PDBot Stats

Game 856892096

[Time] 1699656867
[00:54:28] PDBot has started watching.
[00:54:28] DaveXXXVI joined the game.
[00:54:29] RHK joined the game.
[League] Elves by rhk (229315) vs Post Copycat Netdeck by davexxxvi (229305)
[00:54:30] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[00:54:40] RHK chooses to play first.
[00:54:55] RHK mulligans to six cards.
[00:55:01] DaveXXXVI mulligans to six cards.
[00:55:16] Crazy-Ivan has started watching.
[00:55:25] RHK puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:55:39] DaveXXXVI puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:55:39] Turn 1: RHK
[00:55:39] RHK skips their draw step.
[00:55:42] RHK plays [Forest].
[00:55:44] RHK casts [Fyndhorn Elves].
[00:55:59] Turn 1: DaveXXXVI
[00:56:04] DaveXXXVI plays [Island].
[00:56:23] Turn 2: RHK
[00:56:52] RHK plays [Forest].
[00:56:55] Crazy-Ivan has stopped watching.
[00:56:57] RHK casts [Steel Leaf Champion].
[00:57:02] Turn 2: DaveXXXVI
[00:57:10] DaveXXXVI plays [Island].
[00:57:13] DaveXXXVI casts [Monument to Perfection].
[00:57:19] Turn 3: RHK
[00:57:32] RHK casts [Llanowar Elves].
[00:58:14] RHK casts [Elvish Mystic].
[00:58:15] DaveXXXVI is being attacked by [Steel Leaf Champion] and [Fyndhorn Elves]
[00:58:15] Turn 3: DaveXXXVI
[00:58:15] DaveXXXVI plays [Cloudpost].
[00:58:16] DaveXXXVI casts [Prophetic Prism].
[00:58:20] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[00:58:21] DaveXXXVI draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability.
[00:58:24] Turn 4: RHK
[00:58:43] DaveXXXVI is being attacked by [Elvish Mystic], [Llanowar Elves], [Steel Leaf Champion], and [Fyndhorn Elves]
[00:58:43] Turn 4: DaveXXXVI
[00:58:50] DaveXXXVI has conceded from the game.
[00:58:50] RHK wins the game.
Winner: RHK
Game 1 Completed.
[00:58:54] DaveXXXVI has left the game.

Game 856892558

[Time] 1699657173
[00:59:33] PDBot has started watching.
[00:59:36] RHK joined the game.
[00:59:38] DaveXXXVI chooses to play first.
[00:59:45] DaveXXXVI begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:59:51] RHK begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:59:51] Turn 1: DaveXXXVI
[00:59:51] DaveXXXVI skips their draw step.
[00:59:57] DaveXXXVI plays [Cloudpost].
[01:00:09] Turn 1: RHK
[01:00:20] RHK plays [Forest].
[01:00:26] RHK casts [Elvish Mystic].
[01:00:28] Turn 2: DaveXXXVI
[01:00:33] DaveXXXVI plays [Island].
[01:00:55] Turn 2: RHK
[01:01:02] RHK plays [Forest].
[01:01:09] RHK casts [Steel Leaf Champion].
[01:01:14] DaveXXXVI casts [Impulse].
[01:01:34] Turn 3: DaveXXXVI
[01:01:43] DaveXXXVI plays [Cloudpost].
[01:02:34] Turn 3: RHK
[01:02:43] RHK plays [Forest].
[01:02:55] RHK casts [Elvish Archdruid].
[01:03:09] DaveXXXVI casts [Repeal] targeting [Elvish Mystic]. (X is 1).
[01:03:20] DaveXXXVI returns [Elvish Mystic] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[01:03:20] DaveXXXVI draws a card with [Repeal].
[01:04:13] DaveXXXVI is being attacked by [Steel Leaf Champion]
[01:04:17] Turn 4: DaveXXXVI
[01:04:20] DaveXXXVI plays [Glimmerpost].
[01:04:20] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[01:05:05] DaveXXXVI casts [Platinum Angel].
[01:05:09] Turn 4: RHK
[01:05:39] RHK has conceded from the game.
[01:05:39] DaveXXXVI wins the game.
Winner: DaveXXXVI
Game 2 Completed.

