PDBot Stats

Game 851804162

[Time] 1695343735
[03:48:56] PDBot has started watching.
[03:48:56] MOCHET joined the game.
[League] Esper by 2for1for2 (225587) vs Dd by mochet (225586)
[03:48:58] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[03:49:02] 2for1for2 chooses to play first.
[03:49:09] 2for1for2 mulligans to six cards.
[03:49:15] MOCHET mulligans to six cards.
[03:49:20] 2for1for2 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[03:49:22] MOCHET mulligans to five cards.
[03:49:34] MOCHET puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[03:49:34] Turn 1: 2for1for2
[03:49:37] 2for1for2 skips their draw step.
[03:49:38] 2for1for2 plays [Plains].
[03:49:42] Turn 1: MOCHET
[03:49:44] MOCHET plays [Forest].
[03:49:49] Turn 2: 2for1for2
[03:49:54] 2for1for2 plays [Glacial Fortress].
[03:49:56] Turn 2: MOCHET
[03:50:00] MOCHET plays [Forest].
[03:50:02] MOCHET casts [Teachings of the Kirin].
[03:52:03] 2for1for2 has lost connection to the game.
[03:53:04] 2for1for2 joined the game.
[03:55:03] 2for1for2 has lost connection to the game.
[03:55:03] 2for1for2 has lost the game due to inaction.
[03:55:03] MOCHET wins the game.
Winner: MOCHET
Game 1 Completed.