PDBot Stats

Game 869639752

[Time] 1708825662
[12:47:43] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Jund-Midrange 4.0 by roboton (236162) vs Kiki Control by fridgefire (236133)
[12:47:46] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[12:47:52] fridgefire chooses to play first.
[12:47:56] [CHAT] roboton: gl
[12:48:04] [CHAT] fridgefire: gl hf
[12:48:12] fridgefire mulligans to six cards.
[12:48:15] roboton mulligans to six cards.
[12:48:23] fridgefire puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[12:48:33] roboton puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[12:48:33] Turn 1: fridgefire
[12:48:40] fridgefire skips their draw step.
[12:48:42] fridgefire plays [Shivan Reef].
[12:48:47] Turn 1: roboton
[12:48:50] roboton plays [Raging Ravine].
[12:48:58] Turn 2: fridgefire
[12:49:01] fridgefire plays [Mountain].
[12:49:07] Turn 2: roboton
[12:49:11] roboton plays [Raging Ravine].
[12:49:21] Turn 3: fridgefire
[12:49:24] fridgefire plays [Shivan Reef].
[12:49:29] Turn 3: roboton
[12:49:36] roboton plays [Llanowar Wastes].
[12:49:57] roboton casts [Tireless Tracker].
[12:50:08] Turn 4: fridgefire
[12:50:14] fridgefire casts [Strangle] targeting [Tireless Tracker].
[12:50:22] Turn 4: roboton
[12:50:28] roboton plays [Karplusan Forest].
[12:50:36] roboton casts [Bloodbraid Elf].
[12:50:36] roboton puts triggered ability from [Bloodbraid Elf] onto the stack (Cascade).
[12:50:38] roboton reveals [Birds of Paradise] with [Bloodbraid Elf].
[12:50:44] roboton casts [Birds of Paradise].
[12:50:55] fridgefire is being attacked by [Bloodbraid Elf]
[12:51:04] Turn 5: fridgefire
[12:51:10] fridgefire casts [Strangle] targeting [Bloodbraid Elf].
[12:51:17] Turn 5: roboton
[12:51:30] roboton casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[12:51:37] roboton puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting fridgefire (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[12:52:31] roboton plays [Forest].
[12:52:40] Turn 6: fridgefire
[12:52:44] fridgefire plays [Island].
[12:52:49] Turn 6: roboton
[12:53:02] roboton casts [Glorybringer].
[12:53:06] fridgefire casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Glorybringer].
[12:53:18] Turn 7: fridgefire
[12:53:33] Turn 7: roboton
[12:53:37] roboton plays [Fire-Lit Thicket].
[12:53:47] roboton casts [Bloodbraid Elf].
[12:53:48] roboton puts triggered ability from [Bloodbraid Elf] onto the stack (Cascade).
[12:54:02] fridgefire casts [Electrolyze] targeting [Deep-Cavern Bat] for 1, and [Birds of Paradise] for 1.
[12:54:18] fridgefire draws a card with [Electrolyze].
[12:54:21] roboton reveals 2 cards with [Bloodbraid Elf]: [Sulfurous Springs] and [Concealing Curtains].
[12:54:25] roboton casts [Concealing Curtains].
[12:54:37] roboton casts [Nighthawk Scavenger].
[12:54:44] fridgefire is being attacked by [Bloodbraid Elf]
[12:54:53] Turn 8: fridgefire
[12:54:57] fridgefire plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[12:54:57] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[12:55:02] fridgefire scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[12:55:08] fridgefire casts [Crackling Drake].
[12:55:08] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Crackling Drake[sU] has a graphical bug.
Creatures with variable power and toughness such as Crackling Drake are not correctly updated in the reveal zone.
[12:55:12] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Crackling Drake] onto the stack (When Crackling Drake enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[12:55:14] fridgefire draws a card with [Crackling Drake]'s ability.
[12:55:20] Turn 8: roboton
[12:55:30] roboton casts [Duress] targeting fridgefire.
[12:55:36] fridgefire discards [Dig Through Time].
[12:55:36] fridgefire reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Pestermite], [Lagoon Breach], [Horned Loch-Whale], [Spell Pierce], [Lagoon Breach], and [Horned Loch-Whale].
[12:55:57] roboton casts [Glorybringer].
[12:56:09] fridgefire is being attacked by [Glorybringer], [Nighthawk Scavenger], and [Bloodbraid Elf]
[12:56:10] roboton puts triggered ability from [Glorybringer] onto the stack targeting [Crackling Drake] (Whenever Glorybringer attacks and exerts, it deals 4 damage to target non-Dragon creature an oppon...).
[12:56:12] fridgefire has conceded from the game.
[12:56:12] roboton wins the game.
Winner: roboton
Game 1 Completed.
[12:56:17] fridgefire has left the game.

