PDBot Stats

Game 869622394

[Time] 1708814966
[09:49:27] PDBot has started watching.
[09:49:27] chickeninthebrain joined the game.
[League] Host doesn't have active run
[09:49:30] OctopusWithAHammer joined the game.
[09:49:32] [CHAT] chickeninthebrain: hi! glhf
[09:49:42] [CHAT] OctopusWithAHammer: glhf
[09:49:44] OctopusWithAHammer chooses to play first.
[09:49:58] OctopusWithAHammer mulligans to six cards.
[09:50:10] chickeninthebrain begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:50:14] OctopusWithAHammer puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[09:50:14] Turn 1: OctopusWithAHammer
[09:50:15] OctopusWithAHammer skips their draw step.
[09:50:16] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Temple of Silence].
[09:50:16] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Temple of Silence] onto the stack (When Temple of Silence enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[09:50:23] OctopusWithAHammer scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[09:50:26] Turn 1: chickeninthebrain
[09:50:30] chickeninthebrain plays [Shivan Reef].
[09:50:32] Turn 2: OctopusWithAHammer
[09:50:34] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Caves of Koilos].
[09:50:41] chickeninthebrain discards [Boon of the Wish-Giver].
[09:50:41] chickeninthebrain cycles [Boon of the Wish-Giver].
[09:50:43] Turn 2: chickeninthebrain
[09:50:47] chickeninthebrain discards [Boon of the Wish-Giver].
[09:50:48] chickeninthebrain cycles [Boon of the Wish-Giver].
[09:50:56] [CHAT] chickeninthebrain: hehe
[09:51:03] chickeninthebrain discards [Ill-Timed Explosion].
[09:51:03] Turn 3: OctopusWithAHammer
[09:51:09] [CHAT] chickeninthebrain: my calculated risk didn't pay off
[09:51:09] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Swamp].
[09:51:18] Turn 3: chickeninthebrain
[09:51:20] [CHAT] chickeninthebrain: pls no vindicate
[09:51:22] chickeninthebrain plays [Island].
[09:51:25] chickeninthebrain casts [Altar of Dementia].
[09:51:29] Turn 4: OctopusWithAHammer
[09:51:46] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[09:52:06] Turn 4: chickeninthebrain
[09:52:10] chickeninthebrain plays [Mountain].
[09:52:24] chickeninthebrain casts [Lamplight Phoenix].
[09:52:30] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:52:30] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:52:45] chickeninthebrain mills [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel], [Sulfur Falls], and [Sulfur Falls].
[09:52:47] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:52:48] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:53:00] chickeninthebrain mills [Memory Lapse], [Memory Lapse], and [Mountain].
[09:53:02] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:53:03] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:53:12] chickeninthebrain mills [Shivan Reef], [Cascade Bluffs], and [Mountain].
[09:53:15] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:53:15] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:53:24] chickeninthebrain mills [Altar of Dementia], [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel], and [Bridge from Below].
[09:53:27] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:53:29] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:53:29] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:53:33] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:53:45] chickeninthebrain mills [Lamplight Phoenix], [Memory Lapse], and [Boon of the Wish-Giver].
[09:53:47] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:53:49] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:53:50] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:53:51] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:53:59] chickeninthebrain mills [Sphinx of Foresight], [Lamplight Phoenix], and [Bridge from Below].
[09:54:01] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:54:03] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:54:03] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:54:03] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:54:05] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:54:06] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:54:15] chickeninthebrain mills [Cascade Bluffs], [Altar of Dementia], and [Curator of Mysteries].
[09:54:17] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:54:19] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:54:19] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:54:19] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:54:21] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:54:22] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:54:34] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Angel's Grace].
[09:54:40] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[09:54:47] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Ad Nauseam].
[09:54:50] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Angel's Grace] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:54:52] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:54:53] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:54:54] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:54:55] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:54:57] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:54:58] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:54:59] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Edge of Autumn] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:55:00] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:55:02] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Laboratory Maniac] with [Ad Nauseam].
[09:55:07] chickeninthebrain mills [Cascade Bluffs], [Sulfur Falls], and [Mountain].
[09:55:18] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:55:20] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:55:20] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:55:20] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:55:21] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:55:21] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:55:31] chickeninthebrain mills [Sulfur Falls], [Forbid], and [Shivan Reef].
