PDBot Stats

Game 853527776

[Time] 1696786265
[20:31:05] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Affinity by thatonegamer4202 (226948) vs Carth Cloud by graycross (227150)
[20:31:08] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[20:31:09] Placebo has started watching.
[20:31:12] Thatonegamer4202 chooses to play first.
[20:31:14] [CHAT] Graycross: hi glhf
[20:31:33] Thatonegamer4202 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[20:31:35] Graycross mulligans to six cards.
[20:31:50] Graycross puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[20:31:50] Turn 1: Thatonegamer4202
[20:31:50] Thatonegamer4202 skips their draw step.
[20:31:56] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Island].
[20:31:59] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Gingerbrute].
[20:32:47] Graycross is being attacked by [Gingerbrute]
[20:34:00] [CHAT] Thatonegamer4202: u2 :D
[20:34:05] Turn 1: Graycross
[20:34:07] Graycross plays [Forest].
[20:34:12] Graycross exiles [Search for Tomorrow] with 2 time counters.
[20:34:12] Graycross puts two time counters on [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:34:32] Turn 2: Thatonegamer4202
[20:34:38] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[20:34:43] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Moonsnare Prototype].
[20:34:50] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Ornithopter].
[20:34:56] Thatonegamer4202 activates an ability of [Gingerbrute] ( Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste.).
[20:35:03] Graycross is being attacked by [Gingerbrute]
[20:35:14] Turn 2: Graycross
[20:35:14] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[20:35:16] Graycross removes a time counter from [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:35:20] Graycross plays [Swamp].
[20:35:23] Graycross casts [Duress] targeting Thatonegamer4202.
[20:35:32] Thatonegamer4202 discards [Forging the Anchor].
[20:35:32] Thatonegamer4202 reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Darksteel Citadel] and [Master of Etherium].
[20:35:40] Graycross exiles [Search for Tomorrow] with 2 time counters.
[20:35:40] Graycross puts two time counters on [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:35:43] Turn 3: Thatonegamer4202
[20:35:48] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Island].
[20:35:51] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Master of Etherium].
[20:35:59] Graycross is being attacked by [Ornithopter] and [Gingerbrute]
[20:36:02] Turn 3: Graycross
[20:36:02] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[20:36:02] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[20:36:07] Graycross removes a time counter from [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:36:09] Graycross removes a time counter from [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:36:09] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, cast it without p...).
[20:36:12] Graycross casts [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:36:18] Graycross plays [Forest].
[20:36:20] Graycross casts [Carth the Lion].
[20:36:21] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Carth the Lion] onto the stack (Whenever Carth the Lion enters the battlefield or a planeswalker you control dies, look at the top...).
[20:36:24] Graycross reveals [Liliana, Death's Majesty] with [Carth the Lion]'s ability.
[20:36:29] Turn 4: Thatonegamer4202
[20:36:37] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[20:37:04] Thatonegamer4202 discards [Moonsnare Prototype].
[20:37:04] Thatonegamer4202 activates an ability of [Moonsnare Prototype] targeting [Carth the Lion] ( The owner of target nonland permanent puts it on the top or bottom of their library.).
[20:37:25] Graycross puts [Carth the Lion] on bottom of their library.
[20:37:33] Graycross is being attacked by [Master of Etherium] and [Gingerbrute]
[20:37:41] Turn 4: Graycross
[20:37:42] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[20:37:46] Graycross removes a time counter from [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:37:46] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, cast it without p...).
[20:37:50] Graycross casts [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:38:27] Graycross casts [Carth the Lion].
[20:38:27] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Carth the Lion] onto the stack (Whenever Carth the Lion enters the battlefield or a planeswalker you control dies, look at the top...).
[20:38:31] Graycross reveals [Liliana, Death's Majesty] with [Carth the Lion]'s ability.
[20:38:36] Turn 5: Thatonegamer4202
[20:38:40] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Island].
[20:38:45] Thatonegamer4202 activates an ability of [Gingerbrute] ( Gingerbrute can't be blocked this turn except by creatures with haste.).
[20:38:54] Graycross is being attacked by [Master of Etherium], [Ornithopter], and [Gingerbrute]
[20:39:00] [Carth the Lion] blocks [Master of Etherium].
[20:39:05] Turn 5: Graycross
[20:39:12] Graycross has conceded from the game.
[20:39:12] Thatonegamer4202 wins the game.
Winner: Thatonegamer4202
Game 1 Completed.

