PDBot Stats

Game 860067552

[Time] 1702260219
[04:03:53] PDBot has started watching.
[04:03:53] _fortune chooses to play first.
[League] Blazing Rites by violetteavi (231837) vs Turns Out Lurrus Is Just Better Glissa by _fortune (231814)
[04:03:54] _fortune begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:03:54] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[04:03:57] violetteavi mulligans to six cards.
[04:04:07] [CHAT] violetteavi: gl, hf!
[04:04:19] violetteavi puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:04:21] violetteavi reveals [Chancellor of the Forge] from their opening hand.
[04:04:21] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Chancellor of the Forge[sU] has an avoidable game breaking bug.
If multiple Chancellor of the Forge triggers would create many (200+) tokens, the game may reset
[04:04:28] Turn 1: _fortune
[04:04:28] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Chancellor of the Forge] onto the stack (At the beginning of the first upkeep, create a 1/1 red Phyrexian Goblin creature token with haste.).
[04:04:32] violetteavi's [Chancellor of the Forge] creates a Phyrexian Goblin Token.
[04:04:32] _fortune skips their draw step.
[04:04:37] _fortune plays [Canyon Slough].
[04:04:40] Turn 1: violetteavi
[04:04:42] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:04:44] violetteavi casts [Bomat Courier].
[04:04:45] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Bomat Courier[sU] has an unclassified bug.
Cards exiled by the triggered abilities of a number of cards which exile a card from their controller's library appear to be coming from the opponent's library instead. This affects cards such as Bomat Courier, Windbrisk Heights, and other similar cards. This is a display issue only.
[04:04:51] _fortune is being attacked by [Bomat Courier] and [Phyrexian Goblin Token]
[04:04:51] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Bomat Courier] onto the stack (Whenever Bomat Courier attacks, exile the top card of your library face down.).
[04:04:53] Turn 2: _fortune
[04:05:00] _fortune plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[04:05:02] _fortune casts [Elvish Archivist].
[04:05:08] Turn 2: violetteavi
[04:05:13] violetteavi plays [Kher Keep].
[04:05:15] violetteavi casts [Gingerbrute].
[04:05:17] violetteavi casts [Phoenix Chick].
[04:05:24] _fortune is being attacked by [Phoenix Chick], [Gingerbrute], [Bomat Courier], and [Phyrexian Goblin Token]
[04:05:24] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Bomat Courier] onto the stack (Whenever Bomat Courier attacks, exile the top card of your library face down.).
[04:05:31] Turn 3: _fortune
[04:05:44] _fortune casts [Experimental Synthesizer].
[04:05:46] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Elvish Archivist] onto the stack (Whenever one or more artifacts enter the battlefield under your control, put two +1/+1 counters on...).
[04:05:46] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Experimental Synthesizer] onto the stack (When Experimental Synthesizer enters or leaves the battlefield, exile the top card of your library...).
[04:05:49] _fortune puts two +1/+1 counters on [Elvish Archivist].
[04:05:50] _fortune plays [Dragonskull Summit].
[04:05:52] _fortune casts [Tough Cookie].
[04:05:53] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Tough Cookie] onto the stack (When Tough Cookie enters the battlefield, create a Food token.).
[04:05:53] _fortune's [Tough Cookie] creates a Food Token.
[04:05:57] Turn 3: violetteavi
[04:06:02] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:06:06] violetteavi activates an ability of [Gingerbrute] ( Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste.).
[04:06:11] _fortune is being attacked by [Phoenix Chick], [Gingerbrute], and [Bomat Courier]
[04:06:11] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Bomat Courier] onto the stack (Whenever Bomat Courier attacks, exile the top card of your library face down.).
[04:06:19] [Tough Cookie] blocks [Bomat Courier].
[04:06:26] [Elvish Archivist] blocks [Bomat Courier].
[04:06:30] Blockers for [Bomat Courier] are ordered as follows: [Elvish Archivist], [Tough Cookie]
[04:06:32] violetteavi discards [Apex of Power].
[04:06:32] violetteavi discards [Mountain].
[04:06:32] violetteavi discards [Chancellor of the Forge].
[04:06:32] violetteavi activates an ability of [Bomat Courier] ( Put all cards exiled with Bomat Courier into their owners' hands.).
[04:06:40] Turn 4: _fortune
[04:08:07] datrobino has started watching.
[04:08:07] _fortune casts [Fanatical Offering].
[04:08:07] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Experimental Synthesizer] onto the stack (When Experimental Synthesizer enters or leaves the battlefield, exile the top card of your library...).
[04:08:08] _fortune draws two cards with [Fanatical Offering].
[04:08:08] _fortune's [Fanatical Offering] creates a Map Token.
