PDBot Stats

Game 869563944

[Time] 1708784312
[01:18:33] PDBot has started watching.
[01:18:33] munchy01 joined the game.
[League] Jund Midrange by roboton (236112) vs Whitesoldiers by munchy01 (236121)
[01:18:36] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[01:18:43] [CHAT] munchy01: glhf :)
[01:18:46] munchy01 chooses to play first.
[01:18:53] munchy01 mulligans to six cards.
[01:19:10] [CHAT] roboton: gl
[01:19:15] roboton mulligans to six cards.
[01:19:28] munchy01 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[01:19:39] roboton puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[01:19:39] Turn 1: munchy01
[01:19:42] munchy01 skips their draw step.
[01:19:44] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:19:47] munchy01 casts [Champion of the Parish].
[01:19:57] Turn 1: roboton
[01:20:04] roboton plays [Llanowar Wastes].
[01:20:07] roboton casts [Birds of Paradise].
[01:20:17] Turn 2: munchy01
[01:20:20] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:20:29] munchy01 casts [Veteran Armorsmith].
[01:20:31] munchy01 puts triggered ability from [Champion of the Parish] onto the stack (Whenever another Human enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Champion ...).
[01:20:34] munchy01 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Champion of the Parish].
[01:20:39] roboton is being attacked by [Champion of the Parish]
[01:20:48] Turn 2: roboton
[01:20:56] roboton plays [Swamp].
[01:21:01] roboton casts [Blightning] targeting munchy01.
[01:21:12] munchy01 discards [Plains].
[01:21:12] munchy01 discards [Loyal Sentry].
[01:21:24] Turn 3: munchy01
[01:21:29] munchy01 casts [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[01:21:35] munchy01 puts triggered ability from [Champion of the Parish] onto the stack (Whenever another Human enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Champion ...).
[01:21:35] munchy01 puts triggered ability from [Thalia's Lieutenant] onto the stack (When Thalia's Lieutenant enters the battlefield, put a +1/+1 counter on each other Human you contr...).
[01:21:41] munchy01 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Champion of the Parish] and [Veteran Armorsmith].
[01:21:42] munchy01 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Champion of the Parish].
[01:21:46] roboton is being attacked by [Veteran Armorsmith] and [Champion of the Parish]
[01:21:57] Turn 3: roboton
[01:22:08] roboton plays [Karplusan Forest].
[01:22:11] roboton casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[01:22:14] roboton puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting munchy01 (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[01:22:38] Turn 4: munchy01
[01:22:42] munchy01 casts [Loyal Sentry].
[01:22:54] munchy01 puts triggered ability from [Champion of the Parish] onto the stack (Whenever another Human enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Champion ...).
[01:22:54] munchy01 puts triggered ability from [Thalia's Lieutenant] onto the stack (Whenever another Human enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on Thalia's ...).
[01:22:59] munchy01 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Thalia's Lieutenant].
[01:23:00] munchy01 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Champion of the Parish].
[01:23:07] roboton is being attacked by [Thalia's Lieutenant], [Veteran Armorsmith], and [Champion of the Parish]
[01:23:11] roboton has conceded from the game.
[01:23:11] munchy01 wins the game.
Winner: munchy01
Game 1 Completed.

