PDBot Stats

Game 868804010

[Time] 1708137694
[League] Sultai Wits by iwearshoes (235154) vs Izzet Niv-Mizzet by trestles (235161)
[13:41:40] PDBot has started watching.
[13:41:40] Trestles joined the game.
[13:41:46] [CHAT] Trestles: hi gl hf
[13:42:37] iwearshoes chooses to play first.
[13:42:42] iwearshoes mulligans to six cards.
[13:42:45] Trestles begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[13:43:00] iwearshoes puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[13:43:00] Turn 1: iwearshoes
[13:43:01] iwearshoes skips their draw step.
[13:43:02] iwearshoes plays [Temple of Deceit].
[13:43:03] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Temple of Deceit] onto the stack (When Temple of Deceit enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[13:43:13] iwearshoes scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[13:43:18] Turn 1: Trestles
[13:43:26] Trestles plays [Frostboil Snarl].
[13:43:35] Turn 2: iwearshoes
[13:43:44] iwearshoes casts [Witching Well].
[13:43:47] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Witching Well] onto the stack (When Witching Well enters the battlefield, scry 2.).
[13:43:54] iwearshoes scrys 2 (0 top, 2 bottom).
[13:43:55] iwearshoes plays [Jungle Hollow].
[13:43:56] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Jungle Hollow] onto the stack (When Jungle Hollow enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[13:44:01] Turn 2: Trestles
[13:44:08] Trestles plays [Mountain].
[13:44:14] Turn 3: iwearshoes
[13:44:18] iwearshoes plays [Swamp].
[13:44:28] Turn 3: Trestles
[13:44:40] Trestles plays [Mountain].
[13:45:26] Turn 4: iwearshoes
[13:45:31] iwearshoes plays [Sunken Ruins].
[13:45:41] iwearshoes casts [Diabolic Tutor].
[13:45:54] Trestles casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Diabolic Tutor].
[13:46:05] Turn 4: Trestles
[13:46:19] Turn 5: iwearshoes
[13:46:33] iwearshoes plays [Forest].
[13:46:40] iwearshoes casts [Obstinate Baloth].
[13:46:52] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Obstinate Baloth] onto the stack (When Obstinate Baloth enters the battlefield, you gain 4 life.).
[13:47:21] Turn 5: Trestles
[13:47:37] Trestles casts [Burst Lightning] targeting [Obstinate Baloth].
[13:47:49] Trestles casts [Abrade] targeting [Obstinate Baloth] (Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature.).
[13:48:04] Turn 6: iwearshoes
[13:48:22] iwearshoes casts [Vampire Nighthawk].
[13:48:32] iwearshoes plays [Scavenger Grounds].
[13:48:43] Turn 6: Trestles
[13:48:46] Trestles plays [Sulfur Falls].
[13:49:03] Turn 7: iwearshoes
[13:49:15] iwearshoes plays [Woodland Stream].
[13:49:22] Trestles is being attacked by [Vampire Nighthawk]
[13:49:39] Turn 7: Trestles
[13:49:43] Trestles plays [Frostboil Snarl].
[13:50:06] iwearshoes activates an ability of [Witching Well] ( Draw two cards.).
[13:50:07] iwearshoes draws two cards with [Witching Well]'s ability.
[13:50:13] Turn 8: iwearshoes
[13:50:21] iwearshoes plays [Swamp].
[13:50:33] iwearshoes casts [Search for Azcanta].
[13:50:45] Trestles casts [Prohibit] targeting [Search for Azcanta].
[13:51:05] iwearshoes casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Prohibit].
[13:51:31] Trestles casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Search for Azcanta].
[13:51:50] iwearshoes activates an ability of [Scavenger Grounds] ( Exile all graveyards.).
[13:52:02] Trestles is being attacked by [Vampire Nighthawk]
[13:52:12] Turn 8: Trestles
[13:52:27] Turn 9: iwearshoes
[13:52:35] iwearshoes casts [Search for Azcanta].
[13:52:50] Trestles is being attacked by [Vampire Nighthawk]
[13:53:00] Turn 9: Trestles
[13:53:12] Trestles casts [Sweltering Suns].
[13:53:27] Turn 10: iwearshoes
[13:53:27] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...).
