PDBot Stats

Game 869891934

[Time] 1709003383
[14:09:44] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Malcolmflayer by wind_turbine (236415) vs Cycling by fridgefire (236321)
[14:09:46] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[14:09:53] fridgefire chooses to play first.
[14:09:58] fridgefire begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[14:10:00] wind_turbine mulligans to six cards.
[14:10:02] wind_turbine mulligans to five cards.
[14:10:09] wind_turbine puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[14:10:09] Turn 1: fridgefire
[14:10:09] fridgefire skips their draw step.
[14:10:11] fridgefire plays [Plains].
[14:10:13] fridgefire casts [Flourishing Fox].
[14:10:16] Turn 1: wind_turbine
[14:10:17] wind_turbine plays [Temple of Deceit].
[14:10:18] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Temple of Deceit] onto the stack (When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[14:10:21] wind_turbine scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[14:10:27] Turn 2: fridgefire
[14:10:29] fridgefire plays [Battlefield Forge].
[14:10:34] fridgefire casts [Valiant Rescuer].
[14:10:37] wind_turbine is being attacked by [Flourishing Fox]
[14:10:41] Turn 2: wind_turbine
[14:10:44] wind_turbine plays [Swamp].
[14:10:53] wind_turbine casts [Bitter Triumph] targeting [Valiant Rescuer].
[14:10:55] Turn 3: fridgefire
[14:10:58] fridgefire plays [Mountain].
[14:11:04] fridgefire discards [Imposing Vantasaur].
[14:11:04] fridgefire cycles [Imposing Vantasaur].
[14:11:04] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:11:08] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:11:13] fridgefire discards [Drannith Healer].
[14:11:14] fridgefire cycles [Drannith Healer].
[14:11:14] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:11:14] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:11:20] fridgefire discards [Footfall Crater].
[14:11:21] fridgefire cycles [Footfall Crater].
[14:11:21] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:11:21] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:11:26] wind_turbine is being attacked by [Flourishing Fox]
[14:11:31] Turn 3: wind_turbine
[14:11:34] wind_turbine plays [Island].
[14:11:36] wind_turbine casts [Urborg Scavengers].
[14:11:46] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Urborg Scavengers] onto the stack targeting [Imposing Vantasaur] (Whenever Urborg Scavengers enters the battlefield or attacks, exile target card from a graveyard. ...).
[14:11:48] wind_turbine puts a +1/+1 counter on [Urborg Scavengers].
[14:11:55] Turn 4: fridgefire
[14:11:58] fridgefire plays [Plains].
[14:12:03] fridgefire casts [Lightning Rift].
[14:12:11] fridgefire discards [Drannith Healer].
[14:12:11] fridgefire cycles [Drannith Healer].
[14:12:13] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:12:16] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Lightning Rift] onto the stack targeting wind_turbine (Whenever a player cycles a card, you may pay {1}. If you do, Lightning Rift deals 2 damage to any ...).
[14:12:21] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:12:25] wind_turbine is being attacked by [Flourishing Fox]
[14:12:31] Turn 4: wind_turbine
[14:12:56] wind_turbine casts [Tainted Indulgence].
[14:12:58] wind_turbine draws two cards with [Tainted Indulgence].
[14:13:01] wind_turbine discards [Zetalpa, Primal Dawn].
[14:13:03] wind_turbine plays [Swamp].
[14:13:11] fridgefire is being attacked by [Urborg Scavengers]
[14:13:13] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Urborg Scavengers] onto the stack targeting [Zetalpa, Primal Dawn] (Whenever Urborg Scavengers enters the battlefield or attacks, exile target card from a graveyard. ...).
[14:13:16] wind_turbine puts a +1/+1 counter on [Urborg Scavengers].
[14:13:27] Turn 5: fridgefire
[14:13:29] fridgefire plays [Mountain].
[14:13:53] wind_turbine discards [Sunken Ruins].
[14:13:53] wind_turbine casts [Bitter Triumph] targeting [Flourishing Fox].
[14:13:58] Turn 5: wind_turbine
[14:14:03] wind_turbine casts [Opt].
[14:14:09] wind_turbine scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[14:14:09] wind_turbine draws a card with [Opt].
