PDBot Stats

Game 851695938

[Time] 1695245327
[00:28:49] PDBot has started watching.
[00:28:49] MOCHET joined the game.
[League] Infect Shoal by naynayb (225470) vs Hagi by mochet (225475)
[00:28:50] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[00:28:54] [CHAT] MOCHET: gl  hf
[00:28:55] MOCHET chooses to play first.
[00:28:59] [CHAT] naynayb: gl hf !
[00:29:04] MOCHET begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:29:08] naynayb mulligans to six cards.
[00:29:19] naynayb puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:29:19] Turn 1: MOCHET
[00:29:19] MOCHET skips their draw step.
[00:29:21] MOCHET plays [Forest].
[00:29:25] Turn 1: naynayb
[00:29:30] naynayb plays [Thran Portal].
[00:29:32] naynayb chooses Mountain for [Thran Portal].
[00:29:36] naynayb casts [Crash Through].
[00:29:36] naynayb draws a card with [Crash Through].
[00:29:40] Turn 2: MOCHET
[00:29:43] MOCHET plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[00:29:46] MOCHET casts [Mulch].
[00:29:49] MOCHET reveals 4 cards with [Mulch]: [Sickening Shoal], [Cut Down], [Bloodsoaked Champion], and [Forest].
[00:29:50] MOCHET puts [Forest] into their hand with with [Mulch].
[00:29:50] MOCHET puts [Bloodsoaked Champion], [Sickening Shoal], and [Cut Down] into their graveyard.
[00:29:59] Turn 2: naynayb
[00:30:05] naynayb plays [Lantern-Lit Graveyard].
[00:30:10] naynayb casts [Plague Stinger].
[00:30:12] Turn 3: MOCHET
[00:30:16] MOCHET plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[00:30:21] MOCHET casts [Mulch].
[00:30:22] MOCHET reveals 4 cards with [Mulch]: [Sickening Shoal], [Forest], [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis], and [Mulch].
[00:30:27] MOCHET puts [Forest] into their hand with with [Mulch].
[00:30:27] MOCHET puts [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis], [Sickening Shoal], and [Mulch] into their graveyard.
[00:30:44] Turn 3: naynayb
[00:31:12] naynayb plays [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[00:31:28] MOCHET is being attacked by [Plague Stinger]
[00:31:35] MOCHET exiles [Greater Gargadon] with with [Blazing Shoal]'s ability.
[00:31:35] naynayb casts [Blazing Shoal] targeting [Plague Stinger]. (X is 10).
[00:31:37] naynayb puts eleven poison counters on MOCHET.
[00:31:37] naynayb wins the game.
Winner: naynayb
Game 1 Completed.

Game 851696246

[Time] 1695245529
[00:32:10] PDBot has started watching.
[00:32:13] MOCHET chooses to play first.
[00:32:22] MOCHET mulligans to six cards.
[00:32:27] naynayb mulligans to six cards.
[00:32:38] MOCHET puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:32:44] naynayb puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[00:32:44] Turn 1: MOCHET
[00:32:45] MOCHET skips their draw step.
[00:32:47] MOCHET plays [Llanowar Wastes].
[00:32:55] MOCHET casts [Putrid Imp].
[00:33:01] Turn 1: naynayb
[00:33:07] naynayb plays [Swamp].
[00:33:10] naynayb casts [Vector Asp].
[00:33:13] Turn 2: MOCHET
[00:33:17] MOCHET plays [Forest].
[00:33:22] MOCHET casts [Glowspore Shaman].
[00:33:25] MOCHET puts triggered ability from [Glowspore Shaman] onto the stack (When Glowspore Shaman enters the battlefield, mill three cards. You may put a land card from your ...).
[00:33:29] MOCHET mills [Sickening Shoal], [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis], and [Satyr Wayfinder].
[00:33:29] MOCHET did not put a land on top of their library with [Glowspore Shaman]'s ability.
[00:33:38] Turn 2: naynayb
[00:33:47] naynayb plays [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[00:33:53] naynayb activates an ability of [Vector Asp] ( Vector Asp gains infect until end of turn.).
[00:34:02] naynayb exiles [Volcanic Salvo] with with [Blazing Shoal]'s ability.
[00:34:02] naynayb casts [Blazing Shoal] targeting [Vector Asp]. (X is 12).
[00:34:21] naynayb removes a charge counter from [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[00:34:21] naynayb casts [Burn Together] targeting [Vector Asp], and MOCHET.
[00:34:35] naynayb exiles [Cabal Therapist] with with [Sickening Shoal]'s ability.
[00:34:35] MOCHET casts [Sickening Shoal] targeting [Vector Asp]. (X is 1).
[00:34:46] Turn 3: MOCHET
[00:34:49] MOCHET plays [Forest].
[00:34:54] MOCHET casts [Duress] targeting naynayb.
[00:35:04] naynayb discards [Soul-Guide Lantern].
[00:35:04] naynayb reveals their hand to [Duress], containing [Greater Gargadon].
[00:35:17] naynayb is being attacked by [Glowspore Shaman] and [Putrid Imp]
[00:35:23] Turn 3: naynayb
[00:35:27] naynayb casts [Soul-Guide Lantern].
[00:35:38] naynayb puts triggered ability from [Soul-Guide Lantern] onto the stack targeting [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis] (When Soul-Guide Lantern enters the battlefield, exile target card from a graveyard.).
[00:35:46] Turn 4: MOCHET
[00:35:51] MOCHET casts [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[00:35:56] naynayb is being attacked by [Glowspore Shaman] and [Putrid Imp]
[00:36:02] Turn 4: naynayb
[00:36:13] naynayb casts [Callous Sell-Sword].
[00:36:20] Turn 5: MOCHET
[00:36:35] MOCHET casts [Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis].
[00:36:46] Turn 5: naynayb
[00:37:16] naynayb has conceded from the game.
[00:37:16] MOCHET wins the game.
Winner: MOCHET
Game 2 Completed.

