PDBot Stats

Game 867976646

[Time] 1707387160
[21:12:40] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Host doesn't have active run
[21:12:43] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] This is not a valid League pairing!
[21:12:43] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD][sR] Kwww, you do not have an active run.
[21:12:47] tannkoenig has started watching.
[21:12:51] tannkoenig has stopped watching.
[21:12:53] theshadowmaker chooses to play first.
[21:13:04] theshadowmaker begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[21:13:16] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: forgot to register, mate :)
[21:13:20] [CHAT] Kwww: whoops, thought i was only 4 matches in
[21:13:25] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: no worries
[21:13:30] [CHAT] Kwww: I'm gonna make a whole new deck
[21:13:31] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: we can report later
[21:13:33] [CHAT] theshadowmaker: oh ok
[21:13:36] Kwww has conceded from the game.
[21:13:36] theshadowmaker wins the game.
[21:13:36] Kwww has lost connection to the game.
Winner: theshadowmaker
Game 1 Completed.