PDBot Stats

Game 838740160

[Time] 1684715151
[03:25:52] PDBot has started watching.
[League] Reanimator by roostercocoa (216414) vs Martyr by copied (216526)
[03:25:54] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[03:25:56] RoosterCocoa chooses to play first.
[03:25:59] [CHAT] RoosterCocoa: glhf
[03:26:04] RoosterCocoa mulligans to six cards.
[03:26:13] Copied mulligans to six cards.
[03:26:22] RoosterCocoa puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[03:26:27] Copied puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[03:26:27] Turn 1: RoosterCocoa
[03:26:27] RoosterCocoa.
[03:26:27] RoosterCocoa skips their draw step.
[03:26:28] RoosterCocoa plays [Temple of Malady].
[03:26:28] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Temple of Malady] onto the stack (When Temple of Malady enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[03:26:40] RoosterCocoa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[03:26:41] Turn 1: Copied
[03:26:41] Copied.
[03:26:45] Copied plays [Plains].
[03:26:46] Copied casts [Soul's Attendant].
[03:26:47] Turn 2: RoosterCocoa
[03:26:47] RoosterCocoa.
[03:26:51] RoosterCocoa plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[03:26:54] RoosterCocoa casts [Birds of Paradise].
[03:26:54] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:27:02] [CHAT] Copied: I'm stuck working. Be easy on me :P
[03:27:08] Turn 2: Copied
[03:27:08] Copied.
[03:27:10] Copied plays [Plains].
[03:27:11] Copied casts [Ajani's Pridemate].
[03:27:12] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:27:16] Copied puts triggered ability from [Ajani's Pridemate] onto the stack (Whenever you gain life, put a +1/+1 counter on Ajani's Pridemate.).
[03:27:16] Copied puts a +1/+1 counter on [Ajani's Pridemate].
[03:27:20] RoosterCocoa is being attacked by [Soul's Attendant]
[03:27:23] Turn 3: RoosterCocoa
[03:27:23] RoosterCocoa.
[03:27:43] RoosterCocoa casts [Satyr Wayfinder].
[03:27:43] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Satyr Wayfinder] onto the stack (When Satyr Wayfinder enters the battlefield, reveal the top four cards of your library. You may pu...).
[03:27:44] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:27:46] Copied puts triggered ability from [Ajani's Pridemate] onto the stack (Whenever you gain life, put a +1/+1 counter on Ajani's Pridemate.).
[03:27:49] Copied puts a +1/+1 counter on [Ajani's Pridemate].
[03:27:50] RoosterCocoa reveals 4 cards with [Satyr Wayfinder]'s ability: [Temple of Silence], [Ashen Rider], [Satyr Wayfinder], and [Sandsteppe Citadel].
[03:28:01] RoosterCocoa chooses Temple of Silence.
[03:28:02] RoosterCocoa plays [Temple of Silence].
[03:28:03] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Temple of Silence] onto the stack (When Temple of Silence enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[03:28:14] RoosterCocoa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[03:28:22] RoosterCocoa discards [Ashen Rider].
[03:28:22] RoosterCocoa casts [Bone Shards] targeting [Ajani's Pridemate].
[03:28:26] Turn 3: Copied
[03:28:26] Copied.
[03:28:28] Copied plays [Plains].
[03:28:29] Copied casts [Serra Ascendant].
[03:28:30] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:28:32] Copied casts [Smuggler's Copter].
[03:28:40] Turn 4: RoosterCocoa
[03:28:40] RoosterCocoa.
[03:28:52] RoosterCocoa casts [Recurring Nightmare].
[03:29:05] Copied has conceded from the game.
[03:29:05] RoosterCocoa wins the game.
Winner: RoosterCocoa
Game 1 Completed.
[03:29:08] Copied has left the game.

Game 838740656

[Time] 1684715395
[03:29:55] PDBot has started watching.
[03:30:00] Copied chooses to play first.
[03:30:07] Copied mulligans to six cards.
[03:30:09] RoosterCocoa begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[03:30:15] Copied puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[03:30:15] Turn 1: Copied
[03:30:16] Copied.
[03:30:16] Copied skips their draw step.
[03:30:17] Copied plays [Plains].
[03:30:18] Copied casts [Soul Warden].
[03:30:21] Turn 1: RoosterCocoa
[03:30:21] RoosterCocoa.
