PDBot Stats

Game 851803374

[Time] 1695342912
[03:35:13] PDBot has started watching.
[03:35:13] PvtPrimate joined the game.
[03:35:13] MOCHET joined the game.
[League] Dd by mochet (225586) vs Ajani's White Knights by pvtprimate (225575)
[03:35:15] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[03:35:17] MOCHET chooses to play first.
[03:35:20] [CHAT] PvtPrimate: glhf
[03:35:27] MOCHET begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:35:29] [CHAT] MOCHET: u2
[03:35:29] PvtPrimate begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:35:29] Turn 1: MOCHET
[03:35:29] MOCHET skips their draw step.
[03:36:18] MOCHET plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[03:36:41] [CHAT] MOCHET: sory lags
[03:37:05] Turn 1: PvtPrimate
[03:37:13] PvtPrimate plays [Plains].
[03:37:16] PvtPrimate casts [Venerable Knight].
[03:37:19] Turn 2: MOCHET
[03:37:22] MOCHET plays [Llanowar Wastes].
[03:37:26] MOCHET casts [Glowspore Shaman].
[03:37:26] MOCHET puts triggered ability from [Glowspore Shaman] onto the stack (When Glowspore Shaman enters the battlefield, mill three cards. You may put a land card from your ...).
[03:37:28] MOCHET mills [Stinkweed Imp], [Woodland Cemetery], and [Satyr Wayfinder].
[03:37:29] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Stinkweed Imp[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Creatures with an ability that destroys creatures that they deal combat damage to ignore Phasing.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Stinkweed Imp` or `!notbugged Stinkweed Imp`
[03:37:34] MOCHET puts [Woodland Cemetery] on top of their library with [Glowspore Shaman]'s ability.
[03:37:42] Turn 2: PvtPrimate
[03:37:48] PvtPrimate plays [Plains].
[03:37:51] PvtPrimate casts [White Knight].
[03:37:58] MOCHET is being attacked by [Venerable Knight]
[03:38:09] Turn 3: MOCHET
[03:38:19] MOCHET plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[03:38:23] MOCHET casts [Glowspore Shaman].
[03:38:23] MOCHET puts triggered ability from [Glowspore Shaman] onto the stack (When Glowspore Shaman enters the battlefield, mill three cards. You may put a land card from your ...).
[03:38:25] MOCHET mills [Teachings of the Kirin], [Hagra Mauling], and [Llanowar Wastes].
[03:38:35] Turn 3: PvtPrimate
[03:38:39] PvtPrimate plays [Plains].
[03:38:42] PvtPrimate casts [Knight Exemplar].
[03:38:49] MOCHET is being attacked by [White Knight] and [Venerable Knight]
[03:39:07] Turn 4: MOCHET
[03:39:11] MOCHET returns [Stinkweed Imp] to their hand with its dredge ability.
[03:39:11] MOCHET mills [Satyr Wayfinder], [Hagra Mauling], [Forest], [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis], and [Hagra Mauling].
[03:39:16] MOCHET plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[03:40:49] MOCHET casts [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis] from the graveyard.
[03:40:56] MOCHET casts [Stinkweed Imp].
[03:41:03] Turn 4: PvtPrimate
[03:41:07] PvtPrimate plays [Plains].
[03:41:11] PvtPrimate casts [White Knight].
[03:41:16] PvtPrimate casts [Knight of Meadowgrain].
[03:41:24] MOCHET is being attacked by [White Knight] and [Venerable Knight]
[03:41:35] [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis] blocks [Venerable Knight].
[03:43:45] [CHAT] PvtPrimate: all good?
[03:45:05] MOCHET has lost connection to the game.
[03:45:27] MOCHET joined the game.
[03:45:31] [CHAT] PvtPrimate: yo
[03:46:57] MOCHET has lost the game due to inaction.
[03:46:57] PvtPrimate wins the game.
Winner: PvtPrimate
Game 1 Completed.