PDBot Stats

Game 871112146

[Time] 1709931809
[08:03:30] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Ninjacontrol by velocihat (237284) vs Blue La La by violetteavi (237446)
[08:03:32] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[08:03:34] [CHAT] VelociHat: glhf
[08:03:38] [CHAT] violetteavi: u2!
[08:03:40] VelociHat chooses to play first.
[08:03:47] VelociHat mulligans to six cards.
[08:03:50] violetteavi mulligans to six cards.
[08:03:54] VelociHat mulligans to five cards.
[08:03:56] violetteavi mulligans to five cards.
[08:04:04] VelociHat puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[08:04:14] violetteavi puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[08:04:14] Turn 1: VelociHat
[08:04:14] VelociHat skips their draw step.
[08:04:16] VelociHat plays [Swamp].
[08:04:19] Turn 1: violetteavi
[08:04:21] violetteavi plays [Island].
[08:04:22] violetteavi casts [Quest for Ula's Temple].
[08:04:34] Turn 2: VelociHat
[08:04:37] VelociHat plays [Island].
[08:04:46] Turn 2: violetteavi
[08:04:46] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[08:04:52] violetteavi reveals [Sphinx of Foresight].
[08:04:52] violetteavi puts a quest counter on [Quest for Ula's Temple].
[08:04:59] Turn 3: VelociHat
[08:05:02] VelociHat plays [Temple of Deceit].
[08:05:02] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Temple of Deceit] onto the stack (When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[08:05:09] VelociHat scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[08:05:12] Turn 3: violetteavi
[08:05:12] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[08:05:16] violetteavi reveals [Thrummingbird].
[08:05:16] violetteavi puts a quest counter on [Quest for Ula's Temple].
[08:05:22] Turn 4: VelociHat
[08:05:26] VelociHat plays [Temple of Deceit].
[08:05:26] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Temple of Deceit] onto the stack (When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[08:05:31] VelociHat scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[08:05:35] Turn 4: violetteavi
[08:05:35] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[08:05:40] violetteavi plays [Island].
[08:05:42] violetteavi casts [Thrummingbird].
[08:05:54] VelociHat casts [Sauron's Ransom].
[08:05:54] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Sauron's Ransom[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Sauron's Ransom shows whether face down cards are white-bordered
[08:06:24] VelociHat is tempted by the Ring.
[08:06:27] Turn 5: VelociHat
[08:06:31] VelociHat plays [Island].
[08:06:35] VelociHat casts [Disfigure] targeting [Thrummingbird].
[08:06:40] VelociHat casts [Kaito, Dancing Shadow].
[08:06:43] VelociHat activates an ability of [Kaito, Dancing Shadow] ( Draw a card.).
[08:06:43] VelociHat draws a card with [Kaito, Dancing Shadow]'s ability.
[08:06:47] Turn 5: violetteavi
[08:06:47] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[08:06:51] violetteavi reveals [Simic Sky Swallower].
[08:06:51] violetteavi puts a quest counter on [Quest for Ula's Temple].
[08:07:00] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, if there are three or more quest counters on Quest for Ula's Te...).
[08:07:12] Turn 6: VelociHat
[08:07:32] VelociHat activates an ability of [Kaito, Dancing Shadow] ( Draw a card.).
[08:07:35] VelociHat draws a card with [Kaito, Dancing Shadow]'s ability.
[08:07:52] VelociHat has conceded from the game.
[08:07:52] violetteavi wins the game.
Winner: violetteavi
Game 1 Completed.

Game 871112610

[Time] 1709932109
[08:08:30] PDBot has started watching.
[08:08:33] VelociHat chooses to play first.
[08:08:39] VelociHat begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:08:41] violetteavi mulligans to six cards.
[08:08:45] violetteavi mulligans to five cards.
[08:08:50] violetteavi mulligans to four cards.
[08:09:01] violetteavi puts three cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with four cards in hand.
[08:09:01] Turn 1: VelociHat
[08:09:03] VelociHat skips their draw step.
[08:09:04] VelociHat plays [Temple of Deceit].
