PDBot Stats

Game 839283646

[Time] 1685063750
[04:15:51] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Arbitermending by forgetti (215941) vs Haups by bakert99 (216816)
[04:15:53] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[04:16:00] bakert99 chooses to play first.
[04:16:04] bakert99 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:16:06] forgetti begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:16:06] Turn 1: bakert99
[04:16:06] bakert99.
[04:16:08] bakert99 skips their draw step.
[04:16:09] bakert99 plays [Mistvault Bridge].
[04:16:11] Turn 1: forgetti
[04:16:11] forgetti.
[04:16:16] forgetti plays [Stirring Wildwood].
[04:16:19] Turn 2: bakert99
[04:16:19] bakert99.
[04:16:28] bakert99 plays [Ghost Quarter].
[04:16:31] Turn 2: forgetti
[04:16:31] forgetti.
[04:16:34] forgetti plays [Ghost Quarter].
[04:16:38] forgetti casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[04:16:55] Turn 3: bakert99
[04:16:55] bakert99.
[04:16:58] bakert99 plays [Drossforge Bridge].
[04:17:01] Turn 3: forgetti
[04:17:01] forgetti.
[04:17:33] forgetti plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[04:17:42] Turn 4: bakert99
[04:17:42] bakert99.
[04:17:47] bakert99 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[04:17:56] bakert99 casts [Rise and Shine] targeting [Darksteel Citadel].
[04:17:59] bakert99 puts four +1/+1 counters on [Darksteel Citadel].
[04:18:06] forgetti activates an ability of [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] ({1G}, {T}, Return Shigeki, Jukai Visionary to its owner's hand: Reveal the top four cards of your ...).
[04:18:07] forgetti reveals 4 cards with [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary]'s ability: [Plains], [Shalai, Voice of Plenty], [Cataclysmic Gearhulk], and [Forest].
[04:18:19] Turn 4: forgetti
[04:18:19] forgetti.
[04:18:23] forgetti plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[04:18:28] forgetti casts [Ajani, Mentor of Heroes].
[04:18:32] bakert99 activates an ability of [Ghost Quarter] targeting [Drossforge Bridge] ( Destroy target land. Its controller may search their library for a basic land card, put it onto t...).
[04:18:47] forgetti puts a loyalty counter on [Ajani, Mentor of Heroes].
[04:18:47] forgetti activates an ability of [Ajani, Mentor of Heroes] ( Look at the top four cards of your library. You may reveal an Aura, creature, or planeswalker car...).
[04:18:57] Turn 5: bakert99
[04:18:57] bakert99.
[04:19:02] bakert99 casts [Burst Lightning] targeting [Ajani, Mentor of Heroes].
[04:19:02] bakert99 removes two loyalty counters from [Ajani, Mentor of Heroes].
[04:19:06] forgetti's [Ajani, Mentor of Heroes] is being attacked by [Darksteel Citadel]
[04:19:08] bakert99 removes three loyalty counters from [Ajani, Mentor of Heroes].
[04:19:09] Turn 5: forgetti
[04:19:09] forgetti.
[04:19:25] forgetti plays [Gavony Township].
[04:19:29] forgetti casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[04:19:39] Turn 6: bakert99
[04:19:39] bakert99.
[04:19:44] forgetti is being attacked by [Darksteel Citadel]
[04:19:50] bakert99 plays [Silverbluff Bridge].
[04:19:58] forgetti discards [Scattered Groves].
[04:19:58] forgetti cycles [Scattered Groves].
[04:20:03] forgetti casts [Wildborn Preserver].
[04:20:17] bakert99 casts [Memory Lapse] targeting [Wildborn Preserver].
[04:20:20] Turn 6: forgetti
[04:20:20] forgetti.
[04:20:32] forgetti activates an ability of [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] ({1G}, {T}, Return Shigeki, Jukai Visionary to its owner's hand: Reveal the top four cards of your ...).
[04:20:33] forgetti reveals 4 cards with [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary]'s ability: [Plains], [Ghost Quarter], [Forest], and [Rishkar, Peema Renegade].
[04:20:45] forgetti casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[04:20:50] forgetti plays [Demolition Field].
[04:20:56] Turn 7: bakert99
[04:20:56] bakert99.
[04:20:59] bakert99 plays [Ghost Quarter].
