PDBot Stats

Game 871559638

[Time] 1710288499
[11:08:20] PDBot has started watching.
[11:08:20] Carmandor joined the game.
[League] Stolen Phoenix by pentagonalhd (237705) vs Temur Fires by carmandor (237822)
[11:08:23] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[11:08:31] Carmandor chooses to play first.
[11:08:38] [CHAT] Carmandor: gl hf
[11:08:44] Carmandor mulligans to six cards.
[11:08:49] PentagonalHD mulligans to six cards.
[11:08:56] Carmandor puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[11:09:00] PentagonalHD puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[11:09:00] Turn 1: Carmandor
[11:09:03] Carmandor skips their draw step.
[11:09:05] Carmandor plays [Sulfur Falls].
[11:09:16] Turn 1: PentagonalHD
[11:09:18] PentagonalHD plays [Mountain].
[11:09:23] Turn 2: Carmandor
[11:09:27] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[11:09:34] Turn 2: PentagonalHD
[11:09:36] PentagonalHD plays [Graven Cairns].
[11:09:41] PentagonalHD casts [Duress] targeting Carmandor.
[11:09:54] Carmandor discards [Fires of Invention].
[11:09:54] Carmandor reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Hinterland Harbor], [Mirrorshell Crab], [Ill-Timed Explosion], and [Mountain].
[11:09:58] PentagonalHD discards [Imposing Vantasaur].
[11:09:58] PentagonalHD cycles [Imposing Vantasaur].
[11:10:05] Turn 3: Carmandor
[11:10:09] Carmandor plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[11:10:16] Turn 3: PentagonalHD
[11:10:29] PentagonalHD discards [Wishclaw Talisman].
[11:10:29] PentagonalHD casts [Demand Answers].
[11:10:32] PentagonalHD draws two cards with [Demand Answers].
[11:10:35] PentagonalHD plays [Graven Cairns].
[11:10:39] Turn 4: Carmandor
[11:10:44] Carmandor plays [Forest].
[11:11:05] Turn 4: PentagonalHD
[11:11:07] PentagonalHD plays [Sulfurous Springs].
[11:11:21] PentagonalHD casts [Wishclaw Talisman].
[11:11:38] Carmandor discards [Mirrorshell Crab].
[11:11:38] Carmandor activates an ability of [Mirrorshell Crab] targeting [Wishclaw Talisman] ( Counter target spell or ability unless its controller pays {3}.).
[11:11:44] PentagonalHD casts [Altar of Dementia].
[11:11:51] Turn 5: Carmandor
[11:11:54] Carmandor plays [Mountain].
[11:13:41] Carmandor has lost connection to the game.
[11:13:49] Carmandor joined the game.
[11:17:00] Carmandor has lost connection to the game.
[11:17:00] Carmandor has lost the game due to inaction.
[11:17:00] PentagonalHD wins the game.
Winner: PentagonalHD
Game 1 Completed.