Game 853529044

[Time] 1696786821
[20:40:21] PDBot has started watching.
[20:40:22] Graycross chooses to play first.
[20:40:25] Graycross mulligans to six cards.
[20:40:32] Thatonegamer4202 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[20:40:35] Graycross mulligans to five cards.
[20:40:44] Graycross puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[20:40:44] Turn 1: Graycross
[20:40:45] Graycross skips their draw step.
[20:40:46] Graycross plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[20:40:48] Turn 1: Thatonegamer4202
[20:40:51] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Island].
[20:40:55] Turn 2: Graycross
[20:41:00] Graycross exiles [Search for Tomorrow] with 2 time counters.
[20:41:00] Graycross puts two time counters on [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:41:00] Graycross plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[20:41:07] Turn 2: Thatonegamer4202
[20:41:13] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Island].
[20:41:15] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:41:22] Turn 3: Graycross
[20:41:22] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[20:41:29] Graycross removes a time counter from [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:41:33] Graycross casts [Farseek].
[20:41:40] Turn 3: Thatonegamer4202
[20:41:43] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[20:41:51] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Moonsnare Prototype].
[20:41:51] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Patchwork Automaton] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Patchwork Automaton.).
[20:41:55] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:42:02] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Ornithopter].
[20:42:02] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Patchwork Automaton] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Patchwork Automaton.).
[20:42:03] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:42:13] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Steel Overseer].
[20:42:13] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Patchwork Automaton] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Patchwork Automaton.).
[20:42:16] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:42:22] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Hope of Ghirapur].
[20:42:22] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Patchwork Automaton] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Patchwork Automaton.).
[20:42:25] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:42:36] Graycross is being attacked by [Patchwork Automaton]
[20:42:45] Turn 4: Graycross
[20:42:45] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (At the beginning of your upkeep, remove a time counter.)).
[20:42:52] Graycross removes a time counter from [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:42:53] Graycross puts triggered ability from [Search for Tomorrow] onto the stack (Suspend 2{G} (When the last time counter is removed from the suspended card, cast it without p...).
[20:42:56] Graycross casts [Search for Tomorrow].
[20:43:07] Graycross casts [Languish].
[20:43:09] Turn 4: Thatonegamer4202
[20:43:14] Thatonegamer4202 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[20:43:17] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Forging the Anchor].
[20:43:22] Thatonegamer4202 puts [Patchwork Automaton] and [Thorn of Amethyst] into their hand with with [Forging the Anchor].
[20:43:39] Graycross is being attacked by [Patchwork Automaton]
[20:43:43] Turn 5: Graycross
[20:44:03] Graycross casts [Courser of Kruphix].
[20:44:07] Turn 5: Thatonegamer4202
[20:44:21] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:44:21] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Patchwork Automaton] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Patchwork Automaton.).
[20:44:23] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:44:40] Thatonegamer4202 casts Thatonegamer4202.
[20:44:46] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Patchwork Automaton] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Patchwork Automaton.).
[20:44:47] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Patchwork Automaton] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Patchwork Automaton.).
[20:44:49] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:44:49] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:44:57] Thatonegamer4202 casts [Gingerbrute].
[20:44:58] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Patchwork Automaton] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Patchwork Automaton.).
[20:44:58] Thatonegamer4202 puts triggered ability from [Patchwork Automaton] onto the stack (Whenever you cast an artifact spell, put a +1/+1 counter on Patchwork Automaton.).
[20:44:59] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:44:59] Thatonegamer4202 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Patchwork Automaton].
[20:45:13] Graycross is being attacked by [Patchwork Automaton]
[20:45:28] Turn 6: Graycross
[20:45:44] [CHAT] Graycross: ggs
[20:45:46] Graycross has conceded from the game.
[20:45:46] Thatonegamer4202 wins the game.
Winner: Thatonegamer4202
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Thatonegamer4202: 2–0