PDBot Stats

Game 870149890

[Time] 1709209140
[23:19:01] PDBot has started watching.
[23:19:02] swamp_thing joined the game.
[League] Resurgent Belief by florent_nguyen (236659) vs Merluzzis by swamp_thing (236660)
[23:19:04] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[23:19:07] tannkoenig has started watching.
[23:19:09] Florent_Nguyen chooses to play first.
[23:19:13] tannkoenig has stopped watching.
[23:19:25] Florent_Nguyen begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:19:27] swamp_thing mulligans to six cards.
[23:19:29] Placebo has started watching.
[23:19:34] swamp_thing puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[23:19:34] Turn 1: Florent_Nguyen
[23:19:34] Florent_Nguyen skips their draw step.
[23:19:37] Florent_Nguyen plays [Island].
[23:19:38] [CHAT] swamp_thing: glhf
[23:19:42] Turn 1: swamp_thing
[23:19:44] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:19:45] [CHAT] Florent_Nguyen: Hello and good luck !
[23:19:47] swamp_thing casts [Rishadan Dockhand].
[23:19:54] Turn 2: Florent_Nguyen
[23:19:56] Florent_Nguyen plays [Sulfur Falls].
[23:19:59] Florent_Nguyen casts [Peer Through Depths].
[23:20:04] Florent_Nguyen reveals [Peer Through Depths] with [Peer Through Depths].
[23:20:11] Turn 2: swamp_thing
[23:20:17] swamp_thing casts [Tideshaper Mystic].
[23:20:19] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:20:32] Turn 3: Florent_Nguyen
[23:20:36] swamp_thing activates an ability of [Rishadan Dockhand] targeting [Sulfur Falls] ( Tap target land.).
[23:20:39] Florent_Nguyen casts [Peer Through Depths].
[23:20:43] Florent_Nguyen reveals [Ancestral Vision] with [Peer Through Depths].
[23:20:50] Florent_Nguyen plays [Sulfur Falls].
[23:20:52] Florent_Nguyen exiles [Ancestral Vision] with 4 time counters.
[23:20:52] Florent_Nguyen puts four time counters on [Ancestral Vision].
[23:20:55] Turn 3: swamp_thing
[23:20:58] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:21:00] swamp_thing casts [Coralhelm Commander].
[23:21:01] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Coralhelm Commander[sU] has a graphical bug.
If a level-up card would gain an ability that it would through leveling, it won't show it has gained that ability.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Coralhelm Commander` or `!notbugged Coralhelm Commander`
[23:21:05] Florent_Nguyen is being attacked by [Tideshaper Mystic] and [Rishadan Dockhand]
[23:21:11] swamp_thing activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[23:21:11] swamp_thing puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[23:21:13] Turn 4: Florent_Nguyen
[23:21:13] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:21:18] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:21:24] Florent_Nguyen plays [Island].
[23:21:28] Turn 4: swamp_thing
[23:21:31] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:21:33] swamp_thing activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[23:21:35] swamp_thing puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[23:21:37] swamp_thing activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[23:21:38] swamp_thing puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[23:21:41] swamp_thing activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[23:21:42] swamp_thing puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[23:21:48] Florent_Nguyen is being attacked by [Coralhelm Commander], [Tideshaper Mystic], and [Rishadan Dockhand]
[23:21:55] swamp_thing casts [Rishadan Dockhand].
[23:21:59] Turn 5: Florent_Nguyen
[23:22:00] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:22:00] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:22:06] Florent_Nguyen has conceded from the game.
[23:22:06] swamp_thing wins the game.
Winner: swamp_thing
Game 1 Completed.