[04:08:08] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Elvish Archivist] onto the stack (Whenever one or more artifacts enter the battlefield under your control, put two +1/+1 counters on...).
[04:08:08] _fortune puts two +1/+1 counters on [Elvish Archivist].
[04:08:09] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Fanatical Offering[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
Exploring with empty library does not put a +1/+1 counter on a creature
[04:08:11] _fortune plays [Sheltered Thicket].
[04:08:21] _fortune casts [Candy Trail].
[04:08:21] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Candy Trail] onto the stack (When Candy Trail enters the battlefield, scry 2.).
[04:08:21] _fortune scrys 2 (1 top, 1 bottom).
[04:08:26] violetteavi is being attacked by [Elvish Archivist]
[04:08:30] Turn 4: violetteavi
[04:08:35] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:08:39] violetteavi casts [Bomat Courier].
[04:08:45] _fortune is being attacked by [Phoenix Chick]
[04:08:57] Turn 5: _fortune
[04:09:15] _fortune activates an ability of [Map Token] targeting [Elvish Archivist] ( Target creature you control explores.).
[04:09:18] _fortune reveals [Tough Cookie] with [Map Token]'s ability.
[04:09:18] _fortune puts a +1/+1 counter on [Elvish Archivist].
[04:09:30] _fortune casts [Candy Trail].
[04:09:33] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Elvish Archivist] onto the stack (Whenever one or more artifacts enter the battlefield under your control, put two +1/+1 counters on...).
[04:09:33] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Candy Trail] onto the stack (When Candy Trail enters the battlefield, scry 2.).
[04:09:41] _fortune scrys 2 (1 top, 1 bottom).
[04:09:43] _fortune puts two +1/+1 counters on [Elvish Archivist].
[04:09:48] violetteavi is being attacked by [Elvish Archivist]
[04:09:51] violetteavi activates an ability of [Kher Keep] ( Create a 0/1 red Kobold creature token named Kobolds of Kher Keep.).
[04:09:52] violetteavi's [Kher Keep] creates a Kobolds of Kher Keep.
[04:09:59] [Kobolds of Kher Keep] blocks [Elvish Archivist].
[04:10:13] _fortune casts [Tithing Blade].
[04:10:17] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Tithing Blade] onto the stack (When Tithing Blade enters the battlefield, each opponent sacrifices a creature.).
[04:10:27] Turn 5: violetteavi
[04:10:30] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:10:33] violetteavi casts [Reforge the Soul].
[04:10:33] _fortune discards violetteavi.
[04:10:33] _fortune discards [Tithing Blade].
[04:10:33] violetteavi discards [Mountain].
[04:10:33] _fortune discards [Candy Grapple].
[04:10:33] _fortune discards [Mephitic Draught].
[04:10:33] violetteavi draws seven cards with [Reforge the Soul].
[04:10:33] _fortune draws seven cards with [Reforge the Soul].
[04:10:46] _fortune is being attacked by [Phoenix Chick]
[04:10:54] Turn 6: _fortune
[04:11:05] violetteavi is being attacked by [Elvish Archivist]
[04:11:11] [Bomat Courier] blocks [Elvish Archivist].
[04:11:24] _fortune plays [Rootbound Crag].
[04:11:35] _fortune casts [Oni-Cult Anvil].
[04:11:38] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Elvish Archivist] onto the stack (Whenever one or more artifacts enter the battlefield under your control, put two +1/+1 counters on...).
[04:11:43] _fortune puts two +1/+1 counters on [Elvish Archivist].
[04:11:51] Turn 6: violetteavi
[04:11:55] violetteavi casts [Phoenix Chick].
[04:11:59] violetteavi casts [Phoenix Chick].
[04:12:08] violetteavi activates an ability of [Gingerbrute] ( Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste.).
[04:12:11] violetteavi casts [Rites of Initiation].
[04:12:22] violetteavi chooses to discard 5 cards at random.
[04:12:22] violetteavi discards [Blazing Shoal].
[04:12:22] violetteavi discards [Mountain].
[04:12:22] violetteavi discards [Hearth Elemental].
[04:12:22] violetteavi discards [Bomat Courier].
[04:12:22] violetteavi discards [Mountain].
[04:12:30] _fortune has conceded from the game.
[04:12:30] violetteavi wins the game.
Winner: violetteavi
Game 1 Completed.

Game 860068718

[Time] 1702260784
[04:13:05] PDBot has started watching.
[04:13:09] _fortune chooses to play first.
[04:13:16] _fortune begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:13:19] violetteavi begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:13:19] Turn 1: _fortune
[04:13:19] _fortune skips their draw step.
[04:13:20] _fortune plays [Sheltered Thicket].
[04:13:23] Turn 1: violetteavi
[04:13:25] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:13:27] violetteavi casts [Bomat Courier].