Game 856893110

[Time] 1699657593
[01:06:33] PDBot has started watching.
[01:06:34] RHK joined the game.
[01:06:36] DaveXXXVI joined the game.
[01:06:49] RHK chooses to play first.
[01:06:57] RHK mulligans to six cards.
[01:07:00] DaveXXXVI begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[01:07:58] RHK puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[01:07:58] Turn 1: RHK
[01:07:58] RHK skips their draw step.
[01:08:24] RHK plays [Forest].
[01:08:27] RHK casts [Fyndhorn Elves].
[01:08:30] Turn 1: DaveXXXVI
[01:08:33] DaveXXXVI plays [Cloudpost].
[01:08:51] Turn 2: RHK
[01:09:08] RHK casts [Fyndhorn Elves].
[01:09:39] DaveXXXVI is being attacked by [Fyndhorn Elves]
[01:10:11] Turn 2: DaveXXXVI
[01:10:16] DaveXXXVI plays [Cloudpost].
[01:10:25] DaveXXXVI casts [Prophetic Prism].
[01:10:28] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[01:10:32] DaveXXXVI draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability.
[01:10:37] Turn 3: RHK
[01:10:54] RHK casts [Elvish Archdruid].
[01:10:56] Turn 3: DaveXXXVI
[01:11:12] DaveXXXVI plays [Glimmerpost].
[01:11:13] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[01:11:26] DaveXXXVI casts [Nevinyrral's Disk].
[01:11:38] Turn 4: RHK
[01:11:41] RHK plays [Forest].
[01:11:58] DaveXXXVI is being attacked by [Elvish Archdruid], [Fyndhorn Elves], and [Fyndhorn Elves]
[01:12:19] Turn 4: DaveXXXVI
[01:12:23] DaveXXXVI plays [Island].
[01:12:32] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Nevinyrral's Disk] ( Destroy all artifacts, creatures, and enchantments.).
[01:12:42] DaveXXXVI casts [Monument to Perfection].
[01:12:53] Turn 5: RHK
[01:13:04] RHK casts [Elvish Mystic].
[01:13:29] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Monument to Perfection] ( Search your library for a basic, Sphere, or Locus land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, th...).
[01:13:32] DaveXXXVI reveals [Cloudpost].
[01:13:34] Turn 5: DaveXXXVI
[01:13:39] DaveXXXVI plays [Cloudpost].
[01:13:48] DaveXXXVI casts [Ratchet Bomb].
[01:13:56] DaveXXXVI casts [Spatial Contortion] targeting [Elvish Mystic].
[01:14:16] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Ratchet Bomb] ( Put a charge counter on Ratchet Bomb.).
[01:14:17] DaveXXXVI puts a charge counter on [Ratchet Bomb].
[01:14:18] Turn 6: RHK
[01:14:24] RHK casts [Elvish Clancaller].
[01:14:44] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Monument to Perfection] ( Search your library for a basic, Sphere, or Locus land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, th...).
[01:14:52] DaveXXXVI reveals [Cloudpost].
[01:14:56] Turn 6: DaveXXXVI
[01:15:00] DaveXXXVI plays [Cloudpost].
[01:15:10] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Ratchet Bomb] ( Put a charge counter on Ratchet Bomb.).
[01:15:12] DaveXXXVI puts a charge counter on [Ratchet Bomb].
[01:15:24] DaveXXXVI casts [Repeal] targeting [Elvish Clancaller]. (X is 2).
[01:15:24] DaveXXXVI returns [Elvish Clancaller] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[01:15:24] DaveXXXVI draws a card with [Repeal].
[01:15:31] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Monument to Perfection] ( Search your library for a basic, Sphere, or Locus land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, th...).
[01:15:36] DaveXXXVI reveals [Glimmerpost].
[01:15:39] Turn 7: RHK
[01:15:47] RHK casts [Elvish Clancaller].
[01:16:09] Turn 7: DaveXXXVI
[01:16:13] DaveXXXVI plays [Glimmerpost].
[01:16:13] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[01:16:26] Turn 8: RHK
[01:16:34] RHK plays [Forest].
[01:16:43] DaveXXXVI is being attacked by [Elvish Clancaller]
[01:16:54] DaveXXXVI casts [Thirst for Knowledge].
[01:16:54] DaveXXXVI draws three cards with [Thirst for Knowledge].
[01:17:02] DaveXXXVI discards [Glimmerpost].