Game 870150112

[Time] 1709209380
[23:23:00] PDBot has started watching.
[23:23:02] Florent_Nguyen mulligans to six cards.
[23:23:04] swamp_thing begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:23:13] Florent_Nguyen puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[23:23:13] Turn 1: Florent_Nguyen
[23:23:15] Florent_Nguyen skips their draw step.
[23:23:17] Florent_Nguyen plays [Island].
[23:23:19] Florent_Nguyen exiles [Ancestral Vision] with 4 time counters.
[23:23:19] Florent_Nguyen puts four time counters on [Ancestral Vision].
[23:23:24] Turn 1: swamp_thing
[23:23:26] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:23:28] swamp_thing casts [Rishadan Dockhand].
[23:23:32] Turn 2: Florent_Nguyen
[23:23:32] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:23:36] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:23:49] Florent_Nguyen plays [Sulfur Falls].
[23:23:51] Florent_Nguyen exiles [Ancestral Vision] with 4 time counters.
[23:23:51] Florent_Nguyen puts four time counters on [Ancestral Vision].
[23:23:57] Turn 2: swamp_thing
[23:24:01] swamp_thing casts [Aquitect's Will] targeting [Island].
[23:24:09] swamp_thing puts a flood counter on [Island].
[23:24:09] swamp_thing draws a card with [Aquitect's Will].
[23:24:22] Florent_Nguyen is being attacked by [Rishadan Dockhand]
[23:24:31] Turn 3: Florent_Nguyen
[23:24:31] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:24:31] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:24:32] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:24:32] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:24:39] Florent_Nguyen plays [Cascade Bluffs].
[23:24:42] Florent_Nguyen casts [As Foretold].
[23:24:43] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]As Foretold[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Disrupting Shoal counters spells of any mana value when cast from As Foretold
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged As Foretold` or `!notbugged As Foretold`
[23:24:50] Turn 3: swamp_thing
[23:24:52] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:25:03] Florent_Nguyen is being attacked by [Rishadan Dockhand]
[23:25:08] swamp_thing casts [Tideshaper Mystic].
[23:25:10] swamp_thing casts [Tideshaper Mystic].
[23:25:13] Turn 4: Florent_Nguyen
[23:25:16] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [As Foretold] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, put a time counter on As Foretold.).
[23:25:17] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:25:17] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:25:17] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:25:17] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:25:21] Florent_Nguyen puts a time counter on [As Foretold].
[23:25:46] Turn 4: swamp_thing
[23:25:59] Florent_Nguyen is being attacked by [Tideshaper Mystic], [Tideshaper Mystic], and [Rishadan Dockhand]
[23:26:07] swamp_thing casts [Coralhelm Commander].
[23:26:19] Florent_Nguyen casts [Abrade] targeting [Coralhelm Commander] (Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature.).
[23:26:24] Turn 5: Florent_Nguyen
[23:26:25] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [As Foretold] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, put a time counter on As Foretold.).
[23:26:26] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:26:26] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:26:26] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:26:26] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:26:26] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, you may cast it w...).
[23:26:32] Florent_Nguyen casts [Ancestral Vision] targeting Florent_Nguyen.
[23:26:35] Florent_Nguyen draws three cards with [Ancestral Vision].
[23:26:37] Florent_Nguyen puts a time counter on [As Foretold].
[23:27:03] Florent_Nguyen casts [Pyroclasm].
[23:27:08] Florent_Nguyen plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[23:27:08] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[23:27:17] Florent_Nguyen scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[23:27:24] Florent_Nguyen casts [Ancestral Vision] using an alternate cost targeting Florent_Nguyen.
[23:27:26] Florent_Nguyen draws three cards with [Ancestral Vision].
[23:27:32] Turn 5: swamp_thing
[23:27:37] swamp_thing casts [Rishadan Dockhand].
[23:27:43] swamp_thing casts Florent_Nguyen targeting [Island].
[23:27:44] swamp_thing puts a flood counter on [Island].
[23:27:44] swamp_thing draws a card with Florent_Nguyen.
[23:27:46] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:27:53] CHAOSBLACKDOOM has started watching.
[23:27:54] Turn 6: Florent_Nguyen
[23:27:56] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [As Foretold] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, put a time counter on As Foretold.).
[23:27:56] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:27:57] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:27:57] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, you may cast it w...).
[23:28:05] Florent_Nguyen casts [Ancestral Vision] targeting Florent_Nguyen.
[23:28:10] Florent_Nguyen draws three cards with [Ancestral Vision].
[23:28:11] Florent_Nguyen puts a time counter on [As Foretold].
[23:28:14] Florent_Nguyen plays [Sulfur Falls].
[23:28:48] Florent_Nguyen discards [Cascade Bluffs].
[23:28:48] Florent_Nguyen discards [Island].
[23:28:48] Turn 6: swamp_thing
[23:28:53] swamp_thing casts [Merfolk Sovereign].
[23:29:14] Florent_Nguyen is being attacked by [Rishadan Dockhand]
[23:29:32] Florent_Nguyen casts [Gifts Ungiven] targeting swamp_thing.
[23:29:44] Florent_Nguyen reveals [Saproling Burst].
[23:29:44] Florent_Nguyen reveals [Pandemonium].
[23:29:56] swamp_thing chooses Saproling Burst and Pandemonium.
[23:30:00] Turn 7: Florent_Nguyen
[23:30:00] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [As Foretold] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, put a time counter on As Foretold.).
[23:30:00] Florent_Nguyen puts a time counter on [As Foretold].
[23:30:05] Florent_Nguyen casts [Resurgent Belief] using an alternate cost.
[23:30:08] swamp_thing has conceded from the game.
[23:30:08] Florent_Nguyen wins the game.
Winner: Florent_Nguyen
Game 2 Completed.