[13:53:34] iwearshoes puts [Swamp] into their graveyard.
[13:53:37] iwearshoes plays [Temple of Mystery].
[13:53:38] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Temple of Mystery] onto the stack (When Temple of Mystery enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[13:53:45] iwearshoes scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[13:53:57] Turn 10: Trestles
[13:54:08] Turn 11: iwearshoes
[13:54:09] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...).
[13:54:14] iwearshoes puts [Sunken Hollow] into their graveyard.
[13:54:27] iwearshoes casts [Cultivate].
[13:54:27] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Cultivate[sU] has a graphical bug.
Spells like Cultivate fail to display the destination zones of the chosen lands in the game log.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Cultivate` or `!notbugged Cultivate`
[13:54:44] Trestles casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Cultivate].
[13:55:04] Trestles casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Cultivate].
[13:55:15] Turn 11: Trestles
[13:55:19] Trestles plays [Island].
[13:55:27] Trestles casts iwearshoes.
[13:55:41] Turn 12: iwearshoes
[13:55:41] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...).
[13:55:50] iwearshoes puts [Cultivate] into their graveyard.
[13:56:04] iwearshoes casts [Barter in Blood].
[13:56:05] Trestles puts triggered ability from iwearshoes onto the stack (Whenever a player casts an instant or sorcery spell, you draw a card.).
[13:56:08] Trestles draws a card with iwearshoes's ability.
[13:56:22] Trestles puts triggered ability from iwearshoes onto the stack targeting iwearshoes (Whenever you draw a card, Niv-Mizzet, Parun deals 1 damage to any target.).
[13:56:36] iwearshoes casts [Carven Caryatid].
[13:56:37] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Carven Caryatid] onto the stack (When Carven Caryatid enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[13:56:39] iwearshoes draws a card with [Carven Caryatid]'s ability.
[13:56:43] iwearshoes exiles [Ancestral Vision] with 4 time counters.
[13:56:44] iwearshoes puts four time counters on [Ancestral Vision].
[13:56:49] Turn 12: Trestles
[13:56:55] Trestles casts [Thing in the Ice].
[13:57:02] Trestles casts [Frantic Inventory].
[13:57:03] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[13:57:07] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[13:57:10] Trestles draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[13:57:13] Trestles plays [Sulfur Falls].
[13:57:25] Turn 13: iwearshoes
[13:57:27] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[13:57:28] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...).
[13:57:41] iwearshoes puts 1 card on top of their library.
[13:57:43] iwearshoes removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[13:57:54] iwearshoes casts [Granted].
[13:58:22] iwearshoes chooses Battle of Wits.
[13:58:29] Turn 13: Trestles
[13:58:54] Trestles casts [Niv-Mizzet, Parun].
[13:59:09] Trestles casts [Curiosity] targeting [Niv-Mizzet, Parun].
[13:59:34] Turn 14: iwearshoes
[13:59:40] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Ancestral Vision] onto the stack (Suspend 4{U} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[13:59:41] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...).
[13:59:49] iwearshoes puts [Carven Caryatid] into their graveyard.
[13:59:51] iwearshoes removes a time counter from [Ancestral Vision].
[14:00:04] iwearshoes casts [Battle of Wits].
[14:00:12] Trestles has conceded from the game.
[14:00:12] iwearshoes wins the game.
Winner: iwearshoes
Game 1 Completed.

Game 868805594

[Time] 1708138939
[14:02:20] PDBot has started watching.
[14:02:50] Trestles chooses to play first.
[14:02:55] Trestles begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[14:03:04] iwearshoes begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[14:03:04] Turn 1: Trestles
[14:03:05] Trestles skips their draw step.
[14:03:07] Trestles plays [Frostboil Snarl].
[14:03:15] Turn 1: iwearshoes
[14:03:27] iwearshoes plays [Choked Estuary].
[14:03:36] Turn 2: Trestles
[14:03:42] Trestles plays [Frostboil Snarl].
[14:03:49] Trestles casts [Thing in the Ice].
[14:03:54] Turn 2: iwearshoes
[14:04:05] iwearshoes casts [Opt].
[14:04:10] iwearshoes scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[14:04:10] iwearshoes draws a card with [Opt].
