge], [Devouring Sugarmaw], [Furnace Host Charger], [Geological Appraiser], [Mountain], [Battlefield Forge], [Battlefield Forge], 
[03:51:53] [Furnace Host Charger], [Felidar Retreat], [Aurelia, the Warleader], [Felidar Retreat], [Siege-Gang Commander], [Geological Appraiser], [Geological Appraiser], [Plains], [Battlefield Forge], [Chancellor of the Forge], and 
[03:51:53] [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[03:52:03] EternalParadox38 is being attacked by [Geological Appraiser], [Twinshot Sniper], and [Human Token]
[03:52:08] [Dread Wanderer] blocks [Geological Appraiser].
[03:52:17] BerluSpooky36 wins the game.
[03:52:17] EternalParadox38 loses the game.
Winner: BerluSpooky36
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: BerluSpooky36: 2–1