PDBot Stats

Game 867200454

[Time] 1706633202
[03:46:43] PDBot has started watching.
[League] The Jacuzzi Spot by ennis0 (234191) vs Party by ilikedmyname (234155)
[03:46:45] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[03:46:51] [CHAT] ILikedMyName: hey glhf
[03:46:55] ILikedMyName chooses to play first.
[03:46:59] [CHAT] Ennis0: glhf
[03:47:01] ILikedMyName begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:47:07] Ennis0 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:47:07] Turn 1: ILikedMyName
[03:47:07] ILikedMyName skips their draw step.
[03:47:09] ILikedMyName plays [Glacial Fortress].
[03:47:12] Turn 1: Ennis0
[03:47:14] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[03:47:17] Turn 2: ILikedMyName
[03:47:20] ILikedMyName casts [Mothdust Changeling].
[03:47:22] ILikedMyName plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[03:47:25] Turn 2: Ennis0
[03:47:29] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[03:47:33] Turn 3: ILikedMyName
[03:47:39] ILikedMyName casts [Nimble Trapfinder].
[03:47:45] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Mothdust Changeling]
[03:47:54] Turn 3: Ennis0
[03:47:58] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[03:48:00] Ennis0 casts [Sweltering Suns].
[03:48:03] Turn 4: ILikedMyName
[03:48:06] ILikedMyName plays [Plains].
[03:48:15] ILikedMyName casts [Champion of Wits].
[03:48:17] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Champion of Wits] onto the stack (When Champion of Wits enters the battlefield, you may draw cards equal to its power. If you do, di...).
[03:48:21] ILikedMyName draws two cards with [Champion of Wits]'s ability.
[03:48:24] ILikedMyName discards [Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate].
[03:48:24] ILikedMyName discards [Island].
[03:48:28] Turn 4: Ennis0
[03:48:29] Ennis0 plays [Shivan Reef].
[03:48:32] Ennis0 casts [Chandra, Pyromaster].
[03:48:37] Ennis0 puts a loyalty counter on [Chandra, Pyromaster].
[03:48:37] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Chandra, Pyromaster] targeting ILikedMyName, and [Champion of Wits] ( Chandra, Pyromaster deals 1 damage to target player or planeswalker and 1 damage to up to one tar...).
[03:48:40] Turn 5: ILikedMyName
[03:48:44] ILikedMyName plays [Glacial Fortress].
[03:49:09] ILikedMyName casts [Nimble Trapfinder].
[03:49:15] Turn 5: Ennis0
[03:49:18] Ennis0 casts [Chandra, Fire Artisan].
[03:49:22] Ennis0 puts a loyalty counter on [Chandra, Fire Artisan].
[03:49:22] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Chandra, Fire Artisan] ( Exile the top card of your library. You may play it this turn.).
[03:49:25] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[03:49:27] Ennis0 puts a loyalty counter on [Chandra, Pyromaster].
[03:49:27] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Chandra, Pyromaster] targeting ILikedMyName, and [Nimble Trapfinder] ( Chandra, Pyromaster deals 1 damage to target player or planeswalker and 1 damage to up to one tar...).
[03:49:31] Turn 6: ILikedMyName
[03:49:45] ILikedMyName casts [The Bears of Littjara].
[03:49:47] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [The Bears of Littjara] onto the stack (Create a 2/2 blue Shapeshifter creature token with changeling.).
[03:49:50] ILikedMyName's [The Bears of Littjara] creates a Shapeshifter Token.
[03:49:56] Turn 6: Ennis0
[03:49:58] Ennis0 puts a loyalty counter on [Chandra, Fire Artisan].
[03:49:58] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Chandra, Fire Artisan] ( Exile the top card of your library. You may play it this turn.).
[03:50:10] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Chandra, Pyromaster] ( Exile the top card of your library. You may play it this turn.).
[03:50:19] Ennis0 casts [Ral, Storm Conduit].
[03:50:22] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[03:50:25] Ennis0 removes two loyalty counters from [Ral, Storm Conduit].
[03:50:25] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Ral, Storm Conduit] ( When you cast your next instant or sorcery spell this turn, copy that spell. You may choose new t...).
[03:50:28] Ennis0 casts [Skullscorch] targeting ILikedMyName.