[09:55:34] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:55:36] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:55:37] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:55:37] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:55:37] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:55:38] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:55:53] chickeninthebrain mills [Island], [Shivan Reef], and [Bridge from Below].
[09:55:56] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:55:58] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:55:58] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:55:59] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:55:59] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:55:59] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:00] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:00] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:10] chickeninthebrain mills [Altar of Dementia], [Spell Pierce], and [Memory Lapse].
[09:56:13] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:56:15] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:56:15] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:56:15] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:56:15] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:56:15] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:15] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:16] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:24] chickeninthebrain mills [Cascade Bluffs], [Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel], and [Island].
[09:56:28] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting chickeninthebrain ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:56:31] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:56:32] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:56:32] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:56:32] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:56:32] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:33] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:33] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:45] chickeninthebrain mills [Dig Through Time], [Demand Answers], and [The Elder Dragon War].
[09:56:53] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:56:55] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:56:56] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:56:56] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:56:56] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:56:57] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:57:03] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Spoils of the Vault], [Phyrexian Unlife], and [Plains].
[09:57:09] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:57:11] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:57:11] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:57:11] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:57:12] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:57:12] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:57:20] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Tendo Ice Bridge], [Temple of Silence], and [Barren Moor].
[09:57:24] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:57:26] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Lamplight Phoenix] onto the stack (When Lamplight Phoenix dies, you may exile it and collect evidence 4. If you do, return Lamplight ...).
[09:57:26] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:57:26] chickeninthebrain puts triggered ability from [Bridge from Below] onto the stack (Whenever a nontoken creature is put into your graveyard from the battlefield, if Bridge from Below...).
[09:57:26] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:57:27] chickeninthebrain's [Bridge from Below] creates a Zombie Token.
[09:57:34] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Barren Moor], [Spoils of the Vault], and [Edge of Autumn].
[09:57:51] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:57:51] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Second Sunrise] and [Lotus Bloom].
[09:57:52] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Second Sunrise[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Second Sunrise bringing back a Weathered Runestone will fail to return things below Weathered Runestone in the graveyard.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Second Sunrise` or `!notbugged Second Sunrise`
[09:57:55] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:57:56] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Ad Nauseam] and [Wishclaw Talisman].
[09:57:59] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:57:59] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Barren Moor] and [Swamp].
[09:58:02] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:03] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Caves of Koilos] and [Temple of Silence].
[09:58:05] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:05] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Swamp] and [Temple of Silence].
[09:58:08] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:09] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Dark Ritual] and [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[09:58:12] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:12] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Laboratory Maniac] and [Spoils of the Vault].
[09:58:18] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:18] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Slaughter Pact] and [Swamp].
[09:58:21] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:21] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Ad Nauseam] and [Dark Ritual].
[09:58:24] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:24] OctopusWithAHammer mills chickeninthebrain and OctopusWithAHammer.
[09:58:27] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:28] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Phyrexian Unlife] and [Lotus Bloom].
[09:58:31] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:32] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Pact of the Titan] and [Angel's Grace].
[09:58:34] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:35] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Boseiju, Who Shelters All] and [Dark Ritual].
[09:58:38] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:38] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Lotus Bloom] and [Spoils of the Vault].
[09:58:42] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:42] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Ad Nauseam] and [Slaughter Pact].
[09:58:45] chickeninthebrain activates an ability of [Altar of Dementia] targeting OctopusWithAHammer ( Target player mills cards equal to the sacrificed creature's power.).
[09:58:46] OctopusWithAHammer mills [Tendrils of Agony] and [Slaughter Pact].
[09:58:50] Turn 5: OctopusWithAHammer
[09:58:53] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Angel's Grace].
[09:59:05] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Caves of Koilos].
[09:59:11] OctopusWithAHammer removes a charge counter from [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[09:59:12] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Laboratory Maniac].
[09:59:18] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Barren Moor].
[09:59:18] OctopusWithAHammer cycles [Barren Moor].
[09:59:23] [CHAT] chickeninthebrain: lol
[09:59:27] OctopusWithAHammer wins the game.
Winner: OctopusWithAHammer
Game 1 Completed.

Game 869623688

[Time] 1708815632
[10:00:33] PDBot has started watching.
[10:00:55] OctopusWithAHammer mulligans to six cards.
[10:01:00] chickeninthebrain puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[10:01:04] OctopusWithAHammer puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[10:01:04] Turn 1: chickeninthebrain
[10:01:04] chickeninthebrain skips their draw step.
