PDBot Stats

Game 855208452

[Time] 1698003026
[22:30:27] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Unplayable Garbage Featuring an Infestation! by miniondevelopment (228167) vs Control Post by endgamer89 (228017)
[22:30:29] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[22:30:36] EndGamer89 chooses to play first.
[22:30:44] EndGamer89 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[22:30:46] miniondevelopment mulligans to six cards.
[22:30:58] miniondevelopment puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[22:30:58] Turn 1: EndGamer89
[22:30:58] EndGamer89 skips their draw step.
[22:31:03] EndGamer89 plays [Cloudpost].
[22:31:07] Turn 1: miniondevelopment
[22:31:15] miniondevelopment plays [Swamp].
[22:31:18] Turn 2: EndGamer89
[22:31:20] EndGamer89 plays [Forest].
[22:31:24] EndGamer89 casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[22:31:27] Turn 2: miniondevelopment
[22:31:33] miniondevelopment plays [Drowned Catacomb].
[22:31:54] miniondevelopment casts [Breakthrough]. (X is 1).
[22:31:54] miniondevelopment draws four cards with [Breakthrough].
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment discards [Island].
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment discards [Breakthrough].
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment discards [Island].
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment discards [Master of Death].
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment discards [Blazing Rootwalla].
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment discards [Blazing Rootwalla].
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment discards [Drowned Catacomb].
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment discards [Founding the Third Path].
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Blazing Rootwalla] onto the stack (Madness {0}).
[22:32:02] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Blazing Rootwalla] onto the stack (Madness {0}).
[22:32:02] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Founding the Third Path[sU] has a disadvantageous bug.
Primal Wellspring doesn't copy spells cast by the third chapter of Founding the Third Path
[22:32:08] miniondevelopment casts [Blazing Rootwalla].
[22:32:11] miniondevelopment casts [Blazing Rootwalla].
[22:32:16] Turn 3: EndGamer89
[22:32:27] EndGamer89 plays [Cloudpost].
[22:32:58] Turn 3: miniondevelopment
[22:32:59] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[22:33:27] miniondevelopment casts [Zombie Infestation].
[22:34:17] EndGamer89 activates an ability of [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] ({1G}, {T}, Return Shigeki, Jukai Visionary to its owner's hand: Reveal the top four cards of your ...).
[22:34:21] EndGamer89 reveals 4 cards with [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary]'s ability: [Hour of Promise], [Plains], [Tooth and Nail], and [Hour of Promise].
[22:34:27] Turn 4: EndGamer89
[22:34:30] EndGamer89 plays [Plains].
[22:34:43] EndGamer89 casts [Prophetic Prism].
[22:34:48] EndGamer89 puts triggered ability from [Prophetic Prism] onto the stack (When Prophetic Prism enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[22:34:56] EndGamer89 draws a card with [Prophetic Prism]'s ability.
[22:35:08] EndGamer89 casts [Oblivion Ring].
[22:35:16] EndGamer89 puts triggered ability from [Oblivion Ring] onto the stack targeting [Zombie Infestation] (When Oblivion Ring enters the battlefield, exile another target nonland permanent.).
[22:35:19] miniondevelopment discards [Master of Death].
[22:35:19] miniondevelopment discards [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[22:35:20] miniondevelopment activates an ability of [Zombie Infestation] ( Create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[22:35:22] miniondevelopment's [Zombie Infestation] creates a Zombie Token.
[22:35:31] EndGamer89 casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[22:35:35] Turn 4: miniondevelopment
[22:35:35] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[22:35:48] EndGamer89 is being attacked by [Zombie Token]
[22:37:03] miniondevelopment activates an ability of [Bloodsoaked Champion] ( Return Bloodsoaked Champion from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[22:37:32] Turn 5: EndGamer89
[22:37:40] EndGamer89 plays [Arch of Orazca].
[22:39:29] EndGamer89 casts [Oblivion Ring].
[22:39:31] EndGamer89 puts triggered ability from [Oblivion Ring] onto the stack targeting [Bloodsoaked Champion] (When Oblivion Ring enters the battlefield, exile another target nonland permanent.).
[22:39:42] Turn 5: miniondevelopment
[22:39:44] EndGamer89 is being attacked by [Zombie Token]
[22:39:45] [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] blocks [Zombie Token].
[22:39:46] EndGamer89 activates an ability of [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] ({1G}, {T}, Return Shigeki, Jukai Visionary to its owner's hand: Reveal the top four cards of your ...).
[22:39:46] EndGamer89 reveals 4 cards with [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary]'s ability: [The Eternal Wanderer], [The Eternal Wanderer], [Sylvan Scrying], and [Plains].
pd league
BuggedCardObserver, LeagueObserver, PennyDreadfulLegality