Game 851696674

[Time] 1695245870
[00:37:50] PDBot has started watching.
[00:37:55] naynayb chooses to play first.
[00:38:00] naynayb begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:38:02] MOCHET begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[00:38:02] Turn 1: naynayb
[00:38:04] naynayb skips their draw step.
[00:38:07] naynayb plays [Swamp].
[00:38:11] Turn 1: MOCHET
[00:38:13] MOCHET plays [Swamp].
[00:38:15] MOCHET casts [Putrid Imp].
[00:38:22] Turn 2: naynayb
[00:38:28] naynayb plays [Thran Portal].
[00:38:31] naynayb chooses Mountain for [Thran Portal].
[00:38:35] naynayb casts [Plague Stinger].
[00:38:39] Turn 2: MOCHET
[00:38:42] MOCHET plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[00:38:46] MOCHET casts [Cut Down] targeting [Plague Stinger].
[00:39:02] MOCHET exiles [Greater Gargadon] with with [Blazing Shoal]'s ability.
[00:39:02] naynayb casts [Blazing Shoal] targeting [Plague Stinger]. (X is 10).
[00:39:11] MOCHET's [Cut Down] is removed from the stack because it has no legal targets.
[00:39:14] MOCHET casts [Cabal Therapist].
[00:39:26] Turn 3: naynayb
[00:39:56] naynayb plays [Tendo Ice Bridge].
[00:40:03] MOCHET is being attacked by [Plague Stinger]
[00:40:25] [CHAT] MOCHET: missclick
[00:40:27] [CHAT] MOCHET: ahah
[00:40:36] [CHAT] naynayb: still not guaranteed
[00:40:41] naynayb casts [Spoils of the Vault].
[00:40:50] naynayb names Blazing Shoal for [Spoils of the Vault].
[00:40:50] naynayb reveals [Mountain].
[00:40:50] naynayb reveals [Volcanic Salvo].
[00:40:50] naynayb reveals [Soul-Guide Lantern].
[00:40:50] naynayb reveals [Plunge into Darkness].
[00:40:50] naynayb reveals [Thran Portal].
[00:40:50] naynayb reveals [Cut Down].
[00:40:50] naynayb reveals [Blazing Shoal].
[00:40:55] naynayb exiles [Volcanic Salvo] with with [Blazing Shoal]'s ability.
[00:40:55] naynayb casts [Blazing Shoal] targeting [Plague Stinger]. (X is 12).
[00:40:58] MOCHET discards [Stinkweed Imp].
[00:40:58] MOCHET activates an ability of [Putrid Imp] ( Putrid Imp gains flying until end of turn.).
[00:40:58] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Stinkweed Imp[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Creatures with an ability that destroys creatures that they deal combat damage to ignore Phasing.
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Stinkweed Imp` or `!notbugged Stinkweed Imp`
[00:41:05] [CHAT] MOCHET: gg
[00:41:15] MOCHET has conceded from the game.
[00:41:15] naynayb wins the game.
Winner: naynayb
Game 3 Completed.
Match Winner: naynayb: 2–1