[14:04:15] iwearshoes plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[14:04:19] Turn 3: Trestles
[14:04:25] Trestles plays [Island].
[14:04:33] Turn 3: iwearshoes
[14:04:44] iwearshoes casts [Duress] targeting Trestles.
[14:05:04] Trestles casts [Burst Lightning] targeting iwearshoes.
[14:05:05] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:05:11] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:05:35] Trestles discards [Opt].
[14:05:35] Trestles reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Frantic Inventory], [Island], and [Frantic Inventory].
[14:06:01] iwearshoes casts [Opt].
[14:06:07] iwearshoes scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[14:06:07] iwearshoes draws a card with [Opt].
[14:06:18] iwearshoes plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[14:06:23] Trestles casts [Frantic Inventory].
[14:06:24] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:06:25] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:06:27] Trestles draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[14:06:33] Turn 4: Trestles
[14:06:41] Trestles plays [Island].
[14:06:49] Turn 4: iwearshoes
[14:07:00] iwearshoes casts [Cultivate].
[14:07:05] Trestles casts [Frantic Inventory].
[14:07:06] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:07:06] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:07:08] Trestles draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[14:07:08] Trestles draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[14:07:37] iwearshoes reveals [Swamp].
[14:07:37] iwearshoes reveals iwearshoes.
[14:08:12] iwearshoes plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[14:08:18] iwearshoes exiles [Sol Talisman] with 3 time counters.
[14:08:18] iwearshoes puts three time counters on [Sol Talisman].
[14:08:28] Trestles casts [Frantic Inventory].
[14:08:29] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:08:29] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:08:29] [Thing in the Ice] transforms into [Awoken Horror].
[14:08:30] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Awoken Horror] onto the stack (When this creature transforms into Awoken Horror, return all non-Horror creatures to their owners'...).
[14:08:32] Trestles returns no cards to their owner's hand with [Awoken Horror]'s ability.
[14:08:40] Trestles draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[14:08:40] Trestles draws two cards with [Frantic Inventory].
[14:08:49] Turn 5: Trestles
[14:08:58] Trestles plays [Island].
[14:09:03] iwearshoes is being attacked by [Awoken Horror]
[14:09:12] Turn 5: iwearshoes
[14:09:13] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Sol Talisman] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[14:09:17] iwearshoes removes a time counter from [Sol Talisman].
[14:09:25] iwearshoes plays [Swamp].
[14:10:01] iwearshoes casts [Dig Up] for its cleave cost using an alternate cost.
[14:10:14] Trestles casts [Opt].
[14:10:23] Trestles scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[14:10:23] Trestles draws a card with [Opt].
[14:10:31] Trestles casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Dig Up].
[14:10:37] iwearshoes casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Memory Lapse].
[14:11:41] Turn 6: Trestles
[14:11:49] Trestles plays [Mountain].
[14:11:54] iwearshoes is being attacked by [Awoken Horror]
[14:12:03] Turn 6: iwearshoes
[14:12:03] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Sol Talisman] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[14:12:08] iwearshoes removes a time counter from [Sol Talisman].
[14:12:43] iwearshoes casts [Repeal] targeting [Awoken Horror]. (X is 2).
[14:13:11] Trestles discards [Sweltering Suns].
[14:13:11] Trestles cycles [Sweltering Suns].
[14:13:19] iwearshoes returns [Thing in the Ice] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[14:13:19] iwearshoes draws a card with [Repeal].
[14:13:36] iwearshoes casts [Vampire Nighthawk].
[14:13:41] iwearshoes plays [Island].
[14:13:51] Turn 7: Trestles
[14:13:56] Trestles plays [Sulfur Falls].
[14:14:00] Trestles casts [Thing in the Ice].
[14:14:12] Turn 7: iwearshoes
[14:14:12] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Sol Talisman] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[14:14:15] iwearshoes removes a time counter from [Sol Talisman].
[14:14:16] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Sol Talisman] onto the stack (Suspend 3{1} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, you may cast it w...).
[14:14:27] iwearshoes casts [Sol Talisman].
[14:14:37] iwearshoes plays [Forest].
[14:15:09] iwearshoes casts [Mistcutter Hydra]. (X is 7).