[04:13:31] _fortune is being attacked by [Bomat Courier]
[04:13:31] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Bomat Courier] onto the stack (Whenever Bomat Courier attacks, exile the top card of your library face down.).
[04:13:33] Turn 2: _fortune
[04:13:34] _fortune plays [Swamp].
[04:13:36] _fortune casts [Tough Cookie].
[04:13:38] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Tough Cookie] onto the stack (When Tough Cookie enters the battlefield, create a Food token.).
[04:13:40] _fortune's [Tough Cookie] creates a Food Token.
[04:13:45] Turn 2: violetteavi
[04:13:48] violetteavi plays [Kher Keep].
[04:13:50] violetteavi casts [Gingerbrute].
[04:13:52] violetteavi casts [Bomat Courier].
[04:13:57] Turn 3: _fortune
[04:14:28] _fortune casts [Experimental Synthesizer].
[04:14:28] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Experimental Synthesizer] onto the stack (When Experimental Synthesizer enters or leaves the battlefield, exile the top card of your library...).
[04:14:31] _fortune casts [Candy Trail].
[04:14:31] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Candy Trail] onto the stack (When Candy Trail enters the battlefield, scry 2.).
[04:14:37] _fortune scrys 2 (1 top, 1 bottom).
[04:14:38] _fortune plays [Canyon Slough].
[04:14:43] Turn 3: violetteavi
[04:14:49] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:14:54] violetteavi activates an ability of [Kher Keep] ( Create a 0/1 red Kobold creature token named Kobolds of Kher Keep.).
[04:14:54] violetteavi's [Kher Keep] creates a Kobolds of Kher Keep.
[04:15:01] Turn 4: _fortune
[04:15:22] _fortune casts [Candy Trail].
[04:15:22] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Candy Trail] onto the stack (When Candy Trail enters the battlefield, scry 2.).
[04:15:30] _fortune scrys 2 (1 top, 1 bottom).
[04:15:34] _fortune casts [Oni-Cult Anvil].
[04:15:40] _fortune activates an ability of [Oni-Cult Anvil] ( Oni-Cult Anvil deals 1 damage to each opponent. You gain 1 life.).
[04:15:40] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Oni-Cult Anvil] onto the stack (Whenever one or more artifacts you control leave the battlefield during your turn, create a 1/1 co...).
[04:15:40] _fortune's [Oni-Cult Anvil] creates a Construct Token.
[04:15:44] Turn 4: violetteavi
[04:15:48] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:15:51] violetteavi activates an ability of [Gingerbrute] ( Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste.).
[04:15:56] _fortune is being attacked by [Gingerbrute]
[04:16:03] violetteavi activates an ability of [Kher Keep] ( Create a 0/1 red Kobold creature token named Kobolds of Kher Keep.).
[04:16:03] violetteavi's [Kher Keep] creates a Kobolds of Kher Keep.
[04:16:05] Turn 5: _fortune
[04:16:11] _fortune plays [Rootbound Crag].
[04:16:15] _fortune casts [Tithing Blade].
[04:16:18] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Tithing Blade] onto the stack (When Tithing Blade enters the battlefield, each opponent sacrifices a creature.).
[04:16:24] _fortune activates an ability of [Oni-Cult Anvil] ( Oni-Cult Anvil deals 1 damage to each opponent. You gain 1 life.).
[04:16:26] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Oni-Cult Anvil] onto the stack (Whenever one or more artifacts you control leave the battlefield during your turn, create a 1/1 co...).
[04:16:26] _fortune's [Oni-Cult Anvil] creates a Construct Token.
[04:16:33] Turn 5: violetteavi
[04:16:37] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:16:50] violetteavi activates an ability of [Gingerbrute] ( Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste.).
[04:16:58] _fortune is being attacked by [Gingerbrute]
[04:17:06] violetteavi activates an ability of [Kher Keep] ( Create a 0/1 red Kobold creature token named Kobolds of Kher Keep.).
[04:17:07] violetteavi's [Kher Keep] creates a Kobolds of Kher Keep.
[04:17:24] Turn 6: _fortune
[04:17:40] _fortune activates an ability of [Candy Trail] ( You gain 3 life and draw a card.).
[04:17:40] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Oni-Cult Anvil] onto the stack (Whenever one or more artifacts you control leave the battlefield during your turn, create a 1/1 co...).
[04:17:43] _fortune's [Oni-Cult Anvil] creates a Construct Token.
[04:17:45] _fortune draws a card with [Candy Trail]'s ability.
[04:18:07] violetteavi is being attacked by [Tough Cookie]
[04:18:14] Turn 6: violetteavi
[04:18:16] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:18:21] violetteavi casts [Hearth Elemental].
[04:19:12] _fortune casts [Fanatical Offering].