[10:01:06] chickeninthebrain plays [Island].
[10:01:13] Turn 1: OctopusWithAHammer
[10:01:15] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Temple of Silence].
[10:01:15] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Temple of Silence] onto the stack (When Temple of Silence enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[10:01:22] OctopusWithAHammer scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[10:01:24] OctopusWithAHammer exiles [Lotus Bloom] with 3 time counters.
[10:01:24] OctopusWithAHammer puts three time counters on [Lotus Bloom].
[10:01:27] Turn 2: chickeninthebrain
[10:01:29] chickeninthebrain plays [Sulfur Falls].
[10:01:31] chickeninthebrain casts [Altar of Dementia].
[10:01:33] Turn 2: OctopusWithAHammer
[10:01:33] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[10:01:36] OctopusWithAHammer removes a time counter from [Lotus Bloom].
[10:01:40] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Duress] targeting chickeninthebrain.
[10:01:48] chickeninthebrain discards [Memory Lapse].
[10:01:48] chickeninthebrain reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Repeal], [Swan Song], and [Lamplight Phoenix].
[10:01:50] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Barren Moor].
[10:01:55] Turn 3: chickeninthebrain
[10:02:01] Turn 3: OctopusWithAHammer
[10:02:01] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[10:02:03] OctopusWithAHammer removes a time counter from [Lotus Bloom].
[10:02:17] Turn 4: chickeninthebrain
[10:02:19] chickeninthebrain plays [Shivan Reef].
[10:02:28] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Spoils of the Vault].
[10:02:40] OctopusWithAHammer names Dark Ritual for [Spoils of the Vault].
[10:02:40] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Angel's Grace].
[10:02:40] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Dark Ritual].
[10:02:52] Turn 4: OctopusWithAHammer
[10:02:52] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[10:02:56] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Silence].
[10:03:07] chickeninthebrain casts [Swan Song] targeting [Silence].
[10:03:08] OctopusWithAHammer's [Swan Song] creates a Bird Token under OctopusWithAHammer's control.
[10:03:11] OctopusWithAHammer removes a time counter from [Lotus Bloom].
[10:03:11] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, you may cast it w...).
[10:03:16] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Lotus Bloom].
[10:03:27] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[10:03:34] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Angel's Grace].
[10:03:40] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:48] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:50] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Lotus Bloom] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:51] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:52] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Edge of Autumn] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:53] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendrils of Agony] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:54] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Phyrexian Unlife] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:56] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Swamp] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:57] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:58] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Duress] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:03:59] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Duress] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:00] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:01] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Laboratory Maniac] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:01] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:02] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Swamp] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:04] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:05] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Phyrexian Unlife] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:06] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:07] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Edge of Autumn] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:08] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Dark Ritual] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:09] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Dark Ritual] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:10] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:11] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Spoils of the Vault] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:12] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:13] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:14] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:15] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:16] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:17] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:18] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Duress] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:19] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:20] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:21] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:22] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Dark Ritual] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:23] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Spoils of the Vault] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:25] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Boseiju, Who Shelters All] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:32] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:33] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Spoils of the Vault] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:36] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Swamp] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:37] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Plains] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:38] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Lotus Bloom] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:39] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:40] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:41] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Angel's Grace] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:42] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Swamp] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:43] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:44] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Angel's Grace] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:45] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam] with [Ad Nauseam].
[10:04:50] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Swamp].
[10:05:02] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[10:05:10] chickeninthebrain casts [Repeal] targeting [Bird Token]. (X is 0).
[10:05:11] chickeninthebrain returns [Bird Token] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[10:05:11] chickeninthebrain draws a card with [Repeal].
[10:05:15] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[10:05:23] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Duress] targeting chickeninthebrain.
[10:05:25] chickeninthebrain discards [Altar of Dementia].
[10:05:25] chickeninthebrain reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Altar of Dementia] and [Lamplight Phoenix].
[10:05:36] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Tendrils of Agony] targeting chickeninthebrain.
[10:05:37] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Tendrils of Agony] onto the stack (10 spells cast before Tendrils of Agony this turn.
Storm (When you cast this spell, copy it for ...).
[10:05:58] OctopusWithAHammer wins the game.
Winner: OctopusWithAHammer
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: OctopusWithAHammer: 2–0