PDBot Stats

Game 830692394

[Time] 1677691447
[19:24:08] PDBot has started watching.
[19:24:08] Rgriff joined the game.
[League] Boros Aggro by herpaderp007 (209622) vs Merfolk by rgriff (210449)
[19:24:10] [CHAT] PDBot: [sD] Good luck in your League match!
[19:24:16] [CHAT] Rgriff: gl hf!
[19:24:18] Rgriff chooses to play first.
[19:24:23] [CHAT] Herpaderp007: gl :)
[19:24:23] Rgriff begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[19:24:30] Herpaderp007 mulligans to six cards.
[19:24:35] Herpaderp007 puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[19:24:35] Turn 1: Rgriff
[19:24:35] Rgriff skips their draw step.
[19:24:37] Rgriff plays [Island].
[19:24:39] Rgriff casts [Rishadan Dockhand].
[19:24:41] Turn 1: Herpaderp007
[19:24:43] Herpaderp007 plays [Plains].
[19:24:44] Herpaderp007 casts [Favored Hoplite].
[19:24:47] Turn 2: Rgriff
[19:24:50] Rgriff plays [Secluded Courtyard].
[19:24:52] Rgriff chooses Merfolk for [Secluded Courtyard].
[19:24:57] Rgriff casts [Merfolk Mistbinder].
[19:25:01] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Rishadan Dockhand]
[19:25:04] Turn 2: Herpaderp007
[19:25:09] Herpaderp007 plays [Plains].
[19:25:13] Herpaderp007 casts [Phalanx Leader].
[19:25:16] Turn 3: Rgriff
[19:25:19] Rgriff plays [Island].
[19:25:33] Rgriff casts [Deeproot Elite].
[19:25:39] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Merfolk Mistbinder] and [Rishadan Dockhand]
[19:25:45] Turn 3: Herpaderp007
[19:25:53] Herpaderp007 casts [Gods Willing] targeting [Phalanx Leader].
[19:25:53] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[19:25:57] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Favored Hoplite] and [Phalanx Leader].
[19:26:02] Herpaderp007 chooses green.
[19:26:14] Herpaderp007 scrys 1 (1 top, 0 bottom).
[19:26:17] Herpaderp007 plays [Plains].
[19:26:20] Herpaderp007 casts [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:26:35] Rgriff is being attacked by [Phalanx Leader] and [Favored Hoplite]
[19:26:56] Rgriff casts [Vapor Snag] targeting [Phalanx Leader].
[19:26:58] Rgriff returns [Phalanx Leader] to its owner's hand with [Vapor Snag].
[19:27:02] Turn 4: Rgriff
[19:27:04] Rgriff plays [Yavimaya Coast].
[19:27:10] Rgriff casts [Tidal Courier].
[19:27:16] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Deeproot Elite] onto the stack targeting [Merfolk Mistbinder] (Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on target ...).
[19:27:17] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Tidal Courier] onto the stack (When Tidal Courier enters the battlefield, reveal the top four cards of your library. Put all Merf...).
[19:27:18] Rgriff reveals 4 cards with [Tidal Courier]'s ability: [Merrow Reejerey], [Benthic Biomancer], [Tidal Courier], and [Vapor Snag].
[19:27:22] Rgriff puts [Benthic Biomancer], [Tidal Courier], and [Merrow Reejerey] into their hand with with [Tidal Courier]'s ability.
[19:27:24] Rgriff puts a +1/+1 counter on [Merfolk Mistbinder].
[19:27:37] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Deeproot Elite], [Merfolk Mistbinder], and [Rishadan Dockhand]
[19:27:41] Turn 4: Herpaderp007
[19:27:45] Herpaderp007 casts [Defiant Strike] targeting [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:27:45] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Illuminator Virtuoso] onto the stack (Whenever Illuminator Virtuoso becomes the target of a spell you control, it connives.).
[19:27:47] Herpaderp007 draws a card with [Illuminator Virtuoso]'s ability.
[19:27:57] Herpaderp007 discards [Temur Battle Rage].
[19:27:58] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:28:00] Herpaderp007 draws a card with [Defiant Strike].
[19:28:01] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[19:28:04] Herpaderp007 casts [Phalanx Leader].
[19:28:06] Herpaderp007 has conceded from the game.
Winner: Rgriff
Game 1 Completed.

Game 830692722

[Time] 1677691721
[19:28:42] PDBot has started watching.
[19:28:42] Herpaderp007 chooses to play first.
[19:28:47] Herpaderp007 begins the game with seven cards in hand.
[19:28:49] Rgriff mulligans to six cards.
