PDBot Stats

Game 868331240

[Time] 1707689902
[09:18:24] PDBot has started watching.
[09:18:24] swamp_thing joined the game.
[09:18:25] theshadowmaker joined the game.
[League] theshadowmaker doesn't have active run
[09:18:26] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] This is not a valid League pairing!
[09:18:26] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] theshadowmaker, you do not have an active run.
[09:18:31] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: oops sorry
[09:18:36] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: will fix that
[09:18:37] [CHAT] swamp_thing: np
[09:18:47] swamp_thing chooses to play first.
[09:19:02] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: done
[09:19:07] swamp_thing begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:19:15] theshadowmaker begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[09:19:15] Turn 1: swamp_thing
[09:19:16] swamp_thing skips their draw step.
[09:19:18] swamp_thing plays [Plains].
[09:19:22] Turn 1: theshadowmaker
[09:19:25] theshadowmaker plays [Mountain].
[09:19:25] [CHAT] swamp_thing: glhf
[09:19:28] theshadowmaker casts [Kumano Faces Kakkazan].
[09:19:31] theshadowmaker puts triggered ability from [Kumano Faces Kakkazan] onto the stack (Kumano Faces Kakkazan deals 1 damage to each opponent and each planeswalker they control.).
[09:19:32] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: gl!!
[09:19:42] Turn 2: swamp_thing
[09:19:45] swamp_thing plays [Plains].
[09:19:47] swamp_thing casts [Clay-Fired Bricks].
[09:19:49] swamp_thing puts triggered ability from [Clay-Fired Bricks] onto the stack (When Clay-Fired Bricks enters the battlefield, search your library for a basic Plains card, reveal...).
[09:19:55] swamp_thing reveals [Plains].
[09:20:00] Turn 2: theshadowmaker
[09:20:01] theshadowmaker puts a lore counter on [Kumano Faces Kakkazan].
[09:20:01] theshadowmaker puts triggered ability from [Kumano Faces Kakkazan] onto the stack (When you cast your next creature spell this turn, that creature enters the battlefield with an add...).
[09:20:14] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: sorry mate. Seems I did top4 in the pd tourney
[09:20:21] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: I concede. Free point. Will play any other time :)
[09:20:26] theshadowmaker has conceded from the game.
[09:20:26] swamp_thing wins the game.
Winner: swamp_thing
Game 1 Completed.
[09:20:40] swamp_thing has left the game.