[03:30:23] RoosterCocoa plays [Sandsteppe Citadel].
[03:30:25] Turn 2: Copied
[03:30:25] Copied.
[03:30:27] Copied plays [Plains].
[03:30:28] Copied casts [Soul's Attendant].
[03:30:28] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:30:34] Copied casts [Benevolent Bodyguard].
[03:30:37] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:30:37] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:30:48] RoosterCocoa is being attacked by [Soul Warden]
[03:30:54] Turn 2: RoosterCocoa
[03:30:54] RoosterCocoa.
[03:31:01] RoosterCocoa plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[03:31:16] RoosterCocoa discards [Grave Titan].
[03:31:16] RoosterCocoa casts [Bone Shards] targeting [Benevolent Bodyguard].
[03:31:23] Turn 3: Copied
[03:31:24] Copied.
[03:31:30] Copied casts [Elvish Hexhunter].
[03:31:33] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:31:33] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:31:35] Copied casts [Serra Ascendant].
[03:31:38] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:31:38] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:31:42] RoosterCocoa is being attacked by [Soul's Attendant] and [Soul Warden]
[03:31:45] Turn 3: RoosterCocoa
[03:31:45] RoosterCocoa.
[03:31:50] RoosterCocoa casts [Satyr Wayfinder].
[03:31:51] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Satyr Wayfinder] onto the stack (When Satyr Wayfinder enters the battlefield, reveal the top four cards of your library. You may pu...).
[03:31:55] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:31:55] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:32:00] RoosterCocoa reveals 4 cards with [Satyr Wayfinder]'s ability: [Tidehollow Sculler], [Forest], [Birds of Paradise], and [Tear Asunder].
[03:32:04] RoosterCocoa chooses Forest.
[03:32:05] RoosterCocoa plays [Isolated Chapel].
[03:32:06] Seven47 has started watching.
[03:32:09] Turn 4: Copied
[03:32:09] Copied.
[03:32:11] Copied plays [Mistveil Plains].
[03:32:20] Copied casts [Ossification] targeting [Plains].
[03:32:20] Copied puts triggered ability from [Ossification] onto the stack targeting [Satyr Wayfinder] (When Ossification enters the battlefield, exile target creature or planeswalker an opponent contro...).
[03:32:24] RoosterCocoa is being attacked by [Serra Ascendant], [Elvish Hexhunter], [Soul's Attendant], and [Soul Warden]
[03:32:26] Turn 4: RoosterCocoa
[03:32:26] RoosterCocoa.
[03:32:28] Seven47 has stopped watching.
[03:32:43] RoosterCocoa plays [Forest].
[03:32:46] RoosterCocoa casts [Satyr Wayfinder].
[03:32:47] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Satyr Wayfinder] onto the stack (When Satyr Wayfinder enters the battlefield, reveal the top four cards of your library. You may pu...).
[03:32:52] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:32:52] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:32:53] RoosterCocoa reveals 4 cards with [Satyr Wayfinder]'s ability: [Recurring Nightmare], [Temple of Malady], [Raffine's Informant], and [Birds of Paradise].
[03:32:57] RoosterCocoa chooses Temple of Malady.
[03:33:02] RoosterCocoa casts [Tidehollow Sculler].
[03:33:02] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Tidehollow Sculler] onto the stack targeting Copied (When Tidehollow Sculler enters the battlefield, target opponent reveals their hand and you choose ...).
[03:33:06] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:33:06] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:33:11] Copied reveals their hand to [Tidehollow Sculler]'s ability, containing no cards.
[03:33:13] Turn 5: Copied
[03:33:13] Copied.
[03:33:19] RoosterCocoa is being attacked by [Serra Ascendant]
[03:33:26] Turn 5: RoosterCocoa
[03:33:26] RoosterCocoa.
[03:34:24] RoosterCocoa plays [Woodland Cemetery].
[03:34:33] RoosterCocoa casts [Unburial Rites] targeting [Grave Titan].
[03:34:38] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Grave Titan] onto the stack (Whenever Grave Titan enters the battlefield or attacks, create two 2/2 black Zombie creature token...).
[03:34:41] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:34:41] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:34:45] RoosterCocoa's [Grave Titan] creates two Zombie Tokens.
[03:34:48] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:34:49] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:34:50] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:34:50] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:35:00] Turn 6: Copied
[03:35:00] Copied.