[14:14:14] fridgefire is being attacked by [Urborg Scavengers]
[14:14:22] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Urborg Scavengers] onto the stack targeting [Flourishing Fox] (Whenever Urborg Scavengers enters the battlefield or attacks, exile target card from a graveyard. ...).
[14:14:24] wind_turbine puts a +1/+1 counter on [Urborg Scavengers].
[14:14:39] fridgefire discards [Drannith Healer].
[14:14:39] fridgefire cycles [Drannith Healer].
[14:14:42] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Lightning Rift] onto the stack targeting wind_turbine (Whenever a player cycles a card, you may pay {1}. If you do, Lightning Rift deals 2 damage to any ...).
[14:14:51] fridgefire discards [Sheltered Thicket].
[14:14:51] fridgefire cycles [Sheltered Thicket].
[14:14:53] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Lightning Rift] onto the stack targeting wind_turbine (Whenever a player cycles a card, you may pay {1}. If you do, Lightning Rift deals 2 damage to any ...).
[14:14:56] wind_turbine has conceded from the game.
[14:14:56] fridgefire wins the game.
Winner: fridgefire
Game 1 Completed.
[14:14:58] wind_turbine draws their next card.

Game 869892574

[Time] 1709003772
[14:16:12] PDBot has started watching.
[14:16:14] wind_turbine chooses to play first.
[14:16:16] wind_turbine begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[14:16:23] fridgefire begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[14:16:23] Turn 1: wind_turbine
[14:16:23] wind_turbine skips their draw step.
[14:16:25] wind_turbine plays [Temple of Deceit].
[14:16:25] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Temple of Deceit] onto the stack (When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[14:16:30] wind_turbine scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[14:16:35] Turn 1: fridgefire
[14:16:38] fridgefire plays [Secluded Steppe].
[14:16:40] Turn 2: wind_turbine
[14:16:43] wind_turbine plays [Sunken Ruins].
[14:16:47] Turn 2: fridgefire
[14:16:49] fridgefire plays [Battlefield Forge].
[14:16:54] fridgefire casts [Valiant Rescuer].
[14:17:04] wind_turbine casts [Tainted Indulgence].
[14:17:04] wind_turbine draws two cards with [Tainted Indulgence].
[14:17:06] wind_turbine discards [Zetalpa, Primal Dawn].
[14:17:07] Turn 3: wind_turbine
[14:17:10] wind_turbine plays [Temple of Deceit].
[14:17:10] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Temple of Deceit] onto the stack (When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[14:17:15] wind_turbine scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[14:17:17] wind_turbine casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[14:17:21] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting fridgefire (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[14:17:37] Turn 3: fridgefire
[14:17:46] fridgefire casts [Flourishing Fox].
[14:17:50] fridgefire discards [Footfall Crater].
[14:17:51] fridgefire cycles [Footfall Crater].
[14:17:53] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:17:53] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Valiant Rescuer] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card for the first time each turn, create a 1/1 white Human Soldier cre...).
[14:17:55] fridgefire's [Valiant Rescuer] creates a Human Soldier Token.
[14:17:56] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:18:01] fridgefire plays [Secluded Steppe].
[14:18:07] Turn 4: wind_turbine
[14:18:09] wind_turbine plays [Island].
[14:18:15] Turn 4: fridgefire
[14:18:27] fridgefire discards [Flourishing Fox].
[14:18:27] fridgefire cycles [Flourishing Fox].
[14:18:29] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:18:29] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Valiant Rescuer] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card for the first time each turn, create a 1/1 white Human Soldier cre...).
[14:18:32] fridgefire's [Valiant Rescuer] creates a Human Soldier Token.
[14:18:34] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:18:43] fridgefire discards [Imposing Vantasaur].
[14:18:43] fridgefire cycles [Imposing Vantasaur].
[14:18:43] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:18:46] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:18:54] fridgefire discards [Drannith Stinger].
[14:18:54] fridgefire cycles [Drannith Stinger].
[14:18:54] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:18:56] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:18:59] fridgefire plays [Mountain].
[14:19:05] wind_turbine is being attacked by [Human Soldier Token] and [Flourishing Fox]
[14:19:12] wind_turbine casts [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[14:19:17] Turn 5: wind_turbine
[14:19:30] fridgefire is being attacked by [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel]
[14:19:37] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel] onto the stack (Whenever Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel deals combat damage to a player, put a chorus counter on it. ...).