Game 869564442

[Time] 1708784636
[01:23:56] PDBot has started watching.
[01:24:04] roboton chooses to play first.
[01:24:07] roboton mulligans to six cards.
[01:24:11] munchy01 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:24:16] roboton puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[01:24:16] Turn 1: roboton
[01:24:22] roboton skips their draw step.
[01:24:26] roboton plays [Llanowar Wastes].
[01:24:35] Turn 1: munchy01
[01:24:40] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:24:42] munchy01 casts [Boros Elite].
[01:25:15] Turn 2: roboton
[01:25:20] roboton plays [Raging Ravine].
[01:25:31] Turn 2: munchy01
[01:25:36] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:25:41] munchy01 casts [Boros Elite].
[01:25:54] roboton is being attacked by [Boros Elite]
[01:26:05] Turn 3: roboton
[01:26:09] munchy01 casts [Silence].
[01:26:22] roboton plays [Fire-Lit Thicket].
[01:26:29] Turn 3: munchy01
[01:26:35] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:26:38] munchy01 casts [Boros Elite].
[01:26:45] roboton is being attacked by [Boros Elite] and [Boros Elite]
[01:26:56] Turn 4: roboton
[01:26:59] munchy01 casts [Silence].
[01:27:07] roboton plays [Mountain].
[01:27:14] Turn 4: munchy01
[01:27:18] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:27:23] roboton is being attacked by [Boros Elite], [Boros Elite], and [Boros Elite]
[01:27:23] munchy01 puts triggered ability from [Boros Elite] onto the stack (Whenever Boros Elite and at least two other creatures attack, Boros Elite gets +2/+2 until end of ...).
[01:27:23] munchy01 puts triggered ability from [Boros Elite] onto the stack (Whenever Boros Elite and at least two other creatures attack, Boros Elite gets +2/+2 until end of ...).
[01:27:23] munchy01 puts triggered ability from [Boros Elite] onto the stack (Whenever Boros Elite and at least two other creatures attack, Boros Elite gets +2/+2 until end of ...).
[01:27:41] Turn 5: roboton
[01:27:53] roboton plays [Rootbound Crag].
[01:28:04] roboton casts [Maelstrom Pulse] targeting [Boros Elite].
[01:28:19] Turn 5: munchy01
[01:28:24] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:28:27] munchy01 casts [Benalish Marshal].
[01:28:35] Turn 6: roboton
[01:28:52] roboton casts [Bloodbraid Elf].
[01:28:52] roboton puts triggered ability from [Bloodbraid Elf] onto the stack (Cascade).
[01:28:55] roboton reveals [Birds of Paradise] with [Bloodbraid Elf].
[01:28:58] roboton casts [Birds of Paradise].
[01:29:08] munchy01 is being attacked by [Bloodbraid Elf]
[01:29:19] roboton casts [Deathmark] targeting [Benalish Marshal].
[01:29:28] Turn 6: munchy01
[01:29:32] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:29:35] munchy01 discards [Secluded Steppe].
[01:29:35] munchy01 cycles [Secluded Steppe].
[01:29:40] munchy01 casts [Veteran Armorsmith].
[01:29:47] Turn 7: roboton
[01:30:07] roboton casts [Bloodbraid Elf].
[01:30:08] roboton puts triggered ability from [Bloodbraid Elf] onto the stack (Cascade).
[01:30:11] roboton reveals [Concealing Curtains] with [Bloodbraid Elf].
[01:30:15] roboton casts [Concealing Curtains].
[01:30:29] munchy01 is being attacked by [Bloodbraid Elf] and [Bloodbraid Elf]
[01:30:39] Turn 7: munchy01
[01:30:45] munchy01 casts [Champion of the Parish].
[01:30:55] Turn 8: roboton
[01:31:11] roboton casts [Courser of Kruphix].
[01:31:18] roboton plays [Dragonskull Summit].
[01:31:18] roboton puts triggered ability from [Courser of Kruphix] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.).
[01:31:40] roboton activates an ability of [Concealing Curtains] ( Transform Concealing Curtains.).
[01:31:41] [Concealing Curtains] transforms into [Revealing Eye].
[01:31:42] roboton puts triggered ability from [Revealing Eye] onto the stack targeting munchy01 (When this creature transforms into Revealing Eye, target opponent reveals their hand. You may choo...).
[01:31:46] munchy01 reveals their hand to [Revealing Eye]'s ability, containing no cards.
[01:31:53] munchy01 is being attacked by [Revealing Eye], [Bloodbraid Elf], and [Bloodbraid Elf]
[01:32:08] Turn 8: munchy01
[01:32:14] munchy01 has conceded from the game.
[01:32:14] roboton wins the game.
Winner: roboton
Game 2 Completed.

