PDBot Stats

Game 869926418

[Time] 1709038627
[23:57:08] PDBot has started watching.
[23:57:08] Tenderloin joined the game.
[League] Best Mechanic Evarrrrr by thatonegamer4202 (236409) vs Old Forst by tenderloin (236453)
[23:57:11] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[23:57:29] Thatonegamer4202 chooses to play first.
[23:57:37] Thatonegamer4202 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:57:49] Tenderloin begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[23:57:49] Turn 1: Thatonegamer4202
[23:57:54] Thatonegamer4202 skips their draw step.
[23:57:55] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Plains].
[23:57:57] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Flourishing Fox].
[23:58:14] Turn 1: Tenderloin
[23:58:39] Tenderloin plays [Forest].
[23:58:58] Turn 2: Thatonegamer4202
[23:59:15] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Plains].
[23:59:18] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Flourishing Fox].
[23:59:23] Thatonegamer4202 discards [Drannith Stinger].
[23:59:24] Thatonegamer4202 cycles [Drannith Stinger].
[23:59:26] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[23:59:26] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[23:59:30] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[23:59:32] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[23:59:43] Tenderloin is being attacked by [Flourishing Fox]
[23:59:50] Turn 2: Tenderloin
[23:59:59] Tenderloin plays [Forest].
[00:00:18] Turn 3: Thatonegamer4202
[00:00:29] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Mountain].
[00:00:33] Thatonegamer4202 discards [Irrigated Farmland].
[00:00:33] Thatonegamer4202 cycles [Irrigated Farmland].
[00:00:34] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[00:00:35] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[00:00:38] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[00:00:39] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[00:00:50] Thatonegamer4202 discards [Drannith Stinger].
[00:00:50] Thatonegamer4202 cycles [Drannith Stinger].
[00:00:52] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[00:00:52] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[00:00:55] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[00:00:57] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[00:01:09] Tenderloin is being attacked by [Flourishing Fox] and [Flourishing Fox]
[00:01:15] Turn 3: Tenderloin
[00:01:21] Tenderloin plays [Forest].
[00:01:32] Tenderloin casts [Rampant Growth].
[00:01:46] Tenderloin has conceded from the game.
[00:01:46] Thatonegamer4202 wins the game.
[00:01:46] Tenderloin has lost connection to the game.
Winner: Thatonegamer4202
Game 1 Completed.