PDBot Stats

Game 869610928

[Time] 1708809213
[08:13:34] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Pure Gideification by wildhero (235056) vs Jeskai Dragons by octopuswithahammer (236043)
[08:13:37] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] If this is a league match, don't forget to report!
[08:13:50] [CHAT] Wildhero: gl gl
[08:13:51] OctopusWithAHammer chooses to play first.
[08:13:56] OctopusWithAHammer begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:13:59] Wildhero mulligans to six cards.
[08:14:03] [CHAT] OctopusWithAHammer: gl
[08:14:05] Wildhero puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[08:14:05] Turn 1: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:14:07] OctopusWithAHammer skips their draw step.
[08:14:08] OctopusWithAHammer exiles [Lotus Bloom] with 3 time counters.
[League] Invalid Match
[08:14:09] OctopusWithAHammer puts three time counters on [Lotus Bloom].
[08:14:09] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] Lotus Bloom was not on a submitted league decklist. This is not a league match.
[08:14:10] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Boseiju, Who Shelters All].
[08:14:16] Turn 1: Wildhero
[08:14:20] Wildhero plays [Island].
[08:14:32] Turn 2: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:14:32] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[08:14:34] OctopusWithAHammer removes a time counter from [Lotus Bloom].
[08:14:38] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Swamp].
[08:14:42] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Wishclaw Talisman].
[08:14:49] Turn 2: Wildhero
[08:14:59] Wildhero plays [Mountain].
[08:15:08] Wildhero casts [Discovery].
[08:15:11] Wildhero puts [Island] and [Discovery/Dispersal] into their graveyard.
[08:15:11] Wildhero draws a card with [Discovery].
[08:15:15] Turn 3: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:15:15] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[08:15:19] OctopusWithAHammer removes a time counter from [Lotus Bloom].
[08:15:24] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Caves of Koilos].
[08:15:29] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Phyrexian Unlife].
[08:15:33] Turn 3: Wildhero
[08:15:40] Wildhero plays [Island].
[08:16:06] Turn 4: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:16:06] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[08:16:08] OctopusWithAHammer removes a time counter from [Lotus Bloom].
[08:16:08] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, you may cast it w...).
[08:16:12] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Lotus Bloom].
[08:16:27] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Angel's Grace].
[08:16:49] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[08:16:53] OctopusWithAHammer removes a wish counter from [Wishclaw Talisman].
[08:16:54] OctopusWithAHammer activates an ability of [Wishclaw Talisman] ( Search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle. An opponent gains control of...).
[08:17:17] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:23] Wildhero discards [Curator of Mysteries].
[08:17:23] Wildhero cycles [Curator of Mysteries].
[08:17:27] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Slaughter Pact] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:29] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Swamp] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:30] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Second Sunrise] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:30] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Second Sunrise[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Second Sunrise bringing back a Weathered Runestone will fail to return things below Weathered Runestone in the graveyard.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Second Sunrise` or `!notbugged Second Sunrise`
[08:17:31] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Lotus Bloom] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:32] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:33] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Swamp] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:35] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Plains] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:36] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Spoils of the Vault] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:37] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:38] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Phyrexian Unlife] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:39] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:40] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:41] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Slaughter Pact] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:42] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Dark Ritual] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:43] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Slaughter Pact] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:45] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Lotus Bloom] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:46] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Slaughter Pact] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:47] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:48] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Edge of Autumn] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:49] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:50] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Swamp] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:51] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Dark Ritual] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:52] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:53] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendrils of Agony] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:54] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Pact of the Titan] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:55] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:56] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:57] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Edge of Autumn] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:58] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:17:59] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:00] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Laboratory Maniac] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:01] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:02] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Phyrexian Unlife] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:03] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Lotus Bloom] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:04] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Angel's Grace] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:05] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:06] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:07] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Spoils of the Vault] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:08] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:09] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Laboratory Maniac] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:11] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Angel's Grace] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:11] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Dark Ritual] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:13] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:14] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Spoils of the Vault] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:15] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:16] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Spoils of the Vault] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:17] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:17] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Angel's Grace] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:18:26] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[08:18:33] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[08:18:44] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[08:18:47] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[08:18:50] OctopusWithAHammer removes a charge counter from [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[08:18:53] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Laboratory Maniac].
[08:19:02] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Edge of Autumn].
[08:19:02] OctopusWithAHammer cycles [Edge of Autumn].
[08:19:07] Wildhero discards [Hieroglyphic Illumination].
[08:19:07] Wildhero cycles [Hieroglyphic Illumination].
[08:19:17] Wildhero has conceded from the game.
[08:19:17] OctopusWithAHammer wins the game.
Winner: OctopusWithAHammer
Game 1 Completed.
[08:19:21] Wildhero has left the game.