[03:50:30] Ennis0 puts triggered ability from Ral, Storm Conduit onto the stack (When you cast your next instant or sorcery spell this turn, copy that spell. You may choose new ta...).
[03:50:32] Ennis0 puts triggered ability from [Ral, Storm Conduit] onto the stack targeting ILikedMyName (Whenever you cast or copy an instant or sorcery spell, Ral, Storm Conduit deals 1 damage to target...).
[03:50:38] Ennis0 puts triggered ability from [Ral, Storm Conduit] onto the stack targeting ILikedMyName (Whenever you cast or copy an instant or sorcery spell, Ral, Storm Conduit deals 1 damage to target...).
[03:50:48] Turn 7: ILikedMyName
[03:50:49] ILikedMyName puts a lore counter on [The Bears of Littjara].
[03:50:51] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [The Bears of Littjara] onto the stack targeting [Shapeshifter Token] (Any number of target Shapeshifter creatures you control have base power and toughness 4/4.).
[03:51:24] ILikedMyName casts [The Bears of Littjara].
[03:51:26] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [The Bears of Littjara] onto the stack (Create a 2/2 blue Shapeshifter creature token with changeling.).
[03:51:28] ILikedMyName's [The Bears of Littjara] creates a Shapeshifter Token.
[03:51:56] Ennis0's [Ral, Storm Conduit] is being attacked by [Shapeshifter Token]
[03:52:01] ILikedMyName removes two loyalty counters from [Ral, Storm Conduit].
[03:52:05] Turn 7: Ennis0
[03:52:08] Ennis0 puts a loyalty counter on [Chandra, Fire Artisan].
[03:52:08] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Chandra, Fire Artisan] ( Exile the top card of your library. You may play it this turn.).
[03:52:33] Ennis0 plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[03:52:35] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Chandra, Pyromaster] ( Exile the top card of your library. You may play it this turn.).
[03:52:43] Ennis0 casts [Incinerate] targeting ILikedMyName.
[03:52:48] Ennis0 casts [Increasing Vengeance] targeting [Incinerate].
[03:53:02] Turn 8: ILikedMyName
[03:53:03] ILikedMyName puts a lore counter on [The Bears of Littjara] and [The Bears of Littjara].
[03:53:06] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [The Bears of Littjara] onto the stack targeting [Shapeshifter Token], and [Shapeshifter Token] (Any number of target Shapeshifter creatures you control have base power and toughness 4/4.).
[03:53:11] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [The Bears of Littjara] onto the stack targeting [Chandra, Pyromaster] (Choose up to one target creature or planeswalker. Each creature with power 4 or greater you contro...).
[03:53:13] ILikedMyName removes four loyalty counters from [Chandra, Pyromaster].
[03:53:36] ILikedMyName casts ILikedMyName.
[03:53:38] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from ILikedMyName onto the stack (When Champion of Wits enters the battlefield, you may draw cards equal to its power. If you do, di...).
[03:53:41] ILikedMyName draws two cards with ILikedMyName's ability.
[03:53:51] ILikedMyName discards [Squad Commander].
[03:53:51] ILikedMyName discards [Archpriest of Iona].
[03:53:53] ILikedMyName casts [Mothdust Changeling].
[03:54:03] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Shapeshifter Token]
Ennis0's [Chandra, Pyromaster] is being attacked by [Shapeshifter Token]
[03:54:05] ILikedMyName removes two loyalty counters from [Chandra, Pyromaster].
[03:54:08] Turn 8: Ennis0
[03:54:11] Ennis0 removes seven loyalty counters from [Chandra, Fire Artisan].
[03:54:11] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Chandra, Fire Artisan] ( Exile the top seven cards of your library. You may play them this turn.).
[03:54:11] Ennis0 puts triggered ability from [Chandra, Fire Artisan] onto the stack targeting ILikedMyName (Whenever one or more loyalty counters are removed from Chandra, Fire Artisan, she deals that much ...).
[03:54:15] Ennis0 wins the game.
Winner: Ennis0
Game 1 Completed.

Game 867201090

[Time] 1706633753
[03:55:54] PDBot has started watching.
[03:55:59] ILikedMyName mulligans to six cards.
[03:56:01] Ennis0 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:56:05] ILikedMyName puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[03:56:05] Turn 1: ILikedMyName
[03:56:06] ILikedMyName skips their draw step.
[03:56:07] ILikedMyName plays [Island].