[03:35:02] Copied plays [Plains].
[03:35:04] Copied casts [Martyr of Sands].
[03:35:07] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:35:07] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:35:14] RoosterCocoa is being attacked by [Serra Ascendant]
[03:35:22] Turn 6: RoosterCocoa
[03:35:22] RoosterCocoa.
[03:36:14] Copied is being attacked by [Zombie Token], [Grave Titan], and [Tidehollow Sculler]
[03:36:14] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Grave Titan] onto the stack (Whenever Grave Titan enters the battlefield or attacks, create two 2/2 black Zombie creature token...).
[03:36:17] RoosterCocoa's [Grave Titan] creates two Zombie Tokens.
[03:36:19] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:36:21] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:36:22] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:36:22] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:36:36] RoosterCocoa plays [Swamp].
[03:36:41] RoosterCocoa casts [Recurring Nightmare].
[03:36:54] RoosterCocoa activates an ability of [Recurring Nightmare] targeting [Birds of Paradise] (Sacrifice a creature, Return Recurring Nightmare to its owner's hand: Return target creature card ...).
[03:37:06] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:37:06] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:37:12] RoosterCocoa casts [Lingering Souls].
[03:37:14] RoosterCocoa's [Lingering Souls] creates two Spirit Tokens.
[03:37:17] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:37:18] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:37:19] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:37:19] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:37:27] Turn 7: Copied
[03:37:27] Copied.
[03:37:29] Copied plays [Plains].
[03:37:34] RoosterCocoa is being attacked by [Serra Ascendant]
[03:37:38] [Birds of Paradise] blocks [Serra Ascendant].
[03:37:45] Turn 7: RoosterCocoa
[03:37:45] RoosterCocoa.
[03:37:59] Copied is being attacked by [Zombie Token], [Zombie Token], [Zombie Token], [Zombie Token], [Grave Titan], and [Tidehollow Sculler]
[03:37:59] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Grave Titan] onto the stack (Whenever Grave Titan enters the battlefield or attacks, create two 2/2 black Zombie creature token...).
[03:38:02] RoosterCocoa's [Grave Titan] creates two Zombie Tokens.
[03:38:04] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:38:05] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:38:05] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:38:30] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:38:41] RoosterCocoa casts [Recurring Nightmare].
[03:38:43] RoosterCocoa activates an ability of [Recurring Nightmare] targeting [Satyr Wayfinder] (Sacrifice a creature, Return Recurring Nightmare to its owner's hand: Return target creature card ...).
[03:38:43] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Tidehollow Sculler] onto the stack (When Tidehollow Sculler leaves the battlefield, return the exiled card to its owner's hand.).
[03:38:44] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Satyr Wayfinder] onto the stack (When Satyr Wayfinder enters the battlefield, reveal the top four cards of your library. You may pu...).
[03:38:44] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:38:44] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:38:45] RoosterCocoa reveals 4 cards with [Satyr Wayfinder]'s ability: [Temple of Malady], [Birds of Paradise], [Swamp], and [Ashen Rider].
[03:38:48] RoosterCocoa chooses Temple of Malady.
[03:38:50] RoosterCocoa plays [Temple of Malady].
[03:38:51] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Temple of Malady] onto the stack (When Temple of Malady enters the battlefield, scry 1.).
[03:38:56] RoosterCocoa scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[03:39:00] RoosterCocoa casts [Recurring Nightmare].
[03:39:18] RoosterCocoa activates an ability of [Recurring Nightmare] targeting [Ashen Rider] (Sacrifice a creature, Return Recurring Nightmare to its owner's hand: Return target creature card ...).
[03:39:27] RoosterCocoa puts triggered ability from [Ashen Rider] onto the stack targeting [Serra Ascendant] (When Ashen Rider enters the battlefield or dies, exile target permanent.).
[03:39:28] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul's Attendant] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you may gain 1 life.).
[03:39:28] Copied puts triggered ability from [Soul Warden] onto the stack (Whenever another creature enters the battlefield, you gain 1 life.).
[03:39:36] Turn 8: Copied
[03:39:36] Copied.
[03:39:47] [CHAT] Copied: gg i suppose
[03:39:50] Copied has conceded from the game.
[03:39:50] RoosterCocoa wins the game.
Winner: RoosterCocoa
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: RoosterCocoa: 2–0
[03:39:53] Copied has left the game.