[14:16:08] Trestles is being attacked by [Mistcutter Hydra] and [Vampire Nighthawk]
[14:16:26] Trestles casts [Abrade] targeting [Vampire Nighthawk] (Abrade deals 3 damage to target creature.).
[14:16:27] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:16:32] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:16:40] iwearshoes casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Abrade].
[14:16:49] Trestles casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Mana Leak].
[14:16:50] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:16:51] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:17:12] Turn 8: Trestles
[14:17:16] Trestles plays [Mountain].
[14:17:24] Turn 8: iwearshoes
[14:17:45] Trestles is being attacked by [Mistcutter Hydra]
[14:18:12] iwearshoes casts [Obstinate Baloth].
[14:18:22] Trestles casts [Burst Lightning] (with kicker) targeting iwearshoes.
[14:18:23] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:18:25] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:18:28] Trestles wins the game.
Winner: Trestles
Game 2 Completed.

Game 868806990

[Time] 1708140011
[14:20:14] PDBot has started watching.
[14:20:18] iwearshoes chooses to play first.
[14:20:28] iwearshoes begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[14:20:31] Trestles begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[14:20:31] Turn 1: iwearshoes
[14:20:32] iwearshoes skips their draw step.
[14:20:34] iwearshoes plays [Jungle Hollow].
[14:20:35] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Jungle Hollow] onto the stack (When Jungle Hollow enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[14:20:41] Turn 1: Trestles
[14:20:46] Trestles plays [Island].
[14:20:51] Turn 2: iwearshoes
[14:21:03] iwearshoes plays [Vineglimmer Snarl].
[14:21:11] iwearshoes casts [Sylvan Caryatid].
[14:21:18] Turn 2: Trestles
[14:21:22] Trestles plays [Sulfur Falls].
[14:21:27] Trestles casts [Thing in the Ice].
[14:21:34] Turn 3: iwearshoes
[14:21:54] iwearshoes plays [Sunken Hollow].
[14:21:59] iwearshoes casts [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver].
[14:22:52] iwearshoes puts two loyalty counters on [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver].
[14:22:53] iwearshoes activates an ability of [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver] targeting Trestles ( Exile the top three cards of target opponent's library.).
[14:23:04] Turn 3: Trestles
[14:23:19] Trestles plays [Mountain].
[14:23:31] Turn 4: iwearshoes
[14:23:36] iwearshoes plays [Thornwood Falls].
[14:23:36] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Thornwood Falls] onto the stack (When Thornwood Falls enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[14:23:44] iwearshoes puts two loyalty counters on [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver].
[14:23:44] iwearshoes activates an ability of [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver] targeting Trestles ( Exile the top three cards of target opponent's library.).
[14:24:32] iwearshoes casts [Mastermind's Acquisition] (Search your library for a card, put it into your hand, then shuffle.).
[14:24:38] Trestles casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Mastermind's Acquisition].
[14:24:39] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:24:52] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:25:04] Trestles casts [Burst Lightning] targeting [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver].
[14:25:05] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:25:05] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:25:08] Trestles removes two loyalty counters from [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver].
[14:25:11] Turn 4: Trestles
[14:25:16] Trestles plays [Island].
[14:25:26] Trestles casts [Frantic Inventory].
[14:25:26] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:25:27] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:25:29] Trestles draws a card with [Frantic Inventory].
[14:25:40] Turn 5: iwearshoes
[14:25:50] iwearshoes puts two loyalty counters on [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver].
[14:25:50] iwearshoes activates an ability of [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver] targeting Trestles ( Exile the top three cards of target opponent's library.).
[14:26:06] iwearshoes casts [Thragtusk].
[14:26:26] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Thragtusk] onto the stack (When Thragtusk enters the battlefield, you gain 5 life.).
[14:26:39] Trestles casts [Opt].
[14:26:39] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Thing in the Ice] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an instant or sorcery spell, remove an ice counter from Thing in the Ice. Then i...).
[14:26:40] Trestles removes an ice counter from [Thing in the Ice].
[14:26:40] [Thing in the Ice] transforms into [Awoken Horror].
[14:26:41] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Awoken Horror] onto the stack (When this creature transforms into Awoken Horror, return all non-Horror creatures to their owners'...).