Game 869640642

[Time] 1708826273
[12:57:54] PDBot has started watching.
[12:58:09] fridgefire chooses to play first.
[12:58:12] fridgefire mulligans to six cards.
[12:58:15] roboton begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[12:58:16] fridgefire mulligans to five cards.
[12:58:27] fridgefire puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[12:58:27] Turn 1: fridgefire
[12:58:32] fridgefire skips their draw step.
[12:58:34] fridgefire plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[12:58:34] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[12:58:40] fridgefire scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[12:58:46] Turn 1: roboton
[12:58:50] roboton plays [Forest].
[12:58:52] roboton casts [Birds of Paradise].
[12:58:58] Turn 2: fridgefire
[12:59:02] fridgefire plays [Island].
[12:59:05] fridgefire casts [Abrade] targeting [Birds of Paradise] (Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature.).
[12:59:13] Turn 2: roboton
[12:59:16] roboton plays [Raging Ravine].
[12:59:20] Turn 3: fridgefire
[12:59:23] fridgefire plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[12:59:24] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[12:59:31] fridgefire scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[12:59:37] Turn 3: roboton
[12:59:42] roboton plays [Raging Ravine].
[12:59:48] Turn 4: fridgefire
[12:59:51] fridgefire plays [Sulfur Falls].
[12:59:55] Turn 4: roboton
[12:59:59] roboton plays [Mountain].
[13:00:08] roboton casts [Thrun, the Last Troll].
[13:00:22] fridgefire casts [Opt].
[13:00:27] fridgefire scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[13:00:27] fridgefire draws a card with [Opt].
[13:00:30] Turn 5: fridgefire
[13:00:33] fridgefire plays [Temple of Epiphany].
[13:00:33] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Temple of Epiphany] onto the stack (When Temple of Epiphany enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[13:00:38] fridgefire scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[13:00:43] Turn 5: roboton
[13:00:47] roboton plays [Mountain].
[13:00:53] fridgefire is being attacked by [Thrun, the Last Troll]
[13:01:00] Turn 6: fridgefire
[13:01:03] fridgefire exiles [Ancestral Vision] with 4 time counters.
[13:01:04] fridgefire puts four time counters on [Ancestral Vision].
[13:01:10] Turn 6: roboton
[13:01:15] roboton plays [Karplusan Forest].
[13:01:19] fridgefire is being attacked by [Thrun, the Last Troll]
[13:01:27] Turn 7: fridgefire
[13:01:27] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[13:01:30] fridgefire removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[13:01:34] fridgefire plays [Island].
[13:01:40] Turn 7: roboton
[13:01:43] roboton plays [Llanowar Wastes].
[13:01:47] fridgefire is being attacked by [Thrun, the Last Troll]
[13:01:56] Turn 8: fridgefire
[13:01:56] fridgefire puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[13:01:59] fridgefire removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[13:02:10] Turn 8: roboton
[13:02:19] roboton casts roboton.
[13:02:35] fridgefire casts [Dig Through Time].
[13:02:59] roboton puts triggered ability from roboton onto the stack targeting fridgefire (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[13:04:06] roboton casts [Bloodbraid Elf].
[13:04:07] roboton puts triggered ability from [Bloodbraid Elf] onto the stack (Cascade).
[13:04:10] roboton reveals 5 cards with [Bloodbraid Elf]: [Bloodbraid Elf], [Raging Ravine], [Forest], [Fire-Lit Thicket], and [Pithing Needle].
[13:04:11] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Pithing Needle[sU] has an unclassified bug.
Avatars are incorrectly on the list of cards you can name with cards such as Pithing Needle.
[13:04:14] roboton casts [Pithing Needle].
[13:04:20] fridgefire has conceded from the game.
[13:04:20] roboton wins the game.
Winner: roboton
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: roboton: 2–0
[13:04:23] fridgefire has left the game.