PDBot Stats

Game 869878652

[Time] 1708995570
[11:59:32] PDBot has started watching.
[11:59:32] TheOnlyOne124 joined the game.
[11:59:32] roboton joined the game.
[Gatherling] Event=Penny Dreadful Mondays 32.02
[Gatherling] Round=2
[11:59:46] roboton chooses to play first.
[12:00:13] roboton begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[12:00:16] TheOnlyOne124 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[12:00:16] Turn 1: roboton
[12:00:20] roboton skips their draw step.
[12:00:21] roboton plays [Forest].
[12:00:23] roboton casts [Birds of Paradise].
[12:00:26] Turn 1: TheOnlyOne124
[12:00:41] CHAOSBLACKDOOM has started watching.
[12:01:09] TheOnlyOne124 discards [Dragonstorm].
[12:01:09] Turn 2: roboton
[12:01:16] roboton plays [Swamp].
[12:01:20] roboton casts [Birds of Paradise].
[12:01:24] Turn 2: TheOnlyOne124
[12:01:35] TheOnlyOne124 plays [Mountain].
[12:01:41] Turn 3: roboton
[12:01:48] roboton plays [Graven Cairns].
[12:01:55] roboton casts [Bloodbraid Elf].
[12:01:55] roboton puts triggered ability from [Bloodbraid Elf] onto the stack (Cascade).
[12:01:57] roboton reveals [Sylvan Library] with [Bloodbraid Elf].
[12:02:00] roboton casts [Sylvan Library].
[12:02:08] TheOnlyOne124 is being attacked by [Bloodbraid Elf]
[12:02:16] Turn 3: TheOnlyOne124
[12:02:23] TheOnlyOne124 plays [Dragonskull Summit].
[12:02:25] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Dark Ritual].
[12:02:30] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Mizzix's Mastery] targeting [Dragonstorm].
[12:02:39] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Dragonstorm].
[12:02:39] TheOnlyOne124 puts triggered ability from [Dragonstorm] onto the stack (2 spells cast before Dragonstorm this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each sp...).
[12:03:10] TheOnlyOne124 puts triggered ability from [Bogardan Hellkite] onto the stack targeting [Birds of Paradise] for 2, [Birds of Paradise] for 1, and [Bloodbraid Elf] for 2 (When Bogardan Hellkite enters the battlefield, it deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any n...).
[12:03:44] [CHAT] TheOnlyOne124: sorry, my internet connection is spotty
[12:03:53] roboton has conceded from the game.
[12:03:53] TheOnlyOne124 wins the game.
Winner: TheOnlyOne124
Game 1 Completed.
[12:03:56] TheOnlyOne124 has left the game.