[19:28:56] Rgriff puts a card on the bottom of their library and begins the game with six cards in hand.
[19:28:56] Turn 1: Herpaderp007
[19:28:56] Herpaderp007 skips their draw step.
[19:28:57] Herpaderp007 plays [Plains].
[19:29:01] Turn 1: Rgriff
[19:29:07] Rgriff plays [Island].
[19:29:10] Turn 2: Herpaderp007
[19:29:13] Herpaderp007 plays [Plains].
[19:29:17] Herpaderp007 casts [Phalanx Leader].
[19:29:20] Rgriff casts [Vapor Snag] targeting [Phalanx Leader].
[19:29:21] Rgriff returns [Phalanx Leader] to its owner's hand with [Vapor Snag].
[19:29:23] Turn 2: Rgriff
[19:29:29] Rgriff plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[19:29:32] Rgriff casts [Deeproot Elite].
[19:29:35] Turn 3: Herpaderp007
[19:29:45] Herpaderp007 casts [Phalanx Leader].
[19:29:47] Turn 3: Rgriff
[19:29:50] Rgriff plays [Hinterland Harbor].
[19:29:57] Rgriff reveals [Tidal Courier] with [Silvergill Adept]'s ability.
[19:29:57] Rgriff casts [Silvergill Adept] (revealing [Tidal Courier]).
[19:30:00] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Deeproot Elite] onto the stack targeting [Deeproot Elite] (Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on target ...).
[19:30:00] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Silvergill Adept] onto the stack (When Silvergill Adept enters the battlefield, draw a card.).
[19:30:01] Rgriff draws a card with [Silvergill Adept]'s ability.
[19:30:03] Rgriff puts a +1/+1 counter on [Deeproot Elite].
[19:30:06] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Deeproot Elite]
[19:30:09] Turn 4: Herpaderp007
[19:30:18] Herpaderp007 casts [Favored Hoplite].
[19:30:33] Rgriff is being attacked by [Phalanx Leader]
[19:30:48] Turn 4: Rgriff
[19:30:54] Rgriff plays [Island].
[19:30:57] Rgriff casts [Tidal Courier].
[19:31:04] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Tidal Courier] onto the stack (When Tidal Courier enters the battlefield, reveal the top four cards of your library. Put all Merf...).
[19:31:07] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Deeproot Elite] onto the stack targeting [Silvergill Adept] (Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on target ...).
[19:31:10] Rgriff puts a +1/+1 counter on [Silvergill Adept].
[19:31:12] Rgriff reveals 4 cards with [Tidal Courier]'s ability: [Hinterland Harbor], [Rishadan Dockhand], [Merfolk Mistbinder], and [Secluded Courtyard].
[19:31:14] Rgriff puts [Rishadan Dockhand] and [Merfolk Mistbinder] into their hand with with [Tidal Courier]'s ability.
[19:31:22] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Silvergill Adept]
[19:31:29] Herpaderp007 casts [Defiant Strike] targeting [Favored Hoplite].
[19:31:30] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Favored Hoplite] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Favored Hoplite, put a +1/+1 counter on Favored Hoplite and...).
[19:31:31] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Favored Hoplite].
[19:31:32] Herpaderp007 draws a card with [Defiant Strike].
[19:31:34] [Favored Hoplite] blocks [Silvergill Adept].
[19:31:36] 3 damage caused by [Silvergill Adept] to [Favored Hoplite] is prevented.
[19:31:37] Turn 5: Herpaderp007
[19:31:42] Herpaderp007 plays [Mountain].
[19:31:46] Herpaderp007 casts [Reckless Rage] targeting [Tidal Courier] (4 damage), and [Favored Hoplite] (2 damage).
[19:31:46] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Favored Hoplite] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Favored Hoplite, put a +1/+1 counter on Favored Hoplite and...).
[19:31:49] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Favored Hoplite].
[19:31:51] 2 damage caused by [Reckless Rage] to [Favored Hoplite] is prevented.
[19:31:58] Rgriff is being attacked by [Favored Hoplite] and [Phalanx Leader]
[19:32:07] Turn 5: Rgriff
[19:32:11] Rgriff plays [Island].
[19:32:14] Rgriff casts [Benthic Biomancer].
[19:32:19] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Deeproot Elite] onto the stack targeting [Benthic Biomancer] (Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on target ...).
[19:32:20] Rgriff puts a +1/+1 counter on [Benthic Biomancer].
[19:32:21] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Benthic Biomancer] onto the stack (Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Benthic Biomancer, draw a card, then discard a card...).