Game 869565224

[Time] 1708785166
[01:32:47] PDBot has started watching.
[01:32:51] munchy01 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:32:56] roboton begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:32:56] Turn 1: munchy01
[01:32:58] munchy01 skips their draw step.
[01:32:59] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:33:11] munchy01 casts [Soldier of the Pantheon].
[01:33:20] Turn 1: roboton
[01:33:25] roboton plays [Karplusan Forest].
[01:33:29] roboton casts [Birds of Paradise].
[01:33:38] Turn 2: munchy01
[01:33:42] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:33:44] munchy01 casts [Loyal Sentry].
[01:33:51] roboton is being attacked by [Soldier of the Pantheon]
[01:34:01] Turn 2: roboton
[01:34:15] roboton plays [Fire-Lit Thicket].
[01:34:29] roboton casts [Birds of Paradise].
[01:34:37] roboton casts [Chevill, Bane of Monsters].
[01:34:37] munchy01 puts triggered ability from [Soldier of the Pantheon] onto the stack (Whenever an opponent casts a multicolored spell, you gain 1 life.).
[01:35:23] Turn 3: munchy01
[01:35:25] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:35:32] munchy01 casts [Benalish Marshal].
[01:35:44] roboton is being attacked by [Loyal Sentry] and [Soldier of the Pantheon]
[01:35:58] [Chevill, Bane of Monsters] blocks [Loyal Sentry].
[01:36:07] Turn 3: roboton
[01:36:07] roboton puts triggered ability from [Chevill, Bane of Monsters] onto the stack targeting [Benalish Marshal] (At the beginning of your upkeep, if your opponents control no permanents with bounty counters on t...).
[01:36:15] roboton puts a bounty counter on [Benalish Marshal].
[01:36:31] roboton plays [Graven Cairns].
[01:36:49] roboton casts [Deathmark] targeting [Benalish Marshal].
[01:36:52] roboton puts triggered ability from [Chevill, Bane of Monsters] onto the stack (Whenever a permanent an opponent controls with a bounty counter on it dies, you gain 3 life and dr...).
[01:36:56] roboton draws a card with [Chevill, Bane of Monsters]'s ability.
[01:37:09] roboton casts [Geological Appraiser].
[01:37:18] roboton puts triggered ability from [Geological Appraiser] onto the stack (When Geological Appraiser enters the battlefield, if you cast it, discover 3.).
[01:37:28] roboton reveals [Courser of Kruphix] with [Geological Appraiser]'s ability.
[01:37:32] roboton casts [Courser of Kruphix].
[01:37:43] munchy01 is being attacked by [Chevill, Bane of Monsters]
[01:38:04] Turn 4: munchy01
[01:38:08] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:38:11] munchy01 discards [Secluded Steppe].
[01:38:11] munchy01 cycles [Secluded Steppe].
[01:38:17] munchy01 casts [Veteran Armorsmith].
[01:38:29] Turn 4: roboton
[01:38:29] roboton puts triggered ability from [Chevill, Bane of Monsters] onto the stack targeting [Veteran Armorsmith] (At the beginning of your upkeep, if your opponents control no permanents with bounty counters on t...).
[01:38:35] munchy01 casts [Silence].
[01:38:40] roboton puts a bounty counter on [Veteran Armorsmith].
[01:38:47] roboton plays [Raging Ravine].
[01:38:48] roboton puts triggered ability from [Courser of Kruphix] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.).
[01:39:10] munchy01 is being attacked by [Geological Appraiser]
[01:39:27] Turn 5: munchy01
[01:39:30] munchy01 plays [Plains].
[01:39:49] Turn 5: roboton
[01:40:02] roboton plays [Llanowar Wastes].
[01:40:02] roboton puts triggered ability from [Courser of Kruphix] onto the stack (Whenever a land enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.).
[01:40:14] roboton casts [Deep-Cavern Bat].
[01:40:16] roboton puts triggered ability from [Deep-Cavern Bat] onto the stack targeting munchy01 (When Deep-Cavern Bat enters the battlefield, look at target opponent's hand. You may exile a nonla...).
[01:40:39] roboton activates an ability of [Raging Ravine] ( Until end of turn, Raging Ravine becomes a 3/3 red and green Elemental creature with 'Whenever th...).
[01:40:50] munchy01 is being attacked by [Raging Ravine], [Courser of Kruphix], and [Geological Appraiser]
[01:40:50] roboton puts triggered ability from [Raging Ravine] onto the stack (Whenever this creature attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on it.).
[01:40:54] munchy01 has conceded from the game.
[01:40:54] roboton wins the game.
Winner: roboton
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: roboton: 2–1
[01:40:58] munchy01 has left the game.