[14:26:43] Trestles returns [Thragtusk] and [Sylvan Caryatid] to their owner's hand with [Awoken Horror]'s ability.
[14:26:44] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Thragtusk] onto the stack (When Thragtusk leaves the battlefield, create a 3/3 green Beast creature token.).
[14:26:46] iwearshoes's [Thragtusk] creates a Beast Token.
[14:26:55] Trestles scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[14:26:55] Trestles draws a card with [Opt].
[14:27:03] Turn 5: Trestles
[14:27:10] Trestles plays [Island].
[14:27:21] Trestles casts [Burst Lightning] (with kicker) targeting [Beast Token].
[14:27:29] iwearshoes's [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver] is being attacked by [Awoken Horror]
[14:27:33] Trestles removes seven loyalty counters from [Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver].
[14:27:38] Turn 6: iwearshoes
[14:27:49] iwearshoes casts [Sylvan Caryatid].
[14:27:56] iwearshoes casts [Search for Azcanta].
[14:28:06] Turn 6: Trestles
[14:28:19] iwearshoes is being attacked by [Awoken Horror]
[14:28:33] Turn 7: iwearshoes
[14:28:34] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...).
[14:28:46] iwearshoes puts 1 card on top of their library.
[14:28:55] iwearshoes casts [Thragtusk].
[14:29:00] Trestles casts [Opt].
[14:29:06] Trestles scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[14:29:06] Trestles draws a card with [Opt].
[14:29:12] Trestles casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Thragtusk].
[14:29:21] Turn 7: Trestles
[14:29:25] Trestles plays [Mountain].
[14:29:30] iwearshoes is being attacked by [Awoken Horror]
[14:29:45] Trestles casts [Niv-Mizzet, Parun].
[14:29:49] Turn 8: iwearshoes
[14:29:50] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Search for Azcanta] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, surveil 1. Then if you have seven or more cards in your graveyard...).
[14:30:07] iwearshoes puts 1 card on top of their library.
[14:30:16] iwearshoes casts [Thragtusk].
[14:30:20] iwearshoes puts triggered ability from [Thragtusk] onto the stack (When Thragtusk enters the battlefield, you gain 5 life.).
[14:30:26] Turn 8: Trestles
[14:30:37] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Niv-Mizzet, Parun] onto the stack targeting iwearshoes (Whenever you draw a card, Niv-Mizzet, Parun deals 1 damage to any target.).
[14:30:54] Trestles casts [Curiosity] targeting [Niv-Mizzet, Parun].
[14:31:04] Trestles casts [Burst Lightning] targeting iwearshoes.
[14:31:04] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Niv-Mizzet, Parun] onto the stack (Whenever a player casts an instant or sorcery spell, you draw a card.).
[14:31:07] Trestles draws a card with [Niv-Mizzet, Parun]'s ability.
[14:31:08] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Niv-Mizzet, Parun] onto the stack targeting iwearshoes (Whenever you draw a card, Niv-Mizzet, Parun deals 1 damage to any target.).
[14:31:17] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Curiosity] onto the stack (Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card.).
[14:31:25] Trestles draws a card with [Curiosity]'s ability.
[14:31:26] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Niv-Mizzet, Parun] onto the stack targeting iwearshoes (Whenever you draw a card, Niv-Mizzet, Parun deals 1 damage to any target.).
[14:31:27] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Curiosity] onto the stack (Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card.).
[14:31:30] Trestles draws a card with [Curiosity]'s ability.
[14:31:31] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Niv-Mizzet, Parun] onto the stack targeting iwearshoes (Whenever you draw a card, Niv-Mizzet, Parun deals 1 damage to any target.).
[14:31:32] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Curiosity] onto the stack (Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card.).
[14:31:34] Trestles draws a card with [Curiosity]'s ability.
[14:31:35] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Niv-Mizzet, Parun] onto the stack targeting iwearshoes (Whenever you draw a card, Niv-Mizzet, Parun deals 1 damage to any target.).
[14:31:37] Trestles puts triggered ability from [Curiosity] onto the stack (Whenever enchanted creature deals damage to an opponent, you may draw a card.).
[14:31:37] iwearshoes has conceded from the game.
[14:31:37] Trestles wins the game.
Winner: Trestles
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: Trestles: 2–1
[14:31:42] iwearshoes has left the game.