[04:19:12] _fortune draws two cards with [Fanatical Offering].
[04:19:12] _fortune's [Fanatical Offering] creates a Map Token.
[04:19:15] Turn 7: _fortune
[04:19:22] _fortune casts [Bloodchief Ascension].
[04:19:27] _fortune plays [Canyon Slough].
[04:20:01] _fortune casts violetteavi targeting [Hearth Elemental].
[04:20:01] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Oni-Cult Anvil] onto the stack (Whenever one or more artifacts you control leave the battlefield during your turn, create a 1/1 co...).
[04:20:02] _fortune's [Oni-Cult Anvil] creates a Construct Token.
[04:20:13] violetteavi is being attacked by [Tough Cookie]
[04:20:31] _fortune activates an ability of [Map Token] targeting [Tough Cookie] ( Target creature you control explores.).
[04:20:31] _fortune reveals [Woodland Cemetery] with [Map Token]'s ability.
[04:20:35] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Bloodchief Ascension] onto the stack (At the beginning of each end step, if an opponent lost 2 or more life this turn, you may put a que...).
[04:20:37] _fortune puts a quest counter on [Bloodchief Ascension].
[04:20:39] Turn 7: violetteavi
[04:20:42] violetteavi plays [Mountain].
[04:20:48] violetteavi casts [Chancellor of the Forge].
[04:20:49] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Chancellor of the Forge] onto the stack (When Chancellor of the Forge enters the battlefield, create X 1/1 red Phyrexian Goblin creature to...).
[04:20:52] violetteavi's [Chancellor of the Forge] creates six Phyrexian Goblin Tokens.
[04:21:12] _fortune is being attacked by [Phyrexian Goblin Token], [Phyrexian Goblin Token], [Phyrexian Goblin Token], and [Phyrexian Goblin Token]
[04:21:17] [Construct Token] blocks [Phyrexian Goblin Token].
[04:21:19] [Construct Token] blocks [Phyrexian Goblin Token].
[04:21:30] Turn 8: _fortune
[04:21:38] _fortune activates an ability of [Oni-Cult Anvil] ( Oni-Cult Anvil deals 1 damage to each opponent. You gain 1 life.).
[04:21:39] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Oni-Cult Anvil] onto the stack (Whenever one or more artifacts you control leave the battlefield during your turn, create a 1/1 co...).
[04:21:39] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Experimental Synthesizer] onto the stack (When Experimental Synthesizer enters or leaves the battlefield, exile the top card of your library...).
[04:21:47] _fortune's [Oni-Cult Anvil] creates a Construct Token.
[04:21:49] _fortune plays [Dragonskull Summit].
[04:22:09] _fortune casts [Mephitic Draught].
[04:22:10] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Mephitic Draught] onto the stack (When Mephitic Draught enters the battlefield or is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you ...).
[04:22:11] _fortune draws a card with [Mephitic Draught]'s ability.
[04:22:44] _fortune casts [Sokenzan Smelter].
[04:22:48] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Sokenzan Smelter] onto the stack (At the beginning of combat on your turn, you may pay {1} and sacrifice an artifact. If you do, cre...).
[04:22:51] _fortune sacrifices [Mephitic Draught] to [Sokenzan Smelter]'s ability.
[04:22:51] _fortune's [Sokenzan Smelter] creates a Construct Token.
[04:22:51] _fortune puts triggered ability from [Mephitic Draught] onto the stack (When Mephitic Draught enters the battlefield or is put into a graveyard from the battlefield, you ...).
[04:22:52] _fortune draws a card with [Mephitic Draught]'s ability.
[04:23:16] Turn 8: violetteavi
[04:23:20] violetteavi puts triggered ability from [Reforge the Soul] onto the stack (Miracle {1R} (When you reveal this card this way, you may cast it by paying {1R} rather than its...).
[04:23:28] violetteavi casts [Reforge the Soul].
[04:23:30] _fortune discards [Woodland Cemetery].
[04:23:30] _fortune discards [Sheltered Thicket].
[04:23:30] _fortune discards [Woodland Cemetery].
[04:23:30] violetteavi discards [Volcanic Salvo].
[04:23:30] _fortune discards [Woodland Cemetery].
[04:23:30] _fortune discards [Mephitic Draught].
[04:23:30] violetteavi discards [Reforge the Soul].
[04:23:30] violetteavi draws seven cards with [Reforge the Soul].
[04:23:30] _fortune draws seven cards with [Reforge the Soul].
[04:23:39] violetteavi casts [Phoenix Chick].
[04:23:43] violetteavi casts [Rites of Initiation].
[04:23:46] _fortune has conceded from the game.
[04:23:46] violetteavi wins the game.
Winner: violetteavi
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: violetteavi: 2–0