[08:09:04] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Temple of Deceit] onto the stack (When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[08:09:08] VelociHat scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[08:09:11] Turn 1: violetteavi
[08:09:13] violetteavi plays [Island].
[08:09:17] Turn 2: VelociHat
[08:09:20] VelociHat plays [Swamp].
[08:09:24] VelociHat casts [Opt].
[08:09:27] VelociHat scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[08:09:27] VelociHat draws a card with [Opt].
[08:09:31] Turn 2: violetteavi
[08:09:33] violetteavi plays [Island].
[08:09:34] violetteavi casts [Augury Owl].
[08:09:36] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Augury Owl] onto the stack (When Augury Owl enters the battlefield, scry 3.).
[08:09:45] violetteavi scrys 3 (1 top, 2 bottom).
[08:09:48] Turn 3: VelociHat
[08:09:54] Turn 3: violetteavi
[08:10:00] VelociHat is being attacked by [Augury Owl]
[08:10:11] violetteavi plays [Island].
[08:10:13] violetteavi casts [Malevolent Hermit].
[08:10:25] VelociHat casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Malevolent Hermit].
[08:10:27] Turn 4: VelociHat
[08:10:36] Turn 4: violetteavi
[08:10:38] violetteavi casts [Malevolent Hermit].
[08:10:46] VelociHat casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Malevolent Hermit].
[08:10:54] VelociHat is being attacked by [Augury Owl]
[08:10:59] Turn 5: VelociHat
[08:11:04] Turn 5: violetteavi
[08:11:08] violetteavi casts [Malevolent Hermit] from the graveyard.
[08:11:16] VelociHat is being attacked by [Augury Owl]
[08:11:22] VelociHat casts VelociHat.
[08:11:24] Turn 6: VelociHat
[08:11:31] VelociHat casts [Disfigure] targeting [Benevolent Geist].
[08:11:35] violetteavi is being attacked by VelociHat
[08:11:37] VelociHat puts triggered ability from VelociHat onto the stack (Whenever Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel deals combat damage to a player, put a chorus counter on it. ...).
[08:11:38] VelociHat puts a chorus counter on VelociHat.
[08:11:38] VelociHat draws a card with VelociHat's ability.
[08:11:41] VelociHat discards [Mercurial Spelldancer].
[08:11:43] Turn 6: violetteavi
[08:11:50] VelociHat is being attacked by [Augury Owl]
[08:11:59] violetteavi casts [Augury Owl].
[08:12:03] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Augury Owl] onto the stack (When Augury Owl enters the battlefield, scry 3.).
[08:12:11] violetteavi scrys 3 (0 top, 3 bottom).
[08:12:14] VelociHat casts [Opt].
[08:12:16] VelociHat scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[08:12:16] VelociHat draws a card with [Opt].
[08:12:17] Turn 7: VelociHat
[08:12:22] VelociHat casts [Disfigure] targeting [Augury Owl].
[08:12:25] violetteavi is being attacked by VelociHat
[08:12:27] VelociHat puts triggered ability from VelociHat onto the stack (Whenever Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel deals combat damage to a player, put a chorus counter on it. ...).
[08:12:29] VelociHat puts a chorus counter on VelociHat.
[08:12:29] VelociHat draws a card with VelociHat's ability.
[08:12:37] VelociHat discards [Kaito, Dancing Shadow].
[08:12:41] Turn 7: violetteavi
[08:12:48] VelociHat is being attacked by [Augury Owl]
[08:12:56] violetteavi casts [Thrummingbird].
[08:13:03] VelociHat casts [Opt].
[08:13:05] VelociHat scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[08:13:05] VelociHat draws a card with [Opt].
[08:13:06] Turn 8: VelociHat
[08:13:10] VelociHat plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[08:13:16] violetteavi is being attacked by VelociHat
[08:13:18] [Thrummingbird] blocks VelociHat.
[08:13:23] Turn 8: violetteavi
[08:13:26] violetteavi casts [Martyr of Frost].
[08:13:49] VelociHat is being attacked by [Augury Owl]
[08:14:03] VelociHat casts [Nimble Obstructionist].