Game 870150540

[Time] 1709209860
[23:31:01] PDBot has started watching.
[23:31:07] swamp_thing chooses to play first.
[23:31:10] swamp_thing begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:31:12] Florent_Nguyen begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:31:12] Turn 1: swamp_thing
[23:31:12] swamp_thing skips their draw step.
[23:31:15] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:31:18] Turn 1: Florent_Nguyen
[23:31:22] Florent_Nguyen plays [Island].
[23:31:26] Turn 2: swamp_thing
[23:31:28] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:31:30] swamp_thing casts [Sorcerous Spyglass].
[23:31:46] swamp_thing names Saproling Burst for [Sorcerous Spyglass].
[23:31:53] Turn 2: Florent_Nguyen
[23:31:55] Florent_Nguyen plays [Sulfur Falls].
[23:31:58] Florent_Nguyen casts [Abrade] targeting [Sorcerous Spyglass] (Destroy target artifact.).
[23:32:06] Turn 3: swamp_thing
[23:32:08] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:32:10] swamp_thing casts [Merfolk Sovereign].
[23:32:14] Turn 3: Florent_Nguyen
[23:32:16] Florent_Nguyen plays [Sulfur Falls].
[23:32:20] Turn 4: swamp_thing
[23:32:22] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:32:24] swamp_thing casts [Aquitect's Will] targeting [Island].
[23:32:26] swamp_thing puts a flood counter on [Island].
[23:32:27] swamp_thing draws a card with [Aquitect's Will].
[23:32:32] swamp_thing casts [Phantasmal Image].
[23:32:41] Florent_Nguyen casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Phantasmal Image].
[23:32:52] Florent_Nguyen is being attacked by [Merfolk Sovereign]
[23:32:58] swamp_thing casts [Aquitect's Will] targeting [Island].
[23:33:00] swamp_thing puts a flood counter on [Island].
[23:33:00] swamp_thing draws a card with [Aquitect's Will].
[23:33:04] Turn 4: Florent_Nguyen
[23:33:07] Florent_Nguyen plays [Cascade Bluffs].
[23:33:12] Florent_Nguyen casts [Gifts Ungiven] targeting swamp_thing.
[23:33:23] Florent_Nguyen reveals [Saproling Burst].
[23:33:23] Florent_Nguyen reveals [Pandemonium].
[23:33:25] swamp_thing chooses Saproling Burst and Pandemonium.
[23:33:30] Turn 5: swamp_thing
[23:33:32] swamp_thing plays [Island].
[23:33:32] CHAOSBLACKDOOM has stopped watching.
[23:33:36] CHAOSBLACKDOOM has started watching.
[23:33:37] swamp_thing casts [Merrow Reejerey].
[23:33:42] Florent_Nguyen is being attacked by [Merfolk Sovereign]
[23:33:46] Turn 5: Florent_Nguyen
[23:33:56] Florent_Nguyen casts [Peer Through Depths].
[23:34:07] Florent_Nguyen reveals [Ancestral Vision] with [Peer Through Depths].
[23:34:13] Florent_Nguyen plays [Island].
[23:34:18] Florent_Nguyen exiles [Ancestral Vision] with 4 time counters.
[23:34:18] Florent_Nguyen puts four time counters on [Ancestral Vision].
[23:34:23] Turn 6: swamp_thing
[23:34:26] swamp_thing casts [Master of the Pearl Trident].
[23:34:31] swamp_thing puts triggered ability from [Merrow Reejerey] onto the stack targeting [Sulfur Falls] (Whenever you cast a Merfolk spell, you may tap or untap target permanent.).
[23:34:45] swamp_thing casts [Merfolk Sovereign].
[23:34:47] swamp_thing puts triggered ability from [Merrow Reejerey] onto the stack targeting [Sulfur Falls] (Whenever you cast a Merfolk spell, you may tap or untap target permanent.).
[23:34:55] Florent_Nguyen is being attacked by [Merrow Reejerey] and [Merfolk Sovereign]
[23:35:02] Turn 6: Florent_Nguyen
[23:35:02] Florent_Nguyen puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[23:35:06] Florent_Nguyen removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[23:35:29] Florent_Nguyen casts [Ill-Timed Explosion].
[23:35:33] Florent_Nguyen draws two cards with [Ill-Timed Explosion].
[23:35:38] Florent_Nguyen has conceded from the game.
[23:35:38] swamp_thing wins the game.
Winner: swamp_thing
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: swamp_thing: 2–1
[23:35:40] Florent_Nguyen draws their next card.
[23:35:41] Florent_Nguyen draws their next card.
[23:35:42] Florent_Nguyen draws their next card.
[23:35:45] swamp_thing has left the game.