Game 869879344

[Time] 1708995973
[12:06:14] PDBot has started watching.
[12:06:16] roboton chooses to play first.
[12:06:22] roboton mulligans to six cards.
[12:06:49] TheOnlyOne124 joined the game.
[12:07:07] [CHAT] roboton: np
[12:07:22] TheOnlyOne124 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[12:07:23] [CHAT] roboton: where do you live?
[12:07:27] roboton mulligans to five cards.
[12:07:51] [CHAT] TheOnlyOne124: california, I'm just a poor college student with a bad internet plan lol
[12:08:45] roboton puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[12:08:45] Turn 1: roboton
[12:08:49] roboton skips their draw step.
[12:08:52] roboton plays [Forest].
[12:08:55] Turn 1: TheOnlyOne124
[12:09:11] TheOnlyOne124 discards [Dragonstorm].
[12:09:12] Turn 2: roboton
[12:09:26] roboton plays [Raging Ravine].
[12:09:36] Turn 2: TheOnlyOne124
[12:09:42] TheOnlyOne124 plays [Mountain].
[12:09:47] Turn 3: roboton
[12:10:00] roboton plays [Swamp].
[12:10:03] roboton casts [Duress] targeting TheOnlyOne124.
[12:10:34] TheOnlyOne124 discards [Wishclaw Talisman].
[12:10:35] TheOnlyOne124 reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Cathartic Reunion], [Demand Answers], [Dark Ritual], [Swamp], [Cathartic Reunion], and [Mizzix's Mastery].
[12:10:45] Turn 3: TheOnlyOne124
[12:11:16] TheOnlyOne124 plays [Swamp].
[12:11:19] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Dark Ritual].
[12:11:25] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Mizzix's Mastery] targeting [Dragonstorm].
[12:11:56] roboton casts [Cease] targeting [Dark Ritual], [Dragonstorm], and roboton.
[12:12:02] roboton draws a card with [Cease].
[12:12:07] TheOnlyOne124's [Mizzix's Mastery] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[12:12:17] Turn 4: roboton
[12:12:28] roboton plays [Graven Cairns].
[12:12:35] roboton casts [Duress] targeting TheOnlyOne124.
[12:12:52] TheOnlyOne124 discards [Unmarked Grave].
[12:12:52] TheOnlyOne124 reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Cathartic Reunion], [Demand Answers], and [Cathartic Reunion].
[12:12:52] NimbleThroatPunch has started watching.
[12:13:02] roboton casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[12:13:02] roboton puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting TheOnlyOne124 (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[12:13:30] Turn 4: TheOnlyOne124
[12:13:39] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Unmarked Grave].
[12:13:54] Turn 5: roboton
[12:14:00] roboton plays [Karplusan Forest].
[12:14:07] roboton activates an ability of [Raging Ravine] ( Until end of turn, Raging Ravine becomes a 3/3 red and green Elemental creature with 'Whenever th...).
[12:14:13] TheOnlyOne124 is being attacked by [Deep-Cavern Bat] and [Raging Ravine]
[12:14:13] roboton puts triggered ability from [Raging Ravine] onto the stack (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on it.).
[12:14:16] roboton puts a +1/+1 counter on [Raging Ravine].
[12:14:22] Turn 5: TheOnlyOne124
[12:14:31] TheOnlyOne124 discards [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[12:14:31] TheOnlyOne124 discards [Cathartic Reunion].
[12:14:31] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Cathartic Reunion].
[12:14:43] TheOnlyOne124 draws three cards with [Cathartic Reunion].
[12:14:47] TheOnlyOne124 plays [Swamp].
[12:14:55] Turn 6: roboton
[12:15:07] roboton casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[12:15:07] roboton puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting TheOnlyOne124 (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[12:15:41] TheOnlyOne124 is being attacked by [Deep-Cavern Bat]
[12:16:44] Turn 6: TheOnlyOne124
[12:16:57] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Duress] targeting roboton.
[12:17:00] roboton discards [Duress].
[12:17:00] roboton reveals their hand to [Duress], containing no cards.
[12:17:05] Turn 7: roboton
[12:17:22] roboton casts [Huntmaster of the Fells].
[12:17:23] roboton puts triggered ability from [Huntmaster of the Fells] onto the stack (Whenever this creature enters the battlefield or transforms into Huntmaster of the Fells, create a...).
[12:17:24] roboton's [Huntmaster of the Fells] creates a Wolf Token.
[12:17:29] TheOnlyOne124 is being attacked by [Deep-Cavern Bat] and [Deep-Cavern Bat]
[12:17:38] Turn 7: TheOnlyOne124
[12:17:43] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Dark Ritual].
[12:17:51] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Mizzix's Mastery] targeting [Dragonstorm].
[12:18:04] TheOnlyOne124 casts [Dragonstorm].
[12:18:04] TheOnlyOne124 puts triggered ability from [Dragonstorm] onto the stack (2 spells cast before Dragonstorm this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for each sp...).
[12:18:39] [CHAT] TheOnlyOne124: GG
[12:19:18] TheOnlyOne124 puts triggered ability from [Bogardan Hellkite] onto the stack targeting [Deep-Cavern Bat] for 1, [Deep-Cavern Bat] for 1, [Huntmaster of the Fells] for 2, and roboton for 1 (When Bogardan Hellkite enters the battlefield, it deals 5 damage divided as you choose among any n...).
[12:19:28] TheOnlyOne124 puts triggered ability from [Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund] onto the stack (When Karrthus, Tyrant of Jund enters the battlefield, gain control of all Dragons, then untap all ...).
[12:19:46] [CHAT] roboton: nice topdecks, gg. discard cannot beat the top of a player's library.
[12:19:54] [CHAT] TheOnlyOne124: it do be like that sometimes
[12:19:55] roboton has conceded from the game.
[12:19:55] TheOnlyOne124 wins the game.
Winner: TheOnlyOne124
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: TheOnlyOne124: 2–0