PDBot Stats

Game 867208292

[Time] 1706639515
[05:31:56] PDBot has started watching.
[05:31:56] ILikedMyName joined the game.
[League] The Jacuzzi Spot by ennis0 (234203) vs Party by ilikedmyname (234201)
[05:31:58] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[05:32:00] Ennis0 chooses to play first.
[05:32:04] [CHAT] Ennis0: glhf
[05:32:06] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: glhf
[05:32:08] Ennis0 mulligans to six cards.
[05:32:09] ILikedMyName mulligans to six cards.
[05:32:22] Ennis0 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[05:32:23] ILikedMyName mulligans to five cards.
[05:32:31] ILikedMyName puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[05:32:31] Turn 1: Ennis0
[05:32:31] Ennis0 skips their draw step.
[05:32:37] Ennis0 plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[05:32:40] Turn 1: ILikedMyName
[05:32:43] ILikedMyName plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[05:32:48] Turn 2: Ennis0
[05:32:49] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[05:32:57] Turn 2: ILikedMyName
[05:32:59] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[05:33:04] Ennis0 casts [Impulse].
[05:33:35] Turn 3: Ennis0
[05:33:36] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[05:33:43] Turn 3: ILikedMyName
[05:33:48] ILikedMyName plays [Island].
[05:33:50] ILikedMyName casts [The Bears of Littjara].
[05:33:56] Ennis0 casts [Risk Factor] targeting ILikedMyName.
[05:34:02] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [The Bears of Littjara] onto the stack (Create a 2/2 blue Shapeshifter creature token with changeling.).
[05:34:03] ILikedMyName's [The Bears of Littjara] creates a Shapeshifter Token.
[05:34:06] Turn 4: Ennis0
[05:34:12] Turn 4: ILikedMyName
[05:34:12] ILikedMyName puts a lore counter on [The Bears of Littjara].
[05:34:14] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [The Bears of Littjara] onto the stack targeting [Shapeshifter Token] (Any number of target Shapeshifter creatures you control have base power and toughness 4/4.).
[05:34:29] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Shapeshifter Token]
[05:34:35] ILikedMyName plays [Island].
[05:34:38] ILikedMyName casts [Tazri, Beacon of Unity].
[05:34:46] Ennis0 casts [Pulse of the Forge] targeting ILikedMyName.
[05:34:54] Turn 5: Ennis0
[05:34:56] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[05:35:02] Ennis0 casts [Chandra, Fire Artisan].
[05:35:06] Ennis0 puts a loyalty counter on [Chandra, Fire Artisan].
[05:35:06] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Chandra, Fire Artisan] ( Exile the top card of your library. You may play it this turn.).
[05:35:13] Turn 5: ILikedMyName
[05:35:14] ILikedMyName puts a lore counter on [The Bears of Littjara].
[05:35:17] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [The Bears of Littjara] onto the stack targeting [Chandra, Fire Artisan] (Choose up to one target creature or planeswalker. Each creature with power 4 or greater you contro...).
[05:35:21] ILikedMyName removes five loyalty counters from [Chandra, Fire Artisan].
[05:35:21] Ennis0 puts triggered ability from [Chandra, Fire Artisan] onto the stack targeting ILikedMyName (Whenever one or more loyalty counters are removed from Chandra, Fire Artisan, she deals that much ...).
[05:35:35] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[05:35:43] ILikedMyName casts [Tajuru Paragon].
[05:35:57] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Tazri, Beacon of Unity] and [Shapeshifter Token]
[05:36:10] Turn 6: Ennis0
[05:36:27] Ennis0 discards [Sweltering Suns].
[05:36:27] Ennis0 casts [Risk Factor] from the graveyard targeting ILikedMyName.
[05:36:40] Ennis0 has conceded from the game.
[05:36:40] ILikedMyName wins the game.
Winner: ILikedMyName
Game 1 Completed.

Game 867208716

[Time] 1706639850
[05:37:31] PDBot has started watching.
[05:37:37] Ennis0 chooses to play first.
[05:37:40] Ennis0 mulligans to six cards.
[05:37:42] ILikedMyName begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[05:37:43] Ennis0 mulligans to five cards.
[05:37:48] Ennis0 puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[05:37:48] Turn 1: Ennis0
[05:37:48] Ennis0 skips their draw step.
[05:37:50] Ennis0 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[05:37:53] Turn 1: ILikedMyName
[05:37:55] ILikedMyName plays [Island].
[05:37:56] ILikedMyName casts [Mothdust Changeling].
[05:38:01] Turn 2: Ennis0
[05:38:03] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[05:38:09] Turn 2: ILikedMyName
[05:38:10] ILikedMyName plays [Glacial Fortress].
[05:38:13] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Mothdust Changeling]
[05:38:24] Turn 3: Ennis0
[05:38:26] Ennis0 plays [Shivan Reef].
[05:38:30] Turn 3: ILikedMyName
[05:38:31] ILikedMyName plays [Island].
[05:38:35] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Mothdust Changeling]
[05:38:40] ILikedMyName casts [Archpriest of Iona].
[05:38:46] Ennis0 casts [Risk Factor] targeting ILikedMyName.
[05:38:53] Turn 4: Ennis0
[05:38:56] Ennis0 plays [Shivan Reef].
[05:39:01] Turn 4: ILikedMyName
[05:39:04] ILikedMyName plays [Island].
[05:39:07] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Archpriest of Iona] and [Mothdust Changeling]
[05:39:12] ILikedMyName casts [Nimble Trapfinder].
[05:39:39] Ennis0 discards [Increasing Vengeance].
[05:39:39] Ennis0 casts [Risk Factor] from the graveyard targeting ILikedMyName.
[05:39:47] Turn 5: Ennis0
[05:39:54] Turn 5: ILikedMyName
[05:39:56] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[05:40:00] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Nimble Trapfinder], [Archpriest of Iona], and [Mothdust Changeling]
[05:40:11] Ennis0 casts [Char] targeting ILikedMyName.
[05:40:26] Turn 6: Ennis0
[05:40:32] Ennis0 plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[05:40:38] ILikedMyName casts [Spoils of Adventure].
[05:40:40] ILikedMyName draws three cards with [Spoils of Adventure].
[05:40:42] Turn 6: ILikedMyName
[05:40:46] ILikedMyName plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[05:40:50] ILikedMyName casts [Tajuru Paragon].
[05:40:53] Ennis0 has conceded from the game.
[05:40:53] ILikedMyName wins the game.
Winner: ILikedMyName
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: ILikedMyName: 2–0