Game 855210082

[Time] 1698004325
[League] Unplayable Garbage Featuring an Infestation! by miniondevelopment (228167) vs Control Post by endgamer89 (228017)
[22:52:15] PDBot has started watching.
[22:52:22] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[22:52:22] miniondevelopment activates an ability of [Bloodsoaked Champion] ( Return Bloodsoaked Champion from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[22:52:23] Turn 6: EndGamer89
[22:52:29] EndGamer89 casts [Wrath of God].
[22:52:42] EndGamer89 casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[22:52:54] miniondevelopment discards [Squee, Goblin Nabob].
[22:52:54] miniondevelopment discards [Master of Death].
[22:52:54] miniondevelopment activates an ability of EndGamer89 ( Create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[22:52:55] miniondevelopment's EndGamer89 creates a Zombie Token.
[22:53:00] Turn 7: miniondevelopment
[22:53:03] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Squee, Goblin Nabob] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may return Squee, Goblin Nabob from your graveyard to your ha...).
[22:53:03] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[22:53:03] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[22:53:14] [Squee, Goblin Nabob] is returned to miniondevelopment's hand from the graveyard.
[22:53:25] EndGamer89 is being attacked by [Zombie Token]
[22:53:28] [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] blocks [Zombie Token].
[22:53:38] miniondevelopment activates an ability of [Bloodsoaked Champion] ( Return Bloodsoaked Champion from your graveyard to the battlefield.).
[22:53:54] Turn 7: EndGamer89
[22:54:03] EndGamer89 casts [Sylvan Scrying].
[22:54:07] EndGamer89 reveals [Cloudpost].
[22:54:09] EndGamer89 plays [Cloudpost].
[22:54:31] EndGamer89 casts [The Eternal Wanderer].
[22:54:56] EndGamer89 puts a loyalty counter on [The Eternal Wanderer].
[22:54:56] EndGamer89 activates an ability of [The Eternal Wanderer] targeting [Zombie Token] ( Exile up to one target artifact or creature. Return that card to the battlefield under its owner'...).
[22:55:12] miniondevelopment discards [Master of Death].
[22:55:12] miniondevelopment discards [Master of Death].
[22:55:12] miniondevelopment activates an ability of EndGamer89 ( Create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[22:55:13] miniondevelopment's EndGamer89 creates a Zombie Token.
[22:55:18] miniondevelopment discards [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis].
[22:55:18] miniondevelopment discards [Squee, Goblin Nabob].
[22:55:18] miniondevelopment activates an ability of EndGamer89 ( Create a 2/2 black Zombie creature token.).
[22:55:19] miniondevelopment's EndGamer89 creates a Zombie Token.
[22:55:24] Turn 8: miniondevelopment
[22:55:28] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Squee, Goblin Nabob] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, you may return Squee, Goblin Nabob from your graveyard to your ha...).
[22:55:28] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[22:55:28] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (At the beginning of your upkeep, if Master of Death is in your graveyard, you may pay 1 life. If y...).
[22:55:36] [Squee, Goblin Nabob] is returned to miniondevelopment's hand from the graveyard.
[22:55:48] miniondevelopment casts [Master of Death].
[22:55:48] miniondevelopment puts triggered ability from [Master of Death] onto the stack (When Master of Death enters the battlefield, surveil 2.).
[22:55:57] miniondevelopment puts [Master of Death] and [Basking Rootwalla] into their graveyard.
[22:57:02] miniondevelopment casts [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis] from the graveyard.
[22:57:09] EndGamer89 puts triggered ability from [The Eternal Wanderer] onto the stack (Return that card to the battlefield under its owner's control at the beginning of that player's ne...).
[22:57:10] Turn 8: EndGamer89
[22:57:21] EndGamer89 activates an ability of [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] ({1G}, {T}, Return Shigeki, Jukai Visionary to its owner's hand: Reveal the top four cards of your ...).
[22:57:27] EndGamer89 reveals 4 cards with [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary]'s ability: [Forest], [Glimmerpost], [Prophetic Prism], and [Sylvan Scrying].
[22:57:48] EndGamer89 puts triggered ability from [Glimmerpost] onto the stack (When Glimmerpost enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life for each Locus on the battlefield.).
[22:59:01] EndGamer89 removes four loyalty counters from [The Eternal Wanderer].
[22:59:01] EndGamer89 activates an ability of [The Eternal Wanderer] ( For each player, choose a creature that player controls. Each player sacrifices all creatures the...).
[22:59:35] miniondevelopment has conceded from the game.
[22:59:35] EndGamer89 wins the game.
[22:59:35] miniondevelopment has lost connection to the game.
Winner: EndGamer89
Game 1 Completed.