[08:14:09] Turn 9: VelociHat
[08:14:14] VelociHat plays [Swamp].
[08:14:18] violetteavi is being attacked by [Nimble Obstructionist]
[08:14:27] Turn 9: violetteavi
[08:14:34] VelociHat is being attacked by [Martyr of Frost]
[08:14:47] VelociHat casts [Sauron's Ransom].
[08:15:09] VelociHat is tempted by the Ring. [Nimble Obstructionist] becomes their Ring-bearer.
[08:15:17] Turn 10: VelociHat
[08:15:20] VelociHat plays [Island].
[08:15:31] violetteavi is being attacked by [Nimble Obstructionist]
[08:15:35] [Augury Owl] blocks [Nimble Obstructionist].
[08:15:44] Turn 10: violetteavi
[08:15:52] VelociHat is being attacked by [Martyr of Frost]
[08:16:02] VelociHat casts [Sauron's Ransom].
[08:16:12] VelociHat is tempted by the Ring for the second time.
[08:16:19] Turn 11: VelociHat
[08:16:23] VelociHat plays [Fetid Pools].
[08:16:31] Turn 11: violetteavi
[08:16:37] VelociHat is being attacked by [Martyr of Frost]
[08:16:55] VelociHat casts [Dig Through Time].
[08:17:04] violetteavi reveals 4 cards with [Martyr of Frost]'s ability: [Simic Sky Swallower], [Inkwell Leviathan], [Stormtide Leviathan], and [Simic Sky Swallower].
[08:17:04] violetteavi activates an ability of [Martyr of Frost] (revealing [Simic Sky Swallower]) targeting [Dig Through Time]. (X is 4) ( Counter target spell unless its controller pays {X}.).
[08:17:21] VelociHat casts [Nimble Obstructionist].
[08:17:22] Turn 12: VelociHat
[08:17:33] violetteavi is being attacked by [Nimble Obstructionist]
[08:17:39] VelociHat casts [Mercurial Spelldancer].
[08:17:41] Turn 12: violetteavi
[08:17:45] violetteavi has conceded from the game.
[08:17:45] VelociHat wins the game.
Winner: VelociHat
Game 2 Completed.
[08:17:49] violetteavi has left the game.

Game 871113506

[Time] 1709932690
[08:18:10] PDBot has started watching.
[08:18:11] violetteavi mulligans to six cards.
[08:18:13] VelociHat begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:18:14] violetteavi mulligans to five cards.
[08:18:17] violetteavi mulligans to four cards.
[08:18:28] violetteavi puts three cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with four cards in hand.
[08:18:28] Turn 1: violetteavi
[08:18:28] violetteavi skips their draw step.
[08:18:29] violetteavi plays [Island].
[08:18:30] violetteavi casts [Quest for Ula's Temple].
[08:18:35] Turn 1: VelociHat
[08:18:38] VelociHat plays [Swamp].
[08:18:41] VelociHat casts [Duress] targeting violetteavi.
[08:18:46] violetteavi reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Island] and [Stormtide Leviathan].
[08:18:50] Turn 2: violetteavi
[08:18:50] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[08:18:57] violetteavi plays [Island].
[08:19:04] Turn 2: VelociHat
[08:19:07] VelociHat plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[08:19:09] VelociHat casts [Mercurial Spelldancer].
[08:19:13] Turn 3: violetteavi
[08:19:13] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[08:19:18] violetteavi reveals [Inkwell Leviathan].
[08:19:18] violetteavi puts a quest counter on [Quest for Ula's Temple].
[08:19:20] violetteavi plays [Island].
[08:19:24] Turn 3: VelociHat
[08:19:33] violetteavi is being attacked by [Mercurial Spelldancer]
[08:19:35] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Mercurial Spelldancer] onto the stack (Whenever Mercurial Spelldancer deals combat damage to a player, you may remove two oil counters fr...).
[08:19:38] VelociHat plays [Island].
[08:19:40] VelociHat casts [Mercurial Spelldancer].
[08:19:42] Turn 4: violetteavi
[08:19:43] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[08:19:47] violetteavi reveals [Simic Sky Swallower].