[04:21:06] bakert99 casts [Jokulhaups].
[04:21:43] forgetti casts [Wildborn Preserver].
[04:21:46] Turn 7: forgetti
[04:21:46] forgetti.
[04:21:49] forgetti plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[04:21:52] bakert99 is being attacked by [Wildborn Preserver]
[04:21:55] Turn 8: bakert99
[04:21:55] bakert99.
[04:21:59] bakert99 plays [Ghost Quarter].
[04:22:13] bakert99 casts [Rise and Shine] targeting [Drossforge Bridge].
[04:22:14] bakert99 puts four +1/+1 counters on [Drossforge Bridge].
[04:22:17] forgetti is being attacked by [Darksteel Citadel] and [Drossforge Bridge]
[04:22:19] Turn 8: forgetti
[04:22:19] forgetti.
[04:22:24] forgetti plays [Ghost Quarter].
[04:22:28] forgetti casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[04:22:30] forgetti puts triggered ability from [Wildborn Preserver] onto the stack (Whenever another non-Human creature enters the battlefield under your control, you may pay {X}. Wh...).
[04:22:35] forgetti puts triggered ability from [Wildborn Preserver] onto the stack (When you pay {X}, put X +1/+1 counters on Wildborn Preserver.).
[04:22:35] forgetti.
[04:22:38] Turn 9: bakert99
[04:22:38] bakert99.
[04:22:44] forgetti is being attacked by [Darksteel Citadel] and [Drossforge Bridge]
[04:22:47] [Wildborn Preserver] blocks [Drossforge Bridge].
[04:22:51] Turn 9: forgetti
[04:22:52] forgetti.
[04:22:56] forgetti has conceded from the game.
[04:22:56] bakert99 wins the game.
Winner: bakert99
Game 1 Completed.

Game 839284568

[Time] 1685064240
[04:24:00] PDBot has started watching.
[04:24:02] forgetti chooses to play first.
[04:24:06] forgetti mulligans to six cards.
[04:24:07] bakert99 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[04:24:16] forgetti puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[04:24:16] Turn 1: forgetti
[04:24:16] forgetti.
[04:24:16] forgetti skips their draw step.
[04:24:17] forgetti plays [Plains].
[04:24:19] Turn 1: bakert99
[04:24:19] bakert99.
[04:24:22] bakert99 plays [Silverbluff Bridge].
[04:24:23] Turn 2: forgetti
[04:24:23] forgetti.
[04:24:26] forgetti plays [Sunpetal Grove].
[04:24:29] forgetti casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[04:24:31] Turn 2: bakert99
[04:24:31] bakert99.
[04:24:37] bakert99 plays [Island].
[04:24:38] Turn 3: forgetti
[04:24:38] forgetti.
[04:24:50] Turn 3: bakert99
[04:24:50] bakert99.
[04:24:53] bakert99 plays [Drossforge Bridge].
[04:24:58] forgetti activates an ability of [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] ({1G}, {T}, Return Shigeki, Jukai Visionary to its owner's hand: Reveal the top four cards of your ...).
[04:24:59] forgetti reveals 4 cards with [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary]'s ability: [Condemn], [Sunpetal Grove], [Plains], and [Gavony Township].
[04:25:06] Turn 4: forgetti
[04:25:06] forgetti.
[04:25:12] forgetti plays [Ghost Quarter].
[04:25:15] forgetti casts [Emmara, Soul of the Accord].
[04:25:26] forgetti casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[04:25:42] Turn 4: bakert99
[04:25:42] bakert99.
[04:25:47] bakert99 plays [Mistvault Bridge].
[04:25:51] Turn 5: forgetti
[04:25:52] forgetti.
[04:25:59] bakert99 is being attacked by [Emmara, Soul of the Accord]
[04:25:59] forgetti puts triggered ability from [Emmara, Soul of the Accord] onto the stack (Whenever Emmara, Soul of the Accord becomes tapped, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with...).
[04:26:00] forgetti's [Emmara, Soul of the Accord] creates a Soldier Token.
[04:26:09] forgetti casts [Leonin Arbiter].
[04:26:09] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Leonin Arbiter[sU] has a graphical bug.
