PDBot Stats

Game 857861610

[Time] 1700514903
[23:15:04] PDBot has started watching.
[23:15:04] Placebo joined the game.
[23:15:08] Placebo mulligans to six cards.
[23:15:10] Placebo mulligans to five cards.
[23:15:11] Placebo mulligans to four cards.
[23:15:12] Placebo mulligans to three cards.
[23:15:13] Placebo mulligans to two cards.
[23:15:15] Placebo mulligans to one card.
[23:15:16] Placebo begins the game with zero cards in hand.
[23:15:16] Turn 1: Placebo
[23:15:19] Placebo has conceded from the game.
[23:15:19] Placebo loses the game.
[23:15:19] Placebo has lost connection to the game.
Game 1 Completed.