[14:19:40] wind_turbine puts a chorus counter on [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[14:19:40] wind_turbine draws a card with [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel]'s ability.
[14:19:42] wind_turbine discards [Swamp].
[14:19:44] wind_turbine casts [Opt].
[14:19:48] wind_turbine scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[14:19:48] wind_turbine draws a card with [Opt].
[14:19:49] wind_turbine plays [Swamp].
[14:19:52] wind_turbine casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[14:19:56] fridgefire discards [Flourishing Fox].
[14:19:57] fridgefire cycles [Flourishing Fox].
[14:19:59] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:19:59] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Valiant Rescuer] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card for the first time each turn, create a 1/1 white Human Soldier cre...).
[14:20:00] fridgefire's [Valiant Rescuer] creates a Human Soldier Token.
[14:20:03] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:20:07] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting fridgefire (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[14:20:16] Turn 5: fridgefire
[14:20:26] fridgefire casts [Lightning Rift].
[14:20:28] wind_turbine casts [Annul] targeting [Lightning Rift].
[14:20:43] fridgefire discards [Secluded Steppe].
[14:20:43] fridgefire cycles [Secluded Steppe].
[14:20:47] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:20:47] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Valiant Rescuer] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card for the first time each turn, create a 1/1 white Human Soldier cre...).
[14:20:48] fridgefire's [Valiant Rescuer] creates a Human Soldier Token.
[14:20:50] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:21:02] wind_turbine is being attacked by [Human Soldier Token], [Human Soldier Token], [Human Soldier Token], and [Flourishing Fox]
[14:21:06] [Deep-Cavern Bat] blocks [Flourishing Fox].
[14:21:12] Turn 6: wind_turbine
[14:21:15] wind_turbine plays [Temple of Deceit].
[14:21:15] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Temple of Deceit] onto the stack (When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[14:21:19] wind_turbine scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[14:21:24] fridgefire is being attacked by [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel]
[14:21:29] wind_turbine puts triggered ability from [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel] onto the stack (Whenever Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel deals combat damage to a player, put a chorus counter on it. ...).
[14:21:31] wind_turbine puts a chorus counter on [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel].
[14:21:31] wind_turbine draws a card with [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel]'s ability.
[14:21:32] wind_turbine discards [Island].
[14:21:38] fridgefire discards [Drannith Stinger].
[14:21:38] fridgefire cycles [Drannith Stinger].
[14:21:40] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:21:40] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Valiant Rescuer] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card for the first time each turn, create a 1/1 white Human Soldier cre...).
[14:21:42] fridgefire's [Valiant Rescuer] creates a Human Soldier Token.
[14:21:44] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:21:49] Turn 6: fridgefire
[14:21:52] fridgefire plays [Battlefield Forge].
[14:21:56] fridgefire discards [Imposing Vantasaur].
[14:21:56] fridgefire cycles [Imposing Vantasaur].
[14:21:58] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Flourishing Fox] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card, put a +1/+1 counter on Flourishing Fox.).
[14:21:58] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Valiant Rescuer] onto the stack (Whenever you cycle another card for the first time each turn, create a 1/1 white Human Soldier cre...).
[14:22:02] fridgefire's [Valiant Rescuer] creates a Human Soldier Token.
[14:22:05] fridgefire puts a +1/+1 counter on [Flourishing Fox].
[14:22:18] wind_turbine is being attacked by [Human Soldier Token], [Human Soldier Token], [Human Soldier Token], [Human Soldier Token], [Human Soldier Token], [Flourishing Fox], and [Valiant Rescuer]
[14:22:21] [Deep-Cavern Bat] blocks [Valiant Rescuer].
[14:22:28] wind_turbine discards [Island].
[14:22:28] wind_turbine casts [Bitter Triumph] targeting [Flourishing Fox].
[14:22:43] fridgefire casts [Zenith Flare] targeting wind_turbine.
[14:22:43] fridgefire wins the game.
Winner: fridgefire
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: fridgefire: 2–0
[14:22:48] wind_turbine draws their next card.
[14:22:49] wind_turbine draws their next card.
[14:22:49] fridgefire has left the game.
[14:22:50] wind_turbine draws their next card.
[14:22:50] wind_turbine draws their next card.
[14:22:52] wind_turbine draws their next card.