PDBot Stats

Game 833430478

[Time] 1680046880
[02:41:21] PDBot has started watching.
[02:41:21] WhiteRose4511 joined the game.
[02:41:21] Bailite joined the game.
[League] Mono Black With No Sideboard by bailite (212580) vs Azorius Thopters by whiterose4511 (212581)
[02:41:24] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[02:41:31] WhiteRose4511 chooses to play first.
[02:41:39] WhiteRose4511 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:41:41] Bailite begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:41:41] Turn 1: WhiteRose4511
[02:41:41] WhiteRose4511 skips their draw step.
[02:41:43] WhiteRose4511 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[02:41:50] Turn 1: Bailite
[02:41:54] Bailite plays [Swamp].
[02:41:56] Bailite casts [Dark Ritual].
[02:42:00] Bailite casts [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[02:42:02] Bailite casts [Dread Wanderer].
[02:42:05] Bailite casts [Cult Conscript].
[02:42:12] Turn 2: WhiteRose4511
[02:42:14] WhiteRose4511 plays [Plains].
[02:42:16] WhiteRose4511 casts [Ethersworn Canonist].
[02:42:16] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Ethersworn Canonist[sU] has an advantageous bug.
Ethersworn Canonist does not prevent morphs from being cast
[02:42:22] Turn 2: Bailite
[02:42:29] WhiteRose4511 is being attacked by [Cult Conscript], [Dread Wanderer], and [Bloodsoaked Champion]
[02:42:35] Bailite plays [Swamp].
[02:42:39] Bailite casts [Dread Wanderer].
[02:42:42] Turn 3: WhiteRose4511
[02:42:47] WhiteRose4511 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[02:43:05] Bailite is being attacked by [Ethersworn Canonist]
[02:43:15] WhiteRose4511 discards [Sojourner's Companion].
[02:43:15] WhiteRose4511 cycles [Sojourner's Companion].
[02:43:20] WhiteRose4511 reveals [Razortide Bridge].
[02:43:32] Turn 3: Bailite
[02:43:44] WhiteRose4511 is being attacked by [Dread Wanderer], [Cult Conscript], [Dread Wanderer], and [Bloodsoaked Champion]
[02:43:52] Bailite casts [Vampire Lacerator].
[02:43:59] Turn 4: WhiteRose4511
[02:44:02] WhiteRose4511 plays [Razortide Bridge].
[02:44:07] WhiteRose4511 has conceded from the game.
Winner: Bailite
Game 1 Completed.

Game 833430764

[Time] 1680047118
[02:45:18] PDBot has started watching.
[02:45:19] WhiteRose4511 mulligans to six cards.
[02:45:21] Bailite begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[02:45:22] WhiteRose4511 mulligans to five cards.
[02:45:40] WhiteRose4511 puts two cards on the bottom of their library and begins the game with five cards in hand.
[02:45:40] Turn 1: WhiteRose4511
[02:45:40] WhiteRose4511 skips their draw step.
[02:45:42] WhiteRose4511 plays [Plains].
[02:45:46] Turn 1: Bailite
[02:45:50] Bailite plays [Swamp].
[02:45:52] Bailite casts [Dark Ritual].
[02:45:57] WhiteRose4511 casts [Orim's Chant] targeting Bailite.
[02:46:12] Turn 2: WhiteRose4511
[02:46:14] WhiteRose4511 plays [Island].
[02:46:17] WhiteRose4511 casts [Ethersworn Canonist].
[02:46:21] Turn 2: Bailite
[02:46:25] Bailite plays [Swamp].
[02:46:26] Bailite casts [Diregraf Ghoul].
[02:46:41] Turn 3: WhiteRose4511
[02:46:42] WhiteRose4511 plays [Razortide Bridge].
[02:46:46] Bailite is being attacked by [Ethersworn Canonist]
[02:46:50] Turn 3: Bailite
[02:46:53] Bailite plays [Swamp].
[02:46:54] Bailite casts [Diregraf Ghoul].
[02:46:59] WhiteRose4511 is being attacked by [Diregraf Ghoul]
[02:47:04] Turn 4: WhiteRose4511
[02:47:06] WhiteRose4511 plays [Razortide Bridge].
[02:47:10] Bailite is being attacked by [Ethersworn Canonist]
[02:47:14] Turn 4: Bailite
[02:47:19] WhiteRose4511 is being attacked by [Diregraf Ghoul] and [Diregraf Ghoul]
[02:47:28] Bailite casts [Tormented Hero].
[02:47:34] Bailite plays [Swamp].
[02:47:36] Turn 5: WhiteRose4511
[02:47:39] WhiteRose4511 plays [Razortide Bridge].
[02:47:43] WhiteRose4511 casts [Lodestone Golem].
[02:47:48] Bailite is being attacked by [Ethersworn Canonist]
[02:47:52] Turn 5: Bailite
[02:47:59] WhiteRose4511 is being attacked by [Tormented Hero], [Diregraf Ghoul], and [Diregraf Ghoul]
[02:48:03] [Lodestone Golem] blocks [Tormented Hero].
[02:48:16] Bailite casts [Cult Conscript].
[02:48:22] Turn 6: WhiteRose4511
[02:48:27] WhiteRose4511 casts [Azorius Signet].
[02:48:46] WhiteRose4511 casts [Wheel of Sun and Moon] targeting Bailite.
[02:48:58] Bailite is being attacked by [Lodestone Golem] and [Ethersworn Canonist]
[02:49:03] Turn 6: Bailite
[02:49:11] WhiteRose4511 is being attacked by [Diregraf Ghoul] and [Diregraf Ghoul]
[02:49:17] Bailite plays [Swamp].
[02:49:23] Bailite casts [Gutterbones].
[02:49:34] Turn 7: WhiteRose4511
[02:49:37] WhiteRose4511 plays [Darksteel Citadel].
[02:49:47] Turn 7: Bailite
[02:49:56] Bailite casts [Bloodsoaked Champion].
[02:50:07] WhiteRose4511 is being attacked by [Gutterbones], [Cult Conscript], [Diregraf Ghoul], and [Diregraf Ghoul]
[02:50:11] [Ethersworn Canonist] blocks [Diregraf Ghoul].
[02:50:13] [Lodestone Golem] blocks [Diregraf Ghoul].
[02:50:21] Bailite put a card on the bottom of the library.
[02:50:22] Bailite put a card on the bottom of the library.
[02:50:26] Bailite casts [Tormented Hero].
[02:50:38] Turn 8: WhiteRose4511
[02:50:42] WhiteRose4511 has conceded from the game.
Winner: Bailite
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Bailite: 2–0