[19:32:23] Rgriff draws a card with [Benthic Biomancer]'s ability.
[19:32:25] Rgriff discards [Secluded Courtyard].
[19:32:30] Rgriff casts [Merfolk Mistbinder].
[19:32:37] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Deeproot Elite] onto the stack targeting [Benthic Biomancer] (Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on target ...).
[19:32:39] Rgriff puts a +1/+1 counter on [Benthic Biomancer].
[19:32:39] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Benthic Biomancer] onto the stack (Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Benthic Biomancer, draw a card, then discard a card...).
[19:32:42] Rgriff draws a card with [Benthic Biomancer]'s ability.
[19:32:47] Rgriff discards [Rishadan Dockhand].
[19:32:51] Rgriff casts [Merfolk Mistbinder].
[19:32:59] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Deeproot Elite] onto the stack targeting [Merfolk Mistbinder] (Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control, put a +1/+1 counter on target ...).
[19:33:01] Rgriff puts a +1/+1 counter on [Merfolk Mistbinder].
[19:33:07] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Deeproot Elite]
[19:33:16] Herpaderp007 casts Rgriff targeting [Phalanx Leader] (Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature or Vehicle. Untap it.).
[19:33:16] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[19:33:19] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Phalanx Leader] and [Favored Hoplite].
[19:33:21] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Phalanx Leader].
[19:33:26] Herpaderp007 casts [Gods Willing] targeting [Phalanx Leader].
[19:33:27] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Phalanx Leader] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Phalanx Leader, put a +1/+1 counter on each creature you co...).
[19:33:28] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Phalanx Leader] and [Favored Hoplite].
[19:33:31] Herpaderp007 chooses green.
[19:33:33] Herpaderp007 scrys 1 (0 top, 1 bottom).
[19:33:36] [Phalanx Leader] blocks [Deeproot Elite].
[19:33:38] Turn 6: Herpaderp007
[19:34:03] Herpaderp007 casts [Angelfire Ignition] targeting [Favored Hoplite].
[19:34:03] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Favored Hoplite] onto the stack (Whenever you cast a spell that targets Favored Hoplite, put a +1/+1 counter on Favored Hoplite and...).
[19:34:04] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Favored Hoplite].
[19:34:06] Herpaderp007 puts two +1/+1 counters on [Favored Hoplite].
[19:34:11] Rgriff is being attacked by [Favored Hoplite]
[19:34:17] Turn 6: Rgriff
[19:34:22] Rgriff casts [Seal of Removal].
[19:34:24] Rgriff casts [Benthic Biomancer].
[19:34:28] Rgriff casts [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:34:28] [CHAT] PDBot: [sU]Coralhelm Commander[sU] has a graphical bug.
If a level-up card would gain an ability that it would through leveling, it won't show it has gained that ability.
[19:34:32] Rgriff activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[19:34:32] Rgriff puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:34:36] Turn 7: Herpaderp007
[19:34:56] Rgriff is being attacked by [Favored Hoplite]
[19:35:01] [Benthic Biomancer] blocks [Favored Hoplite].
[19:35:11] Herpaderp007 casts [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:35:26] Turn 7: Rgriff
[19:35:41] Rgriff activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[19:35:42] Rgriff puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:35:46] Rgriff activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[19:35:47] Rgriff puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:35:49] Rgriff activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[19:35:51] Rgriff puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:35:58] Rgriff casts [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:36:10] Rgriff activates an ability of [Seal of Removal] targeting [Favored Hoplite] ( Return target creature to its owner's hand.).
[19:36:17] Rgriff returns [Favored Hoplite] to its owner's hand with [Seal of Removal]'s ability.
[19:36:27] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Benthic Biomancer]
[19:36:46] Herpaderp007 casts [Defiant Strike] targeting [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:36:47] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Illuminator Virtuoso] onto the stack (Whenever Illuminator Virtuoso becomes the target of a spell you control, it connives.).
[19:36:48] Herpaderp007 draws a card with [Illuminator Virtuoso]'s ability.
[19:36:54] Herpaderp007 discards [Phalanx Leader].
[19:36:54] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:36:55] Herpaderp007 draws a card with [Defiant Strike].
[19:36:56] Turn 8: Herpaderp007
[19:37:01] Herpaderp007 plays [Clifftop Retreat].
[19:37:03] Herpaderp007 casts [Monastery Swiftspear].
[19:37:06] Herpaderp007 casts [Favored Hoplite].
