PDBot Stats

Game 858062962

[Time] 1700676122
[20:02:03] PDBot has started watching.
[20:02:03] TrapYeti joined the game.
[League] Mono White Heroic by trapyeti (230056) vs Golgari-Grave by curtmantle (230097)
[20:02:05] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[20:02:10] [CHAT] Curtmantle: lets get it
[20:02:30] TrapYeti chooses to play first.
[20:02:36] [CHAT] TrapYeti: yo glhf
[20:02:38] TrapYeti begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[20:02:41] [CHAT] Curtmantle: yah you too
[20:02:43] Curtmantle mulligans to six cards.
[20:02:51] Curtmantle puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[20:02:51] Turn 1: TrapYeti
[20:02:52] TrapYeti skips their draw step.
[20:02:53] TrapYeti plays [Plains].
[20:02:55] TrapYeti casts [Favored Hoplite].
[20:03:03] Turn 1: Curtmantle
[20:03:06] Curtmantle plays [Forest].
[20:03:10] Turn 2: TrapYeti
[20:03:12] TrapYeti plays [Plains].
[20:03:16] Curtmantle is being attacked by [Favored Hoplite]
[20:03:24] TrapYeti casts [Phalanx Leader].
[20:03:27] Turn 2: Curtmantle
[20:03:33] Curtmantle plays [Swamp].
[20:03:42] Curtmantle casts [Satyr Wayfinder].
[20:03:44] Curtmantle puts triggered ability from [Satyr Wayfinder] onto the stack (When Satyr Wayfinder enters the battlefield, reveal the top four cards of your library. You may pu...).
[20:03:46] Curtmantle reveals 4 cards with [Satyr Wayfinder]'s ability: [Hornet Queen], [Hornet Queen], [Satyr Wayfinder], and [Llanowar Wastes].
[20:03:53] Curtmantle chooses Llanowar Wastes.
[20:03:59] Turn 3: TrapYeti
[20:04:01] TrapYeti plays [Plains].
[20:04:06] TrapYeti casts [Squeak By] targeting [Phalanx Leader].
[20:04:06] TrapYeti puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[20:04:09] TrapYeti puts a +1/+1 counter on [Favored Hoplite] and [Phalanx Leader].
[20:04:14] TrapYeti casts [Cheeky House-Mouse].
[20:04:20] Curtmantle is being attacked by [Phalanx Leader] and [Favored Hoplite]
[20:04:24] [CHAT] Curtmantle: what a nice little fella
[20:04:34] TrapYeti casts [Defiant Strike] targeting [Phalanx Leader].
[20:04:34] TrapYeti puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[20:04:35] TrapYeti puts a +1/+1 counter on [Favored Hoplite], [Phalanx Leader], and [Cheeky House-Mouse].
[20:04:36] TrapYeti draws a card with [Defiant Strike].
[20:04:40] Turn 3: Curtmantle
[20:04:47] Curtmantle plays [Llanowar Wastes].
[20:04:53] Curtmantle casts [Animate Dead] targeting [Hornet Queen].
[20:04:54] Curtmantle puts triggered ability from [Animate Dead] onto the stack (When Animate Dead enters the battlefield, if it's on the battlefield, it loses 'enchant creature c...).
[20:05:00] Curtmantle puts triggered ability from [Hornet Queen] onto the stack (When Hornet Queen enters the battlefield, create four 1/1 green Insect creature tokens with flying...).
[20:05:03] Curtmantle's [Hornet Queen] creates four Insect Tokens.
[20:05:11] Turn 4: TrapYeti
[20:05:16] TrapYeti plays [Plains].
[20:05:20] TrapYeti casts [Phalanx Leader].
[20:05:30] Curtmantle is being attacked by [Cheeky House-Mouse], [Phalanx Leader], and [Favored Hoplite]
[20:05:35] [Insect Token] blocks [Cheeky House-Mouse].
[20:05:37] [Insect Token] blocks [Phalanx Leader].
[20:05:39] [Insect Token] blocks [Favored Hoplite].
[20:06:31] TrapYeti casts [Fight as One] targeting [Phalanx Leader], and [Cheeky House-Mouse] (Target Human creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains indestructible until end of turn. Target no...).
[20:06:31] TrapYeti puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[20:06:33] TrapYeti puts a +1/+1 counter on [Favored Hoplite], [Phalanx Leader], [Cheeky House-Mouse], and [Phalanx Leader].
[20:06:40] TrapYeti casts [Bandage] targeting [Favored Hoplite].
[20:06:40] TrapYeti puts triggered ability from [Favored Hoplite] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Favored Hoplite, put a +1/+1 counter on Favored Hoplite and...).
[20:06:44] TrapYeti puts a +1/+1 counter on [Favored Hoplite].
[20:06:46] TrapYeti draws a card with [Bandage].
[20:06:52] 1 damage caused by [Insect Token] to [Favored Hoplite] is prevented.
[20:06:55] Turn 4: Curtmantle
[20:07:01] Curtmantle plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[20:07:09] Curtmantle casts [Putrid Imp].
[20:07:17] Curtmantle discards [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis].
[20:07:18] Curtmantle activates an ability of [Putrid Imp] ( Putrid Imp gains flying until end of turn.).
[20:07:46] Curtmantle has conceded from the game.
[20:07:46] TrapYeti wins the game.
Winner: TrapYeti
Game 1 Completed.
[20:07:49] Curtmantle has left the game.