[03:56:08] ILikedMyName casts [Mothdust Changeling].
[03:56:13] Turn 1: Ennis0
[03:56:15] Ennis0 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[03:56:18] Turn 2: ILikedMyName
[03:56:21] ILikedMyName plays [Island].
[03:56:23] ILikedMyName casts [Nimble Trapfinder].
[03:56:27] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Mothdust Changeling]
[03:56:31] Turn 2: Ennis0
[03:56:32] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[03:56:35] Turn 3: ILikedMyName
[03:56:37] ILikedMyName plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[03:56:41] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Nimble Trapfinder] and [Mothdust Changeling]
[03:56:45] Ennis0 casts [Impulse].
[03:57:01] Turn 3: Ennis0
[03:57:03] Ennis0 plays [Sulfur Falls].
[03:57:12] Turn 4: ILikedMyName
[03:57:26] ILikedMyName plays [Glacial Fortress].
[03:57:31] ILikedMyName casts [Champion of Wits].
[03:57:38] ILikedMyName puts triggered ability from [Champion of Wits] onto the stack (When Champion of Wits enters the battlefield, you may draw cards equal to its power. If you do, di...).
[03:57:42] ILikedMyName draws two cards with [Champion of Wits]'s ability.
[03:57:47] ILikedMyName discards [Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate].
[03:57:47] ILikedMyName discards [Ethersworn Canonist].
[03:57:47] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Ethersworn Canonist[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Ethersworn Canonist does not prevent morphs from being cast
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Ethersworn Canonist` or `!notbugged Ethersworn Canonist`
[03:57:51] ILikedMyName casts [Archpriest of Iona].
[03:58:01] Ennis0 casts [Mana Leak] targeting [Archpriest of Iona].
[03:58:10] ILikedMyName activates an ability of [Mothdust Changeling] ( Mothdust Changeling gains flying until end of turn.).
[03:58:14] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Nimble Trapfinder] and [Mothdust Changeling]
[03:58:18] Turn 4: Ennis0
[03:58:21] Ennis0 plays [Wandering Fumarole].
[03:58:24] Ennis0 casts [Anger of the Gods].
[03:58:27] Turn 5: ILikedMyName
[03:58:30] ILikedMyName casts [Nimble Trapfinder].
[03:58:36] Turn 5: Ennis0
[03:58:42] Ennis0 plays [Mountain].
[03:58:47] Turn 6: ILikedMyName
[03:58:53] Ennis0 is being attacked by [Nimble Trapfinder]
[03:58:57] Ennis0 activates an ability of [Wandering Fumarole] ( Until end of turn, Wandering Fumarole becomes a 1/4 blue and red Elemental creature with '{0}: Sw...).
[03:59:03] [Wandering Fumarole] blocks [Nimble Trapfinder].
[03:59:08] ILikedMyName casts [Nimble Trapfinder].
[03:59:12] Turn 6: Ennis0
[03:59:23] Turn 7: ILikedMyName
[03:59:27] ILikedMyName plays [Island].
[03:59:35] Ennis0 casts [Pulse of the Forge] targeting ILikedMyName.
[03:59:53] Ennis0 casts [Incinerate] targeting ILikedMyName.
[03:59:59] Turn 7: Ennis0
[04:00:01] Ennis0 plays [Shivan Reef].
[04:00:13] ILikedMyName casts [Spoils of Adventure].
[04:00:20] ILikedMyName draws three cards with [Spoils of Adventure].
[04:00:22] Turn 8: ILikedMyName
[04:00:25] ILikedMyName casts [Sorcerous Spyglass].
[04:01:13] Placebo has started watching.
[04:01:20] ILikedMyName names Chandra, Pyromaster for [Sorcerous Spyglass].
[04:01:29] ILikedMyName plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[04:01:51] Ennis0 casts [Risk Factor] targeting ILikedMyName.
[04:01:55] Ennis0 casts [Increasing Vengeance] targeting [Risk Factor].
[04:02:28] Turn 8: Ennis0
[04:02:41] Ennis0 discards [Anger of the Gods].
[04:02:41] Ennis0 casts [Risk Factor] from the graveyard targeting ILikedMyName.
[04:02:54] Ennis0 casts [Pulse of the Forge] targeting ILikedMyName.
[04:02:58] Ennis0 wins the game.
Winner: Ennis0
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Ennis0: 2–0