[19:37:10] Herpaderp007 casts [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:37:14] Turn 8: Rgriff
[19:37:19] Rgriff activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[19:37:19] Rgriff puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:37:21] Rgriff activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[19:37:21] Rgriff puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:37:24] Rgriff activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[19:37:24] Rgriff puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:37:27] Rgriff activates an ability of [Coralhelm Commander] (Level up).
[19:37:27] Rgriff puts a level counter on [Coralhelm Commander].
[19:37:31] Rgriff casts [Rishadan Dockhand].
[19:37:43] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Coralhelm Commander]
[19:37:51] Turn 9: Herpaderp007
[19:37:56] Herpaderp007 plays [Plains].
[19:38:10] Herpaderp007 casts [Destroy Evil] targeting [Coralhelm Commander] (Destroy target creature with toughness 4 or greater.).
[19:38:10] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Monastery Swiftspear] onto the stack (Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)).
[19:38:27] Turn 9: Rgriff
[19:38:39] Rgriff casts [Benthic Biomancer].
[19:38:51] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Coralhelm Commander]
[19:39:02] Turn 10: Herpaderp007
[19:39:12] Herpaderp007 casts [Angelfire Ignition] from the graveyard targeting [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:39:14] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Monastery Swiftspear] onto the stack (Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)).
[19:39:14] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Illuminator Virtuoso] onto the stack (Whenever Illuminator Virtuoso becomes the target of a spell you control, it connives.).
[19:39:20] Herpaderp007 draws a card with [Illuminator Virtuoso]'s ability.
[19:39:23] Herpaderp007 discards [Destroy Evil].
[19:39:23] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:39:29] Herpaderp007 puts two +1/+1 counters on [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:39:33] Herpaderp007 casts [Light the Way] targeting [Illuminator Virtuoso] (Put a +1/+1 counter on target creature or Vehicle. Untap it.).
[19:39:35] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Monastery Swiftspear] onto the stack (Prowess (Whenever you cast a noncreature spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until end of turn.)).
[19:39:35] Herpaderp007 puts triggered ability from [Illuminator Virtuoso] onto the stack (Whenever Illuminator Virtuoso becomes the target of a spell you control, it connives.).
[19:39:37] Herpaderp007 draws a card with [Illuminator Virtuoso]'s ability.
[19:39:38] Herpaderp007 discards [Feather, the Redeemed].
[19:39:38] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:39:41] Herpaderp007 puts a +1/+1 counter on [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:39:54] Rgriff is being attacked by [Illuminator Virtuoso]
[19:40:03] [Benthic Biomancer] blocks [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:40:10] [Rishadan Dockhand] blocks [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:40:17] Blockers for [Illuminator Virtuoso] are ordered as follows: [Benthic Biomancer], [Rishadan Dockhand]
[19:40:30] Turn 10: Rgriff
[19:40:34] Rgriff activates an ability of [Benthic Biomancer] ( Adapt 1.).
[19:40:34] Rgriff puts a +1/+1 counter on [Benthic Biomancer].
[19:40:35] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Benthic Biomancer] onto the stack (Whenever one or more +1/+1 counters are put on Benthic Biomancer, draw a card, then discard a card...).
[19:40:36] Rgriff draws a card with [Benthic Biomancer]'s ability.
[19:40:44] Rgriff discards [Tidal Courier].
[19:40:46] Rgriff casts [Benthic Biomancer].
[19:40:50] Turn 11: Herpaderp007
[19:41:00] Rgriff is being attacked by [Illuminator Virtuoso]
[19:41:06] [Merfolk Mistbinder] blocks [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:41:07] [Merfolk Mistbinder] blocks [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:41:08] [Coralhelm Commander] blocks [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:41:09] [Benthic Biomancer] blocks [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:41:11] [Benthic Biomancer] blocks [Illuminator Virtuoso].
[19:41:13] [Merfolk Mistbinder] stops blocking.
[19:41:14] [Merfolk Mistbinder] stops blocking.
[19:41:15] [Coralhelm Commander] stops blocking.
[19:41:17] [Benthic Biomancer] stops blocking.
[19:41:30] Turn 11: Rgriff
[19:41:40] Rgriff casts [Tempest Caller].
[19:41:44] Rgriff puts triggered ability from [Tempest Caller] onto the stack targeting Herpaderp007 (When Tempest Caller enters the battlefield, tap all creatures target opponent controls.).
[19:41:57] Herpaderp007 is being attacked by [Benthic Biomancer], [Coralhelm Commander], [Merfolk Mistbinder], and [Merfolk Mistbinder]
Winner: Rgriff
Game 2 Completed.
Match Winner: Rgriff: 2–0
[19:42:13] Herpaderp007 has left the game.