[01:17:02] DaveXXXVI discards [Island].
[01:17:05] Turn 8: DaveXXXVI
[01:17:16] DaveXXXVI plays [Buried Ruin].
[01:17:28] DaveXXXVI casts [Planar Portal].
[01:17:37] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Planar Portal] ( Search your library for a card, put that card into your hand, then shuffle.).
[01:18:04] DaveXXXVI casts [Myr Battlesphere].
[01:18:11] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Myr Battlesphere] onto the stack (When Myr Battlesphere enters the battlefield, create four 1/1 colorless Myr artifact creature toke...).
[01:18:22] DaveXXXVI's [Myr Battlesphere] creates four Myr Tokens.
[01:18:31] Turn 9: RHK
[01:18:40] RHK plays [Forest].
[01:18:44] RHK casts [Fade from History].
[01:19:04] DaveXXXVI casts [Power Sink] targeting [Fade from History]. (X is 6).
[01:19:48] Turn 9: DaveXXXVI
[01:19:53] DaveXXXVI plays [Arch of Orazca].
[01:20:06] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Planar Portal] ( Search your library for a card, put that card into your hand, then shuffle.).
[01:21:32] DaveXXXVI casts [Mindslaver].
[01:21:45] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Mindslaver] targeting RHK ( You control target player during that player's next turn.).
[01:21:55] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Arch of Orazca] ( Draw a card.).
[01:21:56] DaveXXXVI draws a card with [Arch of Orazca]'s ability.
[01:22:02] RHK is being attacked by [Myr Battlesphere]
[01:22:02] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Myr Battlesphere] onto the stack (Whenever Myr Battlesphere attacks, you may tap X untapped Myr you control. If you do, Myr Battlesp...).
[01:22:15] DaveXXXVI chooses [Myr Token].
[01:22:15] DaveXXXVI chooses [Myr Token].
[01:22:15] DaveXXXVI chooses [Myr Token].
[01:22:15] DaveXXXVI chooses [Myr Token].
[01:22:34] [Elvish Clancaller] blocks [Myr Battlesphere].
[01:22:44] Turn 10: RHK
[01:23:23] Turn 10: DaveXXXVI
[01:23:39] DaveXXXVI plays [Inventors' Fair].
[01:23:59] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Planar Portal] ( Search your library for a card, put that card into your hand, then shuffle.).
[01:24:20] DaveXXXVI activates an ability of [Inventors' Fair] ({4}, {T}, Sacrifice Inventors' Fair: Search your library for an artifact card, reveal it, put it i...).
[01:24:27] DaveXXXVI reveals [Spine of Ish Sah].
[01:24:35] DaveXXXVI casts [Spine of Ish Sah].
[01:24:42] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Spine of Ish Sah] onto the stack targeting [Forest] (When Spine of Ish Sah enters the battlefield, destroy target permanent.).
[01:25:13] RHK is being attacked by [Myr Token], [Myr Token], [Myr Token], [Myr Token], and [Myr Battlesphere]
[01:25:13] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Myr Battlesphere] onto the stack (Whenever Myr Battlesphere attacks, you may tap X untapped Myr you control. If you do, Myr Battlesp...).
[01:25:21] Turn 11: RHK
[01:25:32] RHK casts [Ezuri, Renegade Leader].
[01:25:52] DaveXXXVI casts [Repeal] targeting [Ezuri, Renegade Leader]. (X is 3).
[01:25:53] DaveXXXVI returns [Ezuri, Renegade Leader] to its owner's hand with [Repeal].
[01:25:53] DaveXXXVI draws a card with [Repeal].
[01:26:00] Turn 11: DaveXXXVI
[01:26:06] DaveXXXVI plays [Glimmerpost].
[01:26:06] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[01:26:21] RHK is being attacked by [Myr Token], [Myr Token], [Myr Token], [Myr Token], and [Myr Battlesphere]
[01:26:21] DaveXXXVI puts triggered ability from [Myr Battlesphere] onto the stack (Whenever Myr Battlesphere attacks, you may tap X untapped Myr you control. If you do, Myr Battlesp...).
[01:26:31] DaveXXXVI wins the game.
Winner: DaveXXXVI
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: DaveXXXVI: 2–1
[01:26:37] DaveXXXVI has left the game.