Game 869611758

[Time] 1708809616
[08:20:17] PDBot has started watching.
[08:20:22] Wildhero chooses to play first.
[08:20:32] Wildhero begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:20:33] OctopusWithAHammer begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[08:20:33] Turn 1: Wildhero
[08:20:35] Wildhero skips their draw step.
[08:20:36] Wildhero plays [Shivan Reef].
[08:20:37] Turn 1: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:20:46] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Swamp].
[08:20:48] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Duress] targeting Wildhero.
[08:20:52] Wildhero discards [Altar of Dementia].
[08:20:52] Wildhero reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Mountain], [Sulfur Falls], [Repeal], [Mountain], [Battery], [Assault], and [Assault/Battery].
[08:21:01] Turn 2: Wildhero
[08:21:04] Wildhero plays [Mountain].
[08:21:11] Turn 2: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:21:15] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Swamp].
[08:21:17] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Wishclaw Talisman].
[08:21:27] Turn 3: Wildhero
[08:21:33] Wildhero plays [Mountain].
[08:21:51] Wildhero casts [Abrade] targeting [Wishclaw Talisman] (Destroy target artifact.).
[08:21:56] Turn 3: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:22:01] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Barren Moor].
[08:22:01] OctopusWithAHammer cycles [Barren Moor].
[08:22:05] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Caves of Koilos].
[08:22:27] Turn 4: Wildhero
[08:22:30] Wildhero plays [Sulfur Falls].
[08:22:34] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Spoils of the Vault].
[08:22:46] OctopusWithAHammer names Ad Nauseam for [Spoils of the Vault].
[08:22:46] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[08:22:46] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam].
[08:22:53] Turn 4: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:22:57] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Silence].
[08:23:28] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[08:23:30] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[08:23:33] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:38] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Plains] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:39] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:40] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Dark Ritual] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:41] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:42] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:43] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Swamp] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:45] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Slaughter Pact] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:46] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:48] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:50] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Lotus Bloom] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:52] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:53] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:54] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Phyrexian Unlife] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:23:58] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Spoils of the Vault] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:24:01] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Edge of Autumn] with [Ad Nauseam].
[08:24:07] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Plains].
[08:24:11] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Dark Ritual].
[08:24:20] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Phyrexian Unlife].
[08:24:26] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Spoils of the Vault].
[08:24:35] OctopusWithAHammer names Laboratory Maniac for [Spoils of the Vault].
[08:24:35] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Laboratory Maniac].
[08:24:39] OctopusWithAHammer exiles [Lotus Bloom] with 3 time counters.
[08:24:39] OctopusWithAHammer puts three time counters on [Lotus Bloom].
[08:24:43] [CHAT] Wildhero: bruh
[08:25:22] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Barren Moor].
[08:25:22] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Temple of Silence].
[08:25:22] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Caves of Koilos].
[08:25:22] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Swamp].
[08:25:22] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Temple of Silence].
[08:25:22] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Temple of Silence].
[08:25:22] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Slaughter Pact].
[08:25:22] Turn 5: Wildhero
[08:26:14] Turn 5: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:26:15] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[08:26:17] OctopusWithAHammer removes a time counter from [Lotus Bloom].
[08:26:27] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Wishclaw Talisman].
[08:26:32] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Barren Moor].
[08:26:46] Wildhero casts Wildhero targeting [Phyrexian Unlife]. (X is 3).
[08:26:53] Wildhero returns OctopusWithAHammer to its owner's hand with Wildhero.
[08:26:53] Wildhero draws a card with Wildhero.
[08:26:57] Turn 6: Wildhero
[08:27:01] Wildhero plays [Shivan Reef].
[08:27:04] Wildhero casts [Lamplight Phoenix].
[08:27:20] Turn 6: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:27:20] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[08:27:23] OctopusWithAHammer removes a time counter from [Lotus Bloom].
[08:27:29] OctopusWithAHammer plays [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[08:27:34] OctopusWithAHammer removes a wish counter from [Wishclaw Talisman].
[08:27:34] OctopusWithAHammer activates an ability of [Wishclaw Talisman] ( Search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle. An opponent gains control of...).
[08:28:38] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Phyrexian Unlife].
[08:28:52] Wildhero casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Phyrexian Unlife].
[08:29:04] Turn 7: Wildhero
[08:29:05] Wildhero removes a wish counter from [Wishclaw Talisman].
[08:29:06] Wildhero activates an ability of [Wishclaw Talisman] ( Search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle. An opponent gains control of...).
[08:29:22] OctopusWithAHammer is being attacked by [Lamplight Phoenix]
[08:29:27] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Slaughter Pact] targeting [Lamplight Phoenix].
[08:29:37] Wildhero casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Slaughter Pact].
[08:29:52] Wildhero casts [Assault] targeting OctopusWithAHammer.
[08:30:02] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Angel's Grace].
[08:30:12] Wildhero plays [Cascade Bluffs].
[08:30:18] Turn 7: OctopusWithAHammer
[08:30:19] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[08:30:27] OctopusWithAHammer removes a time counter from [Lotus Bloom].
[08:30:27] OctopusWithAHammer puts triggered ability from [Lotus Bloom] onto the stack (Suspend 3{0} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, you may cast it w...).
[08:30:33] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Lotus Bloom].
[08:30:43] OctopusWithAHammer removes a wish counter from [Wishclaw Talisman].
[08:30:44] OctopusWithAHammer activates an ability of [Wishclaw Talisman] ( Search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle. An opponent gains control of...).
[08:31:10] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Angel's Grace].
[08:31:26] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Spoils of the Vault].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer names You Are Already Dead for [Spoils of the Vault].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Duress].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Angel's Grace].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Wishclaw Talisman].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Swamp].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Silence].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Dark Ritual].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Slaughter Pact].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Temple of Silence].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Phyrexian Unlife].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Lotus Bloom].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Duress].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Phyrexian Unlife].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Ad Nauseam].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Angel's Grace].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Barren Moor].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Caves of Koilos].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Silence].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Lotus Bloom].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Duress].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Silence].
[08:31:34] OctopusWithAHammer reveals [Phyrexian Unlife].
[08:31:42] OctopusWithAHammer casts [Laboratory Maniac].
[08:31:47] OctopusWithAHammer discards [Edge of Autumn].
[08:31:47] OctopusWithAHammer cycles [Edge of Autumn].
[08:31:49] OctopusWithAHammer wins the game.
Winner: OctopusWithAHammer
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: OctopusWithAHammer: 2–0
[08:31:54] Wildhero has left the game.