Leonin Arbiter behaves wierdly on Magic Online: if you want to pay 2 to search your library you must click the arbiter before you search
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Leonin Arbiter` or `!notbugged Leonin Arbiter`
[04:26:59] Turn 5: bakert99
[04:26:59] bakert99.
[04:27:05] bakert99 plays [Swamp].
[04:27:14] forgetti activates an ability of [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] ({1G}, {T}, Return Shigeki, Jukai Visionary to its owner's hand: Reveal the top four cards of your ...).
[04:27:15] forgetti reveals 4 cards with [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary]'s ability: [Plains], [Remorseful Cleric], [Sunpetal Grove], and [Sacred Ground].
[04:27:15] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Sacred Ground[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Sacred Ground resurrects creature lands that die through combat
Our data about this bug is out of date.  Please let us know if this card is still bugged (or if it's been fixed).
You can do so by PM'ing this bot, or by typing `!stillbugged Sacred Ground` or `!notbugged Sacred Ground`
[04:27:27] Turn 6: forgetti
[04:27:27] forgetti.
[04:27:34] bakert99 is being attacked by [Leonin Arbiter], [Soldier Token], and [Emmara, Soul of the Accord]
[04:27:34] forgetti puts triggered ability from [Emmara, Soul of the Accord] onto the stack (Whenever Emmara, Soul of the Accord becomes tapped, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with...).
[04:27:36] forgetti's [Emmara, Soul of the Accord] creates a Soldier Token.
[04:28:01] forgetti casts [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary].
[04:28:07] forgetti casts [Aegis of the Gods].
[04:28:17] Turn 6: bakert99
[04:28:17] bakert99.
[04:28:23] forgetti activates an ability of [Ghost Quarter] targeting [Island] ( Destroy target land. Its controller may search their library for a basic land card, put it onto t...).
[04:28:38] bakert99 is prevented from searching their library.
[04:28:52] bakert99 casts [Ponder].
[04:29:01] bakert99 chooses to not shuffle their library.
[04:29:01] bakert99 draws a card with [Ponder].
[04:29:03] bakert99 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[04:29:07] Turn 7: forgetti
[04:29:07] forgetti.
[04:29:28] bakert99 is being attacked by [Aegis of the Gods], [Soldier Token], [Leonin Arbiter], [Soldier Token], and [Emmara, Soul of the Accord]
[04:29:28] forgetti puts triggered ability from [Emmara, Soul of the Accord] onto the stack (Whenever Emmara, Soul of the Accord becomes tapped, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token with...).
[04:29:30] forgetti's [Emmara, Soul of the Accord] creates a Soldier Token.
[04:29:39] forgetti activates an ability of [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary] ({1G}, {T}, Return Shigeki, Jukai Visionary to its owner's hand: Reveal the top four cards of your ...).
[04:29:41] forgetti reveals 4 cards with [Shigeki, Jukai Visionary]'s ability: [Plains], [Gavony Township], [Ghost Quarter], and [Ghost Quarter].
[04:29:52] Turn 7: bakert99
[04:29:52] bakert99.
[04:29:56] bakert99 plays [Ghost Quarter].
[04:30:02] bakert99 casts [Jokulhaups].
[04:30:05] Turn 8: forgetti
[04:30:05] forgetti.
[04:30:10] Turn 8: bakert99
[04:30:10] bakert99.
[04:30:20] bakert99 casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Darksteel Citadel].
[04:30:24] bakert99 draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[04:30:29] bakert99 casts [Cleansing Wildfire] targeting [Darksteel Citadel].
[04:30:35] bakert99 draws a card with [Cleansing Wildfire].
[04:30:39] Turn 9: forgetti
[04:30:39] forgetti.
[04:30:48] forgetti discards [Council's Judgment].
[04:30:49] Turn 9: bakert99
[04:30:49] bakert99.
[04:30:58] bakert99 casts [Rise and Shine] for its overload cost using an alternate cost.
[04:30:58] bakert99 puts four +1/+1 counters on [Silverbluff Bridge], [Drossforge Bridge], [Mistvault Bridge], and [Darksteel Citadel].
[04:31:01] Turn 10: forgetti
[04:31:01] forgetti.
[04:31:05] forgetti has conceded from the game.
[04:31:05] bakert99 wins the game.
Winner: bakert99
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: bakert99: 2–0
[04:31:14] forgetti has left the game.