[08:19:47] violetteavi puts a quest counter on [Quest for Ula's Temple].
[08:19:53] Turn 4: VelociHat
[08:20:00] violetteavi is being attacked by [Mercurial Spelldancer] and [Mercurial Spelldancer]
[08:20:03] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Mercurial Spelldancer] onto the stack (Whenever Mercurial Spelldancer deals combat damage to a player, you may remove two oil counters fr...).
[08:20:03] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Mercurial Spelldancer] onto the stack (Whenever Mercurial Spelldancer deals combat damage to a player, you may remove two oil counters fr...).
[08:20:07] Turn 5: violetteavi
[08:20:08] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[08:20:12] violetteavi reveals [Sphinx of Foresight].
[08:20:12] violetteavi puts a quest counter on [Quest for Ula's Temple].
[08:20:18] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, if there are three or more quest counters on Quest for Ula's Te...).
[08:20:23] VelociHat casts violetteavi.
[08:20:24] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Mercurial Spelldancer] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put an oil counter on Mercurial Spelldancer.).
[08:20:24] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Mercurial Spelldancer] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put an oil counter on Mercurial Spelldancer.).
[08:20:26] VelociHat puts an oil counter on [Mercurial Spelldancer].
[08:20:27] VelociHat puts an oil counter on [Mercurial Spelldancer].
[08:20:55] VelociHat is tempted by the Ring. [Mercurial Spelldancer] becomes their Ring-bearer.
[08:21:08] Turn 5: VelociHat
[08:21:13] VelociHat plays [Island].
[08:21:33] VelociHat casts [Kaito, Dancing Shadow].
[08:21:34] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Mercurial Spelldancer] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put an oil counter on Mercurial Spelldancer.).
[08:21:34] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Mercurial Spelldancer] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, put an oil counter on Mercurial Spelldancer.).
[08:21:36] VelociHat puts an oil counter on [Mercurial Spelldancer].
[08:21:37] VelociHat puts an oil counter on [Mercurial Spelldancer].
[08:21:43] VelociHat removes two loyalty counters from [Kaito, Dancing Shadow].
[08:21:43] VelociHat activates an ability of [Kaito, Dancing Shadow] ( Create a 2/2 colorless Drone artifact creature token with deathtouch and 'When this creature leav...).
[08:21:43] VelociHat's [Kaito, Dancing Shadow] creates a Drone Token.
[08:21:47] violetteavi is being attacked by [Mercurial Spelldancer] and [Mercurial Spelldancer]
[08:21:53] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Mercurial Spelldancer] onto the stack (Whenever Mercurial Spelldancer deals combat damage to a player, you may remove two oil counters fr...).
[08:21:55] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Mercurial Spelldancer] onto the stack (Whenever Mercurial Spelldancer deals combat damage to a player, you may remove two oil counters fr...).
[08:21:55] VelociHat puts triggered ability from [Kaito, Dancing Shadow] onto the stack (Whenever one or more creatures you control deal combat damage to a player, you may return one of t...).
[08:22:05] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, if there are three or more quest counters on Quest for Ula's Te...).
[08:22:08] Turn 6: violetteavi
[08:22:08] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may look at the top card of your library. If it's a creature ...).
[08:22:17] violetteavi casts [Quest for Ula's Temple].
[08:22:29] [CHAT] VelociHat: its each end step lol
[08:22:37] [CHAT] VelociHat: this deck is great haha
[08:22:38] VelociHat is being attacked by [Stormtide Leviathan] and [Inkwell Leviathan]
[08:22:44] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Quest for Ula's Temple] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, if there are three or more quest counters on Quest for Ula's Te...).
[08:22:56] [CHAT] violetteavi: Yeah, it is A+ top tier meme ahaha
[08:23:02] Turn 6: VelociHat
[08:23:06] VelociHat plays [Island].
[08:23:21] [CHAT] VelociHat: yeah ggs
[08:23:24] VelociHat has conceded from the game.
[08:23:24] violetteavi wins the game.
Winner: violetteavi
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: violetteavi: 2–1